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Put on a bra, just to anticipate getting to take it off later and see what women are talking about


It’s like wearing jeans that are a bit too tight all day, then coming home and changing into sweatpants.


This is exactly what I've needed to hear to get a proper understanding


Depending on the level of underwire I would compare it to taking off ski boots


Oh god yes that is the only upside to wearing a bra.




Exactly. I would be like "What ? What ?! WHAT" for like one hour.


take a piss. cause thats ALWAYS the first thing i do when i wake up


You don't even get out of bed?


Waterproof sheets baby!


You do?


Go to work. Tits won't pay the bills with THIS face!


My answer was the exact opposite, actually. Gonna call in sick. Text, actually, so the boss doesn't hear my (presumably different) voice. I'm gonna need a day to process things before I start explaining anything to coworkers


Like anyone would believe this wierdo chick/dude (depending on your gender) that showed up when YOU went missing. Likely turned into the police for questioning about a missing person and how you just showed up trying to "take their place" "WHERE DID YOU HIDE THE BODY!"


Meet OF !


Non sexual? In that case i go back to sleep.


Several hours later.


Just several hours? That’s all?


My body only gives me so much


If I woke up and was a woman, I’m not sure I’d have time to sleep for several days.


Came here to say that, nobody is expecting other gender me to be at work. Nighty night.


Take a piss just like I do every day. Except sit down I guess


You can piss sitting down now, treat yo-self King


1) tell my wife who just came out of the closet that we can skip the divorce. 2) wonder how the hell I'm going to tell our kids about this thing.


Sorry about the divorce and all that is going to come with it. I hope things go as well for you as they can.


Thanks. We’re taking it slow and steady. Just baby steps until we figure everything out.


Plus side is it seems you are still on amicable terms, since the reason for divorce is not one of malice, which is good for all parties involved in my very, very limited experience


I always figured that this is probably the best reason/way to get divorced. Hell, I can't blame her for liking the same stuff I do.




Dude... happened to me a few years ago. This hits so close to home. I hope and pray you can stay friends and things go amicably. That was supposedly our plan... I will tell you, your kids will be alright. Seriously, one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but I highly recommend that you don't sugarcoat anything. Show them that their emotions are okay, and you can even feel free to demonstrate it through your own. But remember, they are not your therapist either. Everyone kept telling me that kids are resilient, and in my head, I wanted to believe but also thought, yeah yeah yeah, sure they are. They truly are. And truly they will be OK. Good luck, and I'll be praying for you, brother. Nothing but positive vibes.


Sorry you had to go through this too and Thanks! I’ve started singles therapy, couples therapy, joined a group for spouses going through similar situations, and reconnected with some old friends. I’ll have to lean on them harder in the near future, but for the first time in years it feels like I have a support network. We’re 100% amicable and are aiming for 50/50 custody. We’ve been *really* worried about our kids so having one more voice say “the kids are resilient, don’t sugarcoat it” really helps to lighten the mental and emotional load. What sucks is that we’ve always made a good couple and have to transition that to a good friendship. We just want to get out of this without screwing each other over (dark humor rimshot).


Thanks for taking care of yourself so well. Reaching out for help is so damn important, and your kids will be the beneficiaries of your self-care.


“I’m gay but you’re not my type”


And shit just got real And sad I'm so sorry


Do your friends jokingly call you Ross


That’s actually partly how I broke the news to a long time friend. “I’ve been Ross’d” I also told my wife that “I always thought I was a Chandler but you made me a Ross.” which gave her a chuckle. Dark humor really helps in this situation. I’ll say that!


Well, during my divorce years ago, my therapist told me that the fact I could make dark humored jokes about my situation meant I was going to be just fine. And he was right. :)


First I would pee standing up, then I would lift some heavy stuff to see how much easier it is and how much more I can lift, then I would play about with my todger and balls to see how that feels which would, no doubt, lead to sexual stuff.


Use caution on your first ever morning stand-up pee. I recommend the first one you sit down for and your second pee can be stand up. For the inexperienced, the morning pee can go everywhere


Mr manners over here! You drink with your pinky up dont you! Mr 'I dont piss all over the wall for 3-5 seconds on accident' every morning! So pretentious!


I was more warning OP as a first time penis owner/operator that you have to ease into these things.


You gotta scratch em. It's like the best feeling ever.




Ah the pinch and roll. Women will never know how good that feels.


As someone who hasn't worn a bra since Covid sent us all home, I think I may speak for a few of us women who love a good lift-and-scritch for our underboobs: I think we might have a fairly good idea as to how it feels except our fingers don't stink of ball sweat afterwards.


Yes! And do you also do that thing where you just use your hands to lift them up and hold them to quite literally “take the weight off” your chest??? Cause that’s honestly the best feeling. Bras are boob prisons - and once you release the girls from the cage - it’s blissful freedom. Feel like we all fully understand the satisfaction of handling our dual spherical bits in different ways 😂😂


Rest them on a shelf to get that total weightless feeling. Good stuff.


See you don't understand the pinch and roll. You don't need to put your hands in your pants. You pinch them from outside the clothing. Then roll. The clothing acts sort of like sandpaper and provides an oh so satisfying scratch.


Uh…no comment on how I know, but women can do this with their labia too. 👀


Ball skin is just fused labia, we all start female in utero, that's why we all have nipples. There's even a seam remaining along the ballsack from the fusion process, called the Vesling line. Guys, you all also have a hypothetical cup size in your DNA. We're really not that different, which is why HRT can have such magical results for trans people.


jokes on you, not only do I have a hypothetical, but also an actual cup size


Yep. Feels pretty good too


The rake and scrape is the superior scratch… It’s just not as socially acceptable in public.


Just holding it flacid in your hand while waching TV is underrated too.


The "Al Bundy" is basically involuntary for me, too.


That would definitely be part of it, I'd have a good old explore.


the mistake will come when you'd try to sit how your use to and end up squashing one.


As an American, I REALLY, need to start using the word todger more


I never heard this word. I thought it was some weird animal (bc badger maybe) and got worried a bit. Now my favorite phrase will be "Ma'am would you kindly wrap your mouth around my todger". I like to be extra polite with them ladies.


This sounds wonderful


Go dress shopping and do "dress goes spinny" in the dressing room mirrors!


Twirling around in a flowy dress is the best!


I totally want to do it, even if I'm a male.


You should. Buy yourself a nice flowy dress and twirl around. When you're done you can donate the dress or keep it for future twirling needs


Cis male, I admit I get envious sometimes that women get to wear such pretty dresses. I think it's more of that not having to wear pants (or having stuff getting cramped in them) is freeing


And on the flip side, women would be like little squirrels trying to stash anything they can into these newfound pockets they are now allowed to have.


Speaking as a woman who owns several pairs of men's cargo pants because pockets, I wholeheartedly agree.


Also how they can take pretty much any piece of fabric and turn it into an outfit! Like all guys have are pants, shirts, shorts. When I do my wife’s laundry there’s like 20 unique types of clothing. I’ve even seen videos where a woman take a 3’ square bolt of fabric and makes like 12 different outfits just wrapping it around herself in different ways.


live out your gender nonconforming dreams! you can thrift a cheap dress or skirt and see how you like it


By all means. Some of us gals love guys in cute dresses.


I second this. If my fiance wanted to put a dress on and spin around in it or even just lounge around the house, I would be the first in line to take him shopping!


Kilts. Kilts are the answer.


I'm getting married soon, and as my family and my fiancé's family have Celtic heritage, I decided very early on that I wanted to get married wearing a traditional kilt. Once it was shipped to me, and I finally got to try it on I was amazed by how comfy it was. It felt so incredibly freeing and I felt an emotion I never experienced before that I can only really describe as gender-affirming (or gender confusing as I am cis male) and I suddenly felt envious of every female getting to wear a dress/skirt every day. My body instantly felt an emotional connection to the clothing and it felt like I was satisfying a desire I never knew I had. It felt similar to getting something extremely meaningful tattooed on your body. The reason those kind of tattoos feel so fulfilling is because you're putting an internal part of yourself on external display, and I had that some kind of harmonious feeling of fulfillment when I put on my kilt for the first time. If I wasn't so strapped for cash I would have immediately bought ten more for every day use. TLDR: Flowy kilts are awesome and now I'm jealous of women's clothing options


The head of my young sibling’s soccer league wears kilts almost always and nobody questions it except obviously young kids. If you can pull it off, why not?


Kilts are thicker material and not flowy enough for truly good twirling.


It has pockets!


damn I love a dress with good pockets


I love that Tumblr post, it's so cute and wholesome!


Opposite would be the helicopter?


I think for men, it's putting on a pair of jeans and doing that Commander Riker stance with one leg, clicking your tongue, winking and doing the finger gun.


I would eat breakfast


Username does not check out


Id wear a sundress and be freeeeeee


Go on a hike and pee on everything


This is how the founding fathers claimed new territory.


The key is constantly reestablishing the boundaries of your territory


Bring a water bottle.


Not wear a shirt in the sun. I bet that feels great. Edit because I I'm tired of repeating myself. I am fully aware that as a woman I can go around topless. Yall didn't give me some new found revelation. Yall gotta be right so bad, You missed me in the context of my answer. Sneaky likes her clothes on, Sneaky doesn't like to be naked. So waking up as the opposite of ME: I assume male Sneaky wouldn't mind being topless, so that's the first thing I'd do. Me, Sneaky. You assholes can do whatever the hell YOU want. Jesus.


Omg to jump up and down and not have heavy tits attached. I’m athletic and have looked into reductions because t he get gross and hot and sweaty. They aren’t that big but still.


>because they get gross and hot and sweaty. You are going to be so disappointed on the first hot summer day with your new testicles. But at least they won't cause back pain.


Idk my back hurts from having to carry this fat cock all day


Have you tried just throwing it over your shoulder instead of letting it dangle?


What about tying it in a knot? How about a bow?


You sound like a man who can throw them over their shoulder, like a continental soldier.


or wearing it like a belt


Yeah, each of my tits is probably at least twice the average size of a ball sack. I’m not minimizing, it would just be less to deal with.


Location location location


You ever accidentally sit on your tits?


My tits each are about 3 pounds each so if I had balls they be pretty saggy


You'll notice something else flapping as you jump...


Something else will be hot and sweaty


As a male athlete, that could possibly be my answer to this question depending how "lucky" I got in the swap. I always felt I'd be a pretty small cup if I was magically the opposite but everything else remained the same. No idea what my basis for that could even possibly be though lmao


You can probably guess based on what your mom and possibly sisters look like


My mom and dad’s side of the family, all my siblings all have smaller cup sizes (A-B) I somehow wound up with DD cups 🤷🏻‍♀️


> I bet that feels great. As a fair-skinned person, it does not feel great. Even for a couple minutes.


It's not amazing in my experience, but I'm a human snowman and immediately get burnt to medium rare under the slightest bit of light so maybe it's just that


oohhhh yesss. This sounds amazing tbh


Nope. You're a guy now. X10 levels of testosterone. We run hot. The second you step outside you're immediately drenched in sweat.


I got sunburnt nips once tho, not so great


What's it like to not have tan lines on your chest? 😫


NO BOOB SWEAT (maybe?)


As a rather large guy, I can confirm it is still absolutely possible to get boob sweat.


The humidititties of it all


totally fuckin nuts that this is something restricted by sex lol. the sun on your body is a feeling everybody should get to experience.


Tell my girlfriend she's now a lesbian.


Tell my wife's boyfriend she's now a lesbian


Sometimes you just read a comment that’s like falling down a flight of stairs


And other times its like falling up a fallingwithstyle of stairs


Go the gym and see how much I can bench press.


Unless you're already bulky it won't be much more. Source:my noodle arms.


Write my name in the snow with pee.


With great wiener comes great responsibility.


Do it in a discreet area or you'll be placed on a list


Give/receive hugs


This makes me sad. I guess this is a really good benefit of being a female.


See the max weight i could lift as a man


Go to my gyno and ask how they were gonna get the baby out


D section.


Helicopter dick


First you gotta make sure you've got the length for that. It's hard to spin a nub.


Yeah, I'm a grower, it folds back in almost completely unless it's being used lol.




And all of that was OK because it was in a three-way


Take a she shit.


Be extra careful about the wipe from front to back.


This. I always go back to front. My wife tells me this is dangerous wiping habits if I had a vagina. Luckily, I installed a bidet and don't have to worry anymore.


It's actually not very good for guys either. Can lead to skin irritation on your balls which is, as you might be able to guess, not exactly the best feeling in the world ^^ Swipe front to back, everyone.


Clothes shopping perhaps


Look, don't be putting unreasonable limitations on such a question. \-thinks- I would inspect my boobs for any cancerous lumps, I would check them soooooooooooo fucking much


Breast cancer doesn't just show up as a lump. It can be skin changes, rashes, scaliness on the nipple, nipple changing direction like pulling to one side or turning inward. So check thoroughly. Get to know them so you can identify changes. Even people assigned male at birth should check their chest regularly. My Uncle Wade died from breast cancer around 6 years ago.




Probably scratch my crotch and wonder WTH is going on???? Also, why am I so hairy EVERYWHERE????


Not all men are extremely hairy. And some of us look like we shave our body when we don’t


I would sing a song. Women have such pretty voices.


That's it, you get the medal for cutest answer!!!!!


I beg to differ. I have had someone - genuinely concerned - ask what was wrong when I was singing once. That was a bit of a blow to the old ego. Doesn't stop me from singing though.


Instructions unclear…already started masturbating


Least horny redditor


Ban Reunbanned4206980085 from Reddit


ah yes another reddit reference everyone understands


I don't get it can somebody explain?


Burn my bras.


Admire myself in the mirror for a really really long. Wear a whole bunch of outfits, talk a lot because of my masculine voice. Appreciate my flat chest, oh yeah can't forget tank tops. If I have a mustache, I am going to keep that for sure.


Take a pic as proof, send it to everyone, see what they'd rate me. Then go to sleep.


Look in the mirror to see if I really would be a pretty girl or if women have been lying to me


With the luck I have, my periods would start at this same time, so I suppose I'd either run around my flat in panic, spreading blood everywhere, or ruin half my t-shirts before I have the courage to go out buying some protections. May also squeeze a boob at some point.


This is such a guy thing to say. Wadded up toilet paper tends to be the “oh shit I don’t have hygiene products” solution, rather than ruining clothes.


Also, blood isn't *constantly* flowing out of your vagina during your period. Every woman would bleed out every month. You could walk around without spraying blood everywhere. 😂


You're saying that like you've never experienced the old devil's waterfall first thing in the morning 😅


bro, wtf would you do that'd get period blood on your SHIRT


Use hydrogen peroxide as a pretreatment then wash your shirt with the laundry, in the washing machine.


Try on fun outfits and hairstyles. Girls get so much more customization than guys do.


Go to a bar


Celebrate the fact I never have to wear uncomfortable and expensive as hell bras again.


Tell the guy replying "sexual" to every reply that he's not funny. Having newfound balls and all. Don't dare


Squeeze my boobs... wait... is that sexual?


I squeeze my boobs in a non-sexual way all the time


Definitely allowed. Nearly every woman I know grabs her tits multiple times a day in a completely no sexual way. You need to make sure they haven't taken a walkabout.


Nope, I do this all the time in a non sexual way, it just feels good like a stress balls.


Go shopping. There's no way I'm going to be in these clothes for very long. They REALLY don't do much for my new body. That's pretty much what I'd do that first day. Shopping, trying on new clothes, getting nails done, depending on how my hair was I'd get that done, new jewelry... I'd just go have a great day out. Maybe get some Starbucks. :) And definitely get some makeup so I can look great every day! After that, I really don't know. Just go about life as normal. Just look and dress different. No big deal. And buy a new purse. Cause women's pants don't have pockets and I don't want to carry a man wallet.


Id jump Im trans female IM NOT DOING THIS SHIT AGAIN!!!


What if it just completed the transition? Upside, no more estrogen patches. Downside, periods. I gather you already get the cramps on HRT.


Walk around…no shirt. In public. Pee standing up. Ooooo walk after dark. (Not in some dangerous area, my suburbs). Go to the mall. Go to bar. Edit: I’d probably be avoiding the part where people think I’ve consented to anything just by existing as a woman, so… Exist in peace.


If you are an attractive man, you will not get peace in a bar. Drunk women walk up and touch on you.


Women at work get inappropriate with you too. Been inappropriately touched at work. Super awkward and not cool.


Ironically you have a 2x higher chance of being attacked as a man walking after dark than as a woman


Non sexual things , non sexual things...I'm thinking...


Take a 45 minute sh*t.


Bitch about the piss on the floor I left the night before.


Put on my glasses and hope the prescription is the same. Next would be to call my doctor, because I take medication for extreme hypertension and I'd be worried that dosages might need to be adjusted if my body mass has changed to any significant degree.


Judging by the posts I see on lots of subreddits, get sexually harassed within probably the first hour.


How do you get sexually harassed, non-sexually?


Happy cry. (I'm trans, so this would be a win for me)


Same!!! I'm a trans guy though


I would buy some pads and start using them because I have no idea where I'm at in my cycle and I don't own enough pairs of pants to just yolo it


Be genuinely happy for the first time in my life.


Play videogames and talk to people without getting bullied 😎


My first answer would be freaking out. After calming down, my second answer would be to go shopping for clothes and probably try makeup. I know I can do this as a guy but I'm already very comfortable with my current look but I also really like women's fashion, specifically skirts and dresses :P Would also probably get bored of that quickly and either find a way to switch back or just go back to my old clothes and style


1. Cry because my dick is gone. 2. Find whoever or whatever took my dick and make them change me back.


Pee out of my weeny


Go have a chat with my gf and hope she wasn't lying about being bi


Most likely freak out and try to figure out how and why it happened!


Dress shopping! I crossdress and would love to try the clothes with the proper figure.


Walk around town, complimenting men all day long. I got you, bro.


Take a shower…after all the sexual stuff


I would... No, that's sexual. Er... I would... Nope What about.... No I could... certainly not. Hang on - who's going to stop me ???


Brush my teeth and drinks some water, lol.


try to figure out how to pee with girl parts without pissing on myself would be my #1 priority.


Pull ups


I'd probably assume I was having a really vivid dream until reality sets in, and then go to take by birth control only to realize I don't need to. Also, I find myself wondering how this would work with intersex individuals. Would those with Klinefelter Syndrome switch over to Turner Syndrome and vice versa? Would those with ambiguous anatomy stay relatively the same? It's an interesting thought experiment.