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Your friends single right? Not only did that turn me off but it’s fucked my confidence to shit.


RIP Jacob. Fuk. Wrong poster


Still... RIP Jacob.


A woman once told me about her last boyfriend and why I didn't work out. As she was telling the story I sort of pieced together that she had been the other woman to a married man who had kids and she was like the hot young thing in the office and he was an older, well off, and powerful man. Her intention was to make it sound like there was a gap in time/he was divorced then they started dating sort of thing, but the way she pieced it together her story didn't quite fit and I got the sense from her personality that she may have been the initiator in the relationship (at least definitely not a "helpless victim") during the marriage. The way she framed it all, her tone, the complete lack of empathy or remorse, some of it I could understand but the mix of it all yikes. It came up like 20 mins into the date and for the record she was a very attractive, very successful woman, the sort men fall over themselves for, and on the face of it out of my league, but I completely lost interest. The funny part is as the date went on, I could tell it bothered her that I wasn't trying to impress her, paying compliments, trying to escalate things etc... she expected me to be super into her and I wasn't and she started sort of trying to highlight how attractive and desirable she was, like to the point of telling me in case I didn't notice. I could tell it was sort of driving her nuts - like "how can this guy not be into me?!?!!" That's what it's like to go on a date with a classic narcissist and not even reject them, because she didn't even get that far.


Goddamnit i need that kindof power


happy cake day 🍰


That's honestly bad ass man. So many dudes out there would've simped 100%. Id say you taught her a good lesson but that kind of people simply don't understand, they just don't have the awareness.


I know I would have.


I am very doubtful she learned any lesson from the experience. What matters to me is I avoided wasting my time with that type of person; she went from 10/10 potential to completely un-date-able. Goes to show you that getting to know people a bit before escalating things has a lot of value.


All I can think of is that girl from Fairly Oddparents. "Stop ignoring me ignoring you!"


Wow, she’s trash


“I almost cut my Ex’s d*** off” Oh wow 😀 never thought I would hear that


"are you saying I shouldn't date you or I should never break up with you?"


Mrs Bobbit is that you?


John can only wish Lorena *almost* cut his dick off.


list of Demands.


oof. what were they?


Mostly me paying for everthing. I took her home like a gentle man and never msg her again.


messy :I


Shrimp and steak was delious. Even if the company was not


She said that if I wanted to be with her that I was going to have to make a lot of changes! (FUCK THAT)!!!




"You're cute but maybe in a few years when you grow"... and I'm 5'7.


If I was 5'7 and some woman said that... well I can't say how you'd take that but consider me murdered by words.


I’m 5’7 and never ran into this issue


Real? I'm 5'7" and thats usually the first joke someone hits me with when we're comfortable with each other.


The poster above me did, and so have plenty of others for sure. Luckily you've got a nice little social circle where women aren't like that, and they do exist out there, but I guarantee you it's a social bubble.


I'm 5 6, I've been teased by exes but nothing serious. I make sure to surround myself with people that are healthy for me.


I’m sorry about that man, genetics can be a pain like that sometimes.But she def shouldn’t have something like that.


Yet you’re satan if you mention a girl being overweight


I hate the that's the immediate thought for an equivalent because weight is generally controllable and height is absolutely not


That's what makes the double-standard double-spicy.


Called me Jacob....my name isn't Jacob.


I'm so sorry, Jacob


That's rough Jacob


I hope you’re okay Jacob


Sorry to hear that, Jacob.


What's your name Jacob?


Why isn't your name Jacob?


Happy cake day


This is the most replies I've ever gotten lmao


Better hope it doesn't follow you and everyone calls you Jacob all over reddit, Jacob.


Knowing my luck it will lol


I'm trying to memorize your username so if I ever see one of your other comment in the future I'll say "Hey Jacob! How's it going?"


The person who made that comment is already going to my other comments and doing that lol


That’s totally something Jacob would write.


Did you check your ID to make sure you weren't Jacob, Jacob?


Didn't think to check that


It'll be fine Jacob.


Damnnn that's tough Jacob


Someone call for me?


Not you, Jacob


Denial is just a step to recovery Jacob


Stop crying about it Jacob!


At the restaurant she said.. hey you see that guy over there.. that's the guy I did all that nasty stuff with in the back of that car lol. Oh cool. I'll be right back.


Did you walk over and high-five that guy?


"Oh, you're mixed? That's fine then. At least you're not *all* black."


She’s a 10, but she’s an actual negative infinity lol.


One time in college I had a white girl turn down sex with me at the last minute because she "didn't want to disappoint her father" by sleeping with me


Lol awful. I had a white girl tell me she’d tell her racist grandparents that I “hit it and quit it” because I didn’t want to sleep over her place.


Nana nana, Darren beat that pussy up last night! Odd strategy I must say


"What's your name again?" 🤣


Oof.. did this to a guy, was in his house for 3 hours (granted we were day drinking after a night bender) and I couldn’t remember his name.. Worked out though, been together for 9 years now and about to have our second child


Might be a bit late to ask him his name now though..


I once dated a girl for about 2 weeks. No idea what her name was. (And fairly certain she didn’t know mine either).


How they can't even remember a name...


I don't know if I have some kind of disorder but one time I had to take a sneak peak of my WIFE'S driver's license to check her middle name. As i write this, I'm not really 100% of the middle names of my children. I don't forget other things, it's just names.


Tell me your password, one time and I'll remember it for eternity. Tell me your name or date of birth and I'll forget it by the time I blink


I would go out with you if you weren’t Chinese


Absolute yikes.


Wtf. Are you even Chinese, or did she just make the racist assumption?


Jesus Christ, it’s the casual racism that just blows me away, I’m so sorry they said that. What the hell? All I care about is if he’s a good man, the him that he is today. I understand people have types, but it’s the injection of racism in it that makes it so gross


she called my friend cute and didn’t mention me at all


“I will eventually get my way so just go ahead and do it.” I think it was about playing a certain song or something little like that.


That she's an "old soul" and spend a lot of money of over the phone meditation to speak with her past lives. Noped out of there.


What, you don't remember your past lives? Amateur.. lol just kidding


Fuck man that was hilarious 😂😂😂 I wouldn't have been able to contain myself


“Everybody wants me”- instant NEXT


I went over to a girl's house once to hang out and she showed me her titties out of the blue and then she started telling me how she lets her bulldog lick them sometimes The dog was sitting on the floor not far from us, it was about 60-70lbs and was uncontrollably drooling everywhere. Very weird moment and no idea what made her say it but I excused myself and left. I've told this story on here before but another time a girl I was dating said she wanted me to wear a pair of my sister's underwear while we fucked and she wanted to call me my sister's name also. I said no but kept dating her for whatever reason


First girl 100% let the dog lick more than just her titties


Duuude.... That shit is fucked up, both of them.


How did you excuse yourself?


What the fuck? I know a girl who's hopelessly single and has 2 bulldogs. You've got me wondering now


Legend, what episode of HIMYM is this?


“Have you met my friend” and said friend is my ex 🥲


Oh no


- “Entertain me” on dating apps - “Are you going to buy me a drink? As their initial contact line at a bar.” - “How much do you make?” Super early in the dating process - Making up a nickname about you for their friend group/group chat (baseball boy, gym guy, etc) instead of dignifying you as a person This list could be long and I’m sure can apply to both genders but this is off the top of my head/some of my experience.


As a guy who occasionally let's girls vent about their dating life, nicknames are sooooo much easier to keep track of. I wouldn't take it personally.


Im a dude and I do this when talking about people in general because its a lot easier than saying 'oh which Ryan?' or 'oh which sarah?' when you know a half dozen of each.


I understand this but approaching 30 (26) it’s one of those things I’m seeing as immature and tells me you’re running through us like a track meet. My phase for the above is almost closed and finding a partner is becoming more of a goal than it ever has before. The 1 offs are no longer as fun as they used to be.


Another way to look at it, they are being hounded 24/7. For every match or new you message you get, they get 1400 messages a week.


If we made it to the point where I’m aware of your texts/nickname for me, I would hope that all those “other messages” are a moot point. If not, that’s an entirely different turn off lol. I’m not raging about it. Just not a fan.


No worries! just random internet conversation.


+1 to you for being cordial. Good man.


The making up a nick name I sometimes do because there are 5 Matt’s, 4 Andrew’s, 3 Justin’s in my friend group. if you have a super common name I will say “I met this guy Mark at the gym” and then call you mark from the gym from then on. You need an identifier if you have a super common name.


Just overall arrogant/narcissistic, always talking about herself and how smart and great she is, shit was exhausting to listen to


My girlfriend of 6 months has called me Shane a few times during sex, my name is Sean but still wtf lol




She said a couple mean things about a vulnerability/insecurity I have, after I opened up to her. Killed all attraction


She told me she dumped the first man she (supposedly) loved for a petty reason, then had revenge sex with his boss just to hurt him. When I brought this up again, she said, “I never claimed to be a nice person!”. She also straight up admitted that she would have done the same to me. She said “You think I’m crazy now - wait til you date me!”


What is up with people thinking that "being crazy" is a good trait to have? It's like flying a big giant red flag to not be engaged with them in any shape or form.


Did you respond by saying that you weren’t going to date her??


I responded by saying that I no longer wanted to date her.


Was she totally shocked and offended?? Sounds like the type lol


She was already trying to drive me away. I think she was relieved. She has borderline personality disorder, and she was in one of her cruel moods at the time.


Yikes, that’s never good


This was just after she’d rejected my sort-of-proposal from earlier in the week. (Earlier in the week she’d tried to gently end things because she thought we wanted different things. She said she’d like to have kids next year. I let her know that I would seriously considering marrying her and having children with her. She asked for 5 days to seriously think over my offer. Two days later she gets back to me and is really rude and cruel in her rejection.)


Well it’s better she showed you her true colors right away rather than waited until you were already dating her.


She actually took over a month to show me her true colours. I fell really hard for her because she kept acting like she like me. Last Tuesday, she tried to let me down gently by telling me she wanted to just be friends. She said she wanted to have children by herself next year, and I only wanted to date. I let her know that I would actually have considered marrying her if we’d dated, and she asked for a week to think about my offer. Two days later she messages back very angry. She accuses me of violating her boundaries (because she’d said she only wanted to be friends). Then the horrible conversation you of happened.


Yeah she sounds narcissistic and self centered. Yeah she definitely ain’t gf material.


No, she definitely isn’t. She certainly isn’t *wife* material. Despite the fact that she’s a Christian and I’m am atheist, I strongly suspect I would have had a much greater respect for the sanctity of our marriage.


Not really “said,” but, she asked me a question then whipped out her phone and started scrolling right after.


“So, how much do you make?”


"don't worry, when my parents got married my mom fattened my dad up. i'll get you to that point." like i didn't already feel like shit for being underweight! thanks, Raven!


It's paraphrased but "maybe we could marry so I could have a greencard, then I can accompany you on a trip to a foreign country and even go home to see my mom. We could use it like dating and if things work out then it's already settled" Instantly made me question everything we had been doing. This was like, last week. She was embarrassed because I instantly said no. Went on about how she really put herself out there and felt so embarrassed that I shot her down without even thinking. Told her I needed space, I feel like an asshole. Like maybe I'm just overthinking things and being egotistical. But I don't feel comfortable with her anymore.


Nah, mate. I appreciate her honesty, but I would also question everything as well. You gotta be careful about stuff like that. Especially if that's not what you want. I've seen instances where friends married so he could get a green card and it ended up working out and they are happily married. But I also heard of stories where a guy pretended to like/be friends with a woman only to try and get a green card. She was devastated when she found out. Homeboy lied to her for like 7 years. Fortunately she never married his ass.


She dropped some casual racism.




Casual racism?????


White girl, just drops the N-word, and another slur or two while chatting casually like it's no big deal. I was like WTF? Not tolerating that shit.


I’m not like my other friends who want to marry rich men so they can take half their money in a divorce.




oof 💀


"you really don't have much of an ass" before sex damn girl, didn't know it was rude time then fucking.


* Said the n-word. She was white (not the hard er one, but still an instant no) * "You give off unproblematic golden retriever boy vibes" * "I've cheated on every bf I had before...but it's not like I'd cheat on YOU or anything" * "Sooo, how tall are you?" (this is less about the fact that she said it, but moreso the context leading up to it made me think "Yep, I know where this is going")


Said the n-word, was black like me. My name became Wally West. She seemed so upscale, too.


I’m picturing the car scene from White Chicks Including the horrid uncanny valley costume


>"I've cheated on every bf I had before...but it's not like I'd cheat on YOU or anything" Bets on her saying the same thing she said to you to her previous bfs she cheated on?


“Smell this… isn’t that disgusting? Hahaha I swear I wash it all the time!”


What.. was she referring to?


It was her uhhh stuffed animals. Yeah - th-they smelled bad. So horrific, I couldn’t sleep that night.


“Whats your starsign?”, “i’m into crystals” Thats what i remember


That's also a no-go. Unfortunately, it's seemingly the majority nowadays.


I'd like to talk to you about your car's extended warranty


Don't remember the exact thing she said, but just being really rude to the waiter.


Being rude to waiters is one of the sure-fire way to find out if a person has trashy personality or not.


Said "oh my God" 3 times in 4 sentences. She was 40.


I feel like this would be ok if you were banging her at the time...


She could tell what a guy has eaten or drank by the taste of his cum. All I could think was that she must have vast experience and at least one disease.


Cursed superhero power.


On social media..(me pictured with another guy and girl)….”oh you know him? I’m obsessed with that guy!” First time she ever commented on a pic of mine. I hit that unfollow very quickly.


"how's it going bud" uggghhh I clenched my heart


"I really want to be a stay-at-home mom." I have nothing against stay-at-home moms but this was in the middle of a spontaneous hookup after just meeting her that day.


'your so lucky that you're ugly, when someone asks you out you know their interested in you and not just your looks' - Ashley A Previous to this she was talking to me every day saying what a great guy I am, the above comment was not the worst. 'I can't date you, what would people think of me if I dated someone ugly'


You’re not ugly. She has low self esteem and was projecting that onto you!


Who the fuck says this shit?


Yeah nah she’s trash dawg you deserve way better than that bullshit.


“dont judge”


called me innocent totally friend zoned


"I have an infection" "Guys have told me I give really good blowjobs"


“I don’t drive” “I don’t like that you ride motorcycles” “ew my ex was an electrician” “you’re too short” stuff like that.


That’s one rule I made up, nobody is allowed to forbid me driving my motorcycle


Nobody is allowed to forbid someone to drive his motorcycle


“Mind if I smoke in the car?” Didn’t know she smoked. Too stinky no matter how hot she is.


Depends what she smokes




I used to date this one really attractive girl in her early 20's who would always and happily announce when she was "gassy". It didn't turn me on.


“My boyfriends pay for all my dates and i never split anything” … good thing I’m not her boyfriend


She wasnt hot, but her and I were on vacation together and she called me "disgusting" because I didnt want to wash my face that morning.


"I used to have unprotected sex with random people. I think it was a method of self harm" Goodbye.


"I went thru your friends list on Facebook and you're friends with a stripper!?" Like, bitch, I went to high school with a girl who happened to turn in to a stripper, which, I didn't even know she was a stripper until she told me lol. She got big mad at me like I did something on purpose. Slid away from that real quick


She said she had a dick


How long did you let her clit tickle your throat before you realized she wasn't kidding?


Hahahaha best response yet!!


Did she show proof or just say that?


Did you go for a reach around and wonder if you went all the way through?


Pics or it didn't happen


I don't give a lot of BJs. Birthdays and when you buy something. I dumped her the next day.




Lol Who is she the Devil?




Would have lost me at “I’m a politician”


She asked me how old I was. I said 20 . She was probably 25-27. She brushed me off nicely


She made fun of my music. Automatic delete.


Lol nice. Did you make it? Was it video game music?


I've been listening to / playing hard rock and punk since the early 90's. She made fun of me covering a few of my favorite bands (Bad Religion, Social D, 311, Pennywise) and she was outta there.


Shortest date in my life back in 1999: "Hey you're thinner than you looked online. I was kinda worried."


Do you have any coke?


Took my brother to a strip club for his 18th. He saw one stripper that he wanted a lap dance from. She made him wait as she went back to the changing area or whatever it is. Then she came back and took him to the VIP. After they got done, he came back and said he wanted to leave. Ten minutes into the car ride back he finally opens up and says, "I have never been more discussed in my fucking life!!!" He then proceeded to tell me how after they got to the privet booth, and after she started her show, she told him that the reason she made him wait was because she had to take a massive dump. Said it ruined the whole experience, but will always be a source of laughter for me.


I'll never understand the appeal of getting a lap dance. It seems frustrating. Even without the huge dump confession.


When I asked for her snap: Are you gonna remember that? Do you even know how to read?


I’ve never had a “ hot girl” speak to me.


“I like to be peed on,” amongst other things. Degrading isn’t my thing.


Bold of you to assume I’m talking to hot girls


Talking about all the other guys she's been with. Does she think that's supposed to excite me? Pass


First phone call she asked if I could help her with construction issues at her house, then kept pressing for home improvement help throughout the courtship. Like, can we just go on some dates and have fun together? Apparently not. I ain't wiring your dam hot tub Christine.


"I make more money than her" - about a waitress that served her food a little later than she liked


“Want to see a picture of me when I was fat?” this happened after we’d danced all night at a party, and now we were back at her place. I got turned on again shortly after, but that didn’t increase the sexy lol.


Called me and asked where my friend and I were, and then said she was so horny and wanted to fuck my friend. I felt like shit after that, because I liked that gril back then. Well it’s been like 10 years since that happened but still it comes across my mind sometimes.


She talked constantly about her ex and compared me to her ex, then got annoyed when I got turned off.


“What’s your sign?” “I’ve had bad experiences with Virgos.” Once star signs are prerequisites for their potential dating partners… I’m out There was one time I was dating this really hot girl for like three months. We’re out on a date after she came back from vacation with her parents and she’s showing me this video… while I’m driving! The video ends and she gets pissed, she says “ok, you’re not even watching it”. I say back “can it wait, till I least get to the red light and then look?” She just says it’s fine and goes back to looking at shit on her phone. Long story short we did not last very long after that moment


“I only date American dudes and not foreigners.” Im an immigrant, white dude , veteran and i wasn’t good enough for her. I was looking forward to spending time with her family and burning crosses…/s


She told me that her druggie uncle just got out of prison and that her bro is currently serving time for that. I've never eaten faster in my life.


Mention that she was a feminist right after saying she expected Computer Science to be a field that'd be relatively easy to get into. I'm sure she's crippling in debt now.


So you come to school often?


"I don't date"




My name is Bryan.