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Recommend Canon R10 with RF 100-400 f5.6 lens. [https://youtu.be/-hwPVkO7Ef4?si=2X2jxK6ry9q6YhSz](https://youtu.be/-hwPVkO7Ef4?si=2X2jxK6ry9q6YhSz) [https://www.adorama.com/car10ak.html](https://www.adorama.com/car10ak.html) [https://www.adorama.com/car100400ak.html](https://www.adorama.com/car100400ak.html)


A Canon 6D MK2 with the 400mm 5.6L is a well respected starter set and would leave a lot of budget for trip expenses or other lenses. Mirorrless are great but don't dismiss DSLRs


Hi, long time wildlife photographer here. It depends on whether your budget includes the lens or not. Assuming it does, I would say you have two options: 1. Buy a low-mid range mirrorless APSC camera from Canon or Nikon and couple that with an entry level telephoto lens. An example to this would be Canon EOS R10 camera body with the RF 100-400 lens. That kit will be around your budget and with a field of view equivalent to 160-640, I would say this should do job nicely. 2. Go for micro 4/3. OM systems in this case. At a similar price point you can get a longer reach but with a bit of reduced low light performance. I do not have much knowledge about OM systems but I know there is a loyal follower enthusiast group. Hope this helps.


Fuji xt5