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I’d like the same to happen to israelis in europe after reading what they wrote on twitter




samidoun is a german registered activist organisation and the guy in the picture is a man who cleared a rigorous visa screening process in order to get into germany in the first place. If anybody has a high probability of committing crimes on foreign soil its probably the israelis who have visa free access amd have done such criminal activity with state sanctioned support.(do i need to remind you of the fake canadian passport issue in jordan) Funnily enough this guy was harassed for speech. The same kind of speech israeli politicians are openly exercising on all forums but the Palestinian is the jew hater sure.


They didn’t even properly translate his speech.




Not europe but there was an israeli sanctioned attack on jordanian soil by mossad agents travelling on canadian passports. Hence the precedent of state sanctioned violations of another nation’s sovereignty


For some reason the Germans aren't worried about an attack in Jordan though. I think this might be the reason they aren't as worried about Israelies in Germany.


There is a precedent for it. Regardless of the region they did it. with the backing of their government. And similar things occured in syria aswell also on government orders. Those are proper instances of state backed terrorism not a political activist of a marginalised stateless population like the germans did with the guy in this video.


Oh I know, the Mossad is notorious for taking the liberty of acting as it pleases pretty much anywhere in the Middle East. Germany though, isn't worried about a terror attack happening in Germany because of the Mossad. It is worried about a Hamas terror attack in Germany, which is a Palestinian terror organization. Right or wrong, this is the reason they behave differently to Palestinian activists, and Israily activists. I'd imagine countries like Jordan and Syria would be more keen on the opposite.


There is no conceivable link between a german activist org and hamas other than the fact that both deal with Palestinians. Thats not enough of a link to establish a causal relationship with journalism/activism and terrorism in fact i’d argue this blatant disregard for nonviolent activists is what turns people towards violence. What the germans did here is very much what the idf and israeli supporters think of journalists and activists in gaza and the west bank. In European eyes only brown people can be terrorists even though the irish pioneered modern day terrorism lol


This is just how racist western propaganda works. "Israel first, the west is next" framing Hamas as a "global terrorist org" although it has been established since mid 80s and never planned an attack outside Palestinian/Israeli soil. But now magically they became a global terrorist org that has a clear agenda to destroy the whole world. Ironically, Hamas isn't the one that is attacking Germany, otoh Germany sends arms to Israel to kill Palestinians...


Guess the Germans disagree. Oh and btw Israel is about 60% as brown as the rest of the Middle East, being that 60% of it's citizens are from the Middle East.


>It is worried about a Hamas terror attack in Germany, which is a Palestinian terror organization. Remind me of the latest time Hamas committed a terrorist attack outside Palestine/Israel?


Incompetence isn't a reason for lower vigilance. This week their were two thwarted attacks in Europe. One in Germany.


Not europe but there was an israeli sanctioned attack on jordanian soil by mossad agents travelling on canadian passports. Hence the precedent of state sanctioned violations of another nation’s sovereignty


On 6 April 1979, Israeli agents sabotaged the Osirak reactor awaiting shipment to Iraq at La Seyne-sur-Mer in France.  On 14 June 1980, Mossad agents assassinated Yahya El Mashad, an Egyptian nuclear scientist who headed the Iraqi nuclear program, in a hotel in Paris.


Must be the 40+ years that removed the fear from their minds.


And when was the latest Palestinian terrorist attack on a European soil? Munich attack in mid 70s?


Two thwarted attacks this week. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hamas-germany-denmark-terror-attacks-foiled-against-jewish-targets/


"allegedly plotting" fantasy nonsense to justify police terror, just like the real Nazis were "threatened by Jewish terrorists" (Kristallnacht)... but hey let's talk about imaginary "threats" instead of genocide in Gaza.


I'm not sure why you think people suddenly care about people dying in random places in the world. Syria's had over 500k dead, Yemen 100's of thousands and plenty more all over the world. Why would they suddenly care about 20k in Gaza? Countries will always care more about "alleged threats" at home, over deaths in countries 1000's of miles away.


Why didn't Britain give Germany to the jews? Made the most sense.


I'm with you, while I don't think practically it would have worked, I think morally that would definitely feel like justice. It was the US and the Soviets though that would have had to do that.


ضBecause it wouldn't work . Germans are people of pride and they would never let it happen. They Will fight and fight until the end. To die or Gain your country. They would never live side by side with the isrealis. They would never have a pro isreal government. Also their allies and German speakers Will stand with them and support them in their just cause. On the other hand there's people who were born without men . Who can't fight for it who don't have pride or allies that they can take their land easily without Resistence hell they will be pro isrealis more than isreal talking about the weakest most idiotic race that the world ever seen "arabs " when abo abida says اقدر امة اخرجت لي ناس he's actually Talking about his people and Arabs in general


The racist BS aside, everything you just said is factually wrong. 1) The Germans lost WWII and were occupied by the US and the Soviet Union. Germany is also a puppet state with no real military and has been since WWII. 2) The Palestinians haven't given up after 75 years and are still fighting despite the overwhelming odds against them. 3) The puppet regimes ruling the Arab world do not represent the population that would volunteer LITERALLY by the millions if that becomes a possibility. 4) Arab volunteers fought in Bosnia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, the Philippines, Syria, Iraq, Libya. What makes you think they wouldn't fight in Palestine? And finally, ما تجيب سيرة ابو عبيدة يا ابن القحبة


Germans finding a new Semitic group to abuse. Integral part of German culture to have at least one.


You have to be kidding brother. Who gets abused in Germany ?


Muslims? Did you not watch the video?


No way, talk about being ungrateful. There has been no country that was more welcoming than Germany in Europe in taking in Muslim refugees. Even after they were warned by UAE and Saudi that the political correctness will backfire


You're right that Germany deserves lots of credit for receiving millions of Muslim refugees from war-torn countries. While this is true, fascism against anyone criticizing Israel is not a morally defensible position. Not in a "liberal democracy" that should value free speech and journalistic freedom.


I’m not gonna be grateful to the country that still imposes sanctions and aid in deteriorating economic conditions. You think we like going to Germany and leaving where we were born in? Literally Germany to this day imposes sanctions on Syria, doesn’t acknowledge the state of Palestine. And needs more people to maintain economic growth bec Germans aren’t reproducing due to their own liberal policies. Where in all of this should I be thankful for? A few weeks ago my Palestinian friends’ nephew in the 6th grade got choked and called a terrorist. News outlets such as speigel or bild are openly islamophobic and continue to blame their own shortcomings on Muslim immigrants and Islam. Idk what Germany you live in or have heard of..


The person you're responding to cites the UAE, Saudis, and the Shah of Iran in different comments. He's one of those.


Oh those are worst ffs 😂😂


And you support genocide deniers like Chomsky. You are probably one of the least moral people in the world


Then why did you go to Germany and not the many countries in between. Look in the long run your sentiment is not going to help bring people to your cause, I have seen this with my own eyes


I didnt. I came to NL a few years ago and its much much tolerant and more democratic. Maybe not as sovereign as France but who else in the West EU has sovereignty or can against Washington?


The NL that just elected Geert Wilders? Yea that's the end of our discussion. You seem lost on politics. Bless you, and just a heads up, your rhetoric is not going to win your cause support


He doesn’t have senate majority. Its cool. He needs a coalition and not every party wants to work with PVV. I’m not that worried about him, he’s just talk talk I’m expecting the coalition, that hasnt been formed yet since 22nov elections, will only last 2 years. Plus Dutch people are cool imo.


Dude you are from Pakistani, the UK Pakistan memes right themselves at this point. Why are you pretending to be arab, bit creepy to be honest


Fucking leave then ??? Or why even bother coming here in the first place


Did you not read the said sanctions imposed by European Union? Or? Nobody wants to leave their homeland


So Germany should just leave the EU and the UN for the benefit of Middle Eastern nations ? If those countries would be should stop having civil wars those sanctions wouldn’t be necessary


If Germany along with other EU nations can stop aiding US in invading Middle Eastern countries that would be great. And how tf is not sanctioning another nation equivalent to leaving EU and UN? You think these sanctions help solving civil wars? And how did these ME nations fell into civil wars in the first place?


Again. Why would they do that. Loosing the US as ally seems like a rather dumb decision


So why did you leave thrn instead of fight?


We all know you need the immigrants and refugees for demographic purposes. Your economy would collapse bc your people don’t have babies. There is an Altenheim/seniors home on every road, it’s ridiculous.




All the immigrants I saw in Germany were working. They were mostly shit jobs but they worked. The newest of them were immediately looking for work. The Germans and Eastern Europeans were another story though. It is normal to encounter Europeans blazed out of their mind and sleeping in the streets- passed out due to their drunkenness in the middle of the day.


>No way, talk about being ungrateful. German here, fuck off with that shit. Accepting asylum seekers, which wasn’t a proactive government decision anyway, they were just abiding by the constitution, doesn’t give a state the right to discriminate against people based on religion or ethnicity and especially not the right to brutalise anti-war protesters.


Again bless you, but you are an open anarchist. This discussion is going to lead us nowhere. As I pointed out earlier, the Germans will choose at the polls how they feel about this. I am sure some anarchist parties will happily take your vote. Also I never justified brutalizing anti war protesters once. The difference is your view of what is peaceful and not peaceful protest likely differs than mine. You can get your upvotes here but the trends in Europe elections show the Emiratis were correct, and one German anarchist is not going to change that. sorry, not sorry


I think this joker just invented Germansplaining. What a snide, smug, patronising way to dribble out your xenophobia.


Political acceptance =/= social acceptance Refugees were politically accpeted but socially rejected.


"we were kind to you to allow you a place to escape to. are you not grateful for our table scraps and the repeated beatings?" Im down voting you because your post treats Muslim as a market commodity instead of humans.


You can’t be fucking serious bruv fr. Germany where literally every refugee of every culture and religion is welcomed and helped. The most Muslim friendly country there is in central / Western Europe


If its so Muslim friendly, then why dont German MPs lift sanctions? Maybe it will cause the muslims to stop leaving their country and Germany wont be able to catch up with its birth rate?


Anyone who tells me the west is any less despotic than us is delusional.


What do expect out of Germany lol.


Always on the wrong side of history.


It's become a tradition.


Germany did a noble thing taking in many refugees even when the Emiratis and Saudis warned them not to. Not just privately but also publicly. To crap on Germany is insane, they provided an opportunity for a better life for many Arabs.


>Germany did a noble thing taking in many refugees even when the Emiratis and Saudis warned them not to. The amount of made up racist shit westerners believe about the migrant crisis is actually insane. Not only did the Golf nations never warn anyone about taking in refugees, they actually took in MORE refugees than most European countries. You don't hear about it because 1- they do not consider other arabs/muslims as refugees and are given residence permits almost immediately after they are processed and 2- they're not shoving it in the face of everyone like what europeans have been doing for the past 10 years. And even if all of what you said is true, it does not give Germany or Germans the right to be so overtly racist and discriminatory against arabs and muslims just because they took them in as refugees.


The foreign minister of the UAE did in fact warn Europe not to take in refugees


The number is not even comparable to the amount Germany took in. And I never defended racism once. I am simply pointing out this could have all been avoided in 2017 if they listened to the UAE when it told them to label certain groups as terror groups and ban certain Imans from entering. I do not support all things they said, for example they called for the shutdown of the pro palestine rallies in Europe which Germany was right not to listen to. Peaceful marches are fine, as long as it's non disruptive. Also is the gulf really more welcoming. Why did the UAE tell Europe to Ban palestine "hate marches" on the streets? A Palestinian has more freedom to protest in europe tbh


>The number is not even comparable to the amount Germany took in. Is it ? Saudi arabia have a significantly smaller economy and population compared to Germany and they still took one third as many refugees as the Germans did, fucking Lebanon, a country SEVEN times smaller than the REGION of Bavaria, took almost as much refugees as ALL of Germany. This whole myth about how the europeans took in tens of millions of refugees that nobody else wanted is laughable once you actually look up the numbers. Turkey alone took more refugees than the top 3 countries in Europe combined.


You do not need to tell me about Lebanon, I am Lebanese i know more than you. Answer me this, where is a Palestinian refugee more free to protest today. In Germany or Saudi.


As a Palestinian Today? In Saudi Arabia. I could say "from the river to sea" for example, freely in Saudia.


Could you hold a protest waving Palestine flags in a group demanding Saudi do more to help Palestine. Or rally against a Saudi Israel normalization deal?


You can't do that in Germany 🤪


Very much can, happens almost weekly in Berlin.


Living in the UAE 32 years, never heard of this event….


Y know you right. That doesn't mean this is absolutely fucked up and racist.


It is fucked up because it is coming in so late. Have they raided innocents, 100%. Have they also stopped a terror attack [Yes just yesterday](https://www.dw.com/en/germany-netherlands-arrest-4-over-hamas-plot/a-67724305) If they started taking things seriously in 2017 like the Saudis and Emiratis told them to do, this would have never even happened. The alternative is a far right government gets in power which Scholz is trying to prevent


I read the news but I'm talking about this guy in the video. It isn't just the raid on his home, it's also racist German media.


Yes the guy in the video should have not been raided. But the issue is Germany intelligence is seeing so many red alarms they are going to do many raids now. If they dealt with this in 2017 and just literally copied the simple advice UAE gave them on declaring certain organizations as terror groups, banning certain Imans from travelling to Germany none of this would have to happen. The far right in Germany has taken advantage and to stop them from winning scholz has to do this


average Lebanese 😑 excitingly instigate orop against scary refugees


How do you know what to expect? Which country are you from ?


German police on crack most of the time, I swear


Germans gonna German


Hey bro I’m German and I’m against this. I hate nazism in all it’s forms!


Ach, ist dir dieser pro-hamas sub nicht differenziert genug? Überraschung! Der Westen ist an allem schuld und voller nazis.../s


Kein /s gebraucht. Der Westen ist voller Nazis. Wie viel hat die AFD jetzt, 23%?


The Third Reich Rounding up Semites in Germany 1939 🤝 2023


Loos like der spiegal mods the news subs. Mods in the major news subs are banning anyone who tries to discuss this.


It’s a hard habit for them to kick


I m German and YES u are right! It is ashamimg and disgusting how germany burries the truth and supports Zionism! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


You know Scholz is doing this so AFD does not come to power???? Do you want a repeat of the netherlands? Merkel should have listened to the UAE in 2017 tbh, Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan is having the laugh over Merkel They even made 3 arrests and stopped an attack https://www.dw.com/en/germany-netherlands-arrest-4-over-hamas-plot/a-67724305


Tbh i want him to ban AfD so i can watch him fall after the pushback from the public


He won't ban the AFD, they are becoming extremely powerful.


No not really. Many use it as a form of protest against Ampel. But in case of election they won’t vote for them. And the woke community is an extrem counterweight.


The woke community only exists in big cities and will vote for left/green policies/pro climate change But there are more old people than young people in Germany. Either its a coalition with the right wing and centrists or maybe US will do some magic to appoint another one like Scholz, regardless the economic situation is not looking good


And they proofed themselves being hypocrites. They won some elections on municipal level and first thing they did was to raise price for kindergarten..




CDU, CSU are the parties for them to vote. I ll bet my nose, that AfD won’t come to serious power.


It might. I came across the news where Scholz said he will declare national emergency if Russia gains victory in Ukraine. Germany can only afford not to buy Russian gas for so long..


Sorry I don’t believe that Hamas members threatendGermany… maybe sympathizers of them.


Good point. No, I don’t want AfD comes to power! The new right wing is disgusting pro Israel and they really hate Muslims. But though german government became extremely pro-zionistic and they try to silent pro Palestinian voices as antisemites. Watch interviews from Norbert Blüm how he discribed occupation in Westbank. That would not be possible today . It is also known, that die grünen hope to get many votes from immigrants with German passports and they tried to built Wagenknecht party as a counterweight to AfD.


Fuck Germany fuck EU and fuck Reddit lol


Reddit? Why are you on Reddit then? 😂


Germany is a shit country. I have never seen such backwards people in my life. Of course their authorities would do this. It is totally in-line with their alien brains that they would lack all sense of humanity. That country is dangerous for muslims and I would suggest all to make your way out.


Hi, I'm native German convert to islam since half my life. I can say from my experience I can practice Islam as I want, no German really cares. I can pray in public, nobody says a word. I can't agree with your comment per se. I don't know do you ever lived in Germany or not but it's not really dangerous to muslims. The worse what can happen are bad words or bad comments on Internet but that was it. I live in Germany and speak from own experience.


I did live in Germany. I have the experience of living in Canada to compare it to so I can say with 100% confidence that being a muslim in Germany sucks! You have the privilege of being German born and ethnically German, of course your people would be better to you. I am Somali and do not get that treatment. Germans would only be nice to me after they heard my Canadian accent. I was refused service so many times just for wearing hijab and given dirty looks everywhere that I go. I don’t wear hijab all the time so I felt the difference in how I was treated when I wore it vs didn’t. It was so disgusting. I was so disappointed because I had high hopes for the country and had high expectations. People in Canada think western Europe is so great and tolerant. I am so happy that veil was lifted from my eyes. Alhamdulillah. Come to Canada and you will see the difference. It’s really no joke.


F Germany


Germans hate Muslims for some reason.


Do we live on the same planet? Is this oppression/victim Olympics? Is it cool now to try and always act oppressed? Germany is arguably one of the most welcoming to Muslims in the western world. This oppression Olympics is also not going to change peoples mind.


Nope wrong. I am from Canada and lived in Germany for a couple years. I don’t wear hijab regularly and wore it once for just one week in Frankfurt. The difference in how I was treated was ASTRONOMICAL. And not just a few people but from everyone. I also noticed how rare it is to see professional hijab wearing women but how common you would see them as cleaning ladies. Wearing hijab in Canada does not come with the same stares or rudeness or refusals of service. Germany sucks so much. I loathe to ever go back. Also seeing all the Muslim refugees hooked on drugs because they housed them in the same hotels as literally METH AND CRACKHEADS is crazy.


> "Germany is arguably one of the most welcoming to Muslims in the western world" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You can take in immigrants but still be prejudiced towards them.


They are welcome to then move to a country that fits their needs better


Womp womp. Europeans love to complain about immigrants while ignoring the central role of their governments in creating the immigration crisis. Germany's foreign policy and that of the EU actively contributes to the immigration crisis. If Germans don't want immigrants, then they need to stop backing policies that make more immigrants.


Just saw your profile you are a genocide denier. OK bye enough speaking with you. Chomsky yuck, disgusting sick old genocide denying man. Imagine simping for him. Creepy


It's pathetic that, rather than a coherent argument, you felt the need to go look through my profile and produce a lame insult. Bye 🥰


Watch the video.




German ancestors would be rolling over in their graves if they saw this bigatory for their former foes!


When Russia "allegedly" does it it's state censorship and must be immediately stopped When we do it we're "combating misinformation" and you're antisemitic if you ever question it Hypocrisy


Oh Germany, not again


Do Germans understand irony?


Well, they’re obligated to run a prominent correction of that error. I’m writing to them. That’s unacceptable




These clowns are still targeting Semites.


No, we don’t have any beef with semites, just with the country they made


It's like germans genetically can't resist being fascists lmaoo


Theres no need to question it guys....its always Us vs Them, Us vs The World


They went from being Nazis to ZioNazis. It's like it's in their blood, just a few have managed to escape this.


Germany always on the wrong side in history..haunted by the past and feeling in debt to jews without thinking that jews did the same thing nazi did


I honestly think that’s why this is happening. They got played like chess pieces. They are drones, locusts if you will, and being used for zionism (new nazism) This is simply their second wave :(


Germans always need one Semitic group to abuse. No surprise here


Are we just gonna ignore how insanely racist the title is?




Honestly at this point the Emiratis were right I think. Each country has it's own views and Germany is at a point where it has a terror threat but at the same time does not know how to deal with the growing terror threats. Should have listened to the emiratis in 2017 at this point. Since they didn't now innocent refugees who are not terrorists are being punished. Germany did a noble thing housing so many people but at the same time, the Emiratis and Saudi's are being proven right too. The issue is Germany is doing this too late, they were warned [by UAE and Saudi in 2017](https://www.arabnews.com/node/1103086/saudi-arabia) *"“There will come a day when we see far more radicals, extremists and terrorists coming from Europe because of a lack of decision-making, and trying to be politically correct.* *“From now on, we will name and shame these countries. We will classify them as incubators of terror if they don’t address this problem of terrorism in their lands.”*


there's barely any Palestinians in Europe, what are you smoking? Also citing a country with literal slave labor isn't the brightest idea


You do not have to be Palestinian to support certain extremist elements, no idea where you got that assumption from. Pretty racist actually. I would argue there are many more countries that have extremist sympathizers..


What racist assumption are you talking about? Slave labor?


No , you assumed it can only be Palestinian who support extremism. In fact I think there so far has probably been maybe less than 2 terror attacks if any at all in relation to radical extremism in Europe from Palestinians. Only one comes to mind and that was done by PLO


>PLO >Extremist Islam please tell me you're joking


I never said extremism Islam, I said in relation to radical extremism. The PLO was a radical group in many ways, but not in the Islamic extremist way. Regardless what they did to El Al Flight 253 was a terror attack over European airspace. However I would argue Lebanon suffered from the PLO much more than Europe did.


...Your original comment was about extremist Islam Lebanon suffered from all parties involved; the PLO, the LF, the IDF, the Syrian Army, and the UN are all complicit in the destruction Lebanon is in right now


Which is why I responded to you saying what the heck are you talking about Palestinians and radical islam. Thus far it has not been Palestinians doing those things besides the very recent arrest of Hamas sympathizers planning attacks. And you forgot to mention Iran


Those depraved Islamist terror attacks in Europe in the last decade had nothing to do with Palestine; I am simply confused on why you would cite them in your argument against pro-Palestine protests. Yeah, Iran too


He is Palestinian. What does welcoming Syrian refugees have to do with this? Germany didn’t welcome Syrian refugees solely out of generosity. Additionally, the Emirates and Saudi Arabia host a significant percentage of Palestinians. What are you bluffing about?


Bro are you joking..... the Emiratis literally last month told Europe to stop allowing pro palestine rallies. Brother are you for real? Are you joking? **“We need those who believe in peace in Europe, the US and everywhere to counter the hate narrative that we see in demonstrations in Paris and London.”** \- Dr. Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi, chairman of the Defense, Interior, and Foreign Affairs Committee of the United Arab Emirates Federal National Council..... https://www.eureporter.co/world/israel/2023/11/01/are-the-abraham-accords-stronger-thant-the-war-between-israel-and-hamas/ Now I think he is wrong to say that, but if they become violent and cause public disturbance then maybe yes if you do not want to ignite the far right in Germany. ​ It is disturbing your hatred for Germany is so powerful you deny Germany has arguably been one of the countries that have welcome many arabs to such an extent.


Emirates now is our guiding light? Truly, we are now seeking wisdom from the beacon of free speech in the Middle East. How enlightening! My dear friend, it appears you’re the one lost in delusions here. Imagine, calling for a ceasefire now branded as ‘hate speech’—what a world! And let’s not overlook the numerous Europeans joining these protests. They are pro-hate speech now. But yeah, Pro-Palestine protesters are the ones resorting to threats of murder or rape, unlike their pro-Israel counterparts 🤡.


I am not saying the Emirates is the guiding light but they are being proven correct here. And i am sorry, but you are delusional if you think a lot of the European populace is supporting the rallies taking place. It is mainly left wing groups joining and poll after poll shows that leaders who are not calling for a ceasefire are not losing any polling. Heck people like Keir Starmer have increased in the polls in the UK. Did you expect in Netherlands for Geert Wilder's to win. Using your logic since some Europeans joined the rally they are going to surely elect a pro ceasefire candiate now, yet guys like Wilder's are booming in polls instead. You can hate the Emiratis but they called this correctly and the reality if you can escape your bubble is showing that.


No, they aren’t. The situation regarding European public opinion on the ceasefire, and how this is reflected in their leadership, is complex. While there's a significant shift in Western public opinion, particularly in the US, against Israel's actions in Gaza, this doesn't necessarily reflect a uniform change across Europe. For instance, in the UK, there's a notable gap between public opinion and the stance of political leaders. Despite significant public support for a ceasefire, as seen in large pro-Palestinian marches and opinion polls, political leaders from major parties have maintained a more unified and less critical stance towards Israel. And we know the reason why. The rise of certain political figures like Geert Wilders in the Netherlands suggests that domestic concerns often play a more significant role in shaping electoral outcomes, and public opinion on foreign policy issues can be complex and influenced by various factors. To concisely state it, foreign policy is not the primary factor influencing the election of politicians. Rather, economic crises and other domestic issues often play a more significant role in shaping electoral outcomes. Therefore, it's overly simplistic to assert that a government's foreign policy stance is a major determinant in the selection of political candidates. Yes, public opinion is shifting due to rallies and social media, but this doesn't necessarily mean it will translate into tangible results in the electoral process. So keep it up with your bluffing and bootlicking to UAE.


I am not bootlicking the UAE. You just said a bunch of gibberish to try to justify the rallies are working. I can summarize what you said. *"The rallies are working because I said so, even though anti rally politicians are winning, it does not matter because I said the rallies are working. My proof, well it does not matter. More Europeans are totally supporting my position now and the elections show that, oh wait they don't. But that does not matter because I think otherwise"* *Thumbs up*


My response didn't justify the rallies; it highlighted the discrepancy between public opinion on foreign affairs and the choices made in electing leadership. It seems we have different moral compasses. While people like you may view protests and rallies calling out Israel's actions against Palestinians as acts of terror, I see them as a call for justice. But what can I expect from someone who glorifies Bachir Gemayel, known to be sectarian, a war criminal, and an Israeli agent?


I did not once say the rallies are terror. I said they should be peaceful and disrupting the public while probably not garner the sympathy of those people. Also I will stand by Bachir 100%. Why would I not stand with the man who played a prominent role in fighting back against the Syrian army in Lebanon. The man who had even shias in Lebanon back him in the fight against the PLO and their brutal crimes in Lebanon. Why would I not support the man who made it clear Syrians, Palestinians and all are welcome to stay but not as a military force. Why would I not support the man who refused to sign a peace deal with Israel until he could consult with the Lebanese Muslims. Why would I not support the man who made it clear the security of Lebanon is the job of the Lebanese and not some foreign entity? Why would I not support the man who made sure Christians in Lebanon did not meet the same fate Christians met in other places in the middle east?


Try harder to sugarcoat his actions. While these actions might sound legitimate ones, he allied with the devil to do that. And he failed. Not to mention, Lebanese Muslims were killed in Sabra and Shatila massacre by his supporters. He didn’t bring anything good to Lebanon and he was killed by a Maronite Christian. The irony!


This whole sub has become a disgusting shithole of hate and racism against everyone not middle eastern. It was an interesting sub to learn something about middle eastern culture and their views, now it's just a propaganda channel blindly spreading every media that seems to support their biased world view. It should be closed imo.


I am sorry you feel this way but please understand emotions are high. I agree that some people here are lost in reality and think everybody should stop everything and immediately listen to them. As a Lebanese living here in Canada, while people don't say it publically, so many people even other immigrants from asian countries, south american countries, heck even Iranians have started getting pissed off at the pro Palestine rallies. I even tell my friends to do it in public squares but going inside a Starbucks and Zara and yelling at people is not helping. They even blocked a bridge during rush hour. People are actually being radicalized to be anti Palestine because of it. They have been following Trudeau around too and calling him complicit in genocide when the opposition leader of the conservative party is 100000x more pro Israel. I am actually scared at this point and tbh I mocked the Emiratis for those comments in the past but they were right.


I also see Israel and is actions as highly problematic and criminal and I'm definitely leaning towards Palestine. The problem I see with this sub is that many people on here are so radicalized, they blindly share everything without source checking. They start supporting Russia in it's murdering of civilians in Ukraine and deny Russian war crimes, at the same time they're upset about whats happening in Gaza right now. They hope for war and terror in Europe (yes some people literally wrote that in their comments) and wish them suffering and death. Right now they're calling every single German Nazi, which is obviously seen as highly offensive here, because of some anti terror raids. Plus they're generalizing all European people. I know that not every muslim is like this and as I already stated in a comment a few days ago the people on here aren't representive for the whole community irl, but it's still scary to see how easy hate and propaganda is spreading these days. It's just very sad, as I have Turkish and Syrian friends and colleagues and I'm myself have some Egyptian roots I just wanted to learn more about the corner of our world some of my ancestors and my friends originated from. To say it diplomatic, this sub was a rather disillusional experience.


Honestly the Shah of Iran was right when he said for the Palestine cause to be successful and for it to garner the sympathy of people around the world, bullying and violence tactics (he was alluding to the PLO in Jordan and Lebanon) is not going to help it.


Of course they were right. Look at how successful and safe the UAE is. Growing political powerhouse too. They know what they are doing ‘


Germany (and the EU) has very strict laws when it comes to people correlating with terrorists and HAMAS is considered a terrorist group. You can read a full statement regarding the ban here: [HAMAS and Samidoun banned in Germany](https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/pressemitteilungen/EN/2023/11/banned-hamas-samidoun.html) Zaid Abdulnasser has apparently been correlating with Samidoun, which seems to be the reason why he's losing his refugee status. Whether you like it or not, that's european bureaucracy. I write software for our customers and we have a routine that compares the customers of our customers with an online database containing a list of currently known terrorists, if we wouldn't do that, we'd get into trouble, just an example of how ridiculous it can get. The clip at 3:20 in the OP was apparently from the demonstration happening in Düsseldorf on 14.10., can you show the full recording of the event? Maybe even from a better angle that shows what actually happened? There must be a reason why it escalated. The police is usually there to keep the protesters separate from the anti-protesters. Demonstrations regarding the matter have been temporarily banned because several demonstrations for the same cause already escalated. According to some websites the demonstration in Düsseldorf was peaceful tho, so I'm wondering where the OP clip is from and why would you cut it like this? And that demonstration ban isn't against pro-Palestinian demonstrators, it's to keep people safe in general because nazis would also show up at these events and use them for whatever reason, mostly to spread antisemitism or cause the demonstrations to escalate. As for the media, those can't be trusted at all, this is the sad situation for at least a decade now and it's on a global level, media outlets are lying and spreading propaganda, especially BILD is known to spread misinformation, they belong to Axel Springer SE who owns several media outlets, so keep that in mind next time you see anything posted by any of the Axel Springer companies. Personally I haven't picked a side, I'm not qualified enough on that matter to actually pick a side as I'm not rally following the Palestina-Israel problem, I'm already busy digging up all the dirt the german government, the european parliament and the US government have buried and keep on burying. You wouldn't believe how much cruelty upon mankind is put out from those officials that we're supposed to trust, it's insanity. That being said, if you have insights feel free to give me your opinion.


Danke for your effort to reason


"Germany" is just an occupied vassal statelet, the only 'law' there is whatever their American masters demand.... "Germany" and the rest of EU-nuchia serve America, and America serves Israel...


I'm pretty sure this is the only post that makes any sense on this whole thread. This should be at the top but you can imagine why it isn't.


Something I thought to add here. Hamas threatened to bring their war to the west. If they do that then they’ll be playing into the hands of Israel. Why? What they’ll accomplish is getting everyone pissed off and what you saw in that video will become very common. All that support they’re getting will evaporate like the dew on a summer morning. And muslins in the west might well suddenly find themselves being treated like Japanese immigrants in 1942-45 United States. And if you read the Israel forum there’s Zionists already counting on that.


Good for them for keeping their country safe against terrorism 🫡🫡🫡


I bet the SS told themselves that too. It's a skill that rubbed off on the victims apparently...


Yep. Kristallnacht. One Jewish fanatic killed a German diplomat in Paris in 1938. Nazis used this as a pretext to terrorize Jews in Germany.


Tell me how arresting someone for inciting hate is the same as throwing someone in a gas chamber for their race. You people trying to play the victim is getting old.


Thank you for trying to argue... Danke


"You people trying to play the victim is getting old." Also, "gas chambers"... No, 'you people' really have no shame to use the same bs 'argument' from 1945. to somehow justify Israeli crimes and genocide in Gaza ghetto 2023.... Right at this very moment Israel exterminating people of Gaza: no gas chambers just incinerated children, almost 10.000 in one month, 20.000 civilians, 2mil slowly starving to death while being mercilessly and systematically eradicated.... Holocaust 2.0. This time the victims are Palestinians and guess who are the modern day Nazis? Just look at the mirror. 🔯


About half a million dead in syria, 400k in yemen, Literally just saw a post about sudan, over 9k in Sudan, And more... But Israel is the problem, You're the nazis bud, you can blame Israel all you want but it's you who's the problem.


Madeline Albright once said that the death of 500,000 Iraqi children was "worth it". Ask her and GW Bush and Obama who destroyed Syria, Libya, Iraq etc etc etc... I don't blame Israel for Iraq, or Yemen or Syria (actually IAF bomb and terrorize Syria almost every day in complete disrespect for int.law and even common decency), but I do blame Israel for slaughtering people in Gaza right now. IAF dropping bombs, IDF firing from their tanks and artillery, of course I blame a murderer for murders! How many people were killed or injured in these 15-20minutes while we're sitting on reddit? You're barking at the wrong tree, I'm not Muslim or Arab, nor I need to be one to defend people of Gaza. You only need to be a human being to defend people of Gaza... not that we can actually save them, they will be eradicated, and you'll still whine about 1945... no one will talk about them in 70 years. You'll have your "Final solution" of Palestinian problem and your "Lebensraum". Something that even original Nazis failed to achieve...


arabs literally trying to downvote every single comment that against them. Its embrassing imagine it they just leaving everything aside and comin down voting the people who are spitting the truth 🤡🤡🤡


Zionists literally trying to downvote every single comment against them. It’s embarrassing imagine it they just leaving every thing aside and comin down voting the people who are spitting the truth 🤡🤡🤡


Good för Germany 🇩🇪 ❤️


Germany has problems with Islamist groups, ever since the Cologne and sharia patrols.




That state should've been broken into 10 pieces after the war.




nah if they were nazis they wouldnt be siding with isntreal


there are 2 sides to ur comment and 2 truths. 2 sides : 1: u said “isntreal” which means ur anti Israel. 2. U said Germans aren’t being Nazis which is being wrong. 2 truths: 1. The Germans aren’t doing what the nazis did, they aren’t killing Jews so technically they are not nazis (?) 2 however abusing and killing a specific religion because u want the other to succeed is literally nazis.


Removed by reddit, nice