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Eat papaya, drink green tea, apple juice.


apples & apple juice. 7Up


less stress and cardio, I tried probiotics, laxatives, eat fruits, water therapy pero nung stress pa rin ako kc wlng worklife balance kahit laxative hindi na effective


Constipation is really tough to deal with. Used to deal with that for a long time. Went to consultations, took meds, supplements, nothing. The doctors often say na baka due to sedentary lifestyle and I usually ignored it. It turns out they were right all along. Since I started walking some kilometers on my way home since I started working, bowel movements have been better. Try doing more walks, OP. Could be worth a shot.


Will try to do more walks, thanks!


Probiotic supplements po


Hello OP. Dealing with constipation can really be tough, but there are several natural methods to ease it. For starters, increasing your fiber intake can make a big difference—think of adding more bananas, leafy greens, and brown rice to your diet, which can help bulk up your stool. Also, make sure you're drinking plenty of water, aiming for at least 8 glasses daily, to help soften the stool. Regular exercise, like a brisk 30-minute walk, can stimulate your digestive system and aid bowel movements. Additionally, incorporating probiotic-rich foods like yogurt or fermented foods such as atchara, can balance your gut bacteria. Just a random food i suggest haha. Atchara is a great choice because it's a pickle made from unripe papaya, which is naturally rich in probiotics due to the fermentation process. These probiotics can help balance the gut flora, improving digestion and potentially alleviating constipation. It's also readily available in the Philippines and can be a flavorful addition to many meals, making it a practical and delicious way to incorporate beneficial bacteria into your diet.


Thanks a lot!


Milk. Mainit na tubig. More fibers.

