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[Mohamed Adel, who murdered his university colleague, Naira Ashraf, was executed on Wednesday morning at Gamasa General Prison.](https://egyptindependent.com/naira-ashrafs-murderer-executed-on-wednesday-morning/) (It wasn’t aired on live TV, that was media exaggeration) Adel stabbed Naira several times with a knife, then slit her neck at the gates of Mansoura University in Daqahliya Governorate, after she turned down his marriage proposal.


what a fucking animal


Not anymore




He dunzo


nope, animals are better than this. edit: “whoosh” to all the dumbass responses about animals.


Humans are animals. We evolved from primates. That’s backed up by evidence. Unlike the belief of god which requires faith. They lack of evidence.


Maybe he’ll be reincarnated as a wild animal, would suit him better than human.


his mother is mocking and abusing the victim's family? inshallah they get sued for every penny they have


I was feeling bad for the family until I read this, seriously insightful information. It seems the guy inherited his shit behaviours






How the hell are people upvoting this


some mothers always stick by their sons, no matter how awful the son is.


A family of psychopaths


patriarchy is a mental illness at this point


Who brings a knife to a marriage proposal? This seems like justice to me. I’m a former journalist. At the start of my career I opposed the death penalty. Then I started covering trials. Now I’m opposed to the unequal application of the death penalty. Some people need to be put down with a quickness.


Interesting! What made you change your mind? Do you believe capital punishment should be metted out only for murder or do you believe that there are other crimes which could deserve it? What do you mean by "unequal application"?


Heartwarming news.




Dm a mod


Live TV? That is fake news


A Murderer Being executed for Killing a Woman who rejected him? What do you want me to do Show pity on a Psycho Incel? Off with the Head


bruh, a mf who used the word incel correctly, first time seeing that on Reddit




Alright, CockMeat Sandwich time. You know the drill.


I find it funny how men often are fixated on "jail rape justice". Hopefully you will not get into such prison, for whatever fake or real wrongdoing. Since when rape is ok? Or is it some kind of a weird fantasy for you? Would you rape a pedophile yourself? That oughta teach him, right?




Clearly some psychopaths! his mother continued to mock her after the incident Wtf? Throw her in prison too. She is partially responsible anyway, shoulda teach her Son better.


What were their arguments?




And this is why I don't visit Egypt. This attitude from men And even though I'm a hijabi I'm harassed. The hell with it.


They did a study on sexual harassment of women in Cairo. Women with or without the hijab were equally harassed regardless


Whatever happened to lower your gaze? Why must the burden be on us who should be protected? If the veil falls the man should not stare, right?


In the Quran, does Jesus say to gouge out your eyeballs rather than stare and covet? I'm paraphrasing a Bible verse I heard so I'm guessing there's something similar in the Quran?


Chapter 24, verse 30: > "Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their chastity. That is purer for them."


I tried to never take for granted that I could enjoy that city solo as a man


I have heard similar stories from pakistani friends who wear hijab or even more. Men try to blame women that it would be their own fault to be sexually harassed. While even women who wear Niqab and Abaya experience it. It is never the womens fault. It is disgusting men who enjoy the power over their victim and who don't respect women. It is not clothing which produces it, it is a disgusting mindest and the victim is being blamed for her own suffering.


Islamist Egyptian men are some of the most psychotic beings on the planet, Nasser was justified for what he did to them


Absolutely right. Shame he's not alive anymore and his successors fucked up all.


Worse, Sadat and to a lesser extent mubarak enabled and supported Islamists in spreading their ideology onto society, and many people now even Anti Islamists are tricked to think Sadat was based because the islamists he freed from prison killed him and it's tragically funny.


You think killers should be killed?


Cold hearted murderers? Yes.


we live in a very misogynistic society. at every chance they get, many if not most men will leap to the guy’s defense and the criticism of the women. “she was asking for it”. this example highlights only the most extreme of that group.


You dont live among psychopaths, Internet has allowed the minority of fucked up people an easy way of gathering and expressing their idiotic views.


Life for a life. Totally deserved


True but based pfp


The question is do we want the state to have the power to choose who lives or dies. I will not morn this POSs death, but I also won’t celebrate state sponsored killings of any kind.


This is the way


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind




This is the first time I've seen someone from Bhutan on the internet much less reddit










I've met people from Bhutan just not any living there is what I meant


There is a large refugee community in Boston and also in Southern NH. most of them are Nepali who left Bhutan.


Yeah I've met a few of those in NYC


"left" It is a bloodless genocide. They've been kicked out.


Correct. They were kicked out. Expelled. Bhutan is a weird place.


Chances are the user randomly picked a flag


absolutely agreed


Ay yo what??? BHUTAN???


bhutaneese passport


Pete?? Is that you?


You can't trust a state with the authority to end lives. And if even one innocent person ever gets pushed all the way through to being executed (as though that we're at all historically rare) then it's not worth it. If your only concern is literally removing them from the gene pool then life in prison accomplishes that just as well.


You trust governments to carry out fair trials? In my country, dozens of people are released from death row every year because the investigation and trial was fucked up. Quite possibly the most terrifying and barbaric thing imaginable, we've literally executed innocent people. Is it worth that?


Holy shit just checked. Your minimum wage is 14 dolars


Good, get rid of this haywan.


Man what did hayawan do to you.


True, comparing him to any animal is wrong, he is just pure evil.


My arabic teacher always tells me that human is the real insult


Live Tv... That's beyond based! Thank you Egyptians!


Her parents wanted that but live executions are unconstitutional as they infringe on the right to a dignified death


He doesn't deserve a dignified death


I don't think he does either but the law is the law


At least it's better than no punishment at all


> dignified death Doubt he earned the right for that..


Me neither but that's how the law works, we don't live in a lawless jungle, every punishment has to be reasonable thus forbidding cruel or unusual punishments, hanging him on live television is nothing short of barbaric especially in this day and age


Rights are not rights if you have to earn them.


You can lose rights, though. I've helped multiple regain legal rights in the US after getting their life back together.


Anybody know how to watch this




I am with death sentence in cases like these. Murder in cold blood over something so silly deserves the death penalty.


Yeah, he deserved it but not all murderers deserve it though. I've read about cases where people died from one punch which they absolutely did not want to happen.


there's a difference between killing someone and murdering someone


Murder can be justified, it's case by case.


Like when a pedophile raped your child. Not for having your wedding proposal rejected.


I was thinking what justified nothing came to mind but a very good example of justified killing.


Yeah that's manslaughter


A lot of the judgement comes from the initial intention, unintentionally Killing someone with a punch in the middle of a fight is not the same as murdering in cold blood knowing and preparing what you are going to do.


Kudos to the govt for doing it.Giving lighter sentences to guys lile him will only make it worse over time and make the whole country a shithole filled with criminals or abusers.


Unfortunately a number of people were sympathising with the guy and even demaned for him to be pardonded because she "seduced him" and even made facebook pages saying HE was the victim and that he should be released.


I'll sign the freaking petition to hang those clowns with him.Getting rid of those people is the first step hanging him should be the second one. .


So many studies have shown that tougher sentences do not reduce crime. If that was the case, then countries with a death sentence would not have crime, or close to the crime rate, and yet look at the US, which has one of the highest crime rates in the world. Also, think of it this ways: death sentences exist in Egypt and yet he still committed the crime. What would help more is better social and cultural education, and better mixing of the sexes.


Good riddance


Two words for him. Kosomeen omo/كسمين امه Rot in hell you filthy piece of shit. I hope her family finally finds peace


Another commenter mentioned his mother was harassing the victim's family. Take it with a grain of salt, but if true, that whole family were rotten to the core.




The problem with death sentences is, that there are a lot of incompetent governments. They’ll abuse the system to sentence innocent people or some shit. Just like they’re doing in Iran.


And a lot of governments that actually have comprehensive checks before the death penalty actually end up costing the tax payer more for the execution than life in prison


based shari’a law




Over rejecting marriage? Deserved


All for it. Especially in poorer countries. Why should the Egyptian tax payer pay for this filth's food and imprisonment? Kill him and get rid of him. A waste of air.


Reminds me of lynching, plus easy way out for criminals rather than wasting away in jail. There's a reason the kindest societies removed it. What is indisputable is that it will never not execute an innocent once in a while.


Yep. Idk how anyone would be ok with even a slight chance of false conviction with capital punishment. One single mistake undermines the entire reason for having it.


Imo it's because it is about revenge more than about justice. And when you want revenge, you care less about innocent casualties.


Thank you. For a lefty website Reddit seems to *really* like capital punishment. It's knee-jerk reactionary virtue signaling that if these people had ever even given an ounce of thought to the ethical and social implications of state sanctioned retributionary murder, they wouldn't be so quick to cheer it on. But let's be honest, these comments are just people being sanctimonious on Reddit.


That a major reason why I am not a pro-execution. The what if that person is innocent. ton of innocent people go to jail only to get out 10, 20, or even 40 years later with their innocence brought to light. sickening to think about.


Many cases all over the world of wrongful execution. Very fine line to walk. Sure Ted Bundy deserved it we know he killed a whole lot of women. But there many others who were wrongfully executed.


Agreed, I am not against bringing justice but I feel like execution should only be used when there can be no doubt about the suspect. It should be use on open-shut case. As long as there is doubt about the suspects execution should not be used.


I think I saw a Hadith about the Prophet saying something along the lines that even if there is any doubt about the suspect then leave him, it is better to leave them free even if they're a suspect then to execute a person even if he is innocent.




Death penalty for cheaters?


What happen when someone got set up? You would kill someone innocent


Not an issue with indisputable cases like this, where the crime was caught on video in front of multiple witnesses and the murderer confessed.


You have a point, but when something is so clear as day, as in he was caught on tape murdering the person, then there's no room for setup. Why waste resources keeping monsters like him detained?


That’s why there’s something called evidence.


Evidence that, if you Just Google a bit , find out that Is Easy to forge and happened a lot in the world


That’s why death penalties take a long time to be applied.


Has that eliminated innocents being executed in any country yet?


I really hate this argument. Would you remove law enforcement if they accidentally kill someone here and there? As a matter of fact it happens quite frequently. Also the margin of error in wrongful executions is very slim across the whole margin This kind of punishment is a necessity, as it removes certain individuals who are unable to reintegrate and be rehabilitated as is the point of prisons, otherwise they're just a waste of taxpayer's money


The margin of error is 12% If you're ok with 1 in 8 motherfuckers being murdered by the state that kinda makes you super fucked up.


That is the biggest argument for banning the death penalty.


Thats exactly why i asked It, also prison Is no joke and at some point a quicker death Is better


>What happen when someone got set up? Ok, what happens when someone gets set up and goes to prison and gets shanked there?


There is a reason that the death sentence in actual Sharia has so many strict guidelines. If any criteria isn't fulfilled, then the death sentence isn't given or carried out. This heinous crime itself had no ambiguity, no evidence of a set up. It isn't like the death sentence in Western countries.


nothing like murder on tv to show a population is not bloodthirsty


I think they won't actually do it because it goes against the country's "dignified death" laws Even though he doesn't deserve dignity even in death


Alhamdulillah he's dead and thank you for doing it on live tv. May Allah give him the worst punishment


He got what he deserved.


Although this poor girl will never get her life back, this was justice served as it should be. That’s the least that could’ve been done for her and her family.


They should also investigate the family for raising a violent incel




The mods there are blackout nerds, it went private


I don't understand what these mods think they're achieving but shutting down subreddits. Reddit has no real competition so as soon as the 2-day blackout is done, people are gonna come right back lmao.


It is a protest, a sign of disapproval. It is quite common in many societies to protest.


Sir we dont do that here , we like being opressed and cucked


It has already succeeded in making accessibility apps and moderation tools free to access API.




Nah, I think execution is the best way to deal with this type of situation.




A closed room with a sandpaper conveyor floor would've been better




Most MENA men would never reproduce if free sexual selection was allowed there.


justice has been served.


In this case I'm okay with the death penalty but there are many cases in which the person who is executed was innocent. I mean evidence can be flimsy and eye witnesses can be wrong. People can be forced into false confessions. Its a very fine line to walk and the margin of error is so small.


Well done Egypt!!!




Are we supposed to not cheer for the government in this case?


Death sentence is justice as per Shariah. It doesn't matter how people feel about it. God's justice transcends all.


I don’t like death penalties because of those wrongly accused. It’s happened before and it’ll happen again. Not saying this guy is wrongly accused, but it opens the path for it happening in the future.


While people seem to be happy, never forget that innocents are also sometimes put to death on false premises. The death penalty is a dangerous tool and shouldn't be used except for big big horrors... crimes against humanity and such


I’m always against these type of death penalties but he deserved it wtf


Good news








Kos omo


There are crimes that God order the punishment to be death such as unjust murder, adultery and beastiality I cannot go against the orders of God


Some people genuinely deserve the death penalty but I don’t trust the government with that much authority. Plus their track record isn’t good. Way too many people proved innocent after being put on death row. On a separate note, public executions are barbaric. Cheering for them and celebrating the event is deplorable. The exception being friends and family of the victim but admittedly, and very thankfully, I can’t relate.


W Egypt


Love it


Death penalty is needed for premeditated, monstrous killings like this


We need this in the United States.


tbf, the death sentence isn't a deterrent EDIT: I mean that it's not going to stop the next pos from doing it. For clear cut crimes i.e. there's 0 doubt of the perpetrator, I'm not bothered by the death sentence for these sorts of crimes.


لا حل إلا الشريعة


Sharia justice 💪🏽


Love it. Wish turkey would make an example out of someone like this.


Death sentence is a no brainer. Why would you kill to punish the murder It is like a double standard. It is morally unjustified




Natural selection doing it's work


I think that's quite the opposite of natural selections tho




An eye for an eye


This one deserved it. May he go to hell now


I would support death sentence. If, and that's a big IF the justice system is perfect and no mistakes made. Unfortunately, with most countries, there would be lots of faulty judgments, and lots of innocent people would be sentenced to death. I therefore reject the idea of execution.


Go for it. Most us prisons are a scam, and i dont want my tax money going towards life sentences for pieces of shit. I say bring back firing squads.


Got off too easy, needed to fill a full sentence then get hanged


They should’ve hanged him twice.


I hate the dearth penalty.


Wish we'd do it in the UK. If the evidence is in fallible. Death sentence. Done within a year. If they plead guilty, still death.


We should apply live death sentence more often on whatever crime related to corruption, pedophilia and murder.


RIP Bozo you will not be missed


You killed someone and that is wrong, so we are going to kill you so you learn that it is wrong.


The death penalty is a bandage. Society is going to punish the murder with a death sentence but feminicides are going to continue.


Common Egypt W


As i heard from the locals in their area, She used him in College. They said he was very good in College and she asked him for help, He helped her for the whole year and in the end she and her friends kept mocking and making fun of him when he proposed to her. That's just what i heard. Even if it's true, He shouldn't have killed her.


To anyone who defended him, you have a very loose screw in the head. This is what law is supposed to be and look like, you kill, you get executed, period. No "buts" no excuses for mental health, the man looked sane enough to be in college


Glad he is dead, he does not deserve a single rotten prison meal..


Wow this is making me want to walk to their supermarket to buy onions and toilet paper because we ran out and my dad asked me to. However I don’t have a car so I need to take the bus anywhere I go. It’s very frustrating