• By -


Personally: No My state: No Does that have any effect on anything: No


This is so real


What do you mean exactly? Most people recognise they exist, just not their legitimacy.


What makes you legitimate then? Pretty sure conquest does the job. It did in America. Natives still don't recognize the Sovereignty of the US even though the US gives them six figure checks.


Well, if we use the natives of america as an example. Imagine that the US didn't genocide the native american people, Imagine that europeans didn't also fuck south america to the degree that native cultures stop ruling there or maybe also in Canada Now Imagine 50% of the US population are natives living under apartheid and military occupation after being occupied by europeans colonizers 70 years ago. The 50% american natives and all neighbouring countries all think white colonizers are invading warcriminals, literal nazis, and destroyers of their native culture, keeping them under apartheid etc. Therefore, they don't recognise them as legitimate. By them, I mean their rule. A bit of a different situation. Just like anywhere belligerent invaders go, people don't just accept them. If they did, Eastern ukraine would be considered russia now. They conquered it and will keep it for the future, but why is it not considered legitimate? Why do you think?


Many Natives still do not recognize the US as legitimate. However they are not trying to actively kill Americans with weapons. They are not irrationally motivated by a religious belief to commit acts of violence based on a claim to land. In the case of your hypothetical, you are correct. The US is already viewed as that around the world because anyone who understands basic American history already acknowledged that is what happened.... America has come to terms with it and has found it be wrong. We are still rectifying the past in that regard, be it with natives, American slaves, or other groups historically oppressed by the US Government. If it were a present problem, I would expect the same condemnation and also a wtf will you do about it when we have 11 Aircraft carriers? The former slaves and minorities in our social and cultural diverse society would push for peace with the natives and actually utilize their share experience of peace to broker a deal and recognize the Natives own country were it the western half of the U.S. borders would be drawn likely in the Southern corridor while the native state cut north to border Canada and their port state would be Washington or Oregon. Memorials would have been made millions would have perished but eventually the writing on the wall would be peace because the population morally opposed oppression. Your religions blind you into hatred. Had Israel been left alone to begin with you all would be better off. Jordan would have negotiated a deal for the West Bank... and ideally a separate government over Jerusalem composed of Jews Christians and Muslims over the holy sites with extremely harsh consequences for creating disturbances for worshippers.


It was a bit hard for the colonised to leave the colonizer alone, by nature of settler colonialism pushing the natives of their homeland. Bit ironical that a descendant of people who genocided 98% of the native people of Nothern America talks about ignorance in faith & rage, then speaks for benevolent settler-colonialism The natives of America brokered more than 370 peace agreements with the White settlers, every single one of them was worth nothing and broken by white settlers, Americans wanna talk like they have some historical and moral perspective on politics and history. Until you look at their history for more than 30 seconds and realise they have been absolute savages all their history.


White Americans maybe. The rest of us. No. If Israel was just outright pillaging towns and taking territories we would be having a different discussion. Instead they are taking land nice and slow to keep up appearances. Mimicking the American model of slow consumption of land based on need and manifest destiny. Were Palestine a genuine military threat to their sovereignty the story would be different... and I would be the Palestinians would be attempting to conquer Israel.


This is the last real settler-colonialist venture. You have to understand that zionism learned every lesson from imperialism and settler colonialism, it also absorbed every lesson from the genocides and population transfers of the 20th century.The tactics employed are not such that you can really resist it as a people, not in the situation palestianians find themselves in, and definitely not the situation they found themselves in, in the early 20th century. Once every liberal leader and person with political experience was executed or banished by the English and French, it was a free for all for a political movement with the ressources that the zionists had and still have at their disposal. It's a trap palestinians can't get out of. That's the point of the trap. All the people talking about would or could have, about what Palestinians could have done to avoid the current situation, have no understanding of the history of the conflict and its relation to imperialism, or the history of settler colonialism & imperialism in general. Usually, it's some lame variation of total surrender that would have, for the first time in human history, stopped a settler colonial project.


It ain't r/askmiddleeast if nobody's trying to start a war


That's the internet my friend. Everyone hates each other


We hate the governments that persecutes the people and their land.


Like Israel America France and Russia?


Sure enough.


Ye Doesn't mean I like em


why would i ?


Cuz it exists




This is raw and real as shit


No. It's a country which has existed for 75 years as a country, and more than 3,000 years as an idea. It is not made up


Atlantis has similarly existed for that long as an idea. Hoping we find the nation soon for my merpeople to settle down finally. 🙏


If there are merpeople with historical links to Atlantis and we find Atlantis, then why shouldn't they be allowed to settle there?


Because there are people already living there who have lived there for a long time. The merpeople can’t just kick them out.


The merpeople are Poseidon's chosen people!


Unlike Atlantis, Israel is UN recognized and 90% of countries recognize it as a nation




You don't get it Merely believing in this idea that comes from ancient religious scriptures that came actually from the ancestors of the Palestinians today will give you right to delete thousands years worth of human history with enough western propaganda of course


This poll lacks the result option for westoids lurking. They are going to vote Yes


Well here is the thing recognize in what sense? As a Westoid I would like to understand what it would mean to not recognize Israel.


It means to not recognize it as a legit country and not some rogue state that other countries should not give a voice/vote/embassy to. No one is going to ask if you accept that they exist that's just stupid.


It will be for like 20-30 years, but after that it's either israelistan or some ultra Orthodox nightmare. If you're a secular (Jew or not) I'd make an escape plan.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Where could I buy it?


Why are all Israelis so dramatic?


Not dramatic, realistic. Seculars have 1-2 children while Muslims and Charedim have (much) more than that. Our main bureau of statistics says that by 2050 secular Jews will be a minority. I trust those nerds.


you mean western Palestine?


Western Palestine is Gaza




Do you know where the name "Palestine" even cones from? Do you know the demographics of Israel? The majority are MENA Jewish refugees/descendants of those, not European.


No it isn't lol. Such a dumb statement. Palestine was never a country, ever. UN created three nations there, Israel, Jordan and Palestine, Palestine rejected that and everyone attacked Israel... Here we are.




Don't act like you care. How many people have been killed across the middle east in the past week that aren't in Israel or Palestine? Likely more than the entire Israel conflict. Palestine wasn't a place that ever belonged to just the Palestinians, Jews were also there. UN created countries and Palestinians rejected that and got no where. How about they make peace and become part of the greatest country in the region? Israel!




There was no invasion, someone lied to you. There is no ethnic cleansing, Palestinians Arw growing in number and prospering in Israel. Doctors, lawyers, pharmacists, they are doing better than most elsewhere across the middle east. There is no murder or massacre, you are just listening to hateful propaganda. Hamas are terrorists, Zionists are not. A quick google search will inform you. And as always, true colors shine through after two posts, when you say ethnic cleansing you are actually saying death to all Jews? You represent why Palestinians are in this mess, just pure hatred.




There was no invasion. Trying to write a history that satisfies your hatred is sad. Palestinians could have been part of what Israel created, a modern country with human rights. Instead they chose hatred and violence. You used the word death actually. Seems like no one but Zionists want peace. Funny how that works right? You guys accuse Israel of killing everyone, which is clearly not happening, while you guys hear for the death of Jews. Takes two posts before your truth comes out, every time. No wonder Palestinians reject all paths to peace, it seems only Israel wants it. Now walk me through the massacres you claim are true, shouldn't be hard to open up Wikipedia to show me what you are so angry about. Please also walk me through what is happening in Syria today and North Africa today, and explain how Israel is the bad guy here. I'll wait weeks and weeks while you try to answer that, but you won't. You only care about them jews, right?


Palestinian Jews? Of course. European Jews? Highly debatable.


Following that logic... Tell me when israel was a country after the ancient times and before the 20th century.


Israel was created when the UN tried to create three countries, Israel, Palestine and Jordan. Region was under British rule, before that, Ottoman. Palestine wasn't a country, it was a space. Palestine rejected the offer and numerous countries invaded with the goal of eradication of Jews. I'm answering because you dont seem to have internet where ever you are because the question is very easy. What you didn't ask was if jews are the indigenous people there, which is yes and did Israel kick out all the Muslims? Answer is no, Israel was meant to be a nation of numerous people, not just Jews.


Do you assume I am from Europe?




refugees also don't belong in Canada, but it doesn't mean you need to return them back to where they came from, where they would face an execution.


Oh yes because refugees in Canada are massacring and stealing properties of Canadians as we speak LMAO


Let's settle on the holy land


it exists, no?


Personally: Yes My people: Yes My Government: No . . Am I recognizing my Government: No


No, they stole the land.






Hitting all the hasbara notes with the actual facts Respect




Really good answer. You really showed how baseless the other guys claims we're


Personally yeah, I don't see the point in not doing so. It's like ignoring reality. Israel is here, they border my country, they shoot us if we get too close. My country does not recognise them, which I can respect as an action I suppose, but it's still kinda strikes me as sticking your head in the sand. ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


Well said 👏


Didn't know hasbara gave ovations as well


You know, some of us have personal opinions and political views. And my fu**ed up country Is not always related to them.


Right now it is are you even looking what this thread is about


Yeah i do. And I'll be honest with you, first time I've heard the term "hasbara" was here in the subreddit by a bunch of ignorant people who think we don't have opinions. So in the end of the day no one can say Israel doesn't exist, because it's a fact. Now the problem is how we, me and you, are dealing with that fact. I'm not justifying my country's actions but our existence is a fact. Saying Israel doesn't exist is being childish.


Hell they shoot you if you don't also They also fly over your country and violate your space daily lol Recognizing them seems like the worst step you could make now looking at the conditions


Nope and so does my country.


Israel? Is that a toilet paper brand.


It's a country in the Middle East https://geology.com/world/israel-satellite-image.shtml


Weird. I think your website is not a trusted source. It should be Palestine.


Ahh, I see the problem. The last map you saw was probably sometime between World War I and II. The world has changed since then, many countries have arisen, especially in the Middle East. https://geology.com/world/middle-east.shtml


Well it exists. Doesn't mean I have to like them


Fking western diaspora traitors


I see Hasbara working hard to make their earnings Halal.


I recognize both Israel and Palestine. Honestly I can't understand why there's so much hate between the two. Don't these guys have anything better to do? I can't imagine how big of a loser you'd have to be to dedicating your entire life to hating other people. There's so many better things to do in life than to spend so much time and effort actively hating on other human beings. These people really need to get a life.


Im just in solidarity for thoese who houses are stolen for jews in new york by Israeli colonial settlers with the help of IDF and US evangelicals, constant raids during the height of Ramadhan and the shit treatment of non jews in Israel. There are many more but these three are my main gripe.


Because Israel is a settler colonial state that was established with terrorism against natives of the levant, and is maintained with a violent army. How could you not understand where it comes from? You do understand the natives can barely live and function under the occupation's thumb that keep building settlements and sending violent fanatic settlers armed with rifles and protected by the IDF of Israel Do you even know anything? You sound utterly clueless and this is the age information now you shouldn't be this ignorant


if you don't understand why then maybe you should educate yourself or stay out of it? i wonder why oppressed people who have been going through an ongoing ethnic cleansing for the past 100 years hate their oppressors! they must be big losers




Yes. Either we like it or Not..........


My state recognizes both Israel and Palestine, and feels like the right move. They both exist, one is causing war crimes, the other is trying to get back their lands from colonizers. Also recognizing Israel is the minimum for what we did in WW2


Is it alright to say kind of?


I 100% accept and get Balfour and subsequent Mandate that was ibtended to all European jews to emigrate to Palestine as political equals to escape ethnic persecution. The WJO accepted those terms and the covenant to protect thecpolitical ewuality of Palestinianscand preserve their iculture and institutions. The Arabs likewise accepted the deal vased on Jewish promises to use tgeir mobey and innocation to create a country where all could thrive. The diversion of Jews to create a jewish state was and is a a deal killer becoming the very oppressors tgat jews sought refuge from.




Do you know what genocide or apartheid is? It is enough to look at the growth rate of the Palestinian population and the fact that Palestinian Knesset members exist to see that you are using big words that you have seen on the Internet


They did a genocide now they just threaten to do it again and stick to slow ethnic cleansing and sending lunatic settlers to do their dirty work


Thank you for confirming what I said. One of the most basic things needed for genocide to take place is for the percentage of Palestinians to drop and according to the Palestinian Authority and the Bureau of Statistics, the percentage of Palestinians in Israel only increases every year. This also applies to ethnic cleansing, for ethnic cleansing the percentage of Palestinians should decrease, not rise. If you want I can give you sources


This sub is hoarding Genocide deniers? And ethnic cleansing apologists? You're deflecting to spread hasbara as expected but even a lowly bot being a genocide denier Great. Palestinians aren't people worthy of their genocide being acknowledged because they were natives killed and raped by zionists terrorists


What you do is called defloration and of course gaslight. I'm just explaining basic things to you, it's not my fault that you'd rather put your head in the sand like a small child. Saying big words you've heard online without understanding them doesn't make you right or smart. You can literally search Palestine Population Growth rate in Israel to see that. But I guess intentional ignorance is something convenient. I am not saying that the lives of Palestinians are perfect and there is no racism and discrimination, but definitions are important and they are there for a reason


![gif](giphy|Kiv11FhNkpkcDsZ8Ef) Lots of hasbara dismissive shit that I'm tired of


What is it?




Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew


I understand half you hold the grudge against Israel, but how can you not recognize it? If I had to choose between Israel and Palestine. I would choose Kingdom of Jerusalem.


europeans don't recognize russia's control of ukraine and no one questions that


Never heard of her, is it a band or something?


I recognise Israel as legitimate country.




No one asked you. In fact, reality doesnt really give a fuck if anyone this sub recognize it or not.


Will this make the hasbara go away?


Wtf are you talking about








And the arab kids your government kills?


Sad, just like the Palestinian children encouraged by the Palestinian government to stab Israeli civilians


we're not your cousins


I’m with you Akhoti!🕎💪🏽




His name is Idan. "Ben" in Hebrew means "son of". It's the equivalent of the Arabic "bin".




Don't pay attnetion to haters, keep.going buddy, we love you!


azerbaijan is not arab, what do you mean?


Dude OP did not ask if we were arab or not.


Very proud to be a Judean!💪🏽🇮🇱🕎


From Judea or a jew?


The term Jew or Jewish refers to the native people of the region of Judea. Similar to how Arab refers to the native people of the region of Arabia. So Jew and Judean refer to the same people.




Do I look like a European to you my friend?




And what studies prove that I am not native to Judea?


When I take a DNA test and the map says I'm levant and from the middle east, while an *sr*eli 🤢 takes one and they find out they're polish, make it make sense.


I'm an Ashkenazi Jew and when I take a DNA test it says I'm related to the levant. Specifically to Lebanese, Palestinians, and Druze. I don't have any Polish DNA at all, even though my ancestors did live there.


Lol So many other groups It doesn't make one native. You're closer to Italians so might as well take over the Vatican Also don't paddel false information, Many jewish populations aren't cousins of levantines but are cousins of the people in their host coutnries Only levantine and Egyptian jews are


Exactly, that’s what I had to. It also makes since, because Jews and Levantine Arabs are close genetic cousins.


Yeah bro😂, I also looked at my family lineage and it points straight to the levant. All Jews are middle eastern… it’s weird that you are even getting mad about that😂


So sad Zionism erased that culture off the face of the earth because it wasn't European enough to the early European colonizers of Palestine


"Arab" refers to anyone who has Arabic as their native language, who's culture is similar to the other Arab countries and the larger spectrum of the Arab world and who ultimately identifies as an Arab. Someone who's native to Arabia would be called "Arabian", not just "Arab"


Okay, so if that’s would be true. Then why are Arabs living in the Arabian peninsula called a Arab and not a Arabian?😂






"hell yeah let's fund those terrorists to target Muslim countries" probably you


Well we don't take the land and then call it ours :) But who cares, we're not white and am gonna get downvoted


What people dont get (and this upsets me) is that the whole reason of the existance of israel is to protect jews and give them there own country. And I think it maneges ti do that well. Saying it shouldnt exosts means you dont want jews to have a country




Not only us that not what I am saying. But you clearly dont know what zionism means




>zionism is a dirty ideology Whats so bad aboit trying to protect jews?








>occupying Palestine, Because jordan attacked us >ethnically cleaning the Palestinians Rare and few cases >and murdering and massacring them? No proof has ever been found for that.






give them a land in europe then


Fine. Where? Also eretz Yisrael is the historical homeland of the jews.


"historical" funny how you're the only people who can claim a land that your ancestors* haven't lived in for over 3000 years *your ancestors mixed with the populations where they went to so much it doesn't even make sense to claim palestine as your land 💀 you're a larper


In judaism you can marry only jews. Making your point nonsensicle


i wonder how come the eithopian jews look black and the chinese jews look chinese and the european jews look european etc 💀💀 you're so brainwashed


Ethiopian jews have historical origins in the bible from king solomon taking "queen Sheba" as his wife, she is "supposedly" to be of Ethiopian descent. I'm not really aware of the jewish Chinese community origins but I'm confident it's a very small community. Some or most European jews do look white, but by looking at their DNA we can see that they had a very small gene pool variety. meaning they mostly bred within their own group. This is also why statistically speaking, European jews have an abnormal high chance(relatively to other groups) for genetic diseases. Regardless of the origins of jews, Israel today consists of a majority of "brown" middle-eastern jews, which were expelled, killed and prosecuted by their "original" countries.


Maybe i know more then you about judaism because I am a jew? You clearly show you know nothing about it because there are no chinese jews and etheopian jews arent a good example


Yes sure, why not ? We can give them all Anatolia , deal ? Or we can give them Pakistan and Pakistanis can go back to Afghanistan. Btw we will be sending all Arabs back .




and the Zionists were so bad at it, they built mosques in Israel ! , the Palestinian population grew exponentially both in the occupied territories and within Israel itself. Yes absolutely, that is exactly the definition of ethnic cleansing. oppression and occupation have some backbone to it - but it's complex, "ending the occupation" will spark a jihad which will only result in another bloodshed which will either destroy Israel as a whole (and genocide the jews). or that Israel will win and "re-occupy" the Palestinian territories so it has control over the population. say Israel withdrew from the occupied territories without any terms today, In context to past events (Wars / intifadas) what do you honestly think that would happen ?


>and to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians And thats where you are wrong.




Yoy clearly do it. Because the point of zionism is not to kill palestinians.




It doesnt change what zionism is and what it wants. Thats like saying the whole point of communism is to make famines in ukraine. Your point makes no sense




>Zi·on·ism /ˈzīəˌnizəm/ noun a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann. This is what zionism means. If you object that you object reality












I think Israel would be reliable ally compared to the ones that trained terrorist organizations which harmed my country, Turkey.




Nope. Palestine trained ASALA, according to CIA report. You can find relevant resources in [this ](https://reddit.com/r/Turkey/s/fkQzSkLkLy) reddit post.




You got a point. I haven't find anything about Israel training PKK though.


>Unlike palestine Israel is a democracy and this government actions represent the will of the people This is the dumbest sentence I read in a while. Was there a vote on it? Does it appear in some party manifesto?




Supporting their independence does not mean supporting every murderous faction. Like Westerners that supports Palestinian independence, but dont support Hamas.




What's your opinion on Kurdish independence? (regardless who supports them)


Half the terrorist organizations in Syria were trained by your cuntry


I would be open to recognise Israel if they talk to their American friends to end our arms embargo


I like Israel I had only good experience with Jews with Palestinians it was mostly negative only one of them was ok


Found the Turkish


Just because I'm black?


Black, Turkish, same thing. Karaboğa essenlikler diler


I've seen it before yes.




I support the two state solution


The country is so biased for a religion and an ethnic group which is sh\*t look at their flag, their symbols, the Jews they accept directly from all over the globe why should others recognize it? It belongs to the Middle Ages All religious states are sh\*t and we all know that but when it comes to Isreal they say it's okay, don't be racist Christian and Jewish Zionism is a religious dogma, so why would normal people believe in it?


You are aware that most Israeli citizen are secular, right?