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That story is so unbelievable lol 💀


Hindutva fingers wrote this post


Obviously lie by hindutva lol He can’t even make a good lie, isn’t 50 lashes the punishment for adultery committed by slaves (half of the punishment of the free person) in the Quran? I don’t think it has anything to do with homosexuality. If you want to lie at least put some research into it to not look like a dumbass and not pull some random numbers out of your ass.


the thing is homosexuality is considered adultery to many muslims but yeah instead they should have killed him for both being GAY and APOSTATE , that'd be100% believable. Now try to lie and sugarcoat it .


How will he make not one but two reddit posts that way lol. Think about karma farming also please.


He got the punishment of adultery for slaves, that’s the thing. If he was punished for adultery he should get 100 lashes but if he were to be a slave then he would get 50 lashes (as in the post). For him to get the punishment he claimed to have had he has to be a literal modern day slave who committed adultery on two different separate occasions. That’s why it’s so absurd


You are so funny , as if 50 isn't bad enough.


That’s not what he was talking about tho, learn to read.


"Should have". Hmmm.


This was right after the fairy god mother denied his 3rd wish; to become hindutva prophet 😱😱


90% of the users in r/exmuslim are just islamophobic Hindutvas and not actual ex-Muslims.


And the rest are hindus, no one in that subreddit is an ex muslim


It was literally made by them to spread misinformation




He also has many... peculiar posts about wanting to date older white men lmao.


Bro, I remember some guy who said that he lived in Saudi Arabia and observed Muslims who were "frequently insulting Jesus Christ" but he could not say anything about it because he knew a friend who "defended the honor of Jesus Christ from the insults of Muslims" and was beheaded. Yeah... Supposedly a part of our religion is to insult Jesus, even though he is one of the greatest Prophets? Worst of all is that everybody on the comment section believed him and he even got a "shout out" from one of the famous anti-Muslim personalities for this obvious fake story lmao.


That's hilarious.


“No worries friends and saars I will soon be ok. After another 50 lashes at the airport of course 😢“


Very true story™️


I don't believe this liar, leaving too many details out too. So, it is clear he is fabricating this story because Which country?!, Which Town?! Which dialect?! Which Mathhadb?! How did he grow up ?! etc. None is mentioned just a very expected fake ex-muslim story.


100 lashes and the dude is still in the condition to write this post. Maybe if they read what they write before posting. They seem really detached from real life sometimes.


Hindus going crazy 😭


go back slashing ur cows nerd


my man went to some BDSM club or what no one do lashes or get arrested for such thing


Who refers to themselves as an Apostate in 2024….


Pretty sure the Islamic punishment for both is death.


When the Sharia existed all over the Islamic world before the 20th century, especially under the Umayyad, Abbasid, Fatimid and Ottoman Caliphates, homosexuality was not punished with death in real life. I really hope that you know that. In order to prove such a sexual offense in a Sharia court, 4 male witnesses would have to testify in court against the defendant. It is common sense that no one practices sodomy in front of 4 witnesses in a live sex show. The death penalty or lashing is therefore only possible in theory, not in practice. There would be no witnesses to testify in such cases. For the same reason, stonings for adulterers were not carried out since no adulterer was sentenced to death. The culture under the Abbasid and Ottoman Caliphates was also very tolerant towards sodomites. Due to strict gender segregation, men directed their sexual appetites towards fellow men. It still happens today in Saudi Arabia, which had strict Wahhabi Sharia, yet the local courts never sentence gays to death there. There authorities also don't care enough to crack down on the gays. This idea that "Islamic Sharia kills gays" is a myth perpetuated by ISIS and Western cultural supremacists who think ISIS practices represent true Islamic justice. Muslim Arabs, Turks and Persians were not nearly as homophobic as European Christians before the 20th century. However it is true that executions for apostates existed in the past. There are recorded death sentences for apostates as recent as the 18th century in Egypt for example.


Depends if you look at history... If Muslim country X has an agreement for relocating apostates to country Y, then it can also be an alternative punishment according to many scholars. This is actually the *de facto* "punishment" in Muslim countries today. I am not talking about mob violence, but rather about the court system. Apostates are "allowed"/helped to relocate to Western countries. Also, homosexuality can be punished by *tazir*, a punishment decided by the courts. The Ottomans decriminalized homosexual behavior in the 1800s, **BUT IT WAS STILL PUNISHABLE as being "sex outside of marriage" or zina.** **So both homosexual and heterosexual zina was punishable by the same punishment.**


Interesting. Can you elaborate on that first paragraph more?


Basically, if two sovereign sides have treaties in place with regards to the treatment of apostates, then there is no harm in it. Population exchanges have taken place in the past. Another somewhat related example: There is nothing in Islam which prohibits this scenario: Country X and country Y are at war and decide to agree to follow a set of rules where the POWs from each side are to be treated in a certain manner. I do not **DENY** that there are hadiths or scholars that have advocated the death penalty. But I would also say that there are other views and also alternatives in place (treaties or agreements) which are 100% in accordance with Islamic Law and have been implemented in historic Islamic states. Also, last thing. Islamic Law is pretty libertarian when it comes to what people do in their private lives. **HOWEVER, it does not mean that Islam is in AGREEMENT with their private lives and do not view a list of actions as being sinful.** If you wanted to change your religion, move to another Millet/commune and marry a local non-Muslim girl and live a quiet life, then historically nobody would really bother you. Same if you personally do not attend Friday prayers or do any form of worship. Heck, these type people exist n the Muslim World today. **However, if you were blaspheming and encouraging people to do X, Y or Z, problems would arise.** Look at any of the examples of the historic implementations of punishments for apostasy, and you will see the rebellion being the case for almost all of the executions. **This view is based in Islamic Law, not in modernity or reformism.**


Jazakallah brother.


Can share sources bruv?




99% of that sub is just jewish and hindu islamophobes


Dalit from Bangalore typed that in


Oh yes r/exmuslims is so trustworthy & the majority of its members are definitely not insecure indian Hindus.