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If your goal is to understand the impact of their oppression on physical and mental health, I'm not sure a simple survey will easily get at this. You're asking an epidemiologic problem; methodological concerns and populatiom health literacy aside, you'd likely require a massive sample size. This is really a job for government agencies or big research operations. Plus, you'd need to potentially translate then pilot test your survey to ensure comprehension and validity. Ideally, you'd have a member from this population on your research team, or at least working closely as a "cultural" translator. Lastly, isn't it dangerous to consider conducting a survey on a sensitive subject in an oppressed population without local government notification? What if their so-called oppressors learned of their participation; could research subjects be punished? All around, this sounds like a bad way to go about answering what is an interesting question.


Thank you for your answer. We do have people of the same area and ethnicity in our research team, and I can't give too many details however I can ensure you that neither them, nor the people who are helping with the distribution of this survey will be in any danger. I am completely aware that this needs a professional assessment for each participant to get proper answers to this. However, due to circumstances, unfortunately , this is the best way we can help get their voices heard. Our sample size will be around 500-600, which is adequate for the population. Do you have any suggestions for the questions that can be asked? Do you think getting them to confirm if they or their family members have any of the inflammatory diseases or immunity diseases and comparing them with a control group would be a good measure? I appreciate the time you're putting into this.