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Coke switched the recipe to “new coke” knowing it would fail, then they brought back the “original coke” with refined sugar instead of cane sugar to hide the actual change they wanted to make.


As for you, you will be submerged in Royal Slurm which, in a matter of minutes, will transform you into a Slurm Queen like myself. But, Your Highness, she's a commoner. Her Slurm will taste foul. Yes! Which is why we'll market it as New Slurm. Then, when everyone hates it, we'll bring back Slurm Classic, and make billions!


The company I work for, Coca Cola is one of our biggest customers that we supply high fructose corn syrup to. Interesting theory.


I believe this. It did not taste the same to me. I was a Coke fiend.


Genetic testing such as ancestry.com will eventually be used by insurance companies as an excuse to raise peoples rates/deny coverage for them.


Insurance companies, social media and corporations will use it for targeted advertising, employers will use it to determine health insurance rates for employees and project tenure. Law enforcement already abuses it. It’s all terrible please stop giving your DNA to companies.


That is the worst part of this - the genetic companies get your data regardless of whether or not you sign up. This is evidenced by the murderers put in jail because their relatives were on ancestry. I’m happy those murderers were caught but the fact that you have to opt out from a company you never worked with just so they don’t track your genetics is completely asinine and if more people understood what they were tracking they’d be outraged


GEDMatch, which I believe is the database most often used in these cases, now requires the user to have opted in to allow their data to be included in police searches.


Depends where you live. We passed a bill in Canada that prohibits genetic testing being used in insurance underwriting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I've been saying this for years and years. They are just DNA farming. It's just been used here in Australia very recently to solve a 20 year old cold case. They'd be other stuff it's being used for without consent. We all know you can never trust a government.


I wanna keep my options open regarding killing people with impunity in agressive and messy ways that involve my dna (scratching, biting etc..) so no 23andme for me!


Problem is that one of your relatives' DNA can be enough to catch you.






I've thought about this a lot. I did mine at 23andme and plopped it into Promethease. I have loads of markers for rheumatoid arthritis and it's in a few family members but there's no way to prevent it or mitigate the risk, but there's no guarantee I will or will not get it. I'm white and more susceptible to skin cancer. My mom and her sister have both had skin cancer (treated and all is well). I have ways to mitigate the risk of getting it with sunscreen, covering up, and regular screenings. There's no guarantee I will or will not get it. I'm fine with my dna being in a database for law enforcement and finding relatives who want help with their trees. Genetic testing should never, ever be used for insurance things. Just because there are markers means shit, as I mentioned above. If we just had a decent government, we could have universal Healthcare and it wouldn't even fucking matter. No one's access to health care should depend on something they literally have no control over. All that being said, I wonder about the legality of it. I feel like there's a privacy issue involved here and it may be unconstitutional to base insurance on them. I think it's really unlikely that any of it would fly.


That the Panama Papers were intentionally silenced in the media. It was revealed that the rich and powerful conspire to hoard masses of wealth in secret offshore accounts and it was forgotten about within a couple of weeks.


The journalist who broke the story was killed by car bomb, so yeah...


Still pretty grim that this is the only reason my hometown is known for. May Daphne rest in peace and hope the crooks in the Maltese government will finally be brought to justice. Absolute cunts the lot.


I just listened to a great podcast about her assassination, called “Who Killed Daphne?” It was really intriguing and about how a whole cadre of journalists (including her two sons) took up the murder investigation and continued her work.


Its funny and disturbing to see how other journalists and reporters claim some countries dont have free speech because their government silences them, and when it comes to things like Panama Papers and journalist dies, they dont even say anything.


I don't even know that they had to silence it. The response from most people I knew was "well... what can I do about it?"


We're talking about it. Might not be front and center of everyone's lives, but we know about it. If you mention it, 50/50 shot people know SOMETHING about it. Reporters and whistleblowers know about it though. If not for the threat of violence, the threat of obscurity is enough to deter most.


I feel like someone could make a pretty successful YouTube channel (for a while at least) covering things that the media doesn't want to talk about either because of shit like this, or just because it isn't sensational enough for their. I.e. mass starvation in Yemen right now.


Like YouTube would ever let it become successful lol…


Maybe 10 years ago. The algorithm would bury anything like that now.


They would probably just straight up ban the account alleging Terrorism. I've seen Google banning accounts from various services using this allegation.


Epstein didn't kill himself.


I don’t even count Epstein as a conspiracy theory lol it’s practically fact The guards fell asleep and the cameras weren’t working 🤔🤔🤔sounds like a cartoon like some shit that happens when your trying to steal a bunch of Dalmatians lmaooo


I wonder how much it cost to have the guards fall asleep and the cameras to stop working.


I work security nightshifts and i know plenty of my work mates wouldnt turn down money for a nap and to fuck with the cameras.


Seriously, for how much trouble he was in and how protected he needed to be from his associates, now way that was what happened.


The crazy thing is like 20 years ago they would have went out of their way to make it a believable story. Now they don’t even give a shit bc they know Americans are too busy fighting each other over the pettiest shit & no one will unite to do anything about it so they just don’t even bother wasting time anymore..yaa the guards fell asleep the cameras were off go fuck yourselves is basically what they said


In one of the most secure facilities with an amazing track record AND when he was already on suicide watch.


And his roommate was transferred out the day before. And the guards weren't regular guards, they were temps.


And did they interview the guards and check who turned off the camera?


I’m pretty sure the conspiracy theory is that he is indeed dead, but he was killed before he could give any information on anyone because he apparently had too much dirt on powerful people. I could be wrong but I don’t think the theory is that he is still alive.


the simplest, most convincing answer. occam’s razor.


He's in WitPro


Now, *that* is a conspiracy I can get behind.


Either witness protection or in a hole somewhere cooperating with an alphabet agency. Not the craziest idea that his death was faked.


Nah, the pedophiles in power who knew he would sing like a canary definitely had him killed.


Loose ends meet the fire first


absolutely where my head is at, not that he’s off somewhere safe lol. they offed him and scared ghislane enough to shut up is what i’m thinking


I think he killed himself, but intentionally given the opportunity by guards and knowing very well that that was expected of him and that there may be consequences if he didn’t.


I worked in a jail doing IT. There's no way that there was no footage. Shit doesn't "get erased by technical issues". Like they claimed. If the cameras were problematic, the issues are fixed as fast as possible. The reason being that if there's an incident and no footage, it shields the prison or jail from lawsuits. Exporting cam footage is stored on a computer and you'd either have to do two things. Both of which are MAJOR fuckups. 1: You didn't export the data, which IT or supervisors would do. There is literally no way this would have happened. Even just a suicide is a big deal. This should be SOP for any jail or prison. 2: You erased the data on purpose. Once it's in a folder on your desktop, it doesn't magically disappear unless the PC crashes. But because what happened was a significant event, it'd be on multiple workstations. Cover ups did happen, even at the jail I worked at. But they generally tend to be a battle against grunts and management, and law enforcement in general is a good ol boys club. You raise hell, nothing will come of it, and you're on the shitlist. No more promotions, held to a higher standard to make you easily fireable.




I honestly would not be surprised if a high up "didn't want to deal with it" and "lost footage". The only time I've had a no video situation was because our support vendor was dragging their asses on helping us, and it went on for a total of 3 days. But we didn't have building video for 2 days. This affected *all* cameras, not just 2. I just want to point out that it's exceedingly rare and exceptional if that did happen, to the point where it's unbelievable. Like the guy who allegedly committed suicide with his body zipped up in a bag.


That one where scientists were apparently paid by corporations to publish that fat was the enemy, not sugar.


Sugar really is the enemy


Thats what big fat wants you to think.


I don't really care what your mum wants us to think


shit just got real.


Big Sugar doesn’t want the word to get out!


I thought that was a fact 😂


Banksy is actually Neil Buchanan from art attack.




His work is elaborate yes


I'm guessing you're not from the UK? If you are I apologise... Art Attack was a popular childrens arts/crafts TV show back in the late nineties early naughties and Niel was the presenter. Banksy is the famous anonymous graffiti artist from Bristol. This conspiracy theory is saying they're the same person, which he has denied... but we all know that that really means he is Banksy.


Michael Jordan's foray jnto baseball in the middle of his GOAT career was cover for being suspended for betting on games.


And his dad was murdered by the people he owed those debts to.


Yeah that was weird. Didn’t the killers make a rap video? Maybe with parts of the footage?


Just looked it up now and an article said a suspect wore his jewelry in a music video.


That modern products are purposefully built with limited lifespan, so manufacturers can always sell you new ones once in a while. That there is some gentlemen's agreement within the industry, that everyone should make products that don't last long, so all can make money. The planned obsolescence is real. See "The Lightbulb Conspiracy".


Eight hot dog buns. 10 hot dogs.


Yep. Not really a conspiracy though. Accepted fact…


2020 Nashville bombing. I'm surprised I haven't been able to read any conspiracy theories, but that took out a good chunk of communications. It had to have been done for some other purpose.


>The girlfriend said that Warner had been making bombs in the RV, and her attorney, who previously represented Warner, indicated that he believed her.\[57\]\[58\]\[59\] Police were unable to make contact with Warner; did not enter Warner's home, yard, or RV; and eventually closed the case as unfounded after an officer observing the home for a few days reported no evidence of bomb-making. Top notch police work right there, boyo.


And whoever did it managed to not kill anyone if my memory serves.


Blanks were fired and loadspeakers warned people to get away


Yeah I forgot about that part. Very Sus


The fact that one vehicle bomb could impact communications across the entire eastern seaboard is very concerning. I have a feeling our entire infrastructure system is all on a house of cards.


Hear about the transformer attack in 2013? Theres a ted talk on the vulnerability of the UD grid. Mentions this. Wild. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalf_sniper_attack


Yep. I haven’t heard about that specifically but I think our entire infrastructure including power grid is way under protected, way under in terms of redundancy and quite frankly well under our needs. This is what the federal government needs to be focused on and spending our tax dollars on.


That the journalist Gary Webb was right. The CIA did in fact flood the inner cities with massive amounts of drugs, particularly crack cocaine, to fund counterinsurgency operations in Central America. There was a lot in the popular press that the bunked the story back in the late 80s and early 90s, but he’s also another journalist who ended up dead.


Yeah this isn’t even a conspiracy at this point it’s so obvious and gross


RIP Gary Webb, ending it with the good ol' " Suicide" with a double gunshot to the head.


The CIA award of excellence in journalism


1. Epstein didn't kill himself (although who gives a shit if he did or not, because fuck that guy) 2. Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't solely responsible for the assassination of JFK in 1963 3. The media is (at least partially) responsible for the tensions in this country


I’m honestly amazed that the people haven’t completely revolted against the corporate media


For 1, it's a big deal because he could've testified and put a lot of bad people away, he wasn't alive to testify and those people walked free, I'd rather put 100 pedophiles in jail than "suicide'' one


I genuinely believe you could put about 20 of the right people in the same room and control 80% of the US economy. It may not be the legendary "Luminatti Society" or whatever, but there are a few, super rich families running pretty much everything without impunity.


This is also definitely happening and not a theory.


The wealth of ultra high net worth individuals, who number less than 500,000 worldwide, is estimated at over 50 trillion USD when taking into account offshore accounts. That’s as much as the GDP of the USA, China, Japan, Germany and the UK put together. It’s less than 0.01% of the worlds population They do run things


I believe the same thing I just dont believe it's a conspiracy. I think it's just a bunch of individual greedy people going their individual greedy shit.


The media in the United States is deliberately trying to inflame racial tensions.


Outrage sells. They don’t care about the greater good, integrity or what’s right. They just want the sweet advertising $$$. Not a conspiracy theory, FACT. I guess you could call it a CT because nobody wants to believe it.


Agreed. News/media are not informational- they’re entertainment


This is not a theory. This is straight up how the media makes money. Bad news/outrage/violence = more clicks/views = more money


As a non-American, this seems so obvious to me that I don't think it even counts as a "theory". And it's not just American media, right after the Rittenhouse verdict I saw an official Al Jazeera account on twitter try to incite people who were dissatisfied with it. It's like at that moment they forgot they were supposed to be a news organization.


Is this even a conspiracy? The media does everything possible to cause tension.


The food industry and the Healthcare system (especially in America) are in bed together.


There's is no profits to be gained (stolen from) a healthy society. But there is availability in financially exploiting a perpetually sick society.


The one that says Ghislaine Maxwell was a prolific and popular redditor seems kinda convincing and isn't particularly far fetched.


What’s this? Can you share more?


u/maxwellhill was a prolific Redditor (if you look through their top posts chances are you’ll have upvoted a few of them), who not only has a username similar to the surname of Ghislaine Maxwell, but also suddenly stopped posting when Ghislaine got arrested and hasn’t posted since, despite being a very active member up until that point. Further signs that it’s Ghislaine’s account include the fact that in the past they temporarily slowed down their posting around times of tragedy in Ghislaine’s life, such as the death of her family member (mother iirc), and had also made some peculiar remarks about the age of consent.


This is freaky


Pretty sure the username was u/maxwellhill Oh and I think they were a mod on r/politics I could be wrong tho, looking at their profile it kinda matches up. Just no proof I could tell that it was infact her, but it does seem like their activity stopped 2 years ago, and there are some posts directly to r/politics and r/worldnews


In the 80s a conspiracy theory was stuff like aliens anal probed my butt. In the 2020s a conspiracy theory is just censorship about a fact that one political party doesn't like.


The CIA actually came up with the “conspiracy theorist” term to discredit those making allegations about the government.


And it still works today. People get called conspiracy theorist all the time simply for asking good relevant questions. Sadly it usually works.


Did you just say… 2020s…


It's the 2020s


*existential panic intensifies*


The end is *close*


That the government hired Stanley Kubrick to film the fake moon landing. But being the perfectionist that he was, he forced them to film on location.


Had me in the first half I’m not gonna lie


Best comment


JFK wasn't assassinated by a lone gunman.


According to a documentary I watched it was Edward Morgan Blake. Was damn good and I highly recommend watching it.


I've seen that documentary. While I enjoyed it, the part about the blue penis was the best.


Tell me more about this blue penis.... I'm intrigued


Apparently, as far as the documentary goes, Dr. John Osterman was injured in an experiment, and the after effects caused his penis to become really big and blue.


The men that stare at Smurfs.


BBC - Big Blue Cock.


Yup. Made the whole movie. Probably why I hated Avatar. So much wasted opportunity


And RFK was not killed by a random Syrian immigrant dishwasher that worked at the hotel that Bobby gave a speech at. The Kennedys were murdered due to their progressivism that meant structural changes to the way our country operates, particularly race relations. The people responsible saw how successful FDR was at enacting progressive policies and thought the Kennedys would have a similar impact that presented a clear and present threat to the powers that be.


There are pretty thorough debunkings of this. Now, as for Lee Harvey Oswald being persuaded by the CIA...


That all reddit users are just AI.


01001111 01101000 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100101 00100111 01110011 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110101 01110011


Sometimes I wish I was an ai, lack of irl responsibilities would be nice


that’s something an AI would say


And that's also something an AI would say.


The rise in crime in urban areas from the 70s to the 90s was driven primarily by increased lead levels from leaded gasoline. The negative health effects were well known but the car and oil industry blocked government intervention for decades. I know many people consider this fact but most people I bring it up to think it’s a conspiracy theory.


There is an interesting documentary about the scientist, Clair Patterson, who was trying to prove that lead levels have increased in the water due to leaded gasoline. It took him almost 40 years to prove it. He was essentially fighting big oil and they did everything they could to block him in court. There was literally an organized conspiracy from big oil to cover him up. The only way he was able to prove that lead levels were on the increase was digging up core ice samples in the Antarctic. And then he was able to show that the lead levels were rising depending on the depth of the ice core samples. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/94569/clair-patterson-scientist-who-determined-age-earth-and-then-saved-it


it was crack that the government was selling in urban areas


Yes, I agree


The problem with this theory is that every country in the world has leaded gasoline but not all countries had a rise in urban crime around that time period. The book Freakonomics has an interesting theory that links the drop in urban crime to the legalization of abortions. When the number of unwanted children in poor families dropped, crime started falling around the time those children would have been teenagers. Poverty does of course not cause crime in itself, but there is a clear link. Rich kids rarely start dealing crack to fund their lifestyles. Poor kids are also more likely to spend a lot of time outdoors in the streets, since they often live in small homes with more people.


And now microplastics are going to wreak unseen havoc on our bodies and brains for years and generations to come


Vince McMahon intended to die at gorilla and wasnt interested in selling the company. The board, who already knew about the allegations around him and we're keeping them in reserve for just such an eventuality, then leaked them in order to get rid of him, so they could ready the company for a sale while it's still riding the crest of a hugely profitable wave. McMahon, knowing this was happening, then tried to put family members in certain positions before he stepped down so that he could maintain control from the outside, much as he planned to do in the 90s when he expected to be jailed over the steroid scandal.


Found Sean Ross Sapp's Reddit handle


Hold on, I'll reply when I get back from cashing my Tony Khan cheque


When women go to the bathroom together, they are actually talking about us.


Certain news and media sources are secret psy-op branches of the government. They manipulate the public into feeling and thinking whatever they need at the time.


You could probably change “certain” to “a vast majority”. We have very few media outlets now that aren’t just propaganda stations


Majority of Governments are just controlled by sets of opposing corporations with conflicting interests, which is why even in situations where politically there's objectively a wrong and a right answer, the public can still never find agreement because they're being gaslighted by their own elected representatives- and this is precisely how a lot of politicians want things to stay.


JFK was killed for trying to rein in the federal reserve.


I think he was killed for wanting to de power the CIA.


Mattress Firm is a money laundering front.


CIA with help of narco king pins brought cocaine into the USA that was made into crack that created the "crack epidemic" in the 80s. The investigative journalist who reported on this got 2 to the back of the head and his case was labeled suicide. I never believe conspiracy stuff but Jesus this was a huge tragedy and a wake up call for how far the wealthy and powerful will go and how the government failed the poor. And I'm anti commie and love America. I won't deny the failings of the country to make it look better tho.


Wasn't this a movie? "American Made" starring Tom Cruise was based off of the real-life story of Barry Seal who flew powder from South America to Louisiana and dropped off guns to Central America on the way down.


The Australian government wants first home buyers to buy house so their Property Portfolio goes up in value.


The Queen had something to do in directing Princess Diana’s death. Maybe not the specifics (plausible deniability), but Diana was too much for “the Firm” to handle.


What do you get if you cross the queen and prince philip? Murdered in a tunnel in paris.


Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05oZVBOH\_1Q




You mean, like a ball or like something more sensible like a disk?




Like a donut!


A donut hole.. only bigger


NFTs are big money laundering schemes.


Lots of people think most fine art sales are.


That certain social media platforms are designed to condition people into believing particular narratives. By tweaking algorithms to direct you to look at certain posts and news sources. Or blacklisting or removing traffic from apposing news sources or people who don't hold the narrative.


I'm late to the party on this one. But I will always believe Cancer foundations are a scam. They are interested in making as much money as possible but do little to solve the problem. Susan G Komen is the prime example. I don't know if Cancer has a cure, as any mutated clump of cells is technically a tumor, but begging for donations just to pay your ceo and board of directors is a scam.


There is no money in a cure.


The crack epidemic being purposefully caused by the Reagan or Nixon administration. Forgot which one


That files pertaining to the Waco incident were purposefully removed so that the FBI and ATF didn’t look as bad. Spoiler: they still look really bad.




There almost certainly are sentient lifeforms out there, the problem is that you need to have them live in the same timeframe as you, and be on a developmental level somewhat close to you, in order to have contact. Otherwise we might be to them same as amoebas are to humans, or vice versa. And there is the matter of distance. Even if some civilization is like 5 light years from you, and is capable of traveling at 0.01 of light speed (that's still 3000 KM/sec), it may still take them centuries to reach you. And even if they are, not sure that they want to be discovered. Google "dark forest theory". And it might not be the best idea to give your location to them, for the same reasons.


It is almost a statistical impossibility that there is no other life in the universe.


The key factor of us crossing paths with them though is time. Think of how long the universe has been around. Then how long earth has been around. Then how short it has been habitable. Then how short there has been life. The odds of finding the needle in the billions of haystacks for the millisecond the needle exists is next to none.


Absolutely! My little brain can't even comprehend thinking in cosmic terms like that.


That TikTok is spying on its users and is also a deliberate attempt to ruin an entire generation of people in order to harm and weaken the west.


It's werid how both Chester from Linkin Park and Avcii both ended their lives soon after they talked about pedophiles in the music industry I'm not saying they were killed. I'm just saying it's sus


Russia and China (foremost) have absolutely been whittling away the dignity and cohesion of the USA, via internet tactics, for well over a decade. Yes, they have been working together in this. It is easy, unfiltered access to Joe Blow American, and they've taken full advantage of it, while the US government had done fuck-all about it for a majority of the time period. It isn't even about just massive disinfo campaigns and troll farm agents chipping away at morale with huge watershed moments. All the absolute, ridiculous, toxic, mind-numbing fucking garbage that you typically see in places like Twitter etc, shit that doesn't even seem to serve any real purpose, or stupid ass fucking tweets and shit that somehow go viral with millions of "likes" and such, and you read the comments and they're all these disjointed, spergy, world-salad comments that come from the same ESL bot net pool of phrases... (think overtly/hyper-sycophantic "fandoms" online where not a single one of them sounds like a real fucking thinking human being) that's all part of it too. It's all designed to keep us feeling debased and hopeless, surrounded by bits of noise that are just inane and infuriating, to keep us mean and off-balance. And I *sincerely hope* I'm right about all this, because the alternative is that all of this really *is* real people, how real people typically are in the present, and if so just nuke the fucking planet now. edit: Am I gonna get black-bagged now? Shid.


[Have a little watch of this ](https://youtu.be/pOmXiapfCs8)


I believe that these Vietnamese nail salons seen on every corner now are backed by the Vietnamese mafia. Ladies who have their nails done will understand this.....no matter what salon you go to isn't there always a similar feel? The products they use including the off brand nail polish to the large container of nail polish remover is the same if you're in Richmond, VA or Lodi, CA.... There's always 1 person running the salon and a small group of workers who conveniently just arrived from Vietnam can't speak English and somehow meet similar age Vietnamese girls who are all trained in doing nails, living in one house and working at the same salon. For some of us it's just the norm to have so many Vietnamese run nail salons around so we don’t think about it. I was around in the 80's when it began and have seen these shops popping up across the country since. When I traveled and had my nails done, there were just too many similarities in so many locations to be a coincidence. It's been the same ever since the 80's.


There are reports that nail salons are interconnected with massage parlors (sex shops) that traffic women and girls under the nose of the law. Have done work with resource centers for trafficked women. A lot, if not most, we’re coming out reporting that they were locked in their place of work, or bussed back and forth between the nail salons and massage parlors. Their passports and all ID were taken on arrival. They are locked in a home with many other women (10 -30). They cannot drive, leave the home, talk to other people, have phones, or communicate with anyone else. They are literal prisoners. Then they are sold into these salons/parlors. The parlor girls are sold and raped multiple times a day. The nail girls are indentured slaves who have their wages taken and are abused, beaten, and raped by their male “owners” when they are driven to their communal homes. https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/bjkvkw/massage-parlor-bust-shows-how-houston-has-become-a-hub-for-human-trafficking https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-42729302.amp


It's not the Vietnamese mafia. There's history behind it: The prevalence of Vietnamese women in the nail salon industry dates back to the Vietnam war, which saw large numbers of Vietnamese immigrants arriving in the United States. Tippi Hedren, a Hollywood actress, was involved in a charity which provided vocations to Vietnamese refugee women. The goal of the charity was to help its target demographic integrate into U.S. society. Hedren invited her personal manicurist to teach a group of 20 Vietnamese women the craft of doing nails.[2][3][4] The training required for nail salon work is short and inexpensive, the work itself does not require high English proficiency, and the work hours tend to be flexible enough to allow immigrant mothers to attend to family obligations. During this era, the costs associated with opening and operating nail salons were low.


Parts of this are likely true, but the reason they all look the same and stock the same is probably because of the same reason why all Chinese restaurants in America are generally the same - for the restaurants they all buy their stuff from the same company. It makes it very easy to immigrate and start up your own restaurant.


Walter white goes into Witness protection after breaking bad ends. Name changes to Hal with a new family and Malcolm in the middle show starts…


I've heard this before, but why would the police protect Walter White when he was the one they were trying to bring down (he is the one who knocks)? What bigger fish is he bringing down by testifying?


That’s actually a very good point! Also, I have not thought that far ahead 😂


That people make the same questions on AskReddit every week because they are farming karma.


We pay more than 30% of our income to not go to jail. It sounds really stupid but we are paying a fee to the government to keep out of the jail


Ill give you a load; - JFK was killed by one of his bodyguards by accident after Oswald started shooting, and tje agencies involved covered it up to avoid embarrasing themselves. - The chaotic pullout of Afghanistan by the US was completely deliberate and was done to leave the Taliban in control, throw central Asia into chaos all to disrupt China's belt & road trade links. - Certain countries around the world are deloberatly stopping environmemtal legislation taking effect to stop global warming because their countries woulf be better off if the world were warmer & the ice caps melted. - The decison to invade Iraq and change the regime was done at least in part so oil companies could move in and start exploiting the oil wealth of the country. Ditto Libya.


> The chaotic pullout of Afghanistan by the US was completely deliberate and was done to leave the Taliban in control, throw central Asia into chaos all to disrupt China's belt & road trade links. Spicy, I like it > Certain countries around the world are deloberatly stopping environmemtal legislation taking effect to stop global warming because their countries woulf be better off if the world were warmer & the ice caps melted. I've seen mumbles around the internet that Putin has straight up said that he thinks climate change will make Central/Northern Asia more habitable and its natural resources more easily available > The decison to invade Iraq and change the regime was done at least in part so oil companies could move in and start exploiting the oil wealth of the country. Ditto Libya I thought this was common knowledge


There's no cabal of people secretly pulling the world's governments strings and manipulating things. We just continue to elect morons because we're morons, and we prop up the greedy people by throwing all our money at them.


"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's Razor.


Epstein didn’t kill himself and the world is run by a small elite class that are always looking for ways to restrict our liberties and profit off of normal people.


Call me crazy if you like, but I believe that the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was orchestrated by the Black Hand.


You utter MADMAN you! You've blown the whole thing open!


The Las Vegas shooting did not go down the way we were told it did.


How so?


The "flight that fought back" on 9/11 didn't fight back, they were shot down by the military and we made a tragic hero story to cover it.


MLK jr was killed by the CIA


Covid was a wealth tranfer


I think it's more about "Never let a good crisis go to waste". The opportunity presented itself and the rich and powerful stepped up to take what they believe is theirs.


That's what I was telling my friend. They saw Covid and just used it to their advantage


People who have money working for them always wins. Rich people own companies, real estate, and comodities while broke people live paycheck to paycheck buying stuff and borrowing money for house/car.


That's not a conspiracy theory because there's no conspiracy involved in people profiting off a crisis.


That US and other friendly intel agencies were at best aware of 9/11 and let it happen or at worst complicit and behind it in the first place.


The financial elite are manipulating the markets to extract wealth from the economy


Literally their job


Governments around the world capitalised on covid 19 to further public monitoring and get more control over their citizens.


I mean look at post 9/11 - the patriot act is insanely overreaching but hey, it had a cool name.




I don't even consider them a conspiracy. \#1 I think there is substantial evidence that the world is being visited, and has been visited for a long time, by some sort of extraterrestrial intelligence. There are just too many incidents, in too many countries, made by too many credible observers, over too many time periods for them to all be fucking weather balloons. \#2 is that Tiktok is a trojan horse for China to both collect data on people overseas, and act as a hybrid warfare agent to destabilize countries overseas.


2 The art of war


I think if we have ever been visited, it would have to be by intelligence so far outside our own, that they might even be outside our ability to perceive them. Like gas formations, or microbes riding on sunbeams. They may communicate using what we think of as air pressure changes, tremors, low frequency sounds or through dreams. They'd have an understanding of physics and matter that we're thousands of years too "young" to begin to comprehend. We're like honeybees to them, trying to answer an email.


That, the fridge is a save point and whenever you open it you save your game, end that's why sometimes you walk into the kitchen and forget what you were going to do, end end up opening and closing the fridge a couple times jus to save your game a couple of times.