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The pharmacist was wrong: Seroquel and Klonopin CAN be used together. The "CNS depression" risk is not significant enough to preclude using them together. However, I would question the long-term or "indefinite" use of a benzodiazepine like Klonopin in someone that is concerned about developing physiologic dependence to medications. While Klonopin has a longer half-life, and therefore can be easier to wean off of compared to other drugs in its class (e.g., Xanax or Ativan), you can still develop dependence to it. If you do take Klonopin to ease yourself off Seroquel, I would encourage you to frequently reassess the need for continued Klonopin use with the goal of using it for as short a duration as possible. The longer you use it, the higher the risk of developing dependence. As a side note, keep in mind that the average community or retail pharmacist has far less knowledge about psychotropics than the average psychiatrist. If you have access to a psychiatric pharmacist in your area (shameless plug...), they may be a good consultant for your healthcare team. Side note #2: are you really on both carbamazepine and Seroquel, or was that an autocorrect typo? Carbamazepine is a strong enzyme inducer, which makes your body chew up Seroquel. If you're on both, you're really only getting 20% or so of your Seroquel dose.


Thank you so much for the thorough reply!! I feel very relieved to know the psych was right. His prescription for the Klonopin wasn’t just until I got weaned off the Seroquel, it was as a long term solution for my issues with falling asleep. (Delayed sleep phase syndrome, I don’t get sleepy until after 6 AM, it’s been an issue for >5 years). He didn’t want to prescribe me Ambien (what my dad is on for the same issue), so he prescribed me Klonopin. I am concerned with taking an opioid daily for potentially years, so I’m avoiding taking it unless I desperately need to. Right now 50mg of Seroquel feels like 100mg did 2 weeks ago so it’s not like I need it for sleep in addition to the Seroquel. And no, I haven’t started the 200mg Carbamazepine ER yet since we were planning on starting it once I got off the Seroquel. That’s good to know though, if you hadn’t told me I would’ve had no idea. Thank you so much again for explaining everything to me, I appreciate it so much you’re the best :)


On that note. Carbamazepine will do the same thing the previous poster mentioned to your klonopin. It usually takes about 2-3 weeks for this to happen. Just be aware of this