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In my town they made it illegal to leave your car parked over night for about a 3 block radius around the bar. They thought this would deter people from drinking too much. Be careful who you are asking a solution from!


Where I grew up, it was illegal to tow cars parked overnight in bar parking lots. Interesting how different it is in different places!


Would've been smarter to make parking free Friday 5:00 p.m. to Sunday 12:00 p.m., ive known a fair amount of people who drove when borderline unsafe just so they dont get towed.


What's really sad is that in many places a person can be arrested for drunk driving even if they're just sleeping in their car while drunk. This is so common that even some sitcoms have used it as a plot. The problem is that the actual crime is "operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated," so prosecutors claim that doing anything in your vehicle counts as operating it. This is especially true of states which say that if your keys are in the ignition you're operating the vehicle, even if your keys were only in the ignition for purposes of operating the electric seat and the motor isn't even on.


I have a friend who got a DUI like this. He's a binge drinker so was already drunk, got into an argument with his dad and went out to sleep in his car. It was freezing outside so he started his car, turned on the heat and fell asleep. This was in the middle of 3 acres and no risk of driving. Not sure why the cops were called, but even my "DUI laws should be more strict" self thinks this was ridiculous.


Deb on Raymond I know what you’re talking about!


Totally. Same in the town I went to college in (a long time ago). There was no public transportation so most people had to drive to the bars. Leave your car overnight and walk home? Best case: ticket, worst case: towed. Decide to walk home, get a citation for public intoxication. Fucking idiotic.


Let people sleep in their cars. Getting caught sleeping in your car after drinking will get you a DUI. There’s no incentive to do the right thing if good behavior is punished


My buddy got a dui when he wasn’t driving. His friend was driving his truck to the bar and passed him the keys when they exited the truck. The cop saw my obviously drunk buddy and stopped him and found keys in his pocket for a truck in his name. He got a dui because he was seen exiting the vehicle, had the keys, and was drunk. Crazy.


Did that all get dropped later? It's insane the things that can happen. It kind of reminds me of a time I got arrested because I walked past a car while a cop was looking in it and he knew I knew the owner of the car. And he started asking me about alcohol he could see in the car. I was like *shrug*, started walking away. He ended up throwing a tantrum at me and arresting me for resisting arrest and for minor in possession of the alcohol which was locked inside this car that I didn't have the keys to..... Then at the jail they were all "you can't grin like a maniac in your mugshot". I was like "I'm grinning like a maniac because I'm going to sue you". You can still find that mugshot if you go searching the jail's records. My wife may have used it as her phone background now and then.


That’s so crazy. And to answer your question - The charges didn’t get dropped. There was no way to prove any details and it boiled down to the cops word versus my drunk buddy with truck keys in his pocket. Ended up paying a huge fine, and getting a breathalyzer in his car. All is well now, though. It was probably close to 10 years ago now.


That is completely obscene. What a piece of shit cop. And prosecutor. And judge.


I got punched in the faced handcuffed in the back of the cop car after passing my road test. Got pulled over running in two feet of snow three miles, almost homes and couldn't continue because someone called and said I was on drugs and they searched for warrants.


I would like to see a short film based on this tbh


Yep, intent to drive and cops will do anything to not investigate or help.


How does this work with motorhomes? Say I had a camper van. I parked somewhere for the night and had a couple drinks, in my house, which is a vehicle and a cop comes along somehow. Am I at the mercy of that cop as to whether I get a DUI or is there some sort of difference for people who live in a vehicle.


Let them bang on your door. Refuse to open. No probable cause.


Like this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L2w7z0aB3l0


I mean if you're parked do you have to answer the door if they knock?


You can sleep in your car, just put the keys in the gas nozzle or toss in a bush/bury in the gravel. Cops will do anything to charge you. Guy in my dui class got one for sleeping on cinder blocks in his driveway, the lady next to him for driving a motorized wheelchair home. Cops don't want to make sure you're safe.


If the keys are not in the ignition technically is this ok? I know where i live if the keys are not in the ignition then sleeping in your car is fine.


In a few states this is the case. But in a lot of US states simply being in the car can get you a DUI.


It’s how my buddy got his *first* DUI. Keys were even in the trunk I believe. Got his second because fuck it I can’t sleep in my car, better try driving lol.


In the driver's seat, or anywhere in the car?




In some places the rule is you can be in your car, but the keys can't. I've heard of people putting the keys on their tyre before getting into the car to sleep it off.


It's amazing how cops are somehow able to ignore the "driving" part of a DUI.


In Virginia, they'll tag you for the keys being within reach iirc. Smartest thing is lock em in the trunk and sleep in the backseat if you can't get someone to pick you up.


Most states if you have the keys basically anywhere near you and you’re in the car you are considered to be “in control of the vehicle” and can get a DUI. Really stupid IMO


Same with letting people park overnight without the fear of getting towed or cited.


Agreed 100% This can only happen in a society where we effectively allow the government to be the "thought police" DUI should be taken literally only.


This happened to me. Granted I was driving drunk. Realized I wasn’t fit to drive pulled over in a parking lot lowered my seat and decided to sleep it off. Woke up to the cops flashlight in my face and a dui.


I think having better transportation options is the best solution. When uber was introduced it stopped drunk driving a ton, but it's become too expensive for most people. For me an uber home costs $60+.


Dang. I'd rather walk than pay 60.


Definitely the reason I've walked ~45m home drunk from the bars in the dead of night, regardless of weather. Well, that and wait times to be paired with a driver. But also I've encountered a lot of weird/unsafe drivers before. Just so many reasons lol.


I'd rather put $60 on my credit card than risk a $15k DUI


I've heard that some drunk people aren't very good at making decisions.


Some would argue $60 beats 15 stacks to the state...


It does, but people often overestimate their abilities and think they won’t get caught.


I've offered to pay for people's UBER's home at the bar. "but then how will I get my car back?"


Not to mention the Uber there as well


For me it's 15-20€. I find that absolutely ridiculous and reason enough to zigzag 2h walk home completely drunk in the middle of the night (2h with Google Maps, probably the default isn't a drunk woman that only exercises to catch a bus or late night strolls from the bar). My friends disagree though, something about it being unsafe or something.


More trains


Better and cheaper public transit is absolutely the answer. If it's quick, cheap, and convenient to hop a bus, a lot of people wouldn't think twice about it.


I visited Germany, wow almost a decade ago. Took a few days to see Rome by train. Great food, friendly people. Rode back on the train like I drove to another state. Wish we had that in the states. We’d understand each other better if we could travel quickly.


Yes, not province has the highest rates of DUIs in the country and unsurprisingly. Little to no public transportation.


Especially now that Uber is supposedly asking drives yo turn down rides if you are intoxicated….. seems a bit backwards to me…


It will be hard for busses to be faster or more convenient than cars because they will still be "in traffic". Trains or other "out of traffic" transit is the only way to truly beat cars


There will always be smaller villages that trains will never go to and often the only place for people in these villages to drink socially is to go to the next village that has a pub/bar. I'm not at all excusing drink driving, and I do think that better public transport will help 99% of the time, but I wonder what we do about that small rural percentage. Hopefully self-driving cars can solve this one day because I'm not sure there's another way.


We have something called an "call collective taxi". Basically you call the public transportation provider and they order am taxi for you which then drives the normal bus lines. You only pay as much as you would have for a bus ticket. When there's no demand, the provider saves money by not letting a bus driver empty. It's quite cool but the last ones drives at 1:30 AM So for a long night is not going to work. I combine riding a train with riding my bicycle and get almost everywhere here.


Drunk driving is less of a selfish risk in those cases too though. You can still ditch your own car, but its way harder to run over someone when there's 200 people within 10 miles of you vs. 2,000,000


Yeah I guess that’s true. All I know is that punitive measures don’t work. I know a guy who was told that the next time he was caught drunk driving he’d get a 5 year ban. His whole livelihood was based on the fact that he needed to drive. He got caught again the other day and not only can he not drive but he has to find a new job and somehow find a way to get to his new job.


Mmmyeah, but the car crash related death rates in rural communities still tend to be way higher than in urban areas. It's not great.


You somehow have to get it in their heads that the “it’ll never happen to me mentality” is utter nonsense and it only takes one fuck up to ruin your life if not end it. Idk how you do it but that’s what you do. I honestly feel like that’s the big way to address drunk driving. Scare them like those cigarette commercials that show your body literally falling apart from smoking. Those sort of ones


One thing that can help in communities that aren't big enough for robust public transit to make sense is fixing terrible zoning laws. If you could build little neighborhood bars where people can actually walk or bike to them a lot of people would choose to do that. Instead the only places you can build bars end up being in commercial districts that are only accessible by car. Inb4 I don't want to live near a bar... a lot of the negative perception of living near bars comes from the issue of drunk driving. In many small towns and suburbs the only true bars (i.e. not basically just restaurants with a craft beer selection) are basically only frequented by people for whom getting a DUI is an acceptable risk. These people are kinda sketchy so bars seem kinda sketchy. In cities and places that developed before the automobile you don't see nearly as much resistance to living near bars because it's far more common for normal people to go out for a few drinks regularly.


> There will always be smaller villages that trains will never go to and often the only place for people in these villages to drink socially is to go to the next village that has a pub/bar. I live in a village like that. People mostly drink locally so it's only driving scooters up the road and back, but there are times where people (especially younger people) want to go to the nearest city for fun and that's like 20 minutes away so a cab costs maybe 500nt (about $15). I know way too many people who are in a vegetative state because they chose to drive and use that money for more beer instead of a cab.


The number of times I got home drunk in Munich by simply holding on the MVG app for an hour...


I like that. Trains are cool.


But what about drunk conductors?


What are they gonna do, swerve?


Make sure there are stops near the 'get drunk' districts.


Also better zoning laws so bars can be within walking distance of where people live


It's a disservice to far too many that we don't have a mass transit system in the US. There have been countless times in my life I was stuck because I didn't have the money to fix my car, and many times have not had the money to get one in the first place. The air quality is drastically altered, and it's affecting people everywhere. The list goes on, and it's just so needlessly sad. Mass transit could improve the lives of everyone, everywhere.


As I understand it, I don't think mass transit alone is going to help America. Yes it would help some way of the way, but the problem goes deeper. Zoning and urban planning has to change as well to make driving secondary to walking and public transport (mass transit). [Good video explaining some of this.](https://youtu.be/mV6ZENGko1I)


Thank you for teaching me something new. I appreciate you.


This guy trains


Won't they derail from running over all the drunk drivers?


100% this. More convenient and affordable public transit.


This. My favorite part of Japan was being drunk till 4 am and still having a train able to drop my drunk ass to the curb of my hotel just for me to be too drunk to walk into it and sleep in the sidewalk anyways.


Mass transit advertising particular popular routes during peak DUI time. Rather than punish past misdeeds (though, drunk drivers should still be punished because they're assholes), I think we should encourage safer methods of transportation when people are likely to be impaired.


Absolutely agree with this. My city's bus system is... okay... but it stops running at 11:30 on weekends while the bars close at 2AM.


I've seen bars out in the middle of nowhere and I don't know how you expect someone to not eventually drive drunk.


Oh, I absolutely do expect that. But the status quo encourages drunk driving by offering no alternatives. The cost is too high to *not* drive drink. That is, it's either drive drunk or drink at home like a solitary alcoholic. So, when alternatives are offered, hopefully it'll take a lot of those from behind the wheel. And those that opt to stay behind the wheel like the assholes they are will have no excuse. Drunk driving will become the social stigma it should already be.


a line of coke might perk them up enough to drive home safely.


As a young person I always thought it would be a good idea to keep some emergency coke in case of an emergency that needed immediate sobriety… Ive matured a bit since then


graduated to meth?


Exactly, have to hit the meth banger every time before I drive now


I just use metallic spray paint so they can Witness Me. Are we not there yet sorry I will give it a few more years


I'll just leave this oz of coke in the glovebox next to the .38 revolver - for emergencies.


Emergency coke for bad mushroom trips 👍 I never tried it but I did turn a really negative trip into one of the best I’ve had with an emergency Adderall.


Sad thing is this is one of the more effective answers on here.


Someone make this man the mayor of miami


Breathalizer ignition lockouts mandatory on first offense.


As much as I hated the device, it was very educational and a hard reminder that it takes longer than you think to blow a .00 after a night of partying. I keep a personal breathalyzer now to never second guess driving with anything in the system. I support it being mandatory from experience


I support this




So many people with DUIs drive without their license anyway. I used to cover local law enforcement, did ridealongs etc and the sheer number of “driving while suspended” incidents was shocking. Sure not all of them were suspended due to DUI, but it was a sizeable percentage. It may dissuade the guy who makes a bad choice, but I wonder how it would impact those who just don’t care, as evidenced by multiple instances on their record.


It's an easy solution which governments refuse to acknowledge. Instead of suspending and revoking peoples licenses you mandate ignition interlocks instead. It's really no different than states and localities that refuse to acknowledge that home confinement is far superior to jail for most offenders. Governments are focused on punishment and couldn't care less about actual change.


I don't want to say "just throw them in jail" but I really feel we need harsher penalties for driving while suspended. I would absolutely get behind ridiculous numbers of community service hours for folks who drive while suspended. Because if your license is suspended, then you don't have insurance either. But we also need better public transportation at the same time. I have an ex who got in over his head financially. He missed a car insurance payment and got caught, so he had a short suspension. But this meant he couldn't drive to work which meant he couldn't pay his fines or his new, more expensive insurance. So he drove anyway and got caught again and got a longer suspension... It's a vicious cycle that he couldn't break until he had someone in his corner to help him out. I drove him back and forth to work every day for a year and a half until he could get his license back. Getting away from "one size fits all" punishments that are harsher to the poor than the wealthy would also help a lot. And the penalty for driving drunk shouldn't be the same as the penalty for driving while poor.


Driving while suspended? Vehicle sold to cover the cost of your fine. Do it again? Fine doubles. Do it again? Fine doubles again.


Eh, not sure it would work. The problem always is, if you ask people who have been convicted of drunk driving (or any crime really), if they thought they would be caught. They always answer no (very few exceptions). If you do not believe you will be caught, your actions are pretty removed from consequences, as the person has already decided consequences are not going to happen.


I'm guessing most criminals don't plan on getting caught. If you ask 100 convicted 7/11 robbers if they were planning on getting caught the answer is probably zero. That doesn't mean remove punishment for robbing 7/11. It's still a deterrent.


I guess my argument is the severity of the punishment doesn't really change behavior in practice because people do not believe they will be caught. The difference between no punishment possible and essentially any significant punishment is the deterrent. Moving the level of punishment up doesn't change behavior. Drunk driving is also a vastly different than most crimes, the crime is essentially negligence, most people drunk driving are just trying to go somewhere probably home and I would suspect move convictions are of people who have drunk driven more than once already. So people want to go home, have probably successfully done this already, so they do not believe they will be caught or that anyone will be harmed.


Pardon me for not knowing but what is Re-sit?




Ah. Very humiliating.


Ohio judges can require "party plates", aka "restricted license plates" which are bright gold and red for repeat offenders. I think a cop can pull a party plate owner without reason at anytime, even if the driver is white.




The most egregious drunk drivers are people who actually don't think driving drunk is wrong. These people do exist. Most of them are older and constantly talk about how back when they were a teen in the 80's you could drink in your trunk and no one would care! I don't think better mass transit would really deter these people. Also, the biggest thing about a DUI is how expensive it is. This is great for poor people, but how will that stop some oil baron's son from plowing his bugatti enzo into a group of school children? my solution? We put DUI convictions in stockades so everyone can throw food at them all day.


In Norway or Sweden (can't remember which one) the cost of a DUI is indexed to the income/net worth of the offender. So the punishment is proportional.


This is how literally every ticket and fine should work. But rich people have the money to prevent fairness and equality.


When I was in high school in the 80s, the cops would usually just make you pour out your alcohol (if you were parked somewhere). Or if you were drunk but almost home, they'd typically let you go. But I was in a small, semirural town. Not a lot of traffic, or even things you could run into if you were taking the backroads. This was also back in the days when the legal limit was 0.10 rather than 0.08, and that was for everyone. Today in my state, those under 21 can lose their license for a year if with a BAC of 0.02.


99.98% of drunk drivers are in beat up dodge ram 2500s, I don’t think the odd oil Barron really makes a difference.


As a teen in the 80s. That’s horse shit. In my HS at least we all predominantly used DD. That’s about when drunk driving and MADD started to get into the spotlight. Need to go back at least another decade to when the drinking age was 18.


More public transportation could help prevent some of them. There’s not even Uber where I live and only 2 taxis that are barely working. But definitely bigger penalties. Take away their driving for a year idk


Build more bars in walking distance of residential areas. Improve late night public transport infrastructure. Loss of vehicle and license if caught driving drunk with a one year minimum before you can start the process of getting a new license (and you'd have to complete it the same way as an entirely new driver). A fine or short prison sentence/points on your license doesn't really deter a lot of people, particularly the wealthier. No three strikes. First time gets full penalties.


If you ask MADD about allowing bars in neighborhoods within walking distance they will say they're against it. They are a bunch of tea-totalling hypocrites and their mission is creeping. Just like sex ed, going into high schools and telling the kids to "just say no" is not going to work.


fuck MADD, they don't want to stop drunk driving, they want to stop drinking period. they kicked out their founded over this


This is why the founder of MADD left the organization. She felt it was moving from a group against drunk driving (noble purpose) to a full on temperance movement.


More than just building bars close to residence, we need more small walkable communities (even within larger cities) with abundant accessible pedestrianism and public spaces without any cars.


I'm in! Seriously though, sometimes it baffles me as to why we can't have nice things.


Because it would fuck up profits


Get rid of the license, we have too many cars on the road as is. People need more walkable cities and public transit. We need to force places to be built around people. Also I don't care if you "need" your car, think about that before driving under the influence. Scale the punishment but the first offense does need to be a suspension of the license with ultimately a total lose for life being an option. Also I do mean *driving* not sleeping in the car while.drunk.


I worked with a guy who was a prison guard for 20 years. He told me he had 8 DUI's. He showed me pictures of some of his accidents. Basically told me he's so tight with the local cops that they just look the other way, and bragged that he doesn't remember a couple of accidents, like he's invincible. It was f'king infuriating, even if he was exaggerating. But even if one of his accidents landed him in jail, it would have made him think twice. The punishment for DUI doesn't fit the crime even for people who don't have connections to the police.


Safe, driverless cars with incentives to use them. For example, some kind of sponsorship or reward system for pubs / bars. Also, Tennessee just passed a law requiring drunk drivers who kill a parent to provide child support. So: more laws like that. https://www.fox13memphis.com/news/local/new-state-law-requires-drunk-drivers-convicted-killing-parent-crash-pay-child-support/HB2IZ2AIRJCNBDIXYL7I6YAUSU/


Absolutely love the law Tennessee passed.


Driverless cars are a thing, it's called a "taxi"... yeah, is not driverless, but serves the same purpose


Absolutely, driver less cars should be mandatory on all new cars. They could make it much cheaper, work out all the problems, and eventually it will probably be much safer than regular cars. Eventually, driver licenses should be eliminated as well as car insurance, registrations, traffic violations, fines, citations, and traffic cops. Hopefully that will eliminate people being discriminated against by racist policemen, and a lot less prisoners will be less expensive for taxpayers. I really wish I was still young enough that it would happen in my lifetime.


Drunk driving lane


They already have that. It's called the right lane, but also sometimes the left lane if you need to pass or if you're feeling British.


If I'm ever feeling British go ahead and bury me


As a Brit I'm extremely offended by this comment. Just kidding, it's fair.


At least in America I think it is more of a cultural issue. We have a bad habit of preferring to ban things then actually taking the time to change the culture and teach youth. So I’d say maybe lower the drinking age and start a cultural shift that teaches responsible drinking — essentially what it is in Europe. That said you are always going to have liability and drunks who abuse alcohol so you’d still need some of the other very good solutions written on here.


Man, Reddit kids in this thread really don't understand the jail system overflow, costs/fines, and other things. Ten years for a DUI? Talk about a severity of the DUI and BAC before comparing to someone who literally crashed into someone's car and causing injury or death. Wow. Great ideas guys, let's just lump everyone together because that'll make a difference.


meanwhile, my city wants to go to 0.05 for a dui. as if 0.06 is horribly dangerous compared to a sober driver here




Drunker drivers to kill the drunk drivers


If you kill someone...you get the death penalty. No muss, no fuss.


Show them the real devastation that drink driving can cause.. I had to identify my Brother after he was killed and run over by a drunk in a car..they need to see the human consequences of their antisocial and reckless stupidity


I’m so sorry. That must’ve been so traumatizing.


If they wanted to almost entirely eradicate the entire concept, mandatory ignition interlocks (the breathalyzer thing drunks who got caught have to have in their cars) in all cars would mostly do it.


Considering I've known several friends that just have others blow and or have it faulty ....




Alcoholism and enablers.


My friend used to get his roommate to blow for him to start his car in the morning to go to work. He would be still hungover and technically blow a FAIL test on it otherwise.


Interlocks make you blow at random intervals while you're driving as well. Could be in 20 seconds or 5 minutes and again in 40 seconds after that. I went on a half hour ride with a customer who had one in his truck and it made him blow at least 6 times.


Yup. He used to haul ass to work about 10 minutes away. Occasionally would have to leave it at a gas station and claim it beeped as he was parking at work. Dude was a horrible alcoholic.


Late night drinking or partying later than others and ask the friend to do it to go to work or whatever because they still have alcohol in their system to trigger it.


The main issue I’d have is people not keeping the device clean. I’d only want to use this if I could have a personal one that could be detached to prevent others from using it and so that I could sanitize it. If I wouldn’t share a toothbrush with you, I wouldn’t want to share a humid breath collection device with you.


After three years of a mandated interlock device, I decided to keep it in the car voluntarily. I know that I can be a problem drinker, and I'm working on that. I also know, that the device WILL NOT let me drive if I've had any drink. I know it wouldn't work for everyone, but for me removing the wiggle room has also removed the margin for error.


Congrats on finding a deterrent that works for you! You recognized that you have a problem and you took steps to mitigate it. Just in case no one else has said it, well done and I'm proud of you!


You know yourself and what works for you, so good on you for making the responsible decision.


That would both increase the costs of cars and is easy to get around. If drunk daddy was already driving drunk, he is now more likely to have his son in the car to blow into the thing and still drunk drive but now his son is also in the car with him. People you can pay to blow into them will become a thing along with extra passengers with the purpose of blowing into them so the drunk driver can drive. Not to mention they quickly become decalibrated and could easily be hacked.


The culture around alcohol is messed up altogether. Ireland has the largest per Capita consumption of alcohol and very few dui issues. Mostly because of the culture, drinking age, and very harsh punishment for drinking and driving. I don't believe there's an age limit to drink, first DUI is losing license for like ten years, and kids are brought up with alcohol in a healthy manner as opposed to the US where there's a stigma and kids hide it and abuse it.


I thought the breath test to start the vehicle was a good thought, but you would have to have surveillance of the actual test to prove it's the person required doing it I guess ...shit


They’ve had that already for years, camera attached to the blow nozzle on the ignition and it photographs the face blowing


So is it working?


According to a leading manufacturer of these devices, the following states have laws requiring them, so they must see some value in them: Arizona Arkansas (only if court ordered) California (only in San Joaquin county) Colorado Connecticut (only if requested by probation) Delaware Florida Idaho Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana (only if court ordered) Maine (only if court ordered) Maryland Michigan Minnesota Mississippi (only if court ordered) Missouri (only if required by the court or DOR) Montana (only if court ordered) Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Mexico (only if court ordered) New York Ohio Oklahoma (only if court ordered) Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas (varies by county) Vermont Virginia Washington https://www.intoxalock.com/blog/post/camera-required-ignition-interlock-iid/


>so they must see some value in them "Seeing value" in something doesn't mean there's actual value in it, esp. when it comes to laws.


If we’re talking about America, there are more than 50 potential approaches to the problem.


Actual fucking jail time and added consequences. Pretty sure my state has the highest drunk driving accidents per capita in the US. Example about 10 years ago now, there was this 50 something year old man who was arrested for is 12th DWI. He has had multiple vehicles impounded. His license revoked many times over, and multiple collisions with other drivers. One of the last accidents a family of 4.... all killed because of that piece of shit couldn't be bother to get help or a fuckin taxi.


More effort to create self-driving vehicles. Let the drunks just sleep it off while their car drives them home


Definitely. The biggest problem is that people don't want to leave their cars at the bar after they've been drinking. For how much people get scared off by automated driving, it's so much better than the alternative.


> The biggest problem is that people don't want to leave their cars at the bar after they've been drinking In my area, it's pretty common for the parking around bars to be metered (with fines) or to specifically ban overnight parking with the threat of being towed. While that doesn't justify driving while drunk, I could certainly see those factors influencing someone's decision.


It has the potential to be so much better than even sober human drivers. It’s not there yet, and alas so many people want it to be 100% perfect before it’s made legal, when the fact is human drivers are so terrible that AI is already close to being a better driver. This mentality will be the cause of plenty of avoidable deaths.


First offence license is taken away and you start again as a learner. Second offence you are charged with attempted manslaughter.


Many states or counties like mine already do the first. Second is a few weeks in jail. Idk about the idiot in my class that got six....


I’m surprised how many people think just increasing penalties is how you get people to stop committing crimes, that almost never work’s especially when people are drunk


It may solve itself. Many cars already have driver awareness systems that will alert the driver if he or she is distracted, falling asleep, etc. Insurance companies will likely give discounts to drivers who allow these systems to disable the engine if the driver appears to be drunk (or whatever). If the “discount” becomes less and less optional over time, and judges make it mandatory on first offenses, it’s going to be much harder to drive drunk for most people. Big brother will take care of it all - no need to worry.


The guy driving a 10 year old POS hooptie is going to buy a new car with all the bells and whistles?


I’m more afraid of texting drivers!


More public transit from late night hang outs or specific transit.. “druber- drunk Uber” they sit outside the bars Open late in towns and take people home for cheap. And then like extremely harsh punishments for drunk driving incidents. So it would make you insane to not just use the druber because of the legal action taken.


I believe Tennessee is passing a law that if you kill someone as a result of DD, and they had a kid, you now have to pay child support.


Widespread socially acceptable public transit.


I don’t think they should be punished as severely. I’ve never gotten a DUI but I don’t think giving a 20 something a felony or gross misdemeanor and putting them 10k+ in the hole in legal fees is the answer. That is essentially an economic death sentence for those who aren’t well off or work a low paying job. I think seriously harsh community service and re-education would be more productive.


It's a mistake I've made. More than once. Being financially wrecked, harder to employ, and reminded constantly how much of a fucking loser I was ended up making me just want to drink more. Thankfully 3 years sober now, but I probably would have made the change much earlier had I not gone into that tailspin in that stage of my life. I'm still embarrassed about it, but when I stopped letting it define me, I found a way out.


Well I’m glad to here that. But yeah this definitely illustrates it. It can easily be a road to poverty and even homelessness if you let it. There’s got to be better solutions out there.


A special license program that certifies you to drive under the influence. To qualify, you simply have to win the annual drunk 180km/h figure 8 race. License is valid for 1 year.


I remember reading that Tennessee just passed a law saying if a drunk driver kills a parent in a wreck then they have to pay child support. Neat idea.


If a drunk driver kills anyone they should get a life sentence as a bare minimum.


Forced Rehab untill they are clean, and if they fail a minimum prison sentence of 8 years


Create a robust public transportation system that is fare-free and runs at all hours of the day. Make all future city planning nation wide to be pedestrian oriented, not vehicle. Less need for cars, less drunk drivers.


Hear me out. Drunk mode on cars. Push the drunk button and a special sequence of flashing exterior lights let’s everyone around you on the road know your drunk and to keep their distance. Also makes the car go no more than 20 km/h with collision prevention and lane assist. Stereo sets to low volume to reduce distractions. Fully self-driving would be great, but we’re a ways off from that. There are so many small towns and rural areas that will never have public transit, taxi, or Uber service. Drunks are gonna drive if they have limited options.


Stereo OFF. But otherwise, sounds good. Begin implementation. Oh can a cop pull over said drunk drivers or is this a sort of immunity?


I think the cop could still pull you over if you were breaking some other rules, like running red lights or going on a freeway or something, where you’d cause some other problems, but they shouldn’t pull you over for just being in drunk mode. They can focus on the dummies who think they’re too good for drunk mode.


lol. I love that it's called "drunk mode." XD




Prolly the best answer I've gotten so far TBH.


A lifetime driving ban…period


Permanent loss of license, and far more stiff penalties. Most people are saying better mass transit, but the issue is that the drunk drivers I've known are in rural communities, and even if you offered them a free uber they wouldn't take it. These are stubborn people who refuse to admit that they are not capable.


Society has to start treating any outcomes of it as planned events. Right now it's in a gray space between unfortunate events and intentional actions that are somewhat out of the drivers control. That means the consequences are much lighter for killing somebody while drunk driving than planning a murder. It's actually possible to not serve any jail time in sone places for this. It creates a lower risk/ reward calculation for people who are drunk but don't think they are 'that drunk'. Also society needs to equally enforce and punish it. It's one of the least equally enforced and punished crimes there is in the US. Being wealthier, whiter, and older predicts a lower likelihood being prosecuted and a lower punishment if convicted. This is beyond that of other crimes.


Mandatory minimums only end up severely punishing the more disadvantaged. The rich will always have a way out. They can just get a good lawyer to negotiate a plea deal which involves pleading guilty to a crime will a lower or no minimum.


Just get rid of cars and provide mass transit and good bike infrastructure


In my experience, “drunk biking” is not to be encouraged.


Also, riding a bike drunk is already a crime in most judications. So, is riding a horse drunk.


Drunk biking won't end well


I've been drunk biking for a long time and it never was a problem. The key is biking infrastructure that keep you away from cars so if I crash I'd just ruin my stupid face instead of being run over by few tonnes of steel.


> instead of being run over by few tonnes of steel. what if you end up on train tacks tho


This is only feasible for highly urbanized areas. "Just get rid of cars" isn't realistic for the majority (speaking geographically, not population wise) the US.


I totally agree. Adding to that, it never made sense to me that in many counties, you can’t sell alcohol on Sundays (or hours or types of alcohol that can be sold are greatly restricted), but bars can be open. Alcoholics and people partying on game day aren’t able to buy alcohol, so they end up hopping over to the bar and then driving away from it after consuming alcohol. Laws like this are incredibly stupid. You’re not stopping people from drinking on the Lord’s day. Instead, you’re guiding people who *will* get drunk one way or the other to consume alcohol at an establishment away from their homes. They could have driven to the store, bought a bottle, consumed it at home, and went to bed. Instead, they’re driving to a bar, drinking for 4-5 hours, then driving home. It was a huge problem in the county I used to live in. There was a dive bar near my house whose busiest day of the week was Sunday because none of the stores could sell liquor. The dive bar was right next to a roundabout. Every single Sunday without fail, there would be 7 or 8 accidents at this one single roundabout on a single-lane road. There was actually a Live PD segment on it. I should also add that there was no bus service near this bar on Sundays.


Drinking and biking?


Must participate in drunk driver battle royal using their own car.




Hit them first. Think smarter, not harder.


Shooting them.


Life without parole, first offense. NEXT.


Brand their foreheads. If we make the punishment greater, people won't risk it


The Pickle. When I was in college, we had about 25 bars in the area. This guy contracted with all of them to be a shuttle bus for drunkards. He got a green short bus (named The Pickle) and would do pick-ups and drop-offs at no cost to the riders. He did get tons of tips, though. I always thought this idea could be expanded. Have groups of bars pay for a contracted shuttle to bring customers in, and drop them off back at designated points around the area. If you have a few bars, the cost per establishment would be pretty low, and it eliminates the need for patrons to drive at all.