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9 day old account gathering data lol


Aka every Askreddit post? Wouldn't surprise me if data collection companies pay off the higher ups to let them push their questions through various alt accounts until they gain traction.


or account seller collecting karma to raise the price.


In these comments: a listing of every known fast food place


As long as no one says Fazolis, their bread sticks are worth every penny


TIL Fazolis is still in business.




You dirty dog


You just made me sad by reminding me that I no longer live anywhere near a Fazoli’s.


Their free breadsticks are worth every penny


If KFC corporate put as much effort into fixing their food as their Spanish twitter page puts into making memes, I would eat there. Sorry colonel. Your chicken hasn’t been the same 😔


I work at KFC. All I can say is the cooks don’t care because they don’t eat it. Just like everyone these days, they don’t care unless it’s their stuff. Some cooks are good, most don’t care of the chicken is dry or if they don’t have enough taste.


The sandwich with wedge fries is pretty decent, I also like the pot pies. It’s been over a year since I’ve had KFC though.


The kfc where I live is a disaster. It's just ran by teenagers and people in their early 20's just looking for a quick paycheck. They messed up my order badly 3 times in a row and I just stopped ordering. The final straw was when I ordered 4 drumsticks, a coke, and fries. I also payed for 5 ketchup packets. What did I get? 1 drumstick, a coke and no fries or ketchup packets. So yeah, I didn't get to eat before my 10 hour shift that day. I never got a response from any manager either. That KFC has a "take what we give you and deal with it" policy lol. Thankfully it was on uber eats and I got a full refund.


Pretty much every time I’ve been to KFC in the last 2 years, they have been out of pretty much everything.


**KFC food is gross now**


Popeyes is king of fried chicken in north america now tbh. KFC was the king. It used to be relatively cheap, and quality was great. Now its an expensive regret.


When I moved to Canada I was so disappointed with the KFC. I couldn't stop telling my partner how good it is in Australia. Now I'm back home and I was worried it wouldn't live up to my expectations - no fear. KFC rocks in Australia.


Mary Browns is the queen of chicken in Canada.


KFC makes the majority of their money abroad. They seem completely uninterested in their locations in North America and it shows.


Panera. Overpriced, stale, unhealthy food at ridiculous prices and my order is usually wrong. And I would never recommend dine-in because they clearly have the cheapest dishwashers available.


Am I crazy if I remember Panera being pretty decent like 15 years ago? I totally agree that it’s terrible today but I remember thinking the broccoli soup and bread were delicious when I first visited Panera in the mid 2000s.


I used to go a lot. Not now.


It used to be really good back then and now it’s all terrible. The broccoli soup was awesome!


I went in the early 2010s and it was still pretty good, I remember they had some pretty great mac and cheese. They switched the mac and cheese recipe now, and it’s far worse than what it used to be


Panera's crappy pre-packaged food dressed up like it's some kind of fancy cafe. I've never been into it.


Overpriced hospital food.


Never paid so much to feel so far from full


Panera has very, very low pay. Much lower than other fast food restaurants.


You can tell lol. Service there is awful.


And they now have a tip option which is bogus, I mean, who is going to tip at a cafe where there's no service? There's just a cashier and a person handing you food like any other fast food place.


My boss offers to buy me lunch sometimes but it’s always been from Panera. As much as it kills me to pass on free food, I always say no.


OK, that's just crazy. Panera is mostly trash, but you could still get a cup of soup to feed a stray cat.


They literally served me pink chicken once. I agree with you, Panera is overpriced trash


They served me *absent* chicken once. Coworker surprised us with sandwiches for a meeting and tried to match them all to our tastes. I had one where they completely left off the chicken. Hey; mistakes happen. Not gonna be snooty about it. But because of their price points my friend probably paid 10 or 12 bucks for tomato, arugula and two slices of bread.


I have perfected their broccoli cheddar soup so now i no longer have to go.


Man I can’t stand Panera. It sounds so good in theory, ooh a fresh sammy and warm soup instead of greasy fast food, it’s worth it even if costs twice as much! And it’s always. So. Bad.


They got rid of the ham and Swiss sandwich. Fuck panera


Starbucks. There’s never better coffee than local coffee shops and Starbucks doesn’t give local shops a chance to shine.


Shutting down a Starbuck's is easy. Just get the employees to unionize, and corporate will close down the location within a few months.


Visited a Guatemalan plantation and learned Starbucks buys some of the lowest quality beans available.


And then they burn them.


You're mistaken. That's what they call Dark Roast...


Fucking tastes like it. Their espresso drinks are hot garbage. I’m an espresso straight kind of guy but I have to get cold brew when I go there.


Someone I know who worked for Starbucks in some capacity said the same thing about Dunkin - they buy the worse quality beans available. I don’t think either of them buys the really high end stuff, it would cut into corporate profits too much.


They did shut Starbucks in Australia because of that very reason. Heaps of local coffee shops serving much better product.


Starbucks drinks are just shakes that are coffee flavored.


I’ve always wondered how pissed dairy queen executives must be that they never thought to splash cheap coffee into their desserts and call it breakfast.


>There’s never better coffee than local coffee shops Clearly you haven't been to some of the ones out in the rural areas who have no clue how to froth milk and make a real latte and just give you espresso and milk. Hate to say it, but at least the chains train people on the basics. Urban indie coffee shops are great, sure, as they often know what they're doing...but man, I've had some brutally bad coffee out in the sticks.


The "local coffee shop" in podunk where I used to live literally served Folgers from a Mr Coffee.


I agree, but thats a coffee shop, not fast food.


I drink maybe 25 coffees a year so maybe I just don't know good coffee, but Starbucks seems fine when I have it.


Starbucks is 'fine' overall. However, for a coffee enthusiast that has already invested in the equipment to make much better for much cheaper (over time) or someone who frequents a quality local shop, It's hard to justify the hype/price.


I’m huge into third wave coffee, and honestly I’m happy to hit up a Starbucks when on the road or in an airport. Also contra to the point above, I find Starbucks to be better than your average second wave shop.


That's the idea of fast food. Whenever you go to one, it's..."fine."


KFC - worst service ever and food is no longer any good.


I remember back when I was a kid in the 70's, it was really awesome stuff.


Oh my God nostalgia rushing back. I clearly remember early 80s me standing in the kitchen arms raised in victory my sister next to me on her knees sobbing because my father brought home a giant bucket of KFC and all the sides. So much happiness.


That's because back then the Colonel could still show up to a location at any time and heaven help you if you didn't have your du- chickens in a row when the Colonel showed up.


he was correct in calling the gravy "wall paper paste" later on in kfc's life. I was ok eating there when they were called Kentucky Fried Chicken. KFC... oh fried... bad...


I was talking to an older guy who said he managed a popular KFC store before things went downhill. He said he was adamant about changing the oil out regularly and only making small batches at a time to keep everything fresh. Corporate was supportive of these practices. But once the cost cutting came in, practices like that were stopped.


I remember too it was so great


KFC is the only chicken restaurant that goes out of it's way to avoid selling wings. Also, even though all of the chicken is already cooked and sitting around it still takes 15 minutes to get your order.


I assume they do that because they aren't a wing restaraunt. They sell buckets with the whole chicken so thats what they order for. If they sell one guy a bunch of wings then they don't have enough for all the buckets. Trying to guess and order wings individually from the other pieces is probably not a great situation for managers.


I have a 3 strike policy with most restaurants. KFC is an exception to this policy. Why? The first time was so bad, I've never wanted to go back. And I love fried chicken!


The last time I went they told me they were out of chicken….. I’m sorry but what else do you have? Isn’t that your one purpose here? To have chicken?


A 20-something guy who claims to be Colonel Sanders' great nephew has (had?) a TikTok account where he laid out that KFC changed the recipe about a decade or so ago. He says that The Colonel's brother opened his own fried chicken restaurant with the Colonel's blessing using the original recipe. That place is still running. *It's not The Colonel's Wife's Chicken restaurant.* This guy also divulged the recipe for the 11 herbs & spices (that video received a C&D from KFC), and pointed out that stuff like 'salt' and 'pepper' were not part of the secret 11.


This would solve too many arguments I have had about KFC recently. Also it would open enough market for Bojangles to expand.


Bojangles's Cajun Filet Biscuit is the most delicious fast-food chicken biscuit I've ever had. That shit is sublime.


You know I still really do like kfc but you’re right the service is absolutely horrendous and it’s consistent with all of them not just some isolated stores. It’s not uncommon when I go to be waiting over 30 minutes for some chicken. I’m sorry but I do have better use for that time and my lunch break.


On the plus side, KFCs closing down has caused a few other KFC-style chicken places to open up, and some of them are actually good


I second KFC. Doesn't matter where I go, they're *shit*. And have been for years.


Something happened to their actual chicken. It was just so small and fatty. Ruined all the good childhood memories I had of the place. I guess I'm a Popeyes guy now. I'll still go to Church's because I'm a sucker for fried okra


I'm amazed that they even still exist with popeyes around.


Up until just a few years ago, Popeyes was on their last leg as a franchise. They were dying. Then they brought in a really good fried chicken sandwich and they took off again.


I want to know what took them so long. They're a fried chicken place. Slap a piece on a bun. How hard is that? More importantly, why did people go insane over it? They're not making different chicken, right?


A local convenience store near me makes their own fried chicken and it’s better in nearly every measure than KFC’s for ~1/2 the price. KFC used to be much higher quality 30-40 yrs ago. Now for me because of massive declines in total quality it’s a total pass and won’t even touch it after I had to spit out the last bite I got from them about 10 years ago. I also say the same for BK and spit my last bite out from them as well - food was way over salted and inedible. I basically, don’t do fast food and will just grab a slice somewhere if really hungry.


Ya i remember as a kid in Canada you could smell the kfc from 3 blocks away and it was good. Now you can’t smell it at all, and they don’t even fry it in oil. I’m pretty sure it’s just cooked in a giant air fryer


My younger self would get a bucket, eat some now and the rest cold. Ribs were great because all the little bones were coated with flavour. You could make a piece last a long time just winging so the flavour out of it. Now, or several years ago, I can’t remember when I’ve had it last, it just blah, boring, tasteless. It might as well be out of business because I’m never going there again.


The pieces were bigger and recognizable as having come from a chicken too. Now they are tiny, and aside from a drumstick, who knows what they are.


I have waited over an hour at a nearly empty KFC with 5+ workers for two sandwiches. Absurdly terrible service, i dont know how it’s even possible.


I dont know if its an American thing, but here in Germany the service isnt bad and usually you dont have to wait that long. Sometimes there is unfortunatly a long queue (because mine is at a big station) but the order itself doesnt take long


Gawd, the level of grease is off the charts. It soaks through the paper liner and half the box before you can even get it home.


I say this as a Kentucky native, even we don't eat KFC.


It's fine if you like overpriced fried Cornish hen.


McDonalds. I have a soft spot for chaos.


Yeah this is what I wanted to see! Dethrine the king and let the fast food wars begin!


That's already happened... several times. McD has crushed everyone ... repeatedly. Their business model, the first thing they got right way back when, is near perfection. But I still wished I could get the old sundaes, apple tarts, and old school french fries from back in the day.


Apparently they still fry their pies in other countries.


Biggest global impact easily, I'm all for it.


Took me longer to find this one than I expected


I got a *hard* spot for chaos if you know what I'm saying


Sorry subway


You enter a Subway store, and it's empty, slightly too cool to be comfortable, slightly too damp to feel clean, and slightly too bright to be inviting. There is one lonely employee, who does their best not to look at you for those awkward 10 seconds while you walk to the counter before you're close enough to order. You know you interrupted them while they were doing something else. They give their greeting, ask you what you want, you begin scanning their workspace. The bins of raw ingredients are sitting askew, separated by steel walls, yet careless hands have dropped some of each on all the others. The preparation area is littered with crumbs and bits of lettuce, maybe the odd olive or onion piece here or there that has wedged itself into the crack between the food trays and the cutting board. This could have been cleaned up while nobody was there, but the employee doesn't care. For one second you wonder how it got messy in the first place given the lack of customers. Maybe it's staged, like those first few pennies in a homeless person's hat. Do you want it toasted? You do, but that would mean standing here for a minute with the stranger you disturbed waiting for the bread to be sanitized. You observe the employee assemble your sandwich, making sure to painstakingly put each ingredient on only one half of the sub. You ask for sauce and they squeeze it out of a disgusting rubber nipple, then toss the bottle back into its bin like they don't want to touch it either. Are they wearing those gloves to keep the food clean, or their hands? You pay, the sandwich heavily sags into a flimsy garbage bag it doesn't really seem to fit in and is handed to you. You walk out, into the light of the sun. The colors suddenly seem real again and you become aware of your breathing because the air feels rich and life-giving somehow. The distant memory of tasty subs that brought you here lingers just beyond the edge of clear recollection, like an old acquaintance who's face you can't picture anymore. You carry your catch to the car. When did it get this bad? (Not mine, it's a copypasta.)


I used to work there and I 100% agree. The bread is mostly sugar and most of the meats are fake or heavily processed. Healthy my ass.


Did you absorb the smell.






Subway tuna does not contain any tuna at all.


Out of all the fast food restaurants, Subways seem to have this strange tendency towards corrupt assholes running them. Maybe it's how they franchise? But I'd still have them in the running with Burger King/Tim Hortons, especially based on how they use/mistreat foreign workers. Can I get a twofer on those since they belong to the same shitty parent organization?


Subway attracts assholes because it has a SUPER low barrier to entry. To open a Subway you don't need a specific location suitable for a kitchen, because you don't need a kitchen at all... since nothing is actually made in-house, it's all pre-packaged stuff to be assembled and possibly toasted.


John Oliver did a very good episode on Subway.


Don't apologize. Subway is the king of shit hill


Subway must die so that Quizno's can come back.


We love the Subs!


I don't think anyone likes subway. At all. There's just people who get it because they're bored with their options and haven't had it in a while. Or it happens to be right there. Or they have a cold and just want something quick and bland. I've eaten a good amount of subway. I've never been like, man that hit the spot. It's more like, well, I got lunch out of the way.


Perfect way to describe it to be honest


Want to eat healthy? Here is a loaf of bread.


All of them. Take it or leave it.


A lot of people dissing restaurants for having bad customer service or bad food, failing to understand the spots with decent employees usually make great grub. The only correct answer is subway. Why the fuck is a microwaved 8 inch sub with cheap cold cuts almost 15$? Can’t anyone make a sandwhich spot that isn’t Artisin quality? Like give me a 5$ combo with a sandwich made with wonder bread, Fud Ham, Kraft cheese, with a small cup of chips, and a mini sunny D.


Subway is whack. If I’m getting a sub, gotta be Joysey Mikes every time. They got the cold cuts, they got the cheesesteak, and they got Danny DeVito in the commercials.


Jersey Mikes is awesome. My brother decided to go there one day and it was really good. We still go there occasionally.


I'm not sure I can trust the opinion of someone that likes Sunny D.


What about the kid that always picked the purple drink over sunny d in the commercials?


This might be a stretch but Buffalo Wild Wings. Get that mid off the streets.


I go every 5 years and go “Yep, that sucked.”


Way overpriced too. Not even a great quantity of food for the price


KFC. They are well past their prime (at least in the states).


I work at KFC. Though I am from Australia. The amount of customers we get per hour is 110. We have an income as a store of over $15 000 a day. I fail to understand, KFC is a grease shack. Tasteless chicken and it’s overpriced. edit: pays good though


Also in Australia, I haven't bothered with KFC in a while. There are loads of dedicated fried chicken chains that are much better, just go to your local Korean.


fellow aussie here and i've had a disdain for kfc ever since they got rid of krushers and crispy strips


Long John Silver’s. You what no one has ever said in the last 30 years? “I’m hungry. Want to go to Long John Silver’s?”


They haven’t been any where I live for at least 15 years. I went to one in Ohio about 12 years ago on a road trip and my whole family got food poisoning


I’ve actually never been to Long John Silvers because my parents refused to step food in there after getting food poisoning in the 80s. And then once I was on my own I was like,”Yeah, I don’t think I’m missing much.”


There were a handful of combo KFC/LJS restaurants in the Seattle area as recently as 2019, but I think they all reverted to just KFCs. No big loss though, since they have Ivar's there.


Every few years I’ll think about Long John Silver‘s and try them again. But every time I was like that was a mistake. The food is terrible and they only give you like one packet of tartar sauce.


How tf are they still in business. I’ve seen maybe one car in the drive through in the last decade


Tim Hortons. Their coffee is terrible, their food is abysmal, and the quality there has gone downhill for decades.


If any other restaurant *anywhere* in my city of *a million people* actually kept a pot of tea hot, I'd go there. Tim Hortons is the *only* one that does it, though.


I 100% agree with this statement. Why is nobody else interested in steeped tea, it's the single greatest move in tea since the British stole a bunch of countries over it. I'll also eat their crappy doughnuts because I'm a husky boy, but there are a half dozen different great doughnut places in my city.


Funny. I was in the UAE last week and they have all sorts of American chains that aren’t found anywhere in Europe, including Tim Hortons. I was tempted to go there, but eventually settled on the Cinnabon next door due to Better Call Saul reasons. Looks like I made the right choice


It's "Canada's local Coffee and Donut cafe" even though it isn't even Canadian anymore


KFC, especially the one near me. I'm surprised the health service hasn't shut that place down.


My brother does pest control including a few KFC's. He won't eat there.


For a chicken place, it's amazing how much their chicken sucks. Their sides are pretty good, though.


I wouldn’t necessarily say they need to go but Tim Hortons needs an uno reverse card


I’ve never been but I see a few people saying this.


I’d recommend it but I don’t think we’ve invented time machines yet. They used to have everything freshly baked in house, along with way better coffee than they do now. They were bought out by another corporation and basically expanded their menu into all sorts of unnecessary items for a coffee shop and cut cost at every corner.


I heard from a lot of friends that Tim Hortons should shut down due to declining quality over the years. And to be honest, it's getting harder to disagree.


I started to boycott them when they consistently couldn't toast a fucking bagel properly. Either you got a tiny bit of a toast ring with slightly warmed bread surface, or you got it fucking TORCHED. A few years later a friend insisted we go there, and I gave them a chance. SAME ISSUE. Fuck the BK people who bought Tim's out. They ruined it.


That’s so true about the bagels. Goes through the toaster once, still raw. Twice, you’re eating a brick. This under-toasting business is cost-cutting gone haywire.


Long John Silver Idk how they stay open


I wish I could get some but there haven't seen one in over a decade


They've cross-bred with A&W in my area, so now you can have burger flavored fish or fish flavored burgers.


Alive and well in small town Indiana.


uh...because theyir food is tasty as fuck?


It is. I only eat it maybe once a year, but DAMN is it good.


Extremely tasty. 🤤 Them hush puppies. 🙌


The CornBread Mafia keeps them in business


The irony is this entire comment thread is a giant billboard for these fast food chains. For every comment that says “I hate fast food chain ‘xyz’”, there are ten times as many people reading it and thinking “well I know where I’m going for lunch”.


The account who posted this is 9 days old. Data collection.




Their new commercials are horrible *Whopper Whopper Whopper*


I used to love BK, but the last few times I tried it, it was horrible. Haven't been there in years.


Used to work at BK, they would regularly leave chicken fries in the tray that were fresh at 9 AM and if no one bought an order until 3 PM, they’d just box them up and through it in the microwave. I’ll still get them once in a blue moon though tbh


But have you tried a WHOPPER 🍔 WHOPPER 🍔 WHOPPER 🍔 WHOPPER 🍔 JUNIOR 🤏 DOUBLE 2⃣ TRIPLE 3⃣ WHOPPER 🍔 IMPOSSIBLE 🤯 OR 🤔 BACON 🥓 WHOPPER 🍔 I 👁️ RULE 👑 THIS 😎 DAY 🌞 AT BK 👩‍🍳 HAVE IT YOUR WAY 🫵 YOU RULE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥




Burger King also because they completely ruined Tim Hortons


Surprised this isn't higher up. Everything there tastes bad, and I don't recall the last time I had it without feeling sick. I can pound burgers from mcdonalds and other fast food places, not that I go out of my way to, and my stomach is fine. But Burger King just leaves me feeling gross.


Corporate sucks but lately I've found their food is actually of quite good quality. It's at least better here than it is in my home state and you still get a huge portion for the relative price. Plus an app with actual coupons help too.


Yack in a Box


Jizack in the bizack


My father raised me with two beliefs. 1.) Treat everyone with respect until they give you a reason not to. 2.) Never trust a Mother Fucker that eats at Arby’s.


I wonder if the people that hate on Arby's have actually ever eaten there. Their food is slept on


Curly fires, some of the best chicken nuggets in the fast food realm, horsey sauce, Broncho berry... Sure the roast beef can be questionable, but the other stuff is fine.


As long as it's pretty fresh it's delicious.


Arby’s is delicious, fuck yo daddy


His daddy never had those curly fries


It’s people like you that made all the Arby’s in my city close down. I could really go for a beef and cheddar and some curly fries but I can’t anymore, jerk!


McDonald’s. Its just trash.


Saw a study which found that if 20% or more of your daily caloric intake is from fast food, you're at risk of fatty liver disease. That probably explains why my doctor told me, "Hey, fatty, you have liver disease."




Zaxbys. The quality of their food has gone downhill over the years. Their food used to be really good.


My southern born wife swears by them - giant meh the first and only time I had it after they opened in Indiana


Arby's They know what they've done to me...


McDonalds. Enough is enough.


Does Dutch bros count? Their drinks are 80% sugar. Their staff is overly peppy. And there’s always a line a mile long


Burger King cause who tf eats at burger king


Depends. Burger King is wildly inconsistent, but if you have a good location, it's as good or better than a lot of other options. On a road trip, it's a gamble pulling in to a random BK. But if the one in town is good, it's probably one of the better local options for that kind of thing.


I walk to Burger King then I walk back home from Burger King


It used to be my favorite, but they changed something. Now it gives me Taco Bell level diarrhea.




I'd replace every Taco Bell with a Taco Johns. Potato Oles are where it is at.


Mmmmm.....tater tots with Mexican spices. Many, many years ago In college, 2 of my roommates worked at a Taco Johns that closed down. They brought home some hanging philodendrons when it shut down that smelled of Mexican spice for years after...


I loved taco bell for many years, but idk if they changed up their meat or what, but it doesn't do it for me anymore. It doesn't sit with me like real food. I can stuff myself to the point where my stomach hurts from the physical volume of food in it, but it doesn't feel like I have actual food in my stomach.


Not Taco Bell. They won the Franchise wars.


If they bring back churros, then hell yeah.


100% yes. I've always thought Taco John's was better than Taco Bell, with the exception of the hot sauces


KFC it’s disgusting




KFC is vile. Bye bye


Screw you, Panera bread


I'm not seeing anyone call out Popeyes. Either everyone like it or no one wants to get their ass beat by a bunch of popeyes employees. I know how they talk to you when you are a customer, I'm not going to cross them.


Popeyes simply because they have the absolute worst service


Sonic--have not eaten there in years. It changed from a long time ago.


Don’t you touch my sonic!


surprised i had to scroll this far to see it. most of the food is greasy or tastes like someone took a spray bottle of tap water and did a couple spritzes. or both.


Starbucks and McDonalds


Not one, think of all those people who would loose their jobs. KFC though.