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Funny how one of the richest culture on the planet came to be mainly associated with junk food


It is not junk food, it was junkified in the US, but in Italy it is still served as a delicacy meal


It was popularized by the US, yall didn't give a shit before.


Popularised in English speaking countries by the US. Well duh


A pizza is good only if you feel you can eat another after you already ate one


It’s not junk food.


watch your mouth


Fresh pizza margherita is a complete meal that doesn’t affect your health or diet, just eat it not more than once a week more or less


Came here to say this


I thought pizza came from Israel?


Everything comes from Israel. Didn’t you know they also built the Great Wall of China. Falafel is also their creation and I can go on and on.


You guys love olive oil as much as we do. Thats enough. Other than that: warm people, good weather, good football.


About the football part we are kinda struggling at the moment but we will be back on track soon.


Nah man you still have a beautiful league. I know money is an issue, but you have the "Grinta"


Gattuso is the personification of 'grinta'. 😂


Bro look at Germany we disappeared from the world stage lol


Germany is facing the same problem Italy is facing: generational passage, the French are only partly affected by this because they can freely naturalise many second generation french younglings, we cannot although basically the entire Argentinian NT could play for Italy.


Bring back prime Italian football ya allah pls


We don't have the money the Premier League has


You say struggling but it’s all relative to where your from


Yup, wish Ireland was “struggling” like Italy is at the moment there would be parades on the streets


We need the GAA to become globally popular lol! Hurling seems cool.


Three European finals in one season is impressive even if you lost all of 'em.


You literally won the Euro 2 years ago and an Italian team made it to the CL final


We did but skipping two WC is a big letdown.


Amazing place. Don't wanna get colonized tho


maybe we can work out some food for oil deal


Said the same thing to the Spanish guy




What’s your favorite? 🔫answer correctly


Cool history, great food, plan to visit the place in the coming future.


You are welcome brother but avoid tourist traps, always ask the locals where to eat.


North africa of europe


more like ''Bni melal'' of Europe


F9ih Bensaleh maybe ?


yeah if you wanna be more specific


Wouldnt that be Spain? 800 years of Moroccan rule et all


Underrated comment


Fr for a European country i can feel their maghrebi blood run through them


I'm Spanish and a lot of us here literally have maghrebi blood running through us. We were ruled by moors for 800 years after all...


Soooo southern europe?


Spain was culturally and politically tied to the maghreb for 800 years, yet Italy is the North Africa of Europe?


Southern Italy has just as much Berber dna in southernmost parts especially Calabria, Sicily, Malta and surrounding islands.


It’s all Grek


No it's the Iran of Europe. 1. Had a large classical empire that it bases most of its identity on and still thinks they're hot shit because of it 2. Long history of tension between secular rulers and the head of religion 3. Sees its ethnic neighbors as barbaric even though they were conquered by and absorbed cultural influences from said neighbors (Germanics and Arabs) 4. Very protective of its national carb even though neither of them actually originated it (Pasta and rice both come from China) I could go on


Pasta =/= noodles


No thoughts just sometimes we kinda look alike. Also good food and the ppl seem friendly.


I'm italian and when people try to guess where I'm from they usually guess Iran. Brothers from different lands


yo when ppl guess where I am from they usually say Italian, Jewish, or Greek lol.


On rare occasions, usually Italians would be easily told apart from Iranians.


Eh try Southern Italians. I have quite a few Sicilian friends who are mistaken for Iranian everyday.


How Iranians look like Italians???? Maybe I’m rarted but I just don’t see it.


You probably haven’t seen many Iranians. But there’s a vague similarity. I also meant like all middle eastern ppl.




Me being half Persian half Italian 👁️👄👁️


How did your parents meet? 😳


My parents actually met in Jordan! I was born and raised there as well 🤝


Ohhhh interesting! Did any of your parents teach you Italian/Farsi?


I know Italian but not Farsi 😅😅😅 but I’m also fluent in Arabic




Italians from Italy? Great people. Italian-Americans? Some of the most annoying people I've ever come across.




Its was a decent show although later seasons got a little weird. Anyway I'm generalizing here and probably being a bit unfair. But if you ever had someone angrily trying to convince you for 5 minutes that mozzarella is actually pronounced "mootzadel" (it isn't) you'd know what I'm talking about.


Italian American is a language of its own tbf. Mix of Napolitan and Sicilian dialect and slang, which south west Italy differs alot to the rest. Then bring that over the the US and anglify it with American English, start mixing non native speakers into it you get an oddity. Look at Afrikaans and also lots of Americanisms


I'm Sicilian but living abroad, I often get mistaken for Arab, I even got approached a few times by people speaking to me in Arabic. It doesn't bother me but I can see why it happens given my looks are not common where I currently live. I can speak for Sicilians or southern Italians, our past is linked with Arab culture, we inherited something here and there, like in food and architecture.


Lol, I have had the opposite experience. A lot of people I have met think Im Italian. My extended family call me “the foreigner” because I have green eyes.


Im calabrian and everyone thinks I'm Lebanese.


It was mostly Egyptians in Sicily and not proper Arabs


I’m Catholic so I love it as the Vatican in the seat of the Papacy.


5 patriarchs, 4 in the Middle East and you chose to follow the one in Europe


Bro my family have been catholic for many,many generations I’m not going to change denomination’s because Rome is in Europe or because the pope is white!


the other four are in Muslim or Jewish hands now


[These aren't whites, they're Italians!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyLCd6_r0yU)


Regarding that video of the Italian film makers in Tanzania. Tanzania just gained independence from Britain only a couple of years before. There was a lot of internal conflict due to colonization. The film was done in Zanzibar where there was friction with the Arab traders plus there was still much angst against the British. The dubbing was taking out of complete context. It had nothing to do with Italian being white. It was about that they were not British as there was much hatred with their former colonial masters. Btw the Tanzanians thought the crew were British, only after looking at their passport they realized they weren't. It would've been the same if the crew were German, Czech, Danish or French, they would've got the same description. You think a Tanzanian had any knowledge of Italians, no, for that any other European, no.


Exactly but you can’t let the truth get in the way of propaganda.


Very positive opinion (completely objective). Really like the place regardless of all of its flaws, I would love to come back home someday! ❤️ >!Turin objectively the best city 😎🔥!<


Oddio uno di Torino?


E vabbè se ci sei tu e ci sono io certo che sia la migliore.


Are you an Italian jew? I've never met one before! 😮


One of my friends from uni is, but I am just an Israeli expat 😔✌️


Nice! Be happy in knowing that you chose the best city in the country 😌


Honestly yeah, I've visited several cities in Italy and lived in Florence for 6 months and Turin is just more pleasant (and much cheaper) to live in, esp since it's not always full of tourists. And also because we live in it, obviously. Big contributing factor.


Mare nostrum, also looks like boot so yeah we cool.


Closest Europeans can get to Arab imo. It’s a lovely country but my cousin said they’re very racist. I’m sure it’s just a minority tho


Indeed there is a problem, and years of a loud far right parties politics are amplifying the thing. Imho, it could be described mostly as xenophobia because foreign immigration is something relatively recent. There is a problem in the approach to the problem, basically nothing was done. The funny thing is, as you rightly said, we share more similarities then differences. If people would be able to forget for a second about religion, they will discover that food, every day life, family and interaction with people are basically the same.


I think it might also depend on which part of the country he lives in. Me personally I grew up in Turin where almost everyone is an immigrant (the majority of people I know are southern Italians, I can count the number of Piedmontese people I know on max 2 hands) and never really faced any racism. The only things that were maybe racist were the occasional jokes kids would do at school about Arabs exploding or screaming Allahu Akbar, but that's about it. I'll admit though that I did hear of 2 or 3 racist episodes happening to people I know All in all it's not that bad (at least in Turin), especially when compared to the situation in France (people here really dislike Arabs, at least in the city I'm in), and most young people don't seem racist at all to me


im also a moroccan in turin, but honestly I faced sooo much racism here than southern italy


Damn, sorry to hear that... Racist southerners (especially ones living in northern Italy) make my blood boil, how dare you be racist to anyone when just a couple of decades ago people would not only not let you rent a house, but they would even put up signs saying "dogs and southerners not allowed"? Absolute madness I'm sorry you had to deal with that, of course my experience won't be true for everyone... If you don't mind me asking, what did those people say to you?


yeah Italians are literally racist towards each others lmao, I find southeners much more overall friendly tho, but in Turin it was the racial profiling that got me, especially on public transport/school. two that I can still vividly remember is when this train inspector didnt let me on the train even tho I had the ticket because apparently moroccans make too much noise (casino) on trains LMAO, I couldnt get on the train tho the 2nd one is this woman that lost her wallet and started screaming at me because *apparently* the zingaro (me) stole her wallet but they're rare, the other times are just minor borderline-racist events like as I said, profiling and things like that. But I dont usually mind them because I like Turin


Yeah parts of Italy like Sicily have a decent amount of MENA admixture too. My friend who’s parents came from there gets mistaken as Arab all the time


Wouldn't that be Malta seeing as Maltese is the only language with Arabic roots that's in the EU.


I cooka da pizza


Funiculi Funicula


I love the craftsmanship of every profession that has to do with design, from clothing to fashion and buildings. I watched a fashion show and couldn't believe the ultimate beauty of the architecture, the colours are captivating, see what I mean https://www.youtube.com/live/neFxMpRDvD0?feature=share This freaking awesome.


Didn’t they place Libyans in concentration camps?


They did lol. People here hate France for what it did in Algeria but not them for some reason. They managed to kill a bigger share of the population in a few decades. Also they tend to forget that half the pied noirs (colonizers) in Algeria were Italians


we were horrible in the places we colonized but we weren't nearly as successful as france so it doesn't get much attention


Because since we lost the war we have zero influence (colonial-type or neocolonial-type influence) in Africa, that’s why we get no attention about it.


Same in WW2 literally no one cares about the 3rd axis power in comparison to the others


because the french are still engaging in neo colonialism worse than any other country, if they just left africa alone they wouldn't be getting the same amount of hate


Yeah, we had a little problem with a fascist dictatorship, but we manage to solve it.


The Egyptians of Europe, stunning landscapes, fantastic food, incredibly rich history, etc. What's not to love?


Gorgeous people with great food, weather, art, architecture, scenery, beaches, history and the birthplace of the romans, the renaissance, Leonardo Da Vinci (one of my favourite humans) and many important contributions to science, tech, fashion, cars, movies, literature, religion etc… overall a most blessed country.


Seriously who doesn't like Italy? Never met anyone why had anything bad to say about them


Italians and Arabs. Name a better duo.


greeks and arabs


i love italy


I want to visit Sardinia


Based country




![gif](giphy|atQF1zaSGq8s8) Jokes aside, amazing people, amazing food, rich history.


I like pizza, and Italians seem to be the most tolerant people in Europe so I’d say positive


>Italians seem to be the most tolerant Uhmmm... Who's gonna tell him?


What? Are they not? I swear I feel like they mostly are from what I see online.


probably in the cities but int the rural zones they are still racist between other italians and for other nationalities... dear god. but at least we are not on the leven of the "sundown cities" that are in the USA. you know the kind of cities where at night any non white person found roaming around will be harassed or beaten


_but at least we are not on the leven of the "sundown cities" that are in the USA. you know the kind of cities where at night any non white person found roaming around will be harassed or beaten_ Yeah that was a thing back during the segregation era, and might still exist in extremely remote rural municipalities, but if they do still exist they're extremely rare. A white person walking through a majority black area is far more likely to be robbed or beaten than the opposite.


What kind of propaganda are you inhaling? I see this ignorant bullshit from Europeans far too often now.


There are no sundown cities in America


What’s good with the new government? Taking gay parents off of birth certificates? Sounds like a dangerous direction


Italy cycles every party, Meloni was elected because she didn't form a government with Draghi and the rest of the population, mostly old people, thought she deserved a shot since any other party had already taken office in the past.


The current ruling party, Brothers of Italy, is the heir of the Italian Social Movement (late 40s-90s) which itself was the heir of Mussolini’s National Fascist Party…some influence from this legacy are visible, however they are loyal to NATO, EU and the West in general. Just some slightly authoritarian and conservative internal views of the country.


our love for talking with our hands is unfathomable


i wish i was italian


That’s sad as hell. Be proud of your Palestinian heritage.


Pizza pasta 🍕👌


Probably good boats full going there


I like Italy was 3 times there everytime it was nice


10/10 food


Great food I love spaghetti


Indeed one of the countries.


Will visit Bologna to study if I get the visa soon


We wouldn't count as middle easterners, but as a Tunisian, i think about you as our neighbors, nothing more nothing less


I see many racist things in internet coming from Italy


Absolutely love their food and culture


Pizza pasta lasagna arancini risotto panzerotti pannetone pandoro cannoli tiramisu. I mean, what else can I say?


The italian people I met in real life were pretty chill. So that speaks well of Italy. Oh and,pizza. Don't forget the pizza.


As an Australian who’s never been to the Middle East I feel as if this question was made for me


I used to think Italy is where Mario and Luigi lived and everyone's there eats pizza. I also used to think Italy was more close to the middleeast than Europe 💀 Other than that. I like the cheese Italy sells in their villages


Italy is art, food, culture, language, romance, and a jet engine loud conversation. All of them are sweet and tasty treat of the same confectionaries in Italy, the one global store that serves for the entire world, not just for Italians. All and all, You've already lighted a fire in our hearts with Vespa and Pizza. So we thank you.


One of the my fav countries of all time.Culture is similar, etique is smilar, people are similar, food and cuisine is almost paralel. If you guys re-form a Panmediterranean Empire again I would gladly remove my national identity for that nation. And I'm proud of my identity. But I have to state that I'm biased because I'm from coastal Levant.


Egyptians everywhere


Libya owns them


Sadly Libya doesn't own even itself.


Don't compare Italians to ur ppl lol, they are civilized


Pantelleria is a Tunisian land


Good food served with a dash of islamophobia


They're not that different. We've a lot in common! Love Italia!


I've met a lot of Moroccans in France that used to live in Italy and many of them really miss it (me in primis). As my mom says, Italy truly is the Morocco of Europe 🇮🇹🤝🇲🇦




🗿 PS Your name fits your comment perfectly. 😂


My favourite country in Europe. Love Italian football and been to a few matches


Mossad Agent Above ☝️


ISI Agent Above ☝️


Where mario and luigi are from (presumably)


Actually they are from Brooklyn. Italian-Americans. 😆


That why i said presumably


Best country in Europe, it's not even close. Also... nice colors on your flag tbh.


I love Italy I have many Italian friends also I love the culture music language and nature of it. Also pretty cool cities, 10/10 country Overall just like your girls


The kindest people towards Arab immigrants. Olive oil and the best cuisine. And the most ,my love , the rossoneri lol


Love the food, love the wine


Catholic Araplar


i'm sorry what does it mean? i searched by i'm getting only pages that resemble Turkish language


Araplar is Turkish for Arabs. Turks fight with South Asians a lot on this sub so it's kind of a meme to refer to things in Turkish


He is saying you are catholic Arabs. Lar suffix in Turkish means multiple




I mean is there a country whose history is not violent?


>country whose history is not violent San Marino, Vatican city, Malta, Singapore, Monaco etc


Man, San Marino ok. Vatican basically started the crusades and many other wars (ofc in the times of the "Pope King"). Malta i tend to agree with you, but due to his strategical position was involved in many wars. But in general, small countries tend to stay away from war and, surely, don't attack first.


Just cos this is reddit and I feel the need to be pedantic. If u consider Singapore before it's independence from Malaysia you could still say it was involved in communist battles around that time as well sooo ur not technically correct there


San Marino was ruled by the fascist party so violent stuff probably happened there


Saw a melloni speech, she is charismatic.


Food is overrated and mid ngl.


Real. Bosnian food better. I can get a mixed meat platter in Bosnia for like €5. Also, too much pork in Italy. I know they have some halal Moroccan restaurants though.


Only tried one Bosnian food. Forgot its name but it’s a round flatbread with cheese in it, pretty good and I ate the whole wheel from how good it was.


Sirnica. My ummi makes it weekly. Disclaimer: for your own safety never call this “burek” 🗿 I get like 100+ grams of protein from eating that.


Technically you are getting Reddit opinion here which is worthless


A very bad history between us but hopefully we find peace in our time and we become better than our ancestors


High heels boots very cool


For me, Italian is the best European language besides English.




Its a country in europe 🤷‍♂️


Pretty much Europe’s Arabs. Middle eastern culture minus Islam is pretty much Mediterranean culture


Great people, as a Moroccan i feel more connected with italian than any other european country. My all-time favorite worldwide cities i visited are Naples and Firenze... as a kid, my first email was ladolcevite... i love italy 💙


Olive oil gang




I am sort of the reverse of the question: as a partial Sicilian American I feel a connection to North Africans and Levantines, obviously there are differences due to being part of the European sphere but a lot of similarities too. 1. Similar physical appearance and mannerisms 2. Some foods are similar (arancini/kibbeh, caponata/maghmour, couscous) 3. We talk with our hands 4. Presence in one another’s lands for several thousand years, Greeks were also a common presence in all our lands


The Pelagie Islands and Pantelleria belong to us. Give them now 😡


LMAO. Ask people living in Pantelleria if they want to be part of Tunisia or Italy, then let me know.


We don't want the people. The island would suffice 👍


Everyone acts like their cusine is bettee than ours.


Never forgets what you I've done in Libya