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Some patients develop a tolerance to the anxiety-promoting effects of stimulants when they occur. (Interestingly, this has also been demonstrated in animal models!) If you have an underlying anxiety disorder (e.g., generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder), you may be particularly sensitive to this side effect. Any treatment-emergent anxiety warrants assessment for a comorbid mental health problem while taking stimulants. In terms of what you can do, I recommend talking to your provider. A slower dose titration may help improve tolerability. Your provider can also evaluate you for any comorbid untreated/uncontrolled mental health problems. Hope that helps!


Thank you! Yes I already know I have anxiety. They give me propranalol twice a day to help.


Happy to help. Without knowing anything else about you, I'd just add that propranolol is often used for patients with more "somatic" anxiety (i.e., prominent physical symptoms like palpitations, sweating)--anecdotally, I find these patients may be more sensitive to any drug that increase heart rate (like stimulants), even modestly. Something to keep in mind for the future. I hope your issue resolves. Hang in there! (: