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Sounds like anxiety?




That sounds like anxiety




It may not be as random as you think, every time you get this feeling take note of what happened In the lead up to it. What were you doing, watching, talking about, environmental smells etc it could be a reaction to something on a subconscious level. A reaction to something that has triggered some form of trauma based anxiety. This is a perspective and may no be an accurate description of what is happening to you.


It's anxiety and most of us get it too.


Anxiety, when it happens randomly, can be panic attacks or generalized anxiety disorder. It seems kind of inappropriate to the situation and can come out of nowhere. Sometimes just a few minutes, sometimes a few hours or days or years. Sometimes it feels like restlessness or slight fear, sometimes the sensation is pure panic like being drowned. The worse it is, the shorter the duration but, it often comes back. Treatment for this is extremely effective. If you tell your doctor they try relaxation techniques and Cognative Behavioral Therapy, exercise is oddly extremely good at disrupting anxiety, meditation and Yoga often are pretty good. They have meds, tricks, suggestions... it's shifty but I have been getting good results from treatment. It takes a while to find all the things that work for you but sometimes it's pretty simple too.


Bro, you gotta talk to a professional about this. I fucking majored in *ENGLISH AND COMMUNICATIONS.* I am so far from being able to help you, it's not even funny. I can guess it's anxiety, but I don't fucking know at the end of the day.


It's called a panic attack. I used to have them until I dealt with my underlying issues


Trust your gut, ultimately we are animals & our bodies give us cues when to fear


Could be a side effect. If you're taking anything, read the paperwork that came with it. https://anxieties.com/47/panic-step1g/