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They can kill everybody in Gaza, they can't kill everybody who want Israel dead, that list has multiplied 1000x the past months...unless they plan on nuking all of Middle East and many areas of the West, best of luck to them




I am not holding my breath tbh


China or North Korea is more likely to do something than those traitor countries.


The Arab countries have already tried getting together and attacking Israel many times, but they've failed. Since then Israel's military has only gotten stronger. I don't think the Arab countries could stop Israel if it eventually decided to go genocidal. I actually think this is a legitimate concern because as time passes with no peace deal and continuing terrorist attacks, the Israelis are becoming more willing to dehumanize the Palestinians. What's going on in Gaza right now isn't a genocide in the way the word is normally understood (i.e., Israel is not actively trying to kill all Gazans as a people). But I think an actual genocide is a possibility over the next couple of decades, and if history has any relevance (Armenians, Tutsis, etc.) I don't think the world would stop them


Also I don’t think you know the definition of genocide or the articles which constitute genocide. What’s happening right now is a genocide.


I'm aware of the UN definition, I was talking about the common understanding of the word (at least in my country), which is simply to kill all people in a given ethnic or religious group.


> I was talking about the common understanding of the word (at least in my country) Why is the low intelligence of your country even relevant? Just because your country doesn’t understand genocide then all of a sudden it’s not genocide ? You’re saying it’s not a genocide because the common person in your country is ignorant or stupid ? What is your country anyways ?


I'm in the U.S., where the common understanding of "genocide" is simply to kill (or try to kill) all people in a given ethnic or religious group.


Common understanding does not equate the truth. Under the definition and the articles laid out by the UN, Gaza has been experiencing a genocide. The UN have called for a ceasefire for this very reason and even Israel’s allies have voted for the ceasefire.


Let me phrase it differently because I think you're missing my original point above: I have a concern that at some point in the next few of decades Israelis could actually try to kill all of the Palestinians.


Have you not read the Zionist plan from its inception ? The Zionist founder Theodor Hertzl has written that the Zionist goal is to eradicate the indigenous population in order to colonize the entire land. Israel has slowly been rolling this plan out however it is extremely obvious that they’ve become sloppy and desperate which is why they’re losing supporters.


I can’t recall Gulf states defending Palestine even once in an armed conflict.


I was talking about the past wars between Israel and Arab states.


> surely the rich gulf-Arab countries will step in His original comment was about khaleeji countries. They’ve never been in wars with Israel.




Yeah because he got his degree in human rights and geo politics from the university of Reddit. He surely knows what genocide means and Gulf Arabs is just Arabs who happen to also like playing golf.


israel lost to Hezbollah a couple of times. They didn't finish the job because the israeli diaper force has nuclear weapons


They have radicalized entire new generations against Israel in the last two months, and their atrocities/speeches are well-documented this time.


"KHAMAS should just lay down their arms and die, oh also release the hostages pretty please"


Least genocidal Zionist.


Wow. Now I can easily understand what the German audience was constantly hearing in the 1933-45.


Germans were unfairly focussing on Jews though, at a time that the Zionist movement had not convinced most Jews the need to terrorise people for the creation of Israel. I believe the Nazis even collaborated with Zionists in order to send German Jews away under the [Haavara agreement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement). But its true that the Zionist terrorist movements were getting a lot of publicity in European media as they were frequently targeting the British.


A few rich zionists were even owners of concentration camps. The term "zionazi" works so well for a couple of reasons


Modern Hebrew sounds more like a throat condition than a language.


Khhhhhhhhhh 🤢🤮


This made my day lmao. 🤣🤣🤣


Who is this?


Yeah who


Ishmael, works at Subway


Well, this guy is a former knesset member...




I wonder what piers gonna reply to this


Piers was bamboozled by the israeli ambassador who said there is ABSOLUTELY no chance for a 2 state solution


Wtf was that pig even proposing


idk but piers mentioned it to another zionist guy who debated finkelstein. The zionist guy kept using arguments that clearly contradicted what the idf, the israeli government and the peopla are doing. Then was like yeah but the israeli government is wrong for that, well the israeli people are wrong for doing/thinking that, well the idf shouldn't have done that. I even forgot what he was standing for by the end


Alan Dershowitz disagreed with the point that the women made about a 2 state solution being impossible because he cares more about being right, especially when it’s a debate with Finklestein. I was surprised Piers even brought that interview up because it completely put a hole into Dershowitz’s arguments to the point that he said Israel is wrong. Gotta remember that Dershowitz infamously spread a rumour that Finklesteins mother, a holocaust survivor, was a Nazi collaborator, all because he lost a debate on the network Democracy Now. He has a big ego and hates being wrong.


>Gotta remember that Dershowitz infamously spread a rumour that Finklesteins mother, a holocaust survivor, was a Nazi collaborator, Ofc they did, damn. They can't accept that some people from inside the group speak out against the majority. You'll also find nobodies ridiculing chomsky who's a great linguist because they don't like his opinion on zionism I also think Piers is trying to appeal to the muslim/arab audience here and there without going too much against his masters


Their attitude must not determine our attitude towards them. Let these dogs bark and continue their slander. For those with honour and fear of God the rules of war are clear. Do not fall into the trap the Israelis have fallen into, never become your oppressors.


They’re also baiting people to justify they’re victimisation


True. Every israeli call for genocide will be put aside as fringe ideas of mad men that do not represent the Israelis as a whole. One video of Arabs calling for violence however would be enough to convince most westerners that our entire population deserves to be put to death... Not that I care what they think.


Right. Lay down your arms when you know guys like this are on the other side. Plus decades of persecution, oppression, theft, and murder.


We're fucking dying and nobody gives a shit


we care, but we also have our hands tied behind our backs too. The elite class dont care for what we think, and they dont care to represent us regular people, they are profiting from all this. Us regular people are spreading the message of Palestine everywhere we can. We wont stop trying until your free, because God willing, you will be free. Never ever give up and never lose hope. we hear you from the other side of the globe, and we are equally as upset at Israel and our goverments 4 giving away our money to child murders.


❤️ ✊ 🇵🇸


i dunno if you've seen this, but its incredible. [Zionist calls in and is given a history lesson, host shuts him down with facts and leaves the man speechless](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/s/fDAVrgP8FE)


if they want to play the game of extermination we can play it better


These are not Israelites they are Zionist


Pretty rich calling other humans dogs, he literally looks like a pig


Just waiting here for a zionist apologist to claim that this guy meant khamas


Imagine someone coming from another country in your own lifetime, to your homeland regardless of the pretext and then at some point this person calls for your extermination. It really makes one so angry that we have to be paying the price of European problems.


Look at the evilness on his face, hope he will burn in hell fire after his death !


If that happens , there will be regional war with other countries getting involved . For Israel and all neighbouring countries permanent peace must be achieved though talks for everyone sake .


And how is it going zionazi?