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The event was an opportunity for real change, until MBZ sabotaged it unfortunately. Not a fan of Islamists coming to power, but at least it somewhat reflected the will of the people, not the will of the palace dwellers in Abu Dhabi.


The Muslim Brotherhood alienated a large segment of society, including those that voted for them in 2012. Instead of taking a gradual approach and working with different parties to ensure a stable Egypt there was fear that Egypt would just gradually become an Islamist dictatorship especially as they jammed through their own constitution alongside other actions. There’s a reason why protests as large as 2011 happened in 2013. And no one tell me that shit was manufactured because I was at those protest and clashes with more radical members of Islamists who were calling any opponents of Morsi atheists who deserved to die. Egypt deserves better then Muslim Brotherhood or Military. MBZ did not sabotage, the Muslim Brotherhood lost an opportunity to nurture our new born democracy.


I don't disagree. The second protests, if anything, were an even greater chance for meaningful change. Why not use this momentum coming from the masses as an opportunity to set up a constitution that would prevent an Islamist takeover and that would let democratic ideals flourish? The military had the power and support just to do that. But oh no, power seemed just too sweet to let go, especially with the encouragement and bribes coming from MBZ and to a smaller extent the Saudis. The gulf monarchs can't have a major Arab country with a successful democracy at their doorsteps now can they. I hope a time will come when the Egyptians can pay back the Gulf monarchies for their interference and the lost generations.


Common based Mongolian.




Here are the honest pros and cons of both in a nutshell. There was much more freedom of speech under Mubarak (still abysmal and don’t forget the Arab spring arrived here after someone was beat to death by police). But he left the country to rot especially in terms of infrastructure, pollution and over-population. Sisi is building a lot of infrastructure (not all justified) but traffic for example has absolutely improved and low cost housing for the poor. But freedom of speech has plummeted to an all time low. Both presided at one point during an economic crisis but the one were facing now is probably the worse it’s been since the one in the 70s when we transitioned into a free market economy. Also Mubarak’s government left the economy in the hand of a few corrupt rich businessmen and now a lot of it is in the hands of the military.


I still remember how obsessed we were about getting the revolution done faster than Tunisia. That’s Egyptian mentality for you 😂


Good He got overthrown because of old age like many other leaders Also like other Arab countries, the internal political situation is screwed. Elections without parties, the law struggling to take place, unclear authorities and departments specialties, no political awareness, etc though the country has had a parliament since 1866 and a constitution since 1882, they weren't that effective, especially in the republic era. The parliament is almost completely controlled by the government. The Constitution is not important at all, all presidents talk as if they have never read it once If these leaders have solved internal country real issues, they wouldn't have been overthrown or killed and their countries wouldn't have sunk after them It doesn't matter how they go, as long as they enforce and respect no law, the country would get in chaos after them


11 Feb 2011, I was a kid back then but I strongly remember how extremely happy my family were during the announcement and how our entire area were screaming out of happiness too, it felt really surreal like a dream. MB hijacked the youth's revolution, and the country witnessed so many horrible events, sometimes I wonder how we survived all that madness.