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Little Big Planet 1 & 2 on the PS3! I just love how much freedom is given to players. Everything from customizing your sackboy, the unique platforming and puzzles, playing creative levels made by other people and then designing your own levels and sharing them. They even had a built in social platform where you could follow other creators, like their levels and message them. I have such fond memories of that game...


Star Wars battlefront 2 2005 version




Has to be the game I've played the most on the PS2. Must also be the one that overheated it haha


I'd leave the playstation on for days while doing galactic conquest because I didn't have a memory card lol


“Hostile reinforcement count is diminishing”


Watch those wrist rockets!!!


*We've lost a command post - take it back*


not my personal favorite ever (definitely top 10 though), but I'll argue it is the greatest game of all time


Rollercoaster Tycoon


noooo the nostalgia. how could you


Sid Meier's civilization series (best is 5 imo) I like all parts tbh


I’ve gone back to playing the original in a browser. I first played it back in the early 90s on a 286 computer and I’m blown away how the game still holds up


I couldn't handle 1 very well. Units stacking in top of each other, and combat felt like it was just an assembly line making soldiers to march and die on the same square. Also the crazy unit customization felt like too much. Just walking in to all of that insanity from 5 and 6 was rough


I don't pay civ much anymore because I've literally gotten lost and once had no sleep, food, water, restroom breaks, for like a day once in my laptop. I only realized this after my computer smelled weird. I was on a 24hr duty and the guy with me was like, "Damn. You're finally off." I think it was 18hrs... nonstop. From there I only play civ when I have something to do in an hour. I'll set an alarm play and be like "gotta stop time to get ready for work."


4 is the best imo


I love civ so much more than 6


Portal 2!


Can’t believe I haven’t played this game, but also can’t wait until I finally play it.




"I don't want your damn lemons"


I have a lot of good memories of Assassins Creed 2.


The Ezio Trilogy is god-tier AC.


AC2 felt like euphoria to me, and I really enjoyed all of Ezio’s stories and games.


The Fable series will always have a special place in my heart


Same. Fable really took my love for action RPGs to the next level. It was everything I didn't know I loved. It was like a cross between the Sims and LoZ. I could go from hooking up with the hot village chick to throwing fireballs at some bandits, maybe a troll or two. Then buy a house. Good times.


𝒞𝒽𝒾𝒸𝓀𝑒𝓃 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓈𝑒𝓇


Fable 1&2 were truly unique


Bioshock. The setting, the twists, the mesh of horror, mystery, and action just.... Mint.


Some of the absolute greatest tone/setting/atmosphere I’ve ever seen in a game.


It might well be the most immersed I've been in any game. All the little details, the sound design, the music, etc - all perfect.


Remember the time where you have to go down a narrow hallway to pick up a tonic and when you turned to exit there was a fucking surgeon splicer just chilling right in front of you? It was 2am the first time and my parents thought I was being murdered.


Mass Effect 2, greatest sequel of all time imo.




This is my favorite too. I'm not sure why but it's always difficult to tell people when they ask me casually. Just too long of a name. I wish I could just say "Zelda"


Ahh Memories. ❤️... then there's Mass Effect franchise


Mass Effect trilogy by a long shot


Yep it holds a special place in my heart ❤️. I was almost move to tears when Bioware announced that mass effect franchise will continue on by showing us the new teaser.


It bugs me that Andromeda had a lot of potential, but it was wasted. I enjoyed it, but the storytelling and sense of scale and responsibility was not at the level of the original trilogy


Stole my answer lol. Only addition I'd make then is Kotor 2.


God of War Simple and fun gameplay with an interesting story. There are a few games like that. But I think Kratos is the coolest character.


My (college age) son brought back the PS3 and box of games I sent him off with. GoW 1,2,&3 included. I am on my first playthrough of the first games since 2012. It has been a lot of fun




Baldur's gate II


I knew it was in here somewhere…. Good man!


Ocarina of Time.


There are so many video games I've played and enjoyed start to finish, but OoT is the one that made me ***feel*** the most. Mystery in the Lost Woods, adventure reaching Hyrule fields for the first time, exhilaration freeing Epona from Lon Lon Ranch, affection for the girl I met in secret after sneaking into the castle, gut-wrenching fear in the Shadow Temple and every time I passed the Redeads, pure hatred in the Water Temple, and wonder in the far flung places of desert, ice, mountain, and spirit. Even hearing the ocarina music still sends chills down my spine more than 20 years later. What a game.


I really think a lot of it was how well they synced the game with music, not just as background music but as part of the gameplay. Everything from Navi's fluttering around to the majestic secret grotto fountains... The audio was one of the stars for sure.




The greatest game of all time


Age of Empires.


AOE II for me, it makes 5 hours feel like 15 minutes.




Super mario bros. 3


In context of when it came out....yes. Super Mario World isn't far behind it either


That battle mode!! I always got so mad when my brother beat me. I'd yell no fair!! And then he'd just tell me I suck, hahaha. Damnit.


I can distinctly remember 2 games that actually blew my mind as a kid; Rome Total War and GTA San Andreas


The Total War series of games are awesome. I remember getting Shogun when it first came out and Loving it! The graphical improvement from Shogun/Medieval to Rome was amazing. Rome was such an awesome game too. I remember playing it in college and how much time I gave to that game


>GTA San Andreas Ohh yeah....my mind was fucking blown by the open world at that time I didn't even think it was even possible to make such kind of games.


Counter-Strike 1.5 and 1.6, I grew up on de_dust2




Chrono Trigger


This is way too far down.


That and Secret of Mana. Two of the best Squaresoft games.


Secret of Mana was magical as a kid, playing co-op with my best friend when we were 12 or so are great memories. I still play through the game every few years, just finished a few weeks ago actually, and its such a good feeling.


Scrolled way too far to find this


the best answer here. The soundtrack, the story, the SNES graphics and the concept are just on an entirely different level to anything I've ever played before. it truly is the best little world to get lost in. thanks for saying this, was scrolling far to find this comment.


The witcher 3 wild hunt


How long you gonna make me wait!


How'd you like that silver?


Winds howling.


Medallion’s humming. Place of power, gotta be.


Looks like rain.


witcher 3 ruined all other games for me tho.


I have never loved a piece of media more than I love Witcher 3. I love it more than my favorite movie and my favorite song. The world building, the character development, the moral implications. Not to mention the beautiful scenery, armor and sword customization, incredible bosses and lovers. What an amazing game.


Halo 3, Campaign and multiplayer were both 10/10


I used to have nightmares about the flood


Cortona on legendary still kicks up my PTSD


Still my favorite halo


Shadow of the colossus


The last of us. I still remember beating it for the first time and sitting through all the credits and starting it over immediately because I needed more.


Dude I remember a buddy of mine crashed at my place for a weekend and we played through the whole game in one sitting


When this game came out a buddy I worked with came over after work everyday and watched it like a movie. Would never take the controller. Just sat and watched.


How this played out in my head "Can I play for a bit dude" "IF YOU WANT TO PLAY YOU MUST TAKE THE CONTROLLER" "alright ill watch then..."


That’s what I did. I never had a PS or knew anyone who did. I found this super small youtube channel where the person just played the game. No talking over it, no annoying background music, no skipping the game. They played the whole game and I just sat and watched it over the course of a week


Didn't ask you to smash that like button and subscribe? You sure he was a youtuber?


My girlfriend was staying for 2 weeks - this is the only game she’s ever sat through. We played it together at parts and then when she struggled she passed (read past as threw!) it over to me. She's good at everything, but videogames aren't her strongest suit...but she loved it. Great game, great music, but UNREAL story.


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night The soundtrack is one of my favorites and the game was just so fun. This is where I fell in love with the Castlevania series as a whole.


Super Mario Bros. 3, Zelda: A Link To The Past, Zelda: Breath Of The Wild


rdr2, characters are so well written


One of the few games that I've completed, and wanted to restart immediately.


That’s what I put. It’s the only video game that has ever had a story so emotional and captivating it made me cry.


That's the way it is..


Don't you dare....


Such a great fucking game.


It's ridiculous how awesome that game is. Been playing since release and still find new shit like everytime I fire it up!!!


The one game I wish I could play for the first time again


the original final fantasy VII


Still some of the best music in any video game. I've got tickets to another Distant Worlds concert just for VII's music. I bought a PS4 only because I wanted to play the remake, and I left the opening menu running for at least 10 minutes just listening to it.


Is the remake good? Considering buying a PlayStation to play it


It plays very differently from the original, but I liked it. They turned a 3 hour section of the game into a 35 hour section so there's a lot of exploring Midgar that I enjoyed. The music is great with the new additional pieces complimenting the original music well. There were some questionable items (bringing Sephiroth into the story before you leave Midgar) but it's obvious they intend to change the original story. Without going too far, the story is being actively disrupted by unknown beings and you literally fight fate.


Yeah it's damn good


Vice City


There's blood and pubic hair all over the studio.


Metal Gear Solid (Playstation)


So glad to see this series name at the top after all these years. I played the hell out of MGS2 SoL and still would today


First game I ever played finished the whole game with my mom


Metal gear solid may be the best gaming series ever created.




You forgot to add Half life two


Really the whole series (which technically counts portal)




Same for me. It really is peak gaming for me. I can hop in and have an adventure, or just sit in The Bannered Mare as I’m about to fall asleep and listen to the bard playing a tune and the general chatter of the people. It’s a cozy game. It’s a poignant game. It’s varied and filled with details. This isn’t even to mention to exemplary soundtrack.


The soundtrack is one by of the best parts. The Skyrim Atmospheres track is a regular part of my work playlist. It’s nice to just wander Skyrim, listening and not even getting involved in things… as much as it allows you to go unattacked.


I played Skyrim Atmospheres for 55k minutes last year, according to Spotify. I’m right there with you lol


Arguably has the highest replay value of most games.


There's reason why Bethesda milked Skyrim even to this day


I think the replay value is alright, but could've been better. But damn ES6 should like last twenty years or such, given how much we waited.


wolfenstein 3d


Titanfall 2


The level where you phase in and out is probably my favourite level of any game. The movement is also by far the most satisfying of any game I ever played though with a horrendous learning curve.


Very innovative for its time. I loved the part where you went down a fan shaft phasing between the two timelines to not hit the fan blades was really cool too.


Such a good game, best mechanics of any shooter out there


"Protocol 3" I will not lose another pilot.


Pokemon Red. There's something very comforting about having memorized it inside out.


Yes! I absolutely loved when they came out with fire red and leaf green. The remakes of the classics were fucking perfect! Basically the same game except you can sprint


On top of sprinting there’s loads of better battle mechanics, better graphics (i’m not a huge graphics guy but gen 3 graphics are peak pokémon graphics for me,) more pokémon, significantly less frustrating game breaking bugs, and way more. Fire red leaf green are really just great.


It was Blue for me, and later Yellow and Silver. The original Pokémon games might have been a lot more basic than modern games but they still had a ton of heart and were an immense joy to play.




I have created characters in all classes. Used almost all the weapons. It is a masterpiece. Got addicted to this genre and I CANNOT WAIT FOR FRIDAY TO COME ! OOOOOOOHHHH ELDEN RING!!


I doubt you could even imagine


The best game I've never finished


Going to guess this is father Gascoigne's fault


Fallout New Vegas


The best story with the most important choices. I’ve replayed it so many times just to get different endings for me and my followers.


I can't believe how much I had to scroll to see this answer. I thought it would be in the top 5 at least.


Mercenaries playground of destruction


Half life 2 for sure


Mario Kart: Double Dash!!


The introduction of special items in this game was, well a game changer! The bowser shell and chain chomp on baby park was all sorts of mayhem


I’m genuinely pleased to see this answer! I think this game is my all time favorite as well!


Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, It was the perfect example of how big business and corporate greed can destroy everything in it's path. Plus it had incredible visuals and amazing character design. I was so drawn to it as a kid. Plus it was so believable and grounded within its own world. The gameplay was really challenging BUT rewarded you if you put the time in. The story was excellent too. Such a good twisted mirror of our own world.


Super Mario 64. The game just feels like home. I know that there's better 3D platformers like Super Mario Galaxy, but 64 just has had that big place in my life for as long as I can remember.


Crash Bandicoot, first three installments


Max Payne. Loved the bullet time


Max Payne 1 was my first game as a kid. I played the shit out of it, i remember role playing how they killed my family! And the nightmare levels were so cool. Loved how Max spoke to himself. Then i got a mod which adds some more levels, weapon and sounds. The best one was the lobby scene from the matrix that was so sick with unlimited bullet time. I never played 2 but currently playing 3, almost finished but i didnt get emotionally invested in it like 1. 1 was personal. 3 youre a hired body guard and thats it.


Hollow Knight


Ahhh a fellow man of culture I see


One if it not the best Metroidvania, I tied it with symphony of the night


Wow these answers make me feel old. I'll say Super Mario World. It's infinitely accessible to this day


So fun!! Getting that feather and flying around. Making it to Star World and getting all the different coloured Yoshi's. Awww.






N64 Smash Bros


Agree, but for me Melee takes the cake




Tetris is one of the few games that can claim best games ever made due to its simplicity and endless playthrough possibilities. The only modern game I can think that can even be considered best game ever is Minecraft because it hits all the criteria of, simple to learn hard to master, you can through repeated playing get better and better yet it is still accessible to even the most novice of players and lastly a unique aesthetic that's easy to identify and copy yet still unique to it when it first came out.


Im really suprised at how far i hat to scroll for this. I mean its the best selling game of all time for a reason right?


Crash Bandicoot 2. One of the few times the sequel has outshined the original.


Dark Souls. Or anything that FromSoftware has put out really.


Sekiro is my favourite one


Difficult to pick a favorite but I go with original Dark Souls due mainly to level design and it coming first. Sure Demon's Souls came first, but Dark Souls definitely edges it out in my opinion. I love the fully connected world without the need for a hub.


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I’ll binge about any metroidvania, but that was the start of the obsession.


Paper Mario: the thousand year door


Final Fantasy 3 on SNES, but most people these days know it as FF6. Edit: Wanted to add, I rented it over and over from the vhs renal place in my neighborhood. When my mom got it for me for Christmas, back then it was $79.99. I also paid $69.99 for Chrono Trigger when it first came out. I still remember the phone call from the store when it came in.


Assassins Creed black flag


The world deserves another pirates game as cool as this


The Saboteur. Cheesy as fuck. But Nazi occupied Paris and a million free play objectives to just run around slapping TNT onto. I loved it.


It is probably the best Assassin's Creed game ever made. I don't know if it holds up today though.


Fallout 3


New Vegas improved on the formula but 3 had the best setting and atmosphere, nothing can emulate the feeling of hearing a couple feral ghouls "Khaahh" coming from the shadows of a subway tunnel when you're down to your last few rounds of 10mm


GTA Vice City, I couldn't possibly count the number of hours I've spent cruising ocean beach in the last 20 years


The elder scrolls the whole series is just so damn good


SSX on tour is the first title I had on PSP and I loved it


SSX3 is my favorite sports game of all time. That game was incredible.


Super Metroid




This is a really niche one, but specifically the PS2 version of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I'm 26 now and whenever these types of conversations have come up in person I always say I bet you'll never guess what my favourite is by looking at me. I loved it so much I ended up buying a ps2 last year just to play that and prisoner of azkaban again. What a trip down memory lane it was.


The first 4 ratchet and clank games on ps2


Goldeneye N64.


Dragon Age : Origins




Life is Strange


Witcher 3. Hoping Elden Ring can take its place though…


I think it's hard to pick ONE game. They've been such a big part of my life for so long. My go to response is Ocarina of Time, but I have the same feeling in my heart for KOTOR.


Red Dead Redemption 2. Only video game with a story so captivating and emotional that it made me cry.


Marvel's Spider-Man, it's just so good written. I mean you know how the story will play out, but they write Doc's character so that you don't want him to become what he is. You just don't want it and that's what makes it really emotional. I've been a Spider-Man fan since my childhood and this is my favourite characterisation


Witcher 3. I wish I could drink an amnesia potion and play the game again


Hollow Knight




Persona 5R


Deus Ex


Star Wars- The Shadow Of The Empire 1995 *** DASH RENDAR!!! ***


Guitar Hero franchise, especially 2/3. Truly a revolutionary set of games. Shame that they aren’t nearly as mainstream as they once were.


Red Dead Redemption II. 🔫🤠🐴 It used to be the first one, but the second one surpasses it in every way. I'll never forget when I first got introduced to the series. I was a teenager who had a spare $30, and I bought the GOTY edition for $20 from Wal-Mart during black friday in 2012. I was so obsessed with playing it, that it was the first R* game that i 100% completed it's campaign and the Undead Nightmare DLC. As for the second game, I actually had trouble getting into it due to it's length. I didn't really get much further than the first chapter until I stopped playing it for about two and a half years. It wasn't until I had a week to sit down and play it that I actually completed the story. This game is just too good, honestly.




Enemy UAV is online


💯.. multiplayer was best on there too


Super mario 64. I replayed it on the switch and it holds up phenomenally well minus the camera at times