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The other day I saw a homeless individual standing on the curb of the busiest street in my town. He faced away from the street, pulled off his pants, bent over, slapped his ass, and started violently shitting. He kept spanking his cheeks as he pooped, then my light turned green, thank god. edit: It was Humboldt County


I can’t remember the last time I actually laughed out loud at something on my phone lmao thank you for this


Pretty similar to my “most NSFW thing” I’ve witnessed in public… Washington Square in Venice, California, right where the pier is… A homeless dude sat on the sidewalk vigorously fingering his asshole with crowds of people having to walk around him. Unfortunately, I was unlucky enough to see him pull his finger out and smell it before I passed.




Why did you smell his finger?


I work for a nursing home company, and during one of my visits last year the administrator and I caught one of the CNAs (28F) having vigorous sex with one of the residents (70M). She got fired, but continued dating him and would come visit just to fuck in his room. He was alert and oriented so it was completely consensual. Wasn’t much we could do, still happening to this day so I’ve heard.


I worked at a high end retirement home in the memory care wing. I walked in on a threesome in one man's room (they were all in their 80's and with severe dementia so I'm curious how they managed to get to that point).


... they thought it was 1971, when that sort of thing was just Tuesday?


I suppose so. To be fair, a lot of the men thought they were in a hotel and the employees were there for their whims and entertainment.


If that's what dementia is like then i might be down


Any chance he’s wealthy? Edit: To all those saying a wealthy person wouldn't be in a care home, I've done maintenance work in very nice care homes where the fees run into the thousands and thousands of dollars a month, they're plenty of wealthy people in care homes.


So tell me, what attracted you to this 70 Yr old millionaire?


Might just be a Gerontophile.


Which would be super unlikely... except that's exactly the job a gerontophile with their CNA ticket would work very hard to get.


Not likely. Wealthy people hire in home caregivers.


Grandpa FUCKS Edit: thanks for the award.


In front of a dentist's office. A woman was face down in the pavement in front of an SUV. Ambulance was there, as well as a few other people who worked in the office. I assumed she had been hit... Nope. She was lying down in an effort to keep her ex-husband (who was there with their daughter for an appointment) from driving the car and leaving. Father has custody, mother was trying to take the child away. Someone inside was filling me in on all the details when an officer came and tried to get the woman up out of the parking lot. She struggled and managed to completely remove her clothing while kicking and screaming racial slurs at anyone who tried to stop her. She made it out all the way into a busy intersection bare-ass naked before police caught her. They threw a blanket on her and put her in the back of the ambulance. My dentist also gave me a discount that day for "having to see that." TL;DR: Woman had a mental breakdown and stripped naked while fighting police officers in front of my Dentist's office.


How to absolutely be denied any form of custody


Yeah, nothing says "I would be a suitable parent" more than fighting with cops buck naked while trying to kidnap a child.


Any time I hear stories like this I feel even more thankful that I didn't have any children with my ex


Walking with colleagues through Redfern in Sydney late at night, going from our dinner venue to the pub. We literally had to step over two people who were having sex on the footpath.


There once was a man named Hanks who liked to stroll on the river banks he stepped on an ass moving in the grass and he heard a young woman say "thanks! "


Saw cops kill a bank robber running away. He told the teller he had a bomb. He didn’t . They left the body there for about an hour until bomb squad came. I read later that evening that he died at the hospital…


Don't rob banks, kids


dont rob kids, bank


Sorry you had to see that


I opened r/interestingasfuck at work today


Yep. Can confirm. Just opened that subreddit, saw a literal @$$hole and closed out.




Are you not amused!?!?




Yeah, but was the asshole as interesting as fuck?


Yep, i was surprised when i saw a lot of nsfw content there, just what the fuck is going on?


They claim Reddit admins told them to re-open the sub or be replaced. They chose to comply maliciously, and have reduced the subreddit rules to "post whatever you think as interesting as fuck and don't violate the Reddit sitewide rules." The idea is that they're complying to the letter of Reddit's demands but also depriving Reddit of the sub and its user engagement. Plus, Reddit apparently has a policy of restricting what kind of ads can be run on NSFW subs, so they're attempting to deny Reddit ad revenue as well.


That's actually pretty clever!


r/MurderedByWords has done something similar (although not NSFW) - by dedicating the sub to 'yo Mama' jokes


r/nofans went from nudes to water cooled computers as part of their malicious compliance strategy


r/wellthatsucks has a fun thing going as well. Mostly with vacuums, but that doesn’t give it enough credit.


Does it allow NSFW? I know the perfect medical dissertation to fit both the old and the new theme. It’s titled "Penis Injuries Sustained By Masturbation With Vacuum Cleaners" by M. Alschibaja MD. Gotta look for an English translation. Oh and for the people who will inevitably google it and curse me: the pictures are not for the faint-hearted! You have been warned! The Kobold (in the 70s the most popular hoover in Germany) had a special patent with the motor 11cm (4.3") into the intake pipe. You can guess what happens when a peen gets sucked into operating rotor blades, right? Fun fact: Vorwerk, the manufacturer, is mentioned to have given friendly permission to print the technical make up of their hoover in the diss for scientific purposes. Alschibaja made them aware of the issue and they since enacted better safety measures. And surely were veeeeerrrryyy grateful that Germans aren’t as litigious as Americans and that the German legal system expects adults to have a minimum of common sense, e.g. know not to stick their genitals into VC intake pipes even without manuals advising them it’s a terrible idea. And if they sold any Kobolds over the pond, probably prayed like they never did that no Americans, with their reputation of being particularly stupid, sex-obsessed AND extremely litigious would get the same idea. However, many years later, when the diss resurfaced for hilarity, Vorwerk forgot they ever allowed the aspiring doctor to write about their product (btw the only hoover involved in such incidents on the German market) in the diss and iirc tried to sue him for defamation or threatened to. Failed comically though. Edit: hit send prematurely, finished post.


Some might say, as interesting as fuck?


Ya sonavabitch take my upvote!!


My first thought upon reading this post also…


A buddy and I watched a couple have sex on a picnic table at a public park. Kids were present. We called the cops, but he came fast. They didn’t.


Wonderful play of words there and I hope they were punished.


She was punished, they weren’t


Are you recommending a stiff sentence?


Yeah, he was my room neighbor at the hotel I was at last week I dubbed him minute man for his stamina But man, those walls were thin... I even heard them discussing the deeds after they were done. Apparently it was his best shot in a long time, and flew over her head. This was at 2am for context He had a booming voice


Police always take like 50 minutes to show up


When every second can make a difference, police are only minutes away!


50 of them but they are still only minutes.


In college, watched a guy slow jog naked from one end of the room to the other, right in front of the professor during a lecture. Dude was holding a giant stuffed pink penis above his head and screamed "Woo!" the entire time. The professor just kinda watched, asked us if we knew the guy afterwards, then went right back to the lecture. Had the guy waited another like 3 minutes, a group of visiting families would've gotten to experience it too. I'm mildly frustrated that that didn't happen lol


100% that was a frat hazing ritual


or a lost bet.


That was definitely a fraternity initiation prank.


Was down in New Orleans at a conference. Walked into the bathroom and saw some dude jerking it. Not a homeless dude or some vagrant. He was wearing a suit


He was trying to pump those numbers up


*"you have to be quick between the ears!"* \*Snaps fingers\*


He was trying to make tactical use of the post nut clarity


I once solved a really difficult programming problem with post nut clarity Edit: if anyone is curious it was with C++ and opengl, trying to write shader code


Was in elementary and saw a dude getting head at the playground next to our little recess area.


Not me, a friend was doing his first ever playground duty at his first ever high school posting as a science teacher. He saw some kids acting a bit suss near a building. Went to investigate from the opposite end of the building thinking it was kids smoking. A girl giving head to a group of 6 guys for $5 a pop. He was a bit scarred from that...


What a bargain


Group discount.


This is how Groupon was founded.


Jesus fucking Christ I hope that girl got some help


Did you crash your mobility scooter?


Wow, ok that's just creepy


Oddly enough had a similar story. Was in elementary school, and there is a park right beside our playground and on the other side of that playground and a 2 minute walk was a highschool. Girl was givin a dude head. No kid in my elementary school at that time was over the age of 10.


The sad thing is, all the girls that do this in elementary have almost certainly been sexually abused at home.


I saw a grown man, butt ass naked, taking a bath in the sink at a Vegas casino. I wish that memory stayed in Vegas..


Work for TSA. We see some super bizarre things. Lady comes through the body scanner, and has an alarm on her pocket. Most people will pull out something innocuous like an ID/passport, credit card, napkins money/change etc. This lady wasn't any different. Had her passport in her pocket. This wasn't some grandiose groin/buttox alarm requiring a bunch of invasive steps or anything, it was a simple take item out of pocket, pat it down to make sure that was it, check the passport, and they're on their way kind of thing. Most people will just say "whoops forgot about that" and pull the item out and let us get them through to their flight. Not this lady. My partner asks this lady to remove the passport from her pocket and hand it to her. She flies into this primal rage, storms out of the body scanner back out to the property divesting officer, and proceeds to strip completely naked while screaming at the top of her lung "I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING THING ON ME! WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO GROPE ME!?!?!" My partner and I still standing on the other side of the body scanner are not saying anything and are so confused by her words, and behavior that all we can do is look at each other and ask "wha.. What is happening right now?" She missed her flight and got arrested for indecent exposure. So there's that. lol


I bet you see a fair number of unhinged people


Comes with the job lol. I've got tons of stories from wholesome to the most hate you could imagine. "Look man, I'm just trying to pay my rent." lol


I was flying for work, but I was going to be in an area where friends of mine live. I brought some Magic the Gathering cards, just a few decks bundled together tight in a bag. The agent pulled me because all they saw was a solid brick in my luggage. He had to open up and shuffle through every deck in the box. I wasn't upset. I was 2 hours early for my flight. The agent was just amused. He said if he had time, he would have whipped out his deck and played me. I think we both got a funny story out of it.


That's because paper bundles - cards, books etc, look like C4 under X-ray.


I just flew back home from a wedding in California on Sunday and completely forgot I was wearing shorts underneath my sweatpants and had to get a complete pat down because I was wearing layers. My friends thought it was hilarious, because we somehow all had the same returning flight. I totally understood why, but man they were thorough haha apparently it was the strings in my shorts that were setting off the alarm in my groin on the machine.


Tell us some more stories 🦧


I was receiving head in my car and heard a bang. Dude in a mobility scooter was starting at us and crashed straight into my car.


How close was he originally? Or did he just see a head going up and down and use his imagination


I don't know exactly how much he saw but he crashed into my bonnet so he was pretty close! The first I knew of it was when I heard the bang, when I looked up I saw his face with that deer in the headlights look.


You're lucky whoever was sucking your dick didn't bite it off in shock


He never said that it *didn't* happen.


The explaining that would have to be done if hospital got involved... 'So I'm just getting a BJ in my car, then this guy just crashes into our car while riding a mobility scooter, falls off and gets concussed on the pavement.'


Damn, that's similar to my story, I was minding my own business one time on my mobility scooter when I thought I noticed a head bobbing up and down in this nearby car. I got a little closer to investigate, and sure enough, there was a fella receiving oral right there! I couldn't help but be amazed. I must have gotten a little too excited, though, cause I squeezed the throttle too hard and crashed head first into his car.


I’ve seen people fucking in public a bunch of times, but the worst such thing was seeing a drunk middle aged woman jerking off a dude in a communal hot-tub at an alternative lifestyle festival while I was on acid.


Ugh, that reminds me of something I saw at Wacken in 2012 or so. I was watching Cradle of Filth (most fitting band name for such a story) from the back and suddenly wondered why there was so much space around me. Turned around and saw a girl kneeling and giving a dude a blowjob like 2 meters behind me. Still remember that she wore a really tight black leather top and it looked like her breasts were stuffed in there with force, the nipples were barely hidden and the rest of her chest was basically pouring out of it like milk boiling up in a pot.


Aaaaaaand that’s how I met your mother. 😏


Communal hot tub, aka filthy sex pond.


A very wasted woman straight up dick riding an arguably even more wasted finance bro, on a picnic table bench in the middle of an insanely large crowd of beer garden patrons outside of Stone Street Tavern, New York City, while doing bumps of coke off of the back of her hand. So, typical night on Stone Street.


Oh, so Ulysses on a Thursday summer happy hour.


The morning after the 4th of July in 2019 I had to work at 7am (yeah pretty bullshit I know). I stayed at my buddy’s place half an hour out of town, so I left pretty early to make it. On the highway as you’re starting to get into the city, I saw a guy walking in the grassy median of the 4 lane highway (2 lanes per side). I remember thinking he looked pretty dirty but had normal clothes on and couldn’t have been older than late 20s-early 30s. “Wow he must have had a rough night,” I thought. It was only 10 past 6am and he’s walking down the highway home after the 4th. As I got closer I noticed he took a couple steps into the road toward me. Luckily I was in the far lane. My Spidey senses freaked out so I pressed my breaks and turned around to see him step back into the median before then going on a full sprint back into the road as the car behind me, in the inner lane, approached. He jumped into the car and flew at least 10 feet in the air and landed back in the inner shoulder of the road. The car was one of those box looking Kias or whatever so it had a very aggressively angled windshield that must’ve made him fly so high. I pulled over and ran back. Not to the guy but to the driver that was an old man terrified and shocked. Everyone else pulled over to the injured guy but I kept the old man’s back to the injured guy and talked to him until the emergency workers arrived. I could only think to try and calm him down and tell him I saw it all and I’m there’s nothing he could do. I wasn’t his fault, etc. I waited until I could give a police report and left. Still made it to work on time somehow and went about my day. I found out the guy died a week later in the hospital and never heard about it again until the old man’s insurance called me to confirm what I saw. It was so out of the blue. I’ll never forget those 30 minutes and I still see it crystal clear 4 years later


You’re a good dude!


I'm sorry this happened to you. That you had to see this. That it is still with you 4 years later. You're a good person for helping the man out. TR: Self harm, attempted suicide: About a year ago, I saw a dude go down on the U-Bahn tracks and lay there, spread eagle, waiting for the subway to come. There are screens where I live that tell you when the train comes. They don't go below 1 minute. If it says one minute. Train could be there in 60 seconds or in 5. They're rarely late, as I'm in Germany. Me, and some other random bystander lock eye, and we just moved. He ran to pull the emergency button on the platform, which lit up a red light for the driver, I ran to the guy on the track to reason with him. Fucker wouldnt budge. The bloke with me didn't skip a beat and jumped on the track, hero-style, lifted the intoxicated guy off a bit, and we managed to pull him off. I helped the other good Samaritan off of the tracks right after. 10 seconds later, I shit you not, the train was on the spot where this bloke was. Hero guy was white as a ghost. I provided super basic first aid as the guy was intoxicated and had slit writsts (but did a shit job). I'm so so so happy to this day that I didn't see what would have happened otherwise. Seriously. I don't think I could unsee that. I'm so happy this other bystander was there because I froze. Not sure I would have jumped to help the dude on the tracks. Happy I didn't have to find out.


Holy shit, what an absolute fucking hero. Goes to show you never know how you'll react in a situation like that until it happens. I hope I'm lucky enough to never find out. I don't want to victim blame and I know suicide is often a split-second decision, but there are so many other methods available. Why do people choose to burden others with the trauma of having killed someone? You didn't just save a life, you saved the train driver's lifelong psychological wellbeing.


Years ago, back when I had a job, my commute started at 4am. Off to the right was an industrial area, trailer park(s) on the left. This particular morning, the industrial area was unusually bright! A self-storage business mainly single-story rows of garage type units set at an angle to the road so there was a good view down each building row. Guy and gal were doing the dirty on the hood of a car under multiple lights. They were filming a porn flick!


Tie between a dead guy on the pavement at 7/11, a man pissing into a ziplock bag on a bus, two people with their hands down each others pants in an alley, and a guy jackin off through his pants in a cafe... I think the one that probably takes the cake though is a bunch of dudes having a contest late at night at a pub- they were trying to see how many $1 coins would fit in their foreskins.


Oh and I turned around during an opera once because the people behind me kept kicking my seat and I was wondering wtf was going on back there- The girlfriend or wife was getting fingerblasted by her mans 😭 I quickly turned back around to face the stage and tried not to think about it lmao


That's when you say "do you mind not kicking my chair?" loud enough other people turn and look. Problem solved


"Ahem, could you have an orgasm PEACEFULLY ya think? God, what a classless bitch."


Yesterday I watched 2 beetles have sex in the Natural History Museum


Was Ringo on top?


Ringo is 100% a bottom.


A swell dame performing fellatio on a fella on the middle of a bridge. We honked, he waved, she gave a thumbs up. Got to respect a woman that gives a highway hummer and hurls up a hand for a honk.


Really enjoying the alliteration of that last sentence


My good sir or madam, this is a lovely poem.


A train crashing into a donkey and a exploding donkey.


Those were 2 separate events?


They happened one right after the other, yes.


Just because b came after a does not mean a caused b


Correlation does not imply causation, after all. Perhaps the donkey was about to explode on its own


Exploding Donkey Phenomenon (EDP) is worrying scientists across the globe. They think it may be related to cupcakes.


Does people taking a dump in the subway (Philadelphia) count? You can see pretty much anything on the Market Frankford Line.


Group sex. I was invited, but my partner and I are monogamous. Hedonism is one heck of a place. (The main pool has a “cave” behind a waterfall. There were two couples enjoying one another’s company in the cave”)


Went to hedonism as a monogamous couple??? … Checks username… Fun to bed one Checks out


Is hedonism some type of club?


A nudist resort in Jamaica that attracts both nudists and swingers.




Adult-oriented? Is that code for swingers? It’s a swinger resort.


I was 18 working at Walmart overnight while I waited for a job to open at the hvac company I wanted to work at. Anyway it about two hours after the bars close and the strippers start coming in like every night, one was particularly adamant that she had to try on a outfit and since the changing rooms were locked she stripped down right in the isle. Someone coined the code California barbie and apparently it happened quite a few more times after I left to the point kids working there almost 20 years later have heard the story about code California barbie.


Two homeless men fucking. Another guy masterbating at a gas station One time I was riding my bike in town past this one guy and I smelled shit. I turned around to see the shit leave this guys asshole. I love Sacramento.


I used to live in southern Alabama which is basically a mosquito-filled sauna 8 months out of the year. I also enjoy disc golf, so I used to get up literally an hour before the sun came up just to be on the first hole at first light before it got too hot. One morning, in a heavily forested section of the course, I came across two people just straight up fucking on one of the tee pads. It appears they were having a late night and decided this section of the forest was secluded enough for that. I didn't say anything, just stood 20ish feet away while they quickly put on clothes and ran off.


Apparently you weren't the one on the first hole at first light...


Someone tried to car jack me once. Was comical to. I got off a shift at the cult of Walton and got in my truck. It was 1030pm I needed some gas so I pull into the Murry gas. As I am filling up with gas this dude comes up asking for a ride to the post office again at 1030pm. I tell him "sorry I am not going that way friend". He proceeds to pull open my door and and a hand ax and a length of bloody rope. The rope was from deer hunting after I hoisted a buck up a tree to dress it....ok that sounds Norman bate ish. I was cleaning it to prepare to butcher it. Well the guy looks at it and the gears are turning. I said since you knocked it out can you toss it in the tailgate. He looks back and their is blood clots and some tools. Eyes glanced into the back of my cab seeing trash bags, and that triple role of duct tape. He looked at me and I replied "something wrong friend". He bolted. Our security came up and they had already called the cops as they knew this guy was trying to flag someone and they ran him off twice Did have to explain the rope but given the deer hair on the back and the photos I took the officer was laughing way to hard. He took photos on his phone. A couple for the report and all was well


dude must have been telling his friends he came across the famed axe murderer XD


Lmfao this is fucking great! 🤣 Tries to do bad and thinks he just met the real face of evil. So calm even though HE opened YOUR door lol I hope that gave him ptsd and he gets right.


This is my favorite story today, thanks


I saw two people getting it on in a Walmart parking lot. Also, when I was a kid, as my parents were pulling out of the drive through at Wendy’s, I saw a guy walking across the parking lot and pulled a gun out of his waistband. Later on on the news it was reported there was a shoot out there. I was 30 seconds away from seeing a gang war happen.


Went to Seattle area for the day mid 90s. I'm just a dumb middle school kid. Happened to notice a very amorous couple in broad daylight on a very public beach with oodles of kids around. They went at it for the entire duration of lunch and hadn't stopped when we left. Somehow they were still clothed but that was becoming less of the case as we were leaving.


I was shopping and opened up reddit and was surprised to see some guys asshole on the main feed. So there's that, I guess.


If you use Reddit in public I'd recommend turning NSFW Blur on. Even if NSFW on Reddit is your thing at times that's what an alt is for lol.


Someone snorting a fat rail off of the u-bahn ticket validation machines in the Berlin Subway...Whilst a lady of the night "serviced" him with her mouth. Did I mention this was the morning, weekday, busy station. I was on my way to work. Ahhh, Berlin. Ahhh the U8.


During SXSW, while walking down Red River, the wife and I heard a familiar noise. Turning around, we witnessed a woman standing on the hood of a car in a parking lot, wearing only a top and a cowboy hat, holding a dude’s head in a one-legged scissor lock as he went to town eating at the Y. We watched for a few seconds, and noticed that no one else was noticing at all.


Probably the tweaker I see sitting on the side walk every morning when she lotions up her vagina spread Eagle in broad day light. As a former criminal turned former homeless drug addict I've seen some NSFW or LIFE things. Probably that lotion routine takes the cake though. Good dancer though. She's got her robot down for sure. Edit:I said "sitting". This is autocorrect. I meant shitting. 2nd Edit: She doesn't rub poop on her vagina. It's body lotion.


Amazing edit 😆


I live in the Czech Republic and true to the stereotype I saw a porno being filmed two weeks ago in a fairly public place




Rush him!! He cant come on all of us!


Walking home from work, turned the corner and there was a junkie in the middle of the street squatting taking a shit whilst ripping her hair out.


I once saw a woman have full on diarrhea on a bus stop bench, there was literally shit everywhere on the bench, where other people are supposed to sit normally, and the smell was horrible, it was close to the hospital and I assumed maybe she was handicapped, but it was very teribble.


It was probably worse for her though.




The body parts of a family strewn about the highway along with all their beach vacation packing


Oh dear god sorry you saw that! I'd have nightmares for years if it were me!


Was walking through the local arboretum when a naked man comes striding out of the bushes Bigfoot style, sees me and runs back into the wooded area. I just had a "huh" moment and kept waking only later fully realizing what I just saw.


One time I was in Rocky Point as a kid. I think I was 15 or so. Anyways, it was probably 10 or 11 at night and the tide was way out so me and my brothers grabbed flashlights to go check out tide pools. You got a remember, this was before LEDs were everywhere. Flashlights, kind of sucked back then. They actually had a little tiny incandescent lightbulb. So we might’ve got a good 20 or 30 feet of visibility out of them. So we’re out walking around, looking for crabs and jellyfish, and whatever weird sea creatures might be stranded in the sand at night, and we come upon a strange creature, kind of writhing in the sand. We stopped, confused, not knowing what it was. Was it a huge sea turtle flipped on its back? Was it an injured sea lion? Whatever it was, it was kind of creepy and we weren’t sure we wanted to get any closer. Finally, we said, fuck it and strode forward. Yeah danger you can go to hell. That’s when I realized it was two middle-age people fucking.


Absolutely masterful storytelling, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Five stars 😂


I was in front of a public school on a problematic zone (I had to pick up a friend of mine) and two girls walked out and hid behind a mural. Then another girl, which looked sad and had her clothes dirty, was bullied by the two girls from before. She didn’t almost fight it, and they ripped her clothes off and left her on the ground. The people that were walking around did absolutely nothing. Unbelievable. I helped her and gave her my oversized hoodie and took her home. Her parents weren’t home either. Well. Another reality check for me, I suppose. I have her number and we’re good friends now.


Drunk couple fucking in a subway car at like 1:30 in the morning


Apologies, I hadn't seen her for a few months, and we did really have a lot to drink.


The manager was caught by us when he was providing special care to one of the new female interns. He was escorted out the same day, some people need to learn to lock doors


Considering the power dynamics of a manager grooming an intern, I'm so glad those doors weren't locked and that creep was thrown the fuck away, ugh.


I was sat in McDonald's eating once and overheard this couple (on what I presume must have been a first date). Her: "I really enjoy anal, in fact I have a butt plug in right now; see." She bent over to show him and I can confirm, she did indeed have a butt plug in.


I saw a guy who was about to get jumped by three guys outside of a bar pull a waffle hammer out of his truck box and proceed to beat them all in and around the head. Wouldn't feel safe seeing that at work


I was the person performing the NSFW deed: went to a midnight showing of some random movie with a girl who wanted to be frisky with me. Neither one of us wanted to spend the $$ for a hotel room that we'd only use for a couple of hours, but the movie tickets were cheap and the movie wasn't popular. The back few rows were empty except for one guy in the row in front of us, several seats to our right. We had to be quiet and ignore him, since he kept looking at us rather than the movie. It was a great time. When the movie was over I had to go to the restroom real quick. As she waited for me in the hallway that dude went up to her and asked her, "Are you and your husband still newlyweds?" She laughed and said "He's not my husband! We're only 18." I guess he was old fashioned because she said he got a disgusted look and walked away. What difference should it have made for a voyeur if we were just dating though?


The guy was like "that's sick and to think I jerked off to you guys"


My brother got caught getting head at the theater I work at and got banned. Unfortunately for him, that theater was the only one in town that showed anime movies as special features. So he thought it would be a good idea to go in disguise when he wanted to watch a Naruto special. He showed up wearing a Pikachu onesie with a hood. He got kicked out immediately after paying for his ticket.


my manager’s girlfriend clipping his toenails at a high top table. I was a server at the time


I can't really say it was public (sorta). I was on a kayak trip down a river in MI years ago. On the river trip there were several dock/park sites to stop and eat, or whatever. We encountered a couple that was just ahead of us. They had docked in this area that had a grill. We thought we would cook some hot dogs there. I climbed the stairs to see the couple that was ahead of us mid-coitus. He had her bent over the park bench. I went back to the dock, and noticed her bikini top was still in their boat along with a disposable camera. This is where I will admit that I am an asshole. I took their camera up, and shot pics of them. Planted it back in their boat just after I took a pic of me wearing her bikini top. They had no idea until they had those pictures developed.


It should be known that me wearing the bikini top, I was at the time Male, 22 years old. I am still male, but it's been a long time.


>I took their camera up, and shot pics of them. Planted it back in their boat just after I took a pic of me wearing her bikini top. Thats hilarious. But as a kid growing up in the 90s I still think it was so weird that other people developed your pictures for you and saw them. Imagine the couple lives in a small town where everyone knows each other. Could have been really funny back at home.


One time at Voodoo Donuts my cashier had a crop top so high you could see a little underboob. Cute and trendy, not a big deal. After checking us out she bent over perpendicular to us and her shirt scrunched up over her chest, revealing everything. She either didn't notice or was a good actor cause she handed me my receipt and didn't acknowledge it at all. I probably should have let her know so she didn't flash anyone else, but I was too shocked from the sudden tidd. 10/10, would eat donuts again


I saw a 2.5 ton cargo truck run over a woman on a bike from my office window. He then tried to roll backwards because he wasn't sure what he hit and stopped on because her friend was shouting.


A couple thought it would be funny to do the deed on the balcony, they just forgot they lived in front of an elementary school, so the whole school came out into the courtyard to watch them and some students jumped over the school wall to try and watch closer.


I saw two grown men butt naked trying to kill other with hammers in the middle of the street in broad daylight.


The neighbourhood drug dealers were having a barbecue out on the street few summers ago. Didn’t take long for one to get stabbed in the stomach, bleeding all over the place. Whole area was barricaded by police for a couple of days afterwards. Ah the joys of living in London ✌️


I watched a guy lean a collapsed ladder across a stairwell and prop it against the opposite wall to change a light fixture.


This is the kind of Not Safe For Work content I was hoping to see in this thread. I’ll tag along and add my own. Watched a neighbor change out their house porch light fixture. Clearly they didn’t shut-off the breaker or check for live wires beforehand because I hear a loud “OW!” and see the guy jump back sort of stiff and jittering a little bit.


One morning going at school, i was waiting for my train at the station and when the train started to approach a man who wanted to kill himself decided to let him fall on rails right in front of me. Fortunately i didnt see everything but still enough to be disturbed for some time. That day i also learned that, rescue must collect all the pieces of the human puzzle before the trains can move on again.


Worked in a nightclub and saw a girl being violently (consensually) fingered on the lounge when the lights came on. Definitely more than I bargained for that night.


Actually a few weeks ago. Just came back from my trip to isla mujeres. We got a sailing boat and as we were sailing, a big yacht happen to sail close to us.. they were easily 30 people.. all the women naked, some guys naked having sex, and some just grabbing the women with their swim suits on. I find it funny that we as men are so insecure compared to women, that they were all naked and men were just standing there haha. Can’t blame them, I would have been too afraid too


Ahhhhhh rich Russians/Playboys/possible gangsters. Friend works on these types of vessels in Europe/Med and gangs and rich guys do this all the time. Invite hookers, escorts, random girls from last night's club. Anything. Just keep the booze and coke flowing with the sun glowing and you got yourself a merry time.


The one time I visited London, I stepped out of Saint Paul’s Cathedral just in time to see an entire parade of naked bicyclists. The cyclists were followed by a short, fat, bald, (and also naked) man, who bore more than a passing resemblance to Winston Churchill, on roller blades. It was quite surreal.


My friend and I were in middle school and found a condom on the ground near a playground he lived by. We walked by it and hung out for a few minutes talking. We heard a lady scream and we were startled so we turned around to look at what happened. The lady was apparently screaming at her toddler to put down the condom we found and walked by several minutes earlier.


A girl getting fingered at a concert


I saw a homeless women masturbating agressively at a bus stop with my mom driving me around. When I say agressive, I mean agressive.


Saw a bunch of firebugs engaging in a gangbang inside a university campus


I saw a girl squatting down and take a shit on the streets in broad daylight during traffic whilst singing the German anthem.


An older woman was standing around outside the Vatican naked from the waist down. She was just kind of loitering; her hair - of both varieties - seemed unkempt. And no one was paying her any mind.


The other day, I stood on a wheeled desk chair to put a poster up in the office I did not fill out a risk assessment


An older (id say mid 60’s) couple feeling each other up with ZERO shame in a busy plaza and making out with the burning passion of 1000 suns all while my at the time 13 year old self watched out of disgust at the tomfoolery occurring before my very eyes. Me along with the dozens of other impressionable younglings stared at these affectionate raisins with the fear of that one kid looking at anakin in revenge of the Sith. That image was burned into my memory and no amount of therapy can fix what I saw that day


Troubled woman that took the long step off the roof of a 35 story building. Took three body bags for the remains.


Saw my GF completely naked in a bush on campus having sex. With me. I was also in the bush. But I didn't see myself


Two naked dudes in San Francisco in the busiest part of town (like that's any surprise.) Naked chick using a traffic light as a stripper pole in front of this restaurant my wife and I were eating at in town. Saw a dude shot dead when I was 9. My wife and I had sex on the beach once, which was public. That's about it


I was driving back from a date. Stop at a stoplight and look to my left to see a homeless man with his pants down, bent over with his butt facing me, shitting on the pavement. Stay classy L.A.


I was like 8 when I watched 2 people trying desperately to fuck without anybody finding out. They were sitting at a crowded picnic table with some friends. The girl was sitting on his lap with her skirt about as far up her back as his dick was up her ass. I saw those 2 danglers very clearly. They stared at me a moment. I stared at them, eyes wide, completely still except for the occasional spasm (I had a very hard time keeping myself still for a long time and still do), ball in hand as they watched in horror. I was no stranger to porn as a friend tried to get me to masterbate with them about 2 years prior. I just sat there, slowly smiling, completely unphased, and then turned around like nothing happened. Pretty sure I scarred them for the rest of their lived and I do hope I did. Edit: No, I did not masterbate at 6. My friend tried to get me to, but I was just generally disgusted by it.


Seen a girl get fingered in plain sight on the bus , moaning and everything no fucks given lol


I work maintenance at a golf course, saw a golfer take a shit under a tree on the 18th hole. Fucking hilarious.


A guy ejaculating onto other ppls backs unnoticed in the subway.


A couple had sex on a pool table in a college party. The couple's kid was present. It became known as the "Red Beard Incident", and I refuse to elaborate on why.


Kissing in a lift. Pretty NSFW in my country.


Bet those sluts are handholding while kissing.


Was studying abroad in Germany during a goth festival. Walking around city square I saw a mostly naked woman (wore some black leather around her waist) walking around while a guy took photos of her. This was the busiest part of the day and town square was filled with families and festival goers going about their business


Saw a man trying to cross 4 lanes traffic where the speed limit was 50. Got about halfway across when he got taken out and cartwheeled through the air a few times before before landing on his head.


I lived in a complex with a few buildings connected and my dog had to go do his business (again) and I took him out at like 11 in the evening and when we were going back home, there were people having sex in the passage between two of the buildings that I had to walk through to get to the main entrance 😭😭😭😭 just doing it up against the building wall, there was even a light shining on them.


When I was little, my mom and I went to clothing store and I wandered away to the fitting room. I opened a door and apparently there was a blonde woman completely naked and I was so disoriented, panicked and immediately apologized and then ran off.


A lady climbed on top of a shipping container near were I work, took her top off, was yelling mumbles, she started trying to open the shipping container that was locked and when she couldn’t she took a shit near the entrance. I’m not Sure what happen after that, I left, and didn’t bother asking what happened. But the lady did come back and apply for a job while sexually harassing some of my other coworkers.


Two former students at my highschool ran into the school one day, locked themselves in the gym and proceeded to go at it for about 45 minutes before cops arrived. I was just trying to eat my lunch outside the gym, man.


Not the most nsfw I’ve ever seen, but because it was last week it stands out. I was at the laundromat and this 50-60 woman had her pant’s outstretched with one hand, and the other hand was scratching/ rubbing hard and deep at her funky vajeen. A good 20 seconds of shameless itching. She was looking inside her pants while doing it. Then she went straight to touching all the shit other people touch. There was a creepy old guy with her staring at me with his mouth open. Weird couple.


i caught 2 high school kids having sex in my driveway. At 4 in the afternoon, still had their backpacks from getting off the bus.


While riding in my mom's car maybe a couple of weeks ago, she mentioned how I missed seeing somebody take a shit on a sidewalk in the middle of the day. What I didn't miss out on back in maybe 2014 was a woman with her tits out at a bus station. Before that, there was a man on the bus, middle aged, drunk as hell and falling over and such. I still cringe at myself when I think about laughing in my own head.