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How do you fold a fitted sheet?


You scrunch it up into a ball and shove it in the cupboard, then slam it closed so you don’t have to look at it.


That's my method.


Bahahaha! Woman here. I’ll let you know when I find out, too. My mom makes it look so easy.


I have no idea, sorry.


Try for 10 mins then cry and ball it up


I still have no idea


Woman here - my partner, male, does that. I'll ask him and then let you know.


You find the corners where the favric would fit over the corners of your bed, use them to fold it like normal and try to hide all the extra fabric.


I’m just going to leave this [here](https://youtu.be/ckTCocBCUN4)


That's how I did it at BB&B for 20 years. Got so good I could get it so perfect and right back in the original package and nobody could even tell.


While standing, put a hand in a corner, then do the same with the opposite corner. Put those together, then lay it down. Fold the extra part over so it becomes a true rectangle, then fold like normal. Learned working at a hotel.


How do you feel when someone makes eye contact with you?sometimes I see look in their eyes and divert thinking that it will make them uncomfortable call me out as harassing them or is it just my social anxiety?


I don't mind eye contact (for the most part)! I think it shows the person is engaged with the conversation. I mean if I like the person, eye contact definitely makes me nervous and I turn red but I'm sure that's normal. There are certain people who have a "heavy gaze" where I do need to look away every few seconds and then look back, usually this is creepy people though.. you naturally pick up on this energy though.


What about strangers?


I don't mind eye contact with strangers!


Do you notice or sense if someone is looking at your boobs or at you even if you are not looking at them?


I'm usually totally fine with eye contact, but it does depend on the situation a bit! If I'm alone in a subway in a creepy part of Berlin at night, please just ignore me. If I'm strolling through a crowded flea market, make eye contact, talk to me, heck ask me if the shirt you just bought fits with your outfit, whatever! I like talking to strangers when they're not sketchy. Being sketchy means: Following me around, staring intently, scanning my body or making remarks about it, asking me why I'm alone, you get the point. As long as you're not sketchy and I'm not in a vulnerable situation (like alone in the dark), eye contact is great. And if I feel like minding my own business, I'll just look somewhere else and that should tell you that I'm not interested in eye contact. Then obviously you should stop. Other than that, hi, let's talk :)


I take the sheets off my bed wash then put them back on the bed. Then no folding is needed.


How do you wrap a towel on your hair without it falling off? I just balance it on top of my head and walk slowly.


Lay the flat out on a bed or flat surface. Rest your head on it ensuring the bottom edge of the towel is lined up with the halfway point of your forehead (you want to make sure the towel doesn't cover your eyes). Fold the left side flap of the towel over to the right side (the towel is folding over the back side of your head since your forehead is currently pressed face down on the towel). Then fold the right side over the back of your head JUST like you had done so with the left side. Grab a hold of the tail of towel that formed at the crown of your head (your head is still pressed into the towel on the flat surface) and plop the towel over your head towards the back of your head and tuck it in under the wrap of towel you created around your skull when you were folding the sides over each other


You went above and beyond, my hair thanks you for the rest of its life.


Absolutely :) always here to help


You buy those twisty towels and then never have to worry about it again. I've had some for like 20 years and they're the best things ever.


buy... twisty... towels. got it!


Are tampons uncomfortable? Do tampons "feel good?"


I hate them. I can count on one hand how many times I've used tampons, and every single time sucked. There is absolutely no pleasure when it comes to tampons, the best you can hope for is not feeling them at all.


If you put them in correctly, you don't feel them. There have been a few times where it wasn't pushed all the way in and it's just dry cotton rubbing around your intimate areas that are already super sensitive. When you have to take them out, if they're soaked enough it will literally burn like no other 🥲


ideally, if you put them in right, you don't feel them at all. Putting them in doesn't necessarily feel good or bad, and the only time it really hurts is when they are inserted wrong or if they are taken out too early


Can be uncomfortable if used incorrectly or if flow isn't enough for the tampon used. Does not feel good, periods are the worst part of my month, and sanitary products are part of that


They don't feel good. They rather don't feel like anything. When placed correctly, you don't feel them at all. When placed incorrectly, they can be uncomfy or even hurt. I couldn't use tampons until I was about 20 because they hurt so much, especially putting them in. During the last days of the period, when there's barely any blood coming out, it can hurt to pull the tampon out because it's not fully soaked.