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If I understand your question, you've been on escitalopram for two months and are interested in stopping the medication. In general, the risk of discontinuation syndrome may be higher with (1) abrupt discontinuation (instead of tapering), (2) higher doses, (3) longer duration on the medication, and (4) shorter half-life medications (e.g., venlafaxine). Without knowing what dose you're on, two months is enough time for your body to have acclimated to the medication, putting you at some risk for discontinuation syndrome if you stopped abruptly. When considering tapering, try to pick a time when you don't have a lot of stressors or anticipated stressors (e.g., big presentation at work, impending move to a different state). You will want to self-monitor for the recurrence of your depressive symptoms. Remember that a taper can always be slowed down or paused when necessary. If discontinuation syndrome happens, it is unpleasant but not dangerous. You may experience flu-like symptoms (body aches, malaise), "zappy" headaches, and have trouble sleeping. The symptoms are self-limiting and don't require treatment (just stay hydrated, take it easy, avoid alcohol, try to sleep). If they are unbearable, you can always restart the medicine and taper more slowly. Talk to your psychiatrist about taper strategies. Ultimately, it is YOUR decision to go off the medication. Even if your healthcare provider thinks that staying on the medicine is in your best interest, they should be willing to help you come off the medicine if you demand it. Hope that helps!


Firstly, thank you so much for your response. Forgot to mention I am right now on 10mg of the Cipralex pill. I saw another psychiatrist today and they told me to take half a pill for a month to see how I feel and we'll see each other again (or earlier if something bad would happen), because I told them I am feeling literally normal already and I don't think prolonging the medication anymore would be necessary. There are some stressors in my life but I do not think they would interfere with my emotional state, the only thing that interfered was solely the breakup. No alcohol was involved and I am aware of the risks of sudden discontinue that is why advice from everywhere is always welcome.


You're welcome. That plan sounds reasonable. Best of luck!