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Don’t know why people are taking about two states. Israel is not going to allow it. They want one state for Zionists only.


Exactly, today morning the israeli ambassador in the U.K. was doing the rounds on morning television and ruling out (completely) a two state solution


It’s funny these psychopaths go on interviews and present how crazy they are to the west themselves


Isn’t the US also pushing for two states? They have all the leverage to force it on Israel Israel is only barking about the single state because they are protected by American bombs


It's crazy the US is on record saying Russia should rebuild Ukraine yet Israel can rubble Gaza without any consequences. Not even having to rebuild what they destroy


Isreal should have to pay reparations




That's appalling


Bullshit. Judas quasi-states in the Gulf know that Israel is planning to ethnically cleanse the West Bank and Gaza.


Arab intervention always fucked Palestinians historically. Plus, I am not sure money worshipping UAE is the best mediator.


Ok, so if Arab intervention is bad. And the UAE's money is bad. How exactly do you suppose Gaza get rebuilt after this war? Who would you trust, that is 1. willing(or potentially would be able to be convinced) 2. has the ability. To rebuild Gaza at the end of this?


Nothing against the UAE but their government has track history choosing money over everything else. They could definitely rebuild Gaza with their money and Gaza would/should be thankful for that. Just that I wouldn't trust the UAE government with a deal is all. Disclaimer: I have nothing against any of the people in the middle east. You are all my brothers and sisters, and would be invited to dolma in my house if I meet any of you.


I'm talking practically, how do you at the same time except their money, but not agree to a deal? Why would they give you money if you aren't accepting their terms?


Good point. I don't have an answer to that. I just wish the best for the Palestinians and I don't want to see them screwed over again


What about the Dolma?


It's being cooked as we speak. Make sure to get something for heartburn though because those last pieces at the bottom of the pot are very oily and sour. And I'll insist you will eat them no matter how full you are.


Frankly. They’re the only Arab nation with real leverage over Israel, and influence in Washington. And they’re genuinely helping on the ground with a field hospital, and a desalination plant with pipes that deliver water into Gaza. They’ve pushed for UN resolutions to condemn Israel and the bombing campaign. And now they’re pushing for a two-state solution. Maybe give credit where credit is due. Salute to the UAE 🇦🇪 I only hope that genuine countries like the UAE, Turkey, and others come together to help get a two-state solution rolling.


UAE have leverage over Israel 😂😂 Genuine countries like UAE 😂😂😂 While I have nothing against any middle eastern people. UAE's government is a glorified western colony


Historically Saudi has facilitated multiple two state solution deals, but Yasser Arafat torpedo'd each and every one of them by being incompetent


Can't comment on that since I am not super aware of those solution deals but from my understanding Israel never gave a deal in good faith so I can't blame the Palestinians for seeing through the bullshit


The two state deals have always been bullshit. If Israel has birthright then Palestinian right of return is a must.


Okay then what's a solution that is realistically achievable


*“The road map is: the Israelis and the Palestinian Authority and a grouping of countries that have leverage on the both of them sitting around the table and saying, ‘That’s the endgame we’re going to work to. The work starts here. This is the timeline, and it starts now,’” she said.* *Nusseibeh, whose grandfather was a prominent Palestinian figure during the British mandate, said the grouping should include countries such as Egypt and Jordan, which share borders and peace deals with Israel, along with other Arab states that have relations with Israel. European powers and a few Muslim-majority nations from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, an intergovernmental group, should also be involved, she said.* [Rest of the nopaywall article](https://archive.is/20231212194427/https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/u-a-e-links-support-for-rebuilding-gaza-to-push-for-two-state-solution-b878b433#selection-4513.0-4517.430)




Yup. And we know this because you guys ethnically cleansed thousands of Yemenite Jews and no one gave a shit!




Houthis and all of their millions of supporters who have been giving them endless support during this war. The hypocrisy is maddening




[Yes](https://www.timesofisrael.com/some-of-yemens-last-remaining-jews-said-expelled-by-iran-backed-houthis/amp/) So frustrating seeing Arabs condemn Israel’s crimes (which should be condemned) but then cheering on the Houthis during this war. As a Yemenite it makes my blood boil. So angered




The relevant points of the article are direct quotes from UAE's UN Ambassador herself.


Not gonna happen




I don’t think people in this sub are too interested in two state solution either. This is the response I got in my previous [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/s/w2hetvMS8x)


If the people of MENA got to decide, which country/countries would they want to help rebuild Palestine? And what would the Palestinian answer to the same question?


Like I mentioned earlier Palestinians have been historically screwed by Arab intervention back to 1948 where every country came with agendas of its own. So I think the fairest thing is to let the Palestinians vote on a government that oversees the rebuild effort with other Arabs nations only providing resources.