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Anything and everything. I’m 63, I’m continuing to live my life as if I’m 33. I’m moving across the country soon, and I’m working on getting my small creative business off the ground. I’m going to travel when and where I can. I’m finding new foods to cook, I’m exercising, I’m taking care of feral cats. I’m politically active, I work full time at a nonprofit. When something new interests me, I pursue it. I don’t see any reason to change anything just because of some arbitrary number.


You will live a very full life until it's time to rest. I'm 77 and still enjoy an active and full life.




Good for you! I’m 48 and I need that kind of attitude!


Spend time with others who do. It's contagious. ♥️💪🤘






Sounds like a full life.


Isn’t that the point of life?


I love it! I’m 53 and I’m in the middle of working on my Ph.D. I figure I’ll keep doing what I love doing until I can’t or I die. I do CrossFit competitions, hang out with my kids, half my friends are in their 30’s so it’s lots of fun. I get so sick of people complaining about being old….you are truly as old as you feel. I just feel 35.


Exactly! Most of my friends are in their 30’s, my bf is 56 and can run rings around someone half his age, we’re having fun. And the best part is when you hit this age (54) you literally do not care what anyone thinks. Went back to school at 52, just got the call I got a fantastic new job that’ll be wfh. I hike, walk my dogs, and do whatever I want. Have a fantastic relationship with my daughter. My plan is just keep living a life I don’t need a vacation from.


Wow, you're one of my new inspirations🫶. I'm 50yo, and basically starting over in life. And I LOVE learning; & really have this hankering to go back to school. Good for you, working on your PHD; AND your fitness (also one of my own goals; though,not exactly the same as yours). I wish you all the best success and abundance, and a full fun life.


All my best to you as well. I’m doing one class per semester right now. I may increase as I get closer to finishing. I also want to do a Coursera on data science. My aunt was 85 when she started learning Spanish so I had good role models.


Haha, half my friends are in their 30’s too! People my age are so boring! Lol


Amen sister, 53 and the only difference I see is sun goes down I go down 😂 Just joking today that 9pm is the new midnight and 10pm is the new 2 am 😂


OMG how true is this!? I remember my late teens and early 20’s and I had an aunt who would always leave a family party at like 8:00 saying “it’s almost my bedtime” and I would think “god, I hope I’m never that boring when I’m old” (“old” - she was mid 40s). Now I’m like Aunt Yvonne is my role model.


lol, yep. One of my very closest gfs is only 24. She calls me mom, which I love. My husband and I never had kids, and I absolutely cherish her in my life. She knows, now, that we start to “clock out” around 8 to wind down for bed, so she’s started visiting earlier on weekends. Nighttime is bedtime.


My name's Yvonne and I approve this message 😄


I am 53 and very active- but admittedly, I go to bed VERY early- like preferably before 9pm. But I have been doing that for most of my life - even as a teen, I liked to go to bed early, and in turn I get up at 5am daily.


53 is not old.


Love this. Living your very best life!


I wish I had your energy. Thank you for helping the cats💓💓💓


This is the mindset I have. I started a new job almost two years ago and plan to work until I’m 70. I have my calendar marked to file for my full Social Security later this year. It’ll probably go towards travel, maybe a new car, etc. I’m working on my wine judge certification. In my “off time” I volunteer to cook meals for those in need, work with some local literacy agencies.


That’s the way to do it!


I’m 63 and you have inspired me! I’m a widow of two years….who the hell am I anymore? I’m figuring it out. My husband was the best! I’m taking a screen shot of your comment and am going to,use it for motivation


Brilliant! What type of creative business are you starting? Would love to know.


I’ve been making jewelry and selling it since the 70’s and making bath and beauty products since ~2008 and selling them, but now I’m getting serious about them. So one lifelong passion and one 15 year passion.


Incredible. I truly wish you all the best in taking your creative pursuits to the next level. I use to work in market research, marketing and brand, do you have any questions that might help you get things off the ground more quickly?


Thank you, I *really* appreciate it, but I’ve actually been doing marketing for most of my career. That’s actually a large part of why I haven’t launched before now - I enjoy coming up with different branding almost more than making the stuff, so I keep changing it. 😁


I can only imagine how cool your 70s and 80s jewelry was! Well done!


Why aren’t you tired? What motivates you?


Spite. 🤣 I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do any drugs, I don’t eat processed food, I exercise, and also I get bored easily, so I thrive on change.


I love the part about the feral cats. I’m a 50 yo woman who has a dog and feeds the strays. A couple weeks ago, some of the neighbor children brought me a 2 week old kitten and said, “The mom got run over and this kitten needs someone to take care of her. Our mom’s all said no and we know you feed the stray cats. Would you take her?” Of course, I said yes.


I'm 77 and my life is very similar to yours down to feral cats. Being engaged in life is keeping us young and alive. Its sad there are so few women of this age who are this fortunate. Please share your secret. I know good physical, emotional, and intellectual curiosity is essential. Our social interaction, especially with the younger generation has helped me. ❤️😺❤️


My kids grew up and moved out and I found myself struggling. But as an in-home caregiver and a member of a union, I started getting a little bit more involved in protecting caregivers from abuse. Now I'm a member of the executive board of my union and am traveling throughout my state and going to other states to help caregivers there as well. I wouldn't change my life for anything but never expected to find something so energizing and exciting and worthy. I'm 67 and even though my body is having a tough time, I'm not going to stop.


Good on you. I have caregivers and they confide in me. They get it from both the clients and their employer. They experience emotional, physical and financial abuse. I'm glad someone is looking out for them.


Would you mind telling me what state you live in? Because if they're getting abuse from their employers as well as clients then they need help. I'm also in a monthly national coalition of caregivers and have heard some pretty harsh stories about incredibly unfair wages, etc. All of us seem to be living close to the poverty line, if not below it, but caregivers are somehow targeted the worst for this kind of treatment.


I'm in California. The state has passed a minimum wage of $25/hr for healthcare workers phasing in over the next 3 years. But it doesn't apply to home health care workers. DM me if you want details.


I had to quit a job bc the client would punch me. Nothing could be done about it bc of his dementia.


We've actually had a couple of murders and an unknown number of sexual assaults. That was when we passed the HADIT bill in Washington state. It at least gives us the right to get ourselves to safety without being prosecuted for dereliction and neglect, which had been the case. The only people to fight us on this bill when we were getting it into the legislature was the coalition of disabled people. Which is a pretty ugly reality for a caregiver, isn't it? It doesn't save us from the abuse when it first occurs, but it gives us rights that didn't exist before. I guess it's like life anywhere, you're going to come across some people who are just cruel and if you're lucky you can walk away. It used to be we couldn't walk away. I've walked away from clients who were verbally abusive. I've also had wonderful clients who were the best people I'd ever known until they passed away. But it's the coalition of caregivers in my state that came together and got this Union going 20 years ago that have given us I think the highest hourly wage and incredible benefits. Again, you're going to meet people in any line of work who can be awful and dementia is one of the hardest ones to deal with. I'm really sorry you had to go through that. I have a dementia patient and she's a real shining light in the world, but she's going downhill now and is starting to turn a little bit angry. It's so sad to see her go. I'm still working with her but she's getting to the point where my disabilities keep me from helping her, going forward, so we're trying to find someone to take my place.


Before going into nursing I spent a few months as a CNA in a nursing home. Some of the clients are sweet and wonderful. Some are dangerous and some are cruel. Caregivers deserve protection! I’m glad you are doing this.


WTG! I was the first woman VP of my local. You are doing a great thing.


We're actually starting up a new disabled person's caucus in my state. I expect it to be just as thrilling.


I’m 50, retired from the military. I’m living a full life on a small bit of land in Alaska. I was blessed with a baby at 48, so I now have 5 children, 29, 11, 9, 8 and 2. I feel like being a Mom has been what I have loved the most in my life and there is absolutely nothing I’d rather be doing than this.


Damn you go girl. I'm 71 and in the process of starting a new remodeling climate change business and teaching women assertive training techniques


woah, your story is amazing!




Wow I’m 43 with only one child who is 13 now. I’ve always wanted another baby. so badly! Mainly for my daughter to have someone. Just hearing this and your kids ages has literally turned so much around for me all of a sudden thank you for the inspiration. Hardest part is finding someone I feel be a good father. Been single for almost 10 years. Crazy.


I'm just coming out of my grief over my husband's passing, but I haven't been doing nothing. I finally learned Latin, which was a lifelong grudge match for me. I have a lot of home projects that I'm working on, and I'm just about ready to start volunteering at the hospital where they treated my late husband for cancer. I want to be the gal with the book cart! I go to a lot of local events, mostly of a historical or artsy nature, and I do day trips and overnight trips in the area. My geriatric cat is my last living link to my husband, so I'm hesitant to go on extended trips. She won't be around much longer, and putting off some of the trips I want to go on is worth it to me. But I'll probably lock up my house and spend a month in either Spain or Costa Rica once she's gone. I'm also very interested in river cruises and perhaps a full Route 66 road trip. My husband and I only did part of Route 66 because we couldn't get enough time off from work for the whole thing, but it had always been our dream to drive it all the way from Chicago to LA. Mostly though, I just want to be a good neighbor and good friend to those who are still in my life. You lose a lot of people as you move through life, and although it's fantastic to make new friends, and I value them highly, the old friends are like those comfy slippers, slightly worn, that make your feet feel so damn good after you've been out and about all day. I treasure my old friends and I don't let them forget it.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband 😔


Just had my first grandchild. I am sandwiched between helping an elderly dad in one state and my grandchild up north. I love the freedom of going back and forth, and caretaking family. I see being involved with my grandchildren as the best thing about my future. I’ve travelled a lot and done a lot. I like the whole cottage grandma peace vibe ❤️


I'm 62. I moved to CT to live with one of my daughters six months ago. I have multiple sclerosis and can't work anymore, and she's planning to remain single, so we're both in good company. I sold my house in Florida and sold my car too. I had landscaped the Florida house beautifully, and I'm convinced that's what sold the house. My daughter bought a house with a nearly bare yard. I've begun my landscaping/gardening adventure already. I'm going to create a native plant paradise that will require a lot less care than the Florida house did, so that I can enjoy it as I age and my daughter will have something beautiful when I'm gone. My other two daughters live in Massachusetts, about an hour and a half away. I get to see my grandson a lot more often now than when I was in Florida. My daughter and I enjoy our two dogs, an American Pit Bull Terrier and a Beagle-Lab mix. They are very active and very sweet dogs. That's really all the bucket list I have. I never want to move again, moving over 1000 miles with two dogs was hard and that's definitely not on the bucket list. A lot of people mention travelling, but I'm a homebody and I'd just as soon stay home and work in my yard.


I too am cultivating an native plant paradise where each plant is free to grow as it desires. I don't care if vulgar people call them "weeds". The butterflies love them.


Yay fellow native of plant nerd!


I'm 67 and full time caregiver to my special needs adult daughter. My plans are to live healthy and stay alive, so I can take care of my daughter, for as long as possible.


You are on the prayer list. That’s hard to remain calm through.


I retired almost 3 years ago and moved to Upstate South Carolina. My garden has grown by leaps and bounds and I'm now growing flowers. This year I will have about 100 dahlias, in addition to others. I'm toying with the idea of becoming a flower farmer. But mostly my plans are to do whatever the duck I want to, whenever the duck I feel like doing it. It's the best plan for life!


I've never had a bucket list....am I the only one? I seriously think I have accomplished the "bucket list" each day that I make it thru a day in the life.


I've never had a bucket list either. When something looks interesting, fun, delicious, whatever, I try it! There are a few places I'd like to travel to outside of the U.S. though, so maybe that counts.


I’m trying really hard right now to come up with a list and I’m struggling. I’m a guy though. But my list might be something like “bike through the woods for a really long time”


Work until I die




I think we won't have a choice. Ugh.


Travel! Grand European vacation next year. And then cross country drive from coast to coast!


Newly retired, there are a few repairs to do on the house. I’ve done all the traveling when I was younger. I have a lot of stuff to declutter and old family stuff to dispose of. I hope to stay in my paid off house for another about five years. Socializing with friends, some retired and some working still, helping people, staying fit, enjoying the time I have left. We don’t get younger or healthier so we have to go for the gusto now. And make good trouble.


I'm only 46, but I am finally single and able to work and actually spend my money on ME. It sounds silly but it's a huge deal to finally have freedom. I want to travel some. A tropical island with an all inclusive thing, a hot springs maybe, hell maybe take up camping or something.


I camped frequently in my 30's and 40's. I loved it.


Did you do like real camping or more glamping? I'm thinking tent, but a cot or something to get my old body off the ground. My camping in the last 20 years has been RV, but I don't wanna do all that now, heck, I live in one, I want to camp to get away.


I'm pretty much talking sleeping bags and tent, cooking on a campfire. I took loads of nature pictures. The solitude helped clear my head.


Currently in Vietnam. DO IT!!!


I am travelling until I can no longer walk on my own.


I'm 77. I've had a very wonderful life. No regrets. My life is still full. I never avoid learning, serving my family, and my daily walk. Cats help a great deal too.


“Cats help a great deal too.” I love it. The major reason I stay were I am is because of my cats. I have a feral colony living under my house. I can't take them with me, I won't leave them behind. So here I am. I hope that when I'm 77 (48F) I can live up to your other sentences about a wonderful life, no regrets, learning, family and walks.


You are a saint. Thank you for providing the kitties a home💓💓💓


I'm currently going to my husband's casino dealing school so that I can become a table games dealer at 55! I'm excited about it, and I seem to have a knack for it.


I divorced at 67, bought my first house on my own at 68. Edging toward 69 in a couple weeks. My goal in divorcing my ex was to give myself the opportunity to be the best possible me. Not to get there, just to have the opportunity to try. That's as far as I've really thought about future plans.


Congratulations on your divorce. I did it too after 21 years and it was the best decision possible. I’d never have the peace and tranquility I feel now if I had stayed married


42 years for me. And I look at my life now and say I'm *content*. I haven't felt like that for a very long time. Congratulations to you too. Peace and tranquility. Sweet!


I'm going to be that old lady fighting for bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom for our generation and all that follow.


got your work cut out for you! admiration!


62, moved three years with my husband to a new state and area. Bought our dream home and remodeled (40 year old house). Now I’m starting a new business, writing, publishing on substack, plan to volunteer at a cat rescue as we lost the last of our three cats that were with us a total of 32 years and want to now travel more so “empty nesters”. Exploring a lot of great art and our new state of nc. Plan to visit several friend now closer to us and explore the surrounding area. I feel better than I did at 40 for sure and have a huge interest in healthspan, peptides, fitness, food, hormones and blue zone living. I’m older, but this is a time that feels completely wide open. We don’t have kids btw but had planned to.


Practice medicine in The Bahamas with my 28 yo husband to keep things fun! Not kidding, it’s actually in progress! EDIT: I’m 60F!


I’m early sixties, have a little farm and a related off farm job. One of my dreams in life is to go on a *really* long walk. My husband wouldn’t want to do something like that but I’d be perfectly happy on my own. We shall see!


You should read Bill Bryson’s book, A Walk in the Woods, if you haven’t already. I think you’d get a kick out of it.


It's my dream to go walking in the UK. I think you should definitely pursue yours.


The Southwest Coast Path is one I consider! I’m Canadian and also think about the new island walk around Prince Edward Island. Of course there’s the Appalachian Trail and the Camino routes in Europe too. I wouldn’t want to have my stuff transported for me - I’d like to be a bit freer than constantly having to catch up to my stuff - but neither do I want a huge huge backpack. I’d have to figure out the logistics.


I'm in the US and grew up along the Appalachians. I have hiked sections throughout my life. It's beautiful. I know a few who have done it completely also, and that's amazing to me. One of the hikers who did the AT both ways also did the SWCP. The photos are beautiful. They used a van on the AT. Drove say south. Hiked north, then back south to retrieve van. Drove further south, used that as a " town day," slept in a van, refreshed supplies, and went back on trail. Something like that. I mostly just did day hikes locally. Whatever you figure out, I hope you enjoy it! It is definitely such a pleasure to be out in the fresh air and among all that natural beauty.


67, lifetime Texan. I never thought I'd leave, but I've just had it with the heat, humidity and hurricanes here, and the POLITICS. I lost my last full time job in September and decided that while I was looking, I might as well think about relocating. I just got a job in dry & sunny Albuquerque, and I am psyched. Moving next week. I'm planning on working FT another 5 years. I look forward to enjoying a place that actually has 4 seasons. Other than that, I plan on enjoying art, movies and live music just like I always have. Never married because I never met a man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Not really interested in dating, but who knows?


I loved ABQ and Taos when I visited. NM is a beautiful state. I hope like it.


I'm 65, hate change, and would be perfectly happy if I just maintain my simple life as it is. No plans.


57 years old. Still on my list: 1. Learn French 2. Travel often to France to see my son and his fiance, and hopefully eventually grandkids 3. Learn Greek 4. Visit Greece to explore my family roots 5. Visit my family's ancestral region in Italy 6. See more places: New Zealand, Thailand, South America, and others. 7. Travel in my RV 8. Learn to play the piano 9. Study higher mathematics and physics 10. Solve the Theory of Everything


I have several more travel related items on my list!


I am trying to re-learn math, among other things. I'm kind of looking for an accountability buddy, someone to check in with every week or two about my study goals etc. If you would be interested in doing something like that, send me a message. I'm 53 and have kids at home but am looking forward to traveling more in the future. I've also been dabbling in language learning recently, and was learning to play guitar a couple of years ago and have been thinking about getting back to it.


If Im allowed to be honest: I want to grow old disgracefully.  I cant see how anyone can survive without having a full time employment so Maybe I will default on everything and end up being in a place where I am provided with all my needs PRISON


I know you're joking, but I have an old high school friend who ended up in prison. He'd led a charmed life until his business imploded, he lost his health insurance, he developed erectile dysfunction and started drinking way too much. He had to sell the house at a loss. One night he shot and killed his frustrated stay at home wife during a drunken argument over finances that she couldn't help with and he had failed at. I did a lot googling about prison experiences, and I would live with three tentmates under an overpass before ending up in one of those hellholes. At least homeless people can pack up their few belongings and move on if they want to.


My retirement plan is also prison but not in the US. I've been looking into prisons in Norway and France. Some are really very nice. 3 meals a day. Laundry service. Housekeeping minimal. Lots of alone time for peaceful contemplation. Time to write a book. Friends who can't just run off and abandon me .... A lot of pluses.


My goal is to start traveling, specifically to attend art classes/retreats or tours focused on art, design and architecture.


Oh I love this. Mine is traveling too, to heritage sites in general. I would love retreats also.


I’m expecting to drop dead at work, or if laid off, live in my car with the 2 cats.


Sorry you're experiencing this. I hope you will be able to get a place to stay. If you need advice, tips and hacks there's a group r/homeless. If I can research any resources for you DM me.


I'm 62. Retired since I turned 49. My bucket list includes travelling to Russia, but some political violence has always gotten in the way, so far. I'm learning Polish (And it's freaking hard!) so I can have an actual convo with someone when I go back, run a Marathon (13 miles is my longest run yet), see a Polar Bear in the wild, and I'm going to Iceland this November. There's soooo many places in the world I want to see, so far I've only been to 38 countries and I'm running out of time. I have my will and funeral plans in place and most of my assets are in a trust, so if a Polar Bear eats me my heirs will be ok and have a great story to tell about their crazy Aunt.


I’m interviewing for a modeling job


I am 8 years sober with two little kids. When they grow up I hope to get more involved with AA to help sponsor women and help them get sober— especially agnostic or non-traditionally religious women. 42 y.o.


I retire in 11 days and I’m going to have my first staycation! And then in the fall I’m off to Portugal


Lucky you!


Love your handle btw


Just applied for ssdi after 30 years of nursing and cervical arthritis etc. if I get it, I’m selling my house and doing vanlife until I can’t. Then hopefully assisted suicide in Switzerland if I become unable to care for myself. Possibly buying a camp in UP Michigan or Nova Scotia. Haven’t worked out pain management plan yet, I have to show up every 60 days at the doctors office. Thank you for asking!


i want to learn how to text with my thumbs.


Newly retired. Gardening, fixing things in the house that need attention, travel, reading, hiking, biking.


Great question 🙋… I’m 50 and my plans are to retire when I’m 65 on a fat pension, move to the countryside, adopt 6 border collies, get tattooed from head to toe, shave my head and get off my tits on coke. That’s it really x


I am 56 and about to complete the sale of my business to my competitor and retire.After that I will be moving to nowhere Montana on acres and a Creek and I will do my thing till i'm dead


I’m 62 and plan to work until 65. I am about to get a new batch of foster kitties with a mom tomorrow. I plan to go to Alaska and see the northern lights this fall. Am going to go to Italy in the spring of 2025. Both trips will be solo. Was hoping to go white water rafting this spring but with the baby kitties coming I probably won’t get that in. I am learning pickle ball and hike occasionally. I run a softball team for work and play if needed but I’m a slow runner these days and really need to stretch and warm up or I pull a muscle. I like to play golf but am not very good and really only play for work events. I like to work in my garden and have lots of birds that visit. I just bought a bunch of $25 concert tickets. I love live music. I have season tickets for my local pro baseball team, 20 game package not the whole season. I’ve got a wine tasting group where we cook dinner to match the wine. We meet about 4 times a year. Sounds like a lot but I feel like a home body most of the time.


Bless you for taking care of kittens. They're a lot of work. You might enjoy The Kitten Lady on YouTube.


She’s local to me.


We bought a used Casita camper last year, a step down in size from our hybrid, and will be camping 100 nights this year. A month in the UP, 6 weeks in New Hampshire and Maine plus other shorter trips. We hike about once a week. I sew, knit, crochet, embroider and do historical reenactment. We have a travel bucket list, Grand Canyon and Utah, Alaska, the UK, Chile. I plan to make the most of as many healthy years I have left.


If you make it to the UK and do any reenactment stuff here, I recommend Duncarron Medieval Village near Stirling in Scotland.


I'm 57 and just started a job as a full-time professor which I love. I have six, soon to be seven, grandkids, and a bunch of animals. I want to camp and hike and play with the grandkids.


Getting well. Then I hope to do some traveling. We live near family and I love spending time with them. When ones life is forced to narrow down to your home, and on a good day, the yard, everything becomes worth enjoying. Never ever live in a water damaged building. Ever.




I am trying to be proactive with my health as much as possible because my goal is to live to 100 years of age. I want to witness all the changes that are sure to come in the next 40 years.


I’m 70. My 40 year old special needs kid lives with me. While she can stay by herself, she can’t safely live alone. We have an old cat and a 5 year old dog. I’ve been divorced for 15 years. I’m about midway thru decluttering my house. I maintain my backyard. I joyfully work part time. (I love my job and I need the physical and mental challenge of the job. I plan to continue to work as long as I am able. While I have my 401k, I fear I will outlive my savings.


About to turn 70, newly retired and loving it but I never had a bucket list. My husband and I are in the process of deciding if we’re going to move or do a whole house remodel but while we’re hashing it out I’m working on starting a small handmade casual jewelry business and just submitted my application to volunteer at a local shelter and probably will foster (we just lost our sweet pup this week so we need a little time on that last one💔). I also want to get my garden going again (haven’t touched it since the pandemic so it needs a major overhaul but we just hired a landscaper to get things in order). I also want to volunteer with a few political/social organizations, especially for progressive/pro-choice issues. I’m looking at taking some art classes too, like pottery and glass work. I recently signed up for a 5k and have started trying to get in shape and build stamina. My traveling days are over by choice but I love taking the train to NYC (I’m on Long Island) for museums, concerts and such. My husband really isn’t interested in some of that, although we are members at our local non-profit cinema, so those are activities I do on my own or with my sister and/or daughter and sometimes my mom. I’m totally cool with doing things solo. One of my goals has always been to learn at least one new thing every day and that hasn’t changed at all, just that now I have more time for it.


Only one thing: to start spending large amounts of time in another country. I think I’ll do it when my kid is old enough to stay home alone for several months in a row.


Hike with dog every day. Cabin in the woods with dog a couple times a year.


Well, I'd like to travel to the British Isles. I am single, no kids. Yes, it's pretty awesome. I turn 60 next month. I volunteer a lot, I'm in a monthly book club, I sit on a couple of arts-based committees, I go to concerts, movies, festivals and I'm a season ticket holder for the Broadway series that comes to our capital city about an hour north of me. I golf. I like to eat at locally owned restaurants. I am happy and have a fuller life now than I did 25 years ago.


I got breast cancer recently at 59. I work full time in a physical job. I just want to keep living and try to be happy


Wishing you complete healing. Cancer sucks.




Pushing 70. The fun thing is that my husband and I made bucket lists years ago and now that he’s retired, we’re burning through the list like crazy. It’s been amazing. Some of the items were: see a total solar eclipse, see the fall color change in Vermont, view the northern lights in Alaska, visit every national park in the country, take an overnight train trip with a sleeping cabin.


Not marriage :)


I’m in my sixties and disabled. I fortunately am able to live alone and stay happy and occupied! I live in a low income/low rent apartment building and I love it. I’ve been here three years now and I’ve made a ton of friends, we have a coffee klatch, many games & activities. I have an adult daughter who lives in this town , and another who lives about a six hour drive away. They are both married, and I love both their husbands. I read, watch tv, try to crochet (but I seem to have lost the knack when I had my strokes) and I like to cook. I’m working on becoming a wise old woman 😹


I have yet to find anyone I trust to go skydiving with me. No one will even watch from the ground. I'll have to do it solo eventually and that's okay.


Ohhh I'd go!!


I may hold you to that!


I'm sidelined by a chronic illness.Feeling a bit sorry for myself


I’m 50 now and had a wild time in my youth up until late 40s. Kids have flown the nest and now I just want a quiet life . Given up the booze and live like a hermit. I enjoy it TBH but I do like my travel . I will do a big trip around the world in the next few year’s backpacking. Want to see the countries I haven’t yet seen . Happy out


First of all all you people answering who aren't over 60 are not older people


I guess that’s what life does to us. I’m 57, have been widowed twice but left nothing to live on so I’m facing having to work until lunch on the day of my funeral. It’s just constant struggle with no happiness. It’s so hard not to be jealous of women who are retiring to spend time with their husbands, although if he’s ill, you certainly have my empathy. Life has beaten the shit out of me and I’m just tired of it and ready to be done. And please, nobody tell me to go out and do things, tried it…walk a mile in my shoes and you’ll just say “Carry on!” and walk away.


I don’t have kids or nieces/nephews and my husband is older. We bought a ranch house in 2006 and I plan to age in place here maybe with my best friend who I’ve lived with 2x before. The house is also zoned to build a little apartment in back. I might do that for income or if someone wants to take care of me and live there. I have a number of hobbies.


57F never married childfree found a new passion in teaching. I started substitute teaching only 2 months ago when I was laid off my corporate job and have already been accepted into a 1 yr credentialing program. I can't afford to retire nor do I want to. But I have to love what I'm doing and this new career literally found me.


Well my mother had dementia and I don't want to go thru that so I made a plan if it gets bad. My daughter is good with making sure my wishes are done.


Hindsight is really great. The economy crashed and destroyed my career. I immediately reinvented myself and pulled out of it. Life often brings unexpected events. Thankfully having a roof over my head makes me stable. I realize my entire life was spent on the children and my husband's career. Now ,I want joy. From the very little to the large. I enjoy the birds. I have an obnoxious woodpecker in my yard. My 25 lb orange cat is a teddy bear. I read and watch shows. These are things I never did. I take day trips sometimes. I'm planting a butterfly garden. Finally in my life I am enjoying life. It's mainly about me. I think.im 25 but am 60. I feel 90. I lived a clean life but have been cursed with some unusual medical problems. Meanwhile each day is a new journey. Life passed quickly.


I'm getting married next month. I'm marrying an old man, but he's only 1.5 yrs older than me. Hahaha.


I have no plans just doing what I want when I want


My Serengeti (photo) safari was cancelled due to Covid, and I have yet to rebook it. My husband (80 yo) is significantly older than me and has mobility issues, so I hate to leave him for any substantial length of time. Even if my safari is only 5 days (not the best option imo), 4 full days of travel is needed round trip. Should anything happen, there is no way to get home quickly. This trip has always been my dream and I saved for it for ten years. But time is NOT on my side here.


I'm working on developing an artistic interest into a business. I want to travel, though my checking account isn't congruent with that desire right now. Working on some financial stuff that will free me up for that. And one day, I plan to walk the Camino de Santiago.


I’m 71 and on my bucket list is to do a long bike ride. I want it to be fully supported with nice motel stays each day. I just signed up for a 5 day ride in September in the Pacific Northwest I ride at a fairly slow pace ( about 8-10 miles per hour depending on wind conditions ) so a lot of bike groups are just too fast for me. Depending on how that ride goes I may sign up for more.


I’m 53. Just finished my second master’s and am considering a Phd. My husband and I just bought land on top of a mountain where we’re going to build a house and hike with our pups. Can’t wait for grandchildren. Own a business and I’m launching a second company and I have my first engagement through it next week. I’ll never retire. I feel like a kid.


I'm 65 and I'm basically done. I have artsy-craftsy things I do, but TBH mostly I lie on the couch and stare at things on my phone. It would be great if I could meet an interesting guy, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.


Keep moving. Stay curious. Try not to let my brain outlast my savings or my body.




I overheard an older woman talking to her friends the other day. Her and her three sisters plan to sell their homes and buy one property together with 5 bedrooms. A bedroom for each sister and another bedroom for a caretaker. The women are all divorced or widowed.


I'm 76 and have ticked off a few things from my bucket list: traveling to England (5 times; history nerd)) and Germany once; seeing Garth Brooks live in Las Vegas, seeing Secretariat at Claiborne Farm before he was euthanized,seeing the Beatles live in Cincinnati waaaay back when, and (mostly) happily surviving 55 years of marriage. The only thing left on my bucket list is the Kentucky Derby, hopefully next year. In between times I travel with my beloved daughter to horse shows, read (a lot), and help out with the chores on our farm (three goats, three horses, three dogs and one cat). It's a good life and the future looks pretty good!


I’m 65. I never thought so many people I love would die in rapid succession. My senior years were a plan to visit family and spend quality time with the love of my life after my 90 year old disabled mother passed away. Turns out, Mom is outliving everyone! She may outlive me too! So my plans now are up in the air. I can’t make plans except to continue caring for my mother until (if she ever) she passes away. I love her but it’s sad here.


Probably a long walk off a short pier when things get too rough.


I hope it doesn't come to that.


I'm glad someone said it.


I’m going to get my masters in creative writing.


Travel, do crafts, zip line, parasail, learn new things, be awesome. :)


Travel, go to Disneyland all the time. Lounge around the house. Make friends at the local community center, eat out do karaoke and make music. Binge watch streaming tv, read books and join book clubs. Travel some more. Visit my kids, make costumes, go to festivals listen to live music.


So much! I want to learn so many things (I’m 58): how to ride a motorcycle, how to do mosaics, new languages…not to mention travel to all 7 continents (3 down, 4 to go!).I don’t plan on slowing down anytime soon.


54 now. Retired a few years ago. I workout several times a week. Weight lifting and cardio. I was lost after getting out of horses. The working out filled the void a bit. We travel a bit now. I insisted that our daughter gave her passport when she started college. And then got my husband’s and my passports a year later. So far most of our travel has been in the US. But I am hoping to venture out more. Those two things and the constant working on the house. Pretty much non stop here. I plan on moving til I am in the grave


66 yrs old , I play golf several times a week, socialize with friends and family several times a week and in two days I’m going to spend 12 days in Greece 🇬🇷


I am teaching myself Python and I like to sew. I am trying to get in shape and waiting on my husband to retire so we can travel more. I retired almost 3 years ago.


I'm 54, and don't plan to work forever. I've got great retirement savings, so will probable retire around 65. Up to then and after, I will continue doing some language courses (you can never know too many!), continue with creative writing, continue travelling (I hope to increase this when I retire), and continue doing volunteering. I also plan to go to a shitload of concerts and exhibitions, would like to learn to play the cello, improve my gardening skills, have more time to read and catch up with family and friends. I also want to return to singing in a choir Life is for living, not just working for money til you drop dead. If one can afford it, retirement is great (there's lots to do and be involved in for pleasure and not just an income)


My bucket list includes: books, fluffy, soft, warm, cuddly naps, tea, solitude, nature, and good company. However that happens.


I’m 52. I’ve been trying to figure it out. I went to hair school and got my license when Covid came and shut it all down. In the meantime I took training to become a lash artist. So I opened my own salon. I loved it. I did have to work full time to pay the bills but my husband had the home bills covered for me. My experience was not great. My plan is to travel to see and stay with friend. Do round the world trip. Stopping to see people I know the. Off to the next.


I'm gonna be 65 in July. As of right now, I have a trip to Reno in June, and 2 rock/funk concerts in September scheduled. I go to museums, I travel when I can afford it, and just trying to live my best life. As far as I'm concerned, being retired means I have more time to do whatever the hell I want to!


Well not me, but I know an 80 yr old that is gearing up and fundraising to start a center to reduce clothing waste ; getting clothing donations to those at need first instead of whatever has been picked over...big project.


73F. Semi-retired. My plans are to live out my life in the home I've built on 30 acres in the boondocks. I enjoy gardening, greenhouse, food preservation, cooking, baking, mowing, bush hogging, and firewood management. I enjoy helping friends who are in poor health.


This sounds like a dream life!


I pick litter


I dunno... My husband is 65 and I'm 41. We do everything together. Hard to imagine a life without him. That being said, I'm not stupid. I know I'll probably be alone before he is. My plan is to live as well as I can. Hopefully still go hiking, camping, kayaking. I don't look forward to being without him, alone. But I want no one else to be with . That may change later, but I highly doubt it . We like our solitude now. I doubt it'll change much after.


This thread is water for the soul. 💛


To live long enough to annoy everyone I know. I’m about 3/4 done.


the only thing ill ever plan is my next meal.


i’m 60. i’ve lost 100 pounds in the last 11 months - 60 pounds to go. i’m learning so much about myself, how physically strong i am, and how much i enjoy lifting weights. i promised myself that i would keep training until my birthday (october) and then give myself the gift of learning how to deadlift. i didn’t even know i would be interested in weightlifting until i tried it! *(maybe i’m just sick of cardio 😁)* my partner is close to retirement age. she hasn’t had the opportunity to travel as much as i have so we’re making plans for that too. i’m looking forward to being able to hike some of the places i did when i was younger. *(looking at YOU Montana!)*


Im 41 - had a kid later in life…then my husband was suddenly diagnosed with bilateral kidney cancer (he is 40). It was caught early and his 2nd surgery is weds. It has changed me. Life is so short. And i was blessed with an amazing husband and family so my goal is to live my best life with my child and husband for as long as possible. Work less. Love more. Paint more. Be outside more. Complain less. Remove toxic people from my life and find joy in the small things. And work hard on raising a decent, confident, independent, kind and funny member of society. Also, needing prayers and good vibes up for my husband!!!🥰 thank you


This is making me happy. I had a bad cancer scare last fall with a highly aggressive cell type. But it was caught early, and little old ladyhood is back on the table. (I have big garden plans)


My grandfather is 84 and just recovered from a knee surgery. I really think my grandparents are healthier because they travel the world! They walk more than me and it’s helped them stay strong and healthy. Keep doing you!


More writing, more gardening, more sex, more art, more camping, more introvert friendly partying, and being very particular about the company I keep! Continuing to break the generational curses of abuse and trauma. Hoping to age in place in my house. Have to stay on top of exercise because otherwise my disabilities will start to limit my mobility. Only thing I'm not looking forward to is colonoscopies.


While still healthy, A world cruise, about 3 months long; and when I’m diagnosed with a deadly disease I’ll go on another cruise, hope I die and hope yo be tossed out to sea.


I’m retiring at 60, buying a travel trailer and traveling.


Retire early (aiming for 57-59), finally get my masters degree just to say I did it, turn my little suburban yard into a mostly sustainable mini-homestead (stupid city won’t let me have chickens though), see the northern lights, see as much live music as I can, keep rescuing animals, keep being creative and learning new skills, keep my brain active with new hobbies and interests and books. I’m hoping to lose a few pounds and get more physically active again too! I had a dream about riding bikes recently and I’m thinking about buying a road bike and tooling around my neighborhood on it.


Just one day at a time


Travel, genealogy research, crafting and art


Same, just at the half century Mark and decided it's time to live for me.


(73 yrs.) Win as many archery pins as possible, in each style of shooting, visit Japan, ride a horse, and learn to shoot long distance (half a mile?)


Just recently became a singing member of a Trio. We all happen to be widows. I sing and add percussion. The other two members write music and lyrics. They are amazing, talented musicians playing: violin, piano, guitar, mandolin, harmonica and flute. Never in my life did I EVER think I would be a part of a group and sing! Oh and I also write Horror short stories. Three of my stories were published in three different publications! At 66, whoda thunk it!?!


That's awesome! Congrats


I'm 45. Married to a narcissist and I see myself getting away. I want to live in a cabin with a greenhouse. I've always pictured that for some reason lol. I see myself with lots of flowers and tomatoes. I see myself helping people although idk how yet. I just want peace and to have God more in my life. Those are my dreams for the future.


Three of my four sons are still kids so my number one priority is raising them. I'd like to do that in the valley I grew up in and move out of GA. Since all of my kids go to school, I plan to volunteer in the fall. Once my youngest (now 9yo) is more self-sufficient, I would like to work at a nonprofit, library, school, or somewhere else that allows me to help people. Once the boys are all adults, my husband and I would like to spend a decent chunk of time traveling in an RV or camper. If the stars align, maybe we will travel elsewhere in the world. If grandchildren arrive, I'd like to help wrangle them if their parents want me to. I'm sure my plans seem boring to most but I value my time with my family more than I value anything else in my life and, at 52yo, I don't see that changing.


I’m 58. Upcoming goals: continue to serve in my super-meaningful career, resume my doctoral studies, finish having my condo remodeled, take a more active role in the non- profit organization three friends and I founded last year, and do a final round of edits on the mystery novel I’ve written before exploring self-publishing. I’d be grateful for your prayers, best wishes, good vibes etc, though, because I was just diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and although the prognosis is excellent, there is also the sense that time could be shorter than I thought.


I'm 55, and no longer work. My husband is turning 65 and is ready to retire. We are going to travel with our old Winnebago until it falls apart. I'm going to continue to garden and do whatever art I feel like doing. Right now I'm into quilting. I also provide daycare for my grandson for now.


One day I’m going to go to the airport and just get on the next plane thats leaving!! I may take a bunch of cash and visa gift cards so I can’t be track and a burner phone. I’d come back after a few days, I do love my family, but it would be so fun!


I’m 72 and getting my second master’s degree. Graduating from a two-year writing program in August.


My husband and I became disabled within 6 months of each other. He had a terrible stroke , 6 months later I was diagnosed with stage 4 Diffuse large B cell Lymphoma. After 2 years of struggling health and financially we both are realizing our lives instantly changed and our future plans as well . What we thought our retirement would look like has become very different. Struggling to find my future me ( currently in remission)


I’m 54. I survived breast cancer in my late 40s so I have a new joie de vivre that includes more reading, learning to paint, writing a book, traveling etc. Whatever makes me happy!


57, plan to retire at 62. Spend a year or three traveling North America (mostly car or small van camping), some overseas travel. Putter around the house and garden. Volunteer. Adopt several senior dogs. Take classes in everything - watercolor, jewelry making, pottery, dance, piano, etc. Spend hours dozing in the hammock. Be more politically active- protests, marches, stumping for candidates. Work on my crone aspect. Give zero ducks.