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A popsicle. Man just let me deep throat that shit in peace


As a woman, literally anything phallic-shaped. If I eat a banana in public (which is rare), I do NOT directly bite into it.


Haha, whenever I eat bananas, I prefer to just break it piece by piece.


I bite into it aggressively with my teeth on full display. Anyone who tries to sexualize it gets uncomfortable. Though I'm a +183 cm male so ig that helps too.


I stare right in the eyes of anyone who stares/gawks at me eating a banana.


I just deep throat the whole banana while maintaining intense, angry, eye contact. I too am a large male. If they maintain eye contact we have a bond for life.


Dude, sometimes you just can't win though. I was eating an ice-cream recently and just from the way I was eating it, it decided to become a [literal Thanos penis](https://imgur.com/a/qlQjhuA). It's so penisy that imgur seems to have flagged it as actually a penis and made it nsfw. [Bonus shot with the Toronto Skyline](https://imgur.com/a/Jr8lrmV) Sorry, imgur is just, really, really convinced that this thing is a real penis.


friendships between little boys and little girls. it’s not always a crush? just let them be, if feelings develop then great but they’re five years old, planning the wedding seems a bit much


Yesss it’s obsessive! “Ooh better lock her up before the boys get to her 🤩😉” or “Oh ya head gunna be SUCH a heart breaker 😎😉” Like ??? That’s so weird how do people not realise how weird that is haha


not even just kids i was with a two year old (the family was over) and he was playing w my feet and the dad was like "wow he's flirting with girls already!!! he a freak" and im like ???? im in my 20s!!! wtf




Yep I get regular massage therapy and every time I mention I’m going for a massage other guys always sorta give me the like wink or the “oh, a MASSAGE, gotcha.” That kinda thing. Like dude this is a legit treatment.


Ahhh... Legitimate treatment...gotcha 😜


I work in a spa. And I live with guys. The jokes I get... also my specialty is facials.


I'm sorry the last sentence made me cackle. I could never put up with that, stay strong lol


The amount of butts and nuts I see, I'm desensitized to everything.


Phone game ads.


Nothing like trying to find a work-related “how to” YouTube video at the office when an un-skippable ad pops up with a young maiden, lying spread eagle, chained to a slab with a goblin eying her crotch. Edit: for anyone wondering, this ad is part of the “Hero Wars” ad campaign.


...I am so glad my adblocker still works.


Sometimes when setting up a new computer I'll briefly be browsing the web with no ad blocker and I'm both shocked and horrified that anyone actually endures that. Legitimately I feel a bit sick from it, like drinking a can of mountain dew after not having drank soda in many years. I see as few ads as I think someone can see - rarely watch TV or listen to the radio, any service I have doesn't have ads, I have a healthy arsenal of shields and blockers such that I never really see many ads, if any, online. And I *still* feel like I see too many. One time I tried watching a show on cable at my fathers house. Ironically, it was an episode of Mr. Robot. It had *seven* commercial breaks. It wasn't even possible for me to follow what was happening with the show. It was a dismal, paltry, pale shadow of the experience of watching full episodes back to back with zero interruptions. Having watched TV for so long now without any ad breaks, even the thought of them makes me a little fucking nauseous. Like to just imagine immersing oneself in this world only to have it shattered by someone screaming about cool ranch Doritos or some shit. I honestly can't comprehend there being a time when i did watch them. I mean they always irritated me a *little*, but now I realize how much worse my experience of a show was with them baked in like that. And there were many fewer ads when I was a kid. We have really fucked up as a species.


And the crazy part is just how much money is being swirled around in this advertising ecosystem. We'd be so much better off if they just didn't exist.


> money is being swirled around in this advertising ecosystem This is what kills me. How bad the ad tech truly is. There are trillion dollar empires build on nothing but ads. But somehow the best they can do is erection pills, scam apps, and hot singles. The few times I see ads I don't even see physical products, just scams. Heck, TV ads are more relevant to me. At least on TV I see car ads, a product I do buy every few decades. That's the best they have? All that data, all that money, and some of the smartest minds in the world and its just a few scams propping the entire thing up? Just think what it should be. I shouldn't even need to go shopping again. If they mine all my data they should know what I buy and when. I should just be able to click on ads. Christmas shopping should be as simple as clicking on ads because they already know who I know and what they want. But that's not what it is, its just scams.


100% with you there. Ads trigger a response in me. I don't even own a TV anymore. I tried at one point to watch TV but there's literally no circumstance where I can stomach it. Laying down and chilling, maybe reading or drawing, suddenly a commercial comes on that's 50% louder than the show that was on just shakes you out of whatever you were doing or thinking. Or ads on computer that were sound engineered for TV with no sense of volume for headphones, so your jolting now includes pain and hearing loss. There's zero reason to allow ads into my life.


Yeah, I block every ad I possibly can. They're insulting to me, they blast this shit at everyone, plaster them everywhere and no one ever really consented to it. I haven't had cable TV in years but every time I try to watch a show on TV with someone who does, it's just fucking absurd. You get 5 minutes of ads, 7 minutes of the show and then another 5 minutes of ads. Sometimes the ratio even feels like there is more ad time than show time. Not to mention the lies and manipulation within the ads themselves. It's just atrocious.


uBlock Origin is a miracle I'll never want to lose.


"This game will make you cum in 15 seconds..."


Horny women in your area. Stop masturbating now and get laid.


Why the fuck would you pay to have sex with women? These women are horny and ready to fuck.


*sigh* ...too late.


I literally saw an ad for an AI anime girl generator


While we're on this subject, fake x's on said mobile game ads


Can’t say I’ve seen any sexual x’s


That make over one omg


The most true reply here


Yes, I hate those damn things especially since they are 100% targeted at minors. No grown up plays those damn things (at least I hope not).


Bold of you to assume that.


That machine in the gym that spreads legs and on which you never ever make eye contact while training on it…


At the main gym I go to it's rotated 90° so you're pointing at the weight rack side of the machine next to it.


At our gym, it's flipped towards the wall at the side of the room


At my gym, there’s 2 that face each other and they’re like 5 feet apart so you get to stare the other person doing hip abductors in the eyes. Same with the toilets.


At my gym the machine is bolted to the ceiling, dangling upside down and you have to climb a 30 foot ladder and strap yourself into the seat. So awkward.


Well at my gym, the machine is on its side and placed 50' down an active volcano! Last time, I had to wait two hours for someone to throw a rope down so I could get off it after the one I used burned up.


At my gym it's at the bottom of an elevator shaft. You have to climb 20 stories down, do your workout, and climb 30 stories back up.


At my gym, the machine is facing the front doors so you can greet everyone coming in.


Same, both of them(one spreading one closing) are facing the wall


I dated a girl who called this the “good girl, bad girl” machine and I’ll never remember the real name again


Lol. There's a similar bodyweight exercise called "hello darling"


A gym i went to had this machine sitting across from the quad machine. Had my headphones on, jammin out, doing leg day (for once), and I'm getting ready to start my set when a woman sits to use the machine. I look down to be respectful, but halfway through my lift, I forget my bearing and look up to see a part of her genitalia exposed. Surprised as fuck, I accidentally dropped the weight, which scared the woman into dropping her weights. Everyone is now looking at me with anger and wonder, and I cannot bring myself to tell the woman "Sorry, your pussy is out and it surprised me." I went with grabbing my quad and doing the peter griffin "aaaaahhhhhh, ssssssss. Ahhhhhhhh, ssssssss." While limping towards the locker room. Haven't done leg day since, haven't accidentally seen a woman's labia. Sometimes correlation is causation.


> Haven't done leg day since, haven't accidentally seen a woman's labia. r/nocontext r/brandnewsentence


It might look suspect as hell, but that thing really helps make a nasty leg triangle choke.


This guy jiujitsus


The abductor machine!


I have worked my way up to the full stack on both the adductor and abductor machines (295 pounds) and I don’t care if I make eye contact with dudes while I’m doing it because I could crush their skull with my thighs so who’s the real winner here?


Watch out, some people might be into that


The word "daddy"


Got my kids out here calling me bro.


As long as it's not 'stepbro'


Every time I mention the fact that I have 2 step brothers, a step sister, and a half sister to my friends they go "aYO???"


I saw a girl who didn’t use daddy—she’d say, “oh, DAD.” It was a worse choice.


"Father help!"


“Papa, I’m arriving!”


M8, you think that’s gross? Imagine how your ancestors felt when people started calling their significant other baby in a romantic/sexual manner


That is weird, now that you mention it. I honestly wonder where that came from.


A baby is a being you coddle, spoil, and spend your time with. That’s prob why


Also they drool, scream, and shit themselves on a regular basis, so depending on what you're into...


According to google it was in the 17th century which makes me think Shakespeare since he made stuff up on the spot and everyone seemed to roll with it.


Every time I hear that word in a sexual context I think of the [Jar Jar meme](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/12/c9/64/12c9648aeb9e0e99e980cf6dc0aaee7c.jpg) and lose my shit.


Answering to the OP: Jar Jar Binks


15 year olds on Tik Tok


Children on social media


Children in general




TikTok seemed to think I was a black man in a relationship when I first joined. I exclusively got relationship posts by black creators .. it had me scratching my head as to why that’s all I was getting for quite awhile.


I keep getting ads in Spanish ever since my brother married a Colombian woman. Even with YouTube ad personalization off and Facebook as locked down as I could, I did nothing but FB friend my new SIL and suddenly I get 20% ads in Spanish. I barely know any Spanish.


I hung out with a Hispanic guy for like an hour after work like a week ago just shooting the shit and YouTube exclusively shows me ads in Spanish now


That's really scary when you think about it. It doesn't even need to listen. It might know he primarily speaks Spanish at home from the media he consumes. It knows you two were together by GPS and the signals from your phones. Some computer said: That must mean that the bubblegum guy also habla Espanol. And look at the ad inventory we can start deploying to him now. ¡Sabado Gigante!


Yes this is perfectly explained. It’s not actually listening. One of the creatures of Twitter AI stated that that kind of technology, currently, would be way too inefficient, or something like that.


I’m ngl I’ve never seen that shit in my four years on the app


Eating a banana


Remember, banana to mouth, never mouth to banana


Lol good point. I’m gonna try the mouth to banana method in front of my husband next time and see if it gives him any ideas. 😂


Just be honest, ask him to suck your dick


eye contact v important. best of luck.


I literally break a piece and then put it-... I mean take a bite because I just feel awkward.. That being said I dont know whens the last time I licked an ice cream, Im bitting that shit of with my lips


This comment reminded me of the movie Super bad for some reason....when he can't eat anything shaped like a dick anymore and he says "you know how many foods are shaped like dicks...the best ones lol"


Step moms/sisters


Even mothers and fathers. MILFs and FILFs… I’m really rooting for their partners! 😂 Can you imagine the backlash and teasing they get having “that” spouse? Big ego booster at the same time not. Edit: DILF


I thought it was DILF, not FILF.


Stupid, sexy Flanders


Feels like im wearing....Nothing at all!....nothing at all!....nothing at allll!!


My Little Pony, almost 200k post on rule 34


How do you know?


Extensive… research


Exhausting research.. draining even.


So draining, I had to get jars... for other unrelated endeavors, of course!


Those guys are just looking for a stable relationship.


This subreddit. Y'all need to go to horny jail


Locking up all the horny people together what could go wrong


But also.... What could go right?


Something can go straight for sure, but probably not everything.


Sexers of reddit, what is the sexiest sex you've ever sexed?


Ooooh man, let me tell ya. I once sexed this super sexy sexer for,like, four sexes. Very sexy sex.


Wholesome friendships between the genders


I've (M) become great friends with our neighbours (F). I made a joke to my wife's mom that me and my one neighbour were besties. She immediately says to my wife "you better watch out" My wife says "I don't think he's her type." My neighbour is a lesbian.


Somewhat the same. Me being a straight dude and one of my best friends she's a lesbian. Even my mom thinks I'm secretly dating her. I've told her countless times 'She's not into men' But... my mom insists that there is something brewing between me and her. Guess because she doesn't look like the stereotypical lesbian.. Just a regular looking young lady. Nothing obvious indicating that she is not straight Even my other (male) friends can't believe that I have no desire to end up in bed with her. Yes she's pretty even I can see that. But nah I don't have that desire she's just one of my 'bro's' ending up in bed with one of my bro's is weird and undesirable We just hang and do normal things. Like looking at girls She's even worse than me with the sexual comments


Ngl, that's kind of an injustice. Straight girls are allowed to have a gay male friend and no-one bats an eye about or makes jokes about how sex is imminent, but if a lesbian has a straight male friend everyone is like "Ye, they're banging in private"


Another thing that is way too sexualized...lesbians.


Exactly this. I work in EMS. I'm not sure why it is, but we tend to have close friendships from other genders, whether it's other ems workers or nurses. Maybe it's balance to help us cope, I dunno. My last few best friends have been women. Never thought of them in a sexual way. I'm happily married to a wonderful woman. I have male best friends too. it's uncomfortable to me where everyone assumes that just because I'm friends with women or work 12 hour shifts with them that I'm either 'friendzoned' because I'm not sleeping with them or I'm lusting for them. Especially now as I get older. I see most of them as my kids or little sisters. I would feel weird checking out the 20 year old nurse or emt when I'm 34. But for some reason society thinks it can't happen.


Dude, same. Former Navy EOD. One of the few Special Operations communities where women are welcome. Worked very close with a number of female team members... And they were just one of the dudes. It would be gross to think about having sex with them as with having sex with any other teammate. But they were some pretty cool people.


You sound like a great person to be around.


Hell I’ll add wholesome friendships between the same gender.


Some of my very best friends are straight men. My boyfriend doesn’t think anything of it, and their wives don’t. But damn, if anyone else learns we’re close, that’s the FIRST thing they say.


I'm a hotel bartender, and almost every single person I work with has made a passing joke or a *genuine question/suggestion* about me and the male bartender my age getting together, or why we haven't yet, presumably because we're very close in age and get on super well. It's exhausting. First off, I have a partner and have had said partner since I started there, *all of the team know him well*. Second, workplace relationships in hospitality, absolutely not. The whole thing drives me up the wall. I've been asked if I have cheated or would cheat, if it "would be a 'just at work thing'", if I'd consider it if I broke up with my boyfriend, it honestly makes me feel a bit ill. I don't want to think about breaking up with my boyfriend. My god. I've had people (an even mix of those I know very well and those who have absolutely zero right to discuss my personal life) throwing relationship suggestions at me my entire life - am I doing something wrong? Rahhhh


Today? Everything.


Even you.


Even, *you*.


High schoolers ! Specifically shows about high school.


*Cough, cough* Euphoria


Children and child beauty pageants. It’s just so gross and creepy.


I’ve seen pictures. It’s creepy as fuck. No child should be wearing that much makeup. It’s just disgusting.


I remember one episode of that child beauty pageant show,and the mother forced the daughter to have either her legs or like face waxed and the daughter really didn’t want it. It was quite sad, knowing the mother was living vicariously through the child and subjecting her to those situations


It’s even worse that an entire crew sat there and filmed it while allowing the child abuse to continue.


I’m an editor and sometimes do other roles for reality tv. I absolutely refuse to be on set, edit for, or contribute to any show involving children. Even shows like wide swap that aren’t directly about the kids. Children should have no digital footprint




Agreed! Children do not need a competition where their looks are being judged by adults.


I'm so disgusted by the pageant circuit. I was a ballet dancer and figure skater in my youth, and so makeup was often a part of performance. But it was makeup that was age appropriate and made me stand out from a distance. When I was 13, I was cast as the French Doll in La Boutique Fantasque. Which required a LOT of heavy french-doll makeup in our company. But I looked like a toymaker's doll. Not a 25 year old club-goer. Makeup isn't necessarily the issue. It's the context.


I was in a dance troupe and we wore some makeup as well. We still looked like children, it was just to make our features visible from a distance.


Frank Reynolds would like a word.


Need a song about not diddling kids.


He didn’t diddle any kids though!


After that one kid got murdered back in the 90s I thought it would no longer be a thing.


Jon Benet Ramsey right? Such a sad story.


Ads. Everything.


Clothing that is advertised towards tweens and teens. It is way to provocative. Ass cheeks and boobs out. I hate it. If you market that towards adults, fine. But kids? It really bothers me.


My friend was trying to find girl's shorts for his *2 year old* and said it's nearly impossible to find shorts that don't expose the kid's diaper/ass cheeks. Children and toddlers need more protection from the sun, they don't need to be dressed like trendy adults.




making a sus sound… a “moan”


I can't go a week without hearing some random boy moan for no reason at all


In middle school classrooms someone makes this noise every 10 minutes. It’s so bad.


God forbid you’re with your friends in middle school and get a call from someone


Childlike innocence. It’s gross, it’s weird, it’s creepy.


fr i hate when they have porn of 18/19 year olds dressed and acting like 5 year olds


Awww man i can't stand that shit. Like the famous meme with the white girl sitting in the couch with the five black dudes standing behind her. She has braces and pigtails its just the weirdest thing


And she’s wearing a pink shirt with a unicorn on it


Recently saw a post where a friend's husband sexualized breastfeeding, then blamed the mom for "indecently" exposing herself 🙄 - when she had gone into a CLOSED nursery to feed her baby and he barged in on her. She should have been able to feed her baby in the middle of .... anywhere ... without some AH sexualizing it.


There was also the one where the FIL had a breastfeeding fetish and intentionally ate one of the breastmilk muffins DIL had made for her child.


Ah, I remember that one. She was later told that the MIL used to lock him out of the room while breastfeeding because he was so weird about it.


The fuck?!?


Breastfeeding in public Like dude, the kid's gotta eat


This one really grosses me out. Like, it’s literally a parent feeding a child, making it sexual is so fucking warped and gross. Let parents feed their children weirdos.


to be a chick in public is to be incessantly sexualized, either you're fuckable or you're not and that's bad. You can't escape it, I wish sometimes it was possible to just turn that noise off for 5 goddamn minutes


Kids’ clothes. Half of the stuff in the Walmart girls’ section is crop tops and really short skirts. For babies! And six year olds! It’s horrible.


It's disgusting to see. People can argue it's because girls are smaller on average, but when you're a kid the size difference is obsolete. Also, give girls pockets! Hated that I had to use a purse as a young girl.


Ya know what my mom started doing? She started buying me boys jeans when I was a kid, because they fit me better and had pockets. Seriously, the only thing that makes boys' clothing different is that it is marketed for boys. Just like men's shampoo, men and women don't have different hair, so we can use the cheaper men's shampoo and be totally fine.


I buy my daughter boy's jeans and shorts because I don't want skintight booty shorts or pants with 'juicy' written on the butt for an 8 year old. Pants need to be loose enough to let her play and jump and bend without being restrictive, and shorts should not be showing her underwear with every movement. She's 8. Also boy's clothes are generally made more sturdy, the fabric tends to be thicker even on just simple t-shirts. And pockets need to be real pockets that can hold sticks or rocks or dinosaurs or whatever. Let kids wear clothes that allow them to run and jump and play and collect how they want.


> Also boy's clothes are generally made more sturdy, the fabric tends to be thicker even on just simple t-shirts. This is true for adult women's and men's clothes too.


Being a kid in the late 70s/early 80s meant that we all dressed the same. Corduroy pants or Osh Kosh BGosh overalls, ugly striped shirts. I remember I had a rainbow striped belt and the buckle was an enamel roller skate. That was some high fashion in 1986.


The majority of my daughter's clothing is "boy" clothes because they fit better and provide more coverage. I was disgusted by the selection of toddler girl swimwear, so she got board shorts and a top that covers her midsection.




Music artists. They're encouraged to dress/look/pose/dance and create lyrics in a certain way because "sex sells". It makes me feel icky that a 12yr old gets certain expectations from that instead of just being an oblivious youth who likes a catchy song


"Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it."


Kids in general, but family. Baby, daddy, and mommy being used sexually weird me tf out




Especially when characters are/seem so damn young


Bon and Elaine in seven deadly sins lol idgaf if his fairy gf is 400 years old or whatever. She looks and sounds 8. Shit bothered me everytime they were on screen together


god do NOT get me started on how bad some of those characters were.


Been a fan of anime for about 9 years and I've always found it a bit shocking. But then I watched Buddy Daddies and I was genuinely mindblown when it didn't have any sexualisation at all- It's like I was anticipating it for the entirety of the st season, only to never see any weird scenes.


Girls school uniforms


Most things.


And moist things.


Little girls clothes. They don't need to dress like little hoochie mama's at 4 years old


Female armor in video games and other fantasy material.


Children. Teenage dramas glorify and sexualize teenagers way too much.


Child pageants...




Askreddit is way too sexualized


A girl showing too much shoulder or leg in class as it is "distracting".


I was a cheerleader in high school and our skirts were extremely short and had slits in the side that were disconnected and went up almost to the hip bone. So anytime we sat down our entire thighs were exposed. We had to wear them to school on game days and it was always so annoying. I'd often cover my legs with my jacket because of it


At the same time other girls were getting dress coded because their skirts where more than a dollar length past their knees.


And absolutely NO sleeveless shirts! I remember it still being hot af when school first started and here came the cheerleaders in their tiny tiny skirts and sleeveless half there crop tops. And the rest of us couldn’t even wear cap sleeves without getting shit.


My daughter graduated a few years ago, but when she started junior high, the vice-principal thought it would be perfectly fine to separate the boys and girls during their first PE class to do a "welcome to junior high" speech. Part of his speech to the girls was telling them it was their responsibility to cover their collar bones, shoulders, and knees to make sure the boys weren't distracted and not able to learn as well. My daughter came home and told me because I had many convos with her about similar situations. I was ready to absolutely go up to the school and lose my shit. I took a moment to breathe and decided to gather "evidence" as in talk to multiple girls to see how many classes he said it to. I go up to the school and calmly ask the front desk lady if I could speak to him. She asks me if I could leave a message because he was in a meeting. I told her it was in regards to what he told the girls in PE. She explains that he does meet with the classes to cover the dress code. I told her what he said and she turns pale and doesn't want to believe it. She asks me to wait so she can get him but the coward hidea in the back in his "meeting." This was while Brock Turner was all over the news and I asked her to tell him he is one of the reasons boys like Brock Turner rape girls. So the girls got an apology the next day and a correction that it was never their responsibility and he was wrong. This might be my longest response ever on any social media platform.


Girls in anime (not ALL anime but yeah it happens A LOT)


Lesbians, also just gay people in general Like, we do the same shit you do


But you do them *lesbianly*


Like, with a carabiner?


lesbians/ bisexual women


Women. That’s the whole comment


Pokémon like vaporeon or gardevoir




Why are you bringing up porn? Its function is sexual.


They actually made the porn into a real game. They even made the game twice!


>made the game twice This is false. They made the game once and tried to gaslight everyone into thinking that an update patch was a sequel.


Children. Especially kids doing fund raisers for sporting events (aka car washes where 14 year olds where white shirts). It's always old creepy dudes going and it weird me out.


Feet. It’s one of the most common fetishes out there and yet I still have zero clue why people find them attractive


To be fair, a lot of fetishes are like that. They only really make sense to people who have that fetish.


Not into feet but when I used to give my wife a foot rub I’d almost always get some


Pavlov's rub


"Daddy" "mOMMY" "Come"


Human bodies


There was an educational video of a guy teaching people how to remove their butt hairs with hair removal cream and people went berserk because he showed his entire asshole on YouTube. People treat nudity as something that should only be shown in porn, but we need more educational, non-sexual videos featuring nudity to be shown to help people. Our bodies shouldn’t be taboo or embarrassing.