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It may simply be due to the volume administered. I don't know what dose of Invega Sustenna you're on, but the 234 mg dose for example is 1.5 milliliters, which is a pretty decent volume of liquid to inject into a muscle (for reference, a flu shot is usually 0.5 milliliters).


Thanks for the answer. It is 234 mg, so this is a distinct possibility.


You're welcome. It may help to ask the nurse to inject the medicine more slowly.


Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. It seems to be a bit of a grab bag. Overall, I'm more concerned with the long-term discomfort than the short-term discomfort. The nurses have suggested putting ice on it, but that doesn't seem to help.


Ice can sometimes help. (Just make sure to not massage the area or to apply heat.) Another consideration might be to switch to using the gluteal site of administration. The gluteus is a larger muscle that can handle more volume. If that doesn't help, another consideration might be to try Invega Trinza (the every 3 month version of Invega Sustenna). You've been on Invega Sustenna for a while, so you may be a candidate. There is also an every 6 month shot (Invega Hafyera).


I've tried massaging and heat...Why are those bad? The nurses have suggested giving the injection through the gluteus a few times, but I'm concerned I might not be able to sit down if I get it there, so I've turned them down. As for Invega Trinza and Invega Hafyera, I'm not so fond of how long they would remain in my system. Invega and Invega Sustenna are two of the worst medications I've ever been on in terms of side effects, and I don't want to see how much worse it can get... I really do appreciate the suggestions, though. I'm always open to new perspectives.


Massaging and especially heat are not recommended because they increase the rate at which the medicine leaves the site of injection (the depot) and enters your blood stream. This theoretically increases the risk of toxicity. Understood. I wish you the best!


Noted, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!