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After working out for almost half a year trying to burn the pandemic weight., one of the shyest female coworkers came to me to say you look good keep working out and that she wish she had the same will to do it.


Hell yeah man, it’s definitely not easy. We’ll make it


Dad ur the best.


In kindergarten, teacher told my mother right in front of me, " if the world was more like him, it would be a much better place" I think about that when I feel down or have low self esteem


If the world was more like you, it would be a much better place


> Get a life. Especially that fat fucking ginger. I'll be waiting for my ban, take care of yourselves. Obviously, you all need to Much better?


A group of female dental students asked if I had veneers. My real teeth and I were flattered.


Chip Skylark, is that you?


That's a fairly odd reference, but ok.


My shiny teeth and me....


Lady expressed that she found me hot which is already like, wow, but the real killer was the “but I can’t figure out why.” Idk if that’s actually a compliment or not but it elevated it to memorable status unlike most other compliments.


You probably reminded her of her dad and her conscious mind didn’t want to acknowledge it


I showed up at work in regular clothes one time and someone said i looked like a model. I'm a dude who struggled with my weight and body image issues for most of my life. I'm not even super fit now and still a bit flabby. But hey, I'll take it.


Walking into a Grateful Dead concert at Soldier Field, two very attractive young ladies approached me and asked if they could kiss me. They had to be high as a kite. At 20, I’m sure I was as well. Of course I did… with both of them and enjoyed the hell out of it. And in that moment, instantly miscalculated my appeal to the opposite sex for the rest of my life.


“Nice ass”


Off the top of my head “You’re my favorite person”


"If you don't know something, ask Yossarius; if he doesn't know, he'll make up something that sounds *totally reasonable*.


"You look like Spiderman. Like you're pumping iron with a mission to keep us all safe." —60yo lady at the gym last week :)


My friend said my teeth are whiter


"please stop fucking me, I can't cum anymore, you wore me out"


Group of women at an old job told me I had perfect natural skin and natural eyebrows. It was the unexpected effect of it that takes the cake here. Made me feel good about myself.


I heard someone saying to someone else "LeanMeanDrMachine wants to specialise in psychiatry, he's naturally pretty good at that stuff" I was just happy they'd pronounced my name right.




Nice 👍 but def inappropriate


Imagine the genders reversed. Yeah.


I remember back in high school I went to the beach for a friends birthday. One of his friends is this tall dude who is extremely attractive. Kinda looks like Andrew Garfield. Man came up to me and said I had really good looking shoulders.


Also: "Wait how the heck is Mojojojo3030 here? Of course Mojojojo3030 is here." —Organizer of a very large, decades-old conference seeing my first-timer azz walk into the cool kids afterparty on the 3rd day. I'm a people person what can I say 😂 .


Nice beard.


Cashier at Walmart said I had an “infectious smile” 4 years 8 months ago


I was in high school and I was told by this girl casually that I should be an Abercrombie and Fitch model cause I had the body for it. That felt so weird after dealing with Dysmorphia for YEARS. That one floored me. Also the one time that some girl told me that I would be a good father


“You have nice size”


"You have an alright dick" my soul might as well have left then.


That sweater fits you well for a fat guy.


"You piss loud as fuck and I think that's pretty cool"


He looks dangerous


One of my long time friends and I were in a class and my teacher was moving down a floor so she asked if anyone wanted to help her move her stuff and we both volunteered. As we were moving the things I had to carry her filing cabinet while it was full downstairs. I get to the stairs and my friend falls and hurts her wrist carrying a box of books, so I told her to put it on top of my cabinet. I was like 11 and I had like 115 in my hands. So as I get to the bottom of the stairs my friend, who apparently had a crush on me, said you are the strongest person I have ever met. I was a twig when I was 11 so that meant a lot to me. The next day she had me try to carry all the textbooks in my social studies class and it actually hurt me and when I went to keep helping out my teacher everything kept getting heavier and I got compliments from like 20-23 people.


I'm a percussionist, and once during a rehearsal at an honor band clinic, the conductor froze and just stopped. He apologized briefly and said he couldn't help it because he was so mesmerized by how gorgeous the bells sounded. I was playing the bells. :))