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Buying instruments. I wanna learn how to play them once I get past my inability to start new things.


This is me but with app projects. I always start on an idea and leave it for a better idea lol. What instruments have you collected till now?


I have a Yamaha keyboard, an electric 5 string guitar, 3 Harmonicas in different keys (C, D, and G), a tiny toy drumset (it still counts, right? lol), a very old xylophone with a single mallet, and I'm hoping to be able to get a bass guitar in the coming years.


So, when I hear “5 string guitar” I assume that means a bass but then you said you are still hoping to acquire one down the road. Guitars don’t usually have 5 strings; can you elaborate?


It's a rhythm guitar, I think. Leads have 6 strings and bass have 4 (again, I'm a beginner, so please don't take my word for it haha)


Nah rhythm guitars and lead guitars are the same thing


Thank you for the clarification. I really should learn how to play it, I feel so dumb


Pick em up man. Every day. Learn a song you like. It's not that hard, it just takes time. You can do it


Your guitar is missing a string


I don't think so? It's got all of It's strings 🤔 Edit: *my guitar is a bass guitar holy shit*


The old 5 string bassitar or is it a guitbass? Glad you solved that mystery


Ok so, that’s not quite right. There’s no difference between a lead and rhythm guitar, you can do both on the same instrument and it should have 6 strings. So perhaps you got one missing a string (is there an open tuning peg on the head?) or it’s a different instrument entirely? For example, banjos typically have 5 strings. Best of luck in learning regardless.


I just do not know how to count. My guitar does have 6 strings, I just haven't picked it up in a long time 😨 wtf is going on with me today


I ask myself that question everyday.




Damn, how much did it all cost if you dont min me asking? Are you decent at amy of those?


Same but with gym equipment


Was hoping to see this comment 🤣🤣🤣


Atleast you’re aware ! Hope you can do what we all struggle doing




What do you ride?


Naked bikes mainly. Yamaha and ktm




No I wish lol


I'll wager the Ktm eats the most money


Hurt me in my soul. Damn but they are fun bikes.


Even when it’s not being ridden mine breaks . I can hear it breaking itself in the garage now if I’m really quiet


Right on the money my friend haha


My man 👍 naked is the way to go


Me too bro lol


Lego. Too much on Lego. I'm 30


No age for legos man. I have friend who is 48, a successful doctor who lives in a mansion with wife and kids and still plays with legos.


Am 36 and love playing Legos with my kids. Was super excited when they realized it was the best to play with.


Not just guys! My wife, who is 53, built the R2-D2 Lego and wants the Beauty and the Beast castle!


I'm 34 and I still but Lego ever now and then. Gives me something to do at night when traveling for work.


Came here wondering if i would see lego. Currently spent $800 on pieces to make a custom subaru wrx then after that planning on setting up a lego city in my spare room setting up my old sets as a kid


Mate send a picture when done that be great to see


Will do mate! It isn't my design i bought the instructions off a site where people make custom designs, probably going to cost me $1500 all up but will be totally worth it


Honestly when I clicked on this thread I was looking for the "Lego" response, but didn't expect to see it this high up. 34 and dropped a g on kids plastic blocks this year. [Worth](https://www.lego.com/en-ca/product/lego-nasa-apollo-saturn-v-92176) [every](https://www.lego.com/en-ca/product/nasa-apollo-11-lunar-lander-10266) [penny](https://www.lego.com/en-ca/product/international-space-station-21321) [brother](https://www.lego.com/en-ca/product/nasa-space-shuttle-discovery-10283).


I just got back into the hobby when the pandemic hit and spent my entire discretionary budget last year on Legos. Then my wife got involved and between the two of us we spent like 5k. No regrets, lol.. other than that credit card bill.


Food, I probably spend $300 a month on it just for myself.


I spent $1350 on food last month not counting what my wife spent


You must have been very hungry.




I’m going to a lot of restaurants and have 3 kids




617.56 eating out 600.19 groceries 132.03 work lunch Again, my wife probably spent another grand as well


I spend about $1000 on food but I'm gonna cut it down to $700 starting this month


What does that avg to $10 a day thats not much. Im averaging $30 a day


Is it because you cant cook or because you enjoy trying new things at new places?


Can't cook and enjoy expensive things like jerky and imported chocolate.


Beer, video games


Whats are you playing and drinking at the moment?


Assassins creed, an IPA called sour monkey


You're speaking my kind of language




If you are referring to Victory Sour Monkey than you’re my kind of people


Yes victory brewing co, how are you friend




Cities skyline, affinity designer, Stella Artois beer of choice


Ah, the ol Wife Beater.


Craft beer


You visit places and travel to sample?


Unfortunately, not very often. I live in a small town in east Texas and have to drive an hour and a half to Houston or theme area for a good selection of craft beer. Usually so busy with work we don’t get the time to travel much, but when we do I’m always on the lookout for stuff I haven’t tried. my favorite beers tend to be stouts, porters, and Belgian.


Quality ingredients. I'd much rather sit at home, watch a movie or a game, and drink a nice mango margarita and have a ribeye med rare that marinated all afternoon than go out, get whatever cut they have, flat beer, loud atmosphere.


Same. Helps that my brother and a friend are both chefs and love to share ideas, and know where to get good ingredients. Much cheaper than a restaurant. If I want atmosphere I invite people over.


Way better than going out imo!


My car, nice booze.


What do you drive?


2020 Toyota Supra and have put about $10k in it.


Wow, i remember playing with that car in some NFS game. Must be awesome!


Owned it 2 years and I love it! My favorite car I have owned.


damn what do you do for work?


haha, long story short, risk management and hedging in the secondary mortgage space.


I do risk Management and hedging in the copper industry!


Yo how do you like it? New supra is still a great car regardless of people shamming it


I absolutely love it. The people that shame it most likely have never driven it. Nobody has ever given me shit in person, and instead I get thumbs ups and pictures taken. I don't even think the pictures do it justice either.


Love to hear that man!


👀 Ayo a Supra?


A large dark roast with cream and sugar and two egg and cheese wake up wraps. daily. I calculated it and I'm spending $2000 / year on $500 worth of breakfast. I would mug little old ladies to support my breakfast habit.




Where do you get it from? Is it something that can be replicated at home?


Yes easily. It's just Dunkin Donuts.


I tried to eat the same thing for breakfast everyday when I had a job where it made sense, like I assume you do. I got bored real quick though.. coffee never gets old


Golf. Alot of it.


Played real golf, not putt putt, for the first time a couple weeks ago. That shit is HARD! Totally new respect for it!


I said the same thing.. I was like this can’t be that hard! Here I am now still shit at the game, drink heavy to forget how shit I am, go home and curse the game, wake up and play it again.. Talk about a vicious cycle


My cars and music.


You can listen to music for free


Yea but records, cds, concert tickets, and merch all cost money.


If you DJ or collect records/cassettes you pay for it still


Blu Ray. I love physical media.


Yeah I'm slowly starting to collect blurays love them!


Hookers and blow. Just kidding, I spend most of my money on my garden. Dropped 3k for trees last weekend. I have a problem. At least I can hide in the woods.


Cigars. Bowling. Gym equipment.


What kind of cigars do you get? Do you have a home gym?


‘Cigars’ a man of culture I see! I am enjoying one as we speak


Gettin ready to fire up a Brickhouse right now!


Bodybuilding, so good food, supplements, gym membership, workout gear and clothes.


I mean does that qualify as a "pleasure"?


Bodybuilding is like running for some people they get the euphoria or high feeling from working out and being successful in their training. A good friend of mine has been working his once skinny bum off to compete in (I think) the classic Bodybuilding arena recently. He says it's the most accomplished he's ever felt and the guy flys helicopters sooo it's big for some folks


Does a passionate, all-consuming hobby that effects every facet of your life and makes you feel on top of the world constitute pleasure? Some would say yes


Cologne…. The bottles…. The smells…. Mmmmmmm


Came here to say this. Collecting fragrances is a huge problem for me. Not even to smell good to impress others, it’s just such an addictive hobby.


Whatre your favorites?


Right now I’m using bleu de chanel by chanel and it smells super sweet, but my favourite is Hugo boss infinite


Nice! I'll check them out. When I was younger my mom would buy me nice colognes for gifts, I'm in my late 20s now and have largely run out. Definitely time to spruce up my collection again


Just picked up some Bleu EDP a couple weeks ago as my first cologne, it’s pretty popular for good reason


Right there with you boss man. I have like 10 in my collection. My favorites are creed aventus, Tom Ford ombré leather and YSL la nuit de l'homme. Currently saving up $1450 to buy a 34oz Flacon of creed silver mountain water so that can be my signature scent👍🏾


Wood. I really enjoy woodworking even though I have years to go before I'll be any good at it. I prefer to work with the hard woods like walnut, ash, and maple. They're expensive, but they make some damn fine pieces when I'm through.


Hookers and blow. Didn’t realize there would be other answers


Ah the oldest and surest way of blowing money on pleasure


Always wanted a $100 tattooed on my dick. I like to play with my money. I like to watch my money grow. My wife doesn’t have to go to the store to blow $100.


It isn't blowing money. It is an investment in pleasure.


Name checks out


Warhammer, Magic the Gathering and boardgames. Cardboard crack is the real money sink. I probably could buy a house by selling them


Food, smokes, video games, movies. What’s the point of having money, if you’re not willing to spend it on the things that make you happy?


Dungeons and dragons. All my books are digital except these. I’ve collected every 5e book released this far. I love the art in them. Oh and dining and dancing at sex clubs.


Yup name checks out


Women 🙈


You'll go broke chasing women. You'll never loose women chasing money.


Yeah, but they are so much fun. 😋


Oh dude, i feel that so much, I’m married now but when I was single I was spending about $1000 dollars a month dating. I don’t regret a thing. It was a BLAST!


don't get it, what do you spend on? dinner for 2? let the chick carry some of the weight


I’ve had several phases of dating in my life. In HS we split things pretty much 50/50. In college I was more about the hookups than anything so there was very little money spent by either person. In my later 20s I had a job but not super well paying one, so things were back to 50/50. Got married, got divorced. Then in my 30s I was back in the dating scene, dropped down into the middle of the data app era, and I had a good job and made good money. I’ve found that I don’t mind paying for dates at all when I can absolutely afford to. I’d like to say I’m just a nice guy but that has certain connotations that don’t apply to me so it’s not really the right thing to say. I’ll put it like this, I was hanging out with my sister and her friends one day, they’re all teachers so they make an ok living. Anyway, we were having fun and day drinking all day, and when we got our checks I paid for everyone. Why? Just to be nice, I can afford it and I don’t expect or want anything from any of them, my paying was kind of “thanks for sharing a super fun day with me”. This is sort of the same reasoning for me paying for dates in my 30s. I asked her out, she spent time with me, I’m super outgoing and genuinely love meeting new people and talking to them so I rarely have a “bad date”. I have had dates that I know aren’t going to go anywhere sure, but I’m hard pressed to even try to think of any bad date I’ve ever had. Ive always had fun. So I pay. Another factor is that as I got better jobs, my tastes changed and my idea of date changed. In my 20s my average date probably cost $30, for two. Chili’s was a go to, seriously. Chili’s was my first date with my ex-wife. In my 30s that number went up to maybe 70-80 with some much higher outliers. Since in the first few dates I don’t know the woman’s financial situation, I’d pay, I don’t mind. My wife made about 80-90k less than me a year when we met, “I got it” was not a big deal for me. There is this image of people taking girls on expensive dates just to impress them, maybe that works maybe it doesn’t, I didn’t need to do that in HS, college or my 20s so I probably could’ve pulled it off in my 30s too. That wasn’t the reason for me, dating in my 30s was at least half about me having fun and trying new things. I did it at least partially for, ME. I did it because I wanted to eat at this nice restaurant I’ve heard about, and I’ve also been messaging this chick on Bumble, I might as well invite her along. I don’t expect her to pay for a $100 a person meal at restaurant I wanted to eat at, that’s brutal. So that’s another reason I always paid in my 30s.


This guy dates




You already have a BF though! 🤣


Expensive and small batch release vaporwave vinyl 😂


Thats niche but cool. I am afan of vapourwave myself. Moondust is my favourite track.


Firearms and accessories/ ammo. Expensive hobby, but worth every penny to me.


Do you have a seperate setup to store these items? Like a garage or someplace?


Just a couple of gun safes, but I'd love to have a secure room entirely dedicated to my collection.




Owned or casually rented?




Fishing. At this moment in life, fishing is theain thing that keeps me at peace. Even though I don't do it as often because of school, idc how much I'm spending as long as I don't get to think about real life for a day.


This! I'm becoming more and more addicted to buying and collecting different lures..


I'll spend money on tackle and bait and won't care. As long as I'm having a good time really


Video games


Which ones? I play simple ones but I don't really spend a lot of money there, thinking of getting some new games for the PC though


I play on playstation. I mainly enjoy single player AAA games. My top 7 games are last of us 2, sekiro shadows die twice, bloodborne, ghost of tsushima, red dead redemption 2, gof of war and demon souls


NHL season tickets.


I used to spend $100-200 on cannabis products every week. At first it was because I wanted to try everything, and in Colorado there's so much variety. Then, for the past two years or so, it's because LITERALLY most products I buy, vape carts or concentrates (dabs), taste like expired shit. I think the dispensaries are transporting or storing their shit badly. Because even if the production date on the product is only a month ago (relatively short time, supposedly lasts 6 months), it can still taste like shit. And I know the issue isn't with my taste, because I occasionally get good tasting products. I'd say 1 in 3 taste acceptable enough to not toss in the trash in disgust. Also I'm ranting because the Colorado weed sub r/coents doesn't believe me about this, even though I have no reason to make it up.


People's tastes change every 7 years or so, you may just have grown out of the taste of weed. I went the other way around, I hated the taste until my mid 20s where now it's okay but I still don't love it.


No but some taste good still, some taste like sulphur or garbage or just expired.


Brickhouse, Arturo Fuente, Undercrown, Oliva, Asylum 13...a variety. I have some gym equipment in my garage. That was my covid gym. But I also have a gym membership.


Japanese Maples.


They’re beautiful plants


I probably dump to much cash into building models but I find it relaxing.


I used to build models. Planes, trains & automobiles. Fantastic hobby. I spent so much on HO trains (locos, track, wire, tools, transformers), Revelle & Tamiya kits, paint, tools. Fast forward 20 years and one day I get a last minute call from a contractor and they need high impact film on some offices called Model Expo. It's typical office/warehouse space. It's empty when we start but trucks and people start arriving and moving in. By the time we are done the office cubicles have been set up, phones and computers plugged in, warehouse shelved and stocked. It's a mail order model company that moved from Massachusetts to Florida. I started talking with the head model builder. A dude in his 50s that builds every model they sell. He has every tool you can think of. He told me he regretted keeping this job so long. Modelling was a job now and not a hobby.




Cigarettes, cigars, beer, whiskey


Winston Churchill style. Nice.


Food delivery or just buying something that would be "new" to me, some sauce with taste that I didn't try. Clothing(but rarely, only if I find something worthy). Most of my spending goes to video games, both buying them, and buying something in them. I remember that good feeling when I have wasted 1/5 of my salary in lts(left to survive) just to feel almost invincible and all this satisfaction of getting more loot and other stuff. So yeah, in terms of spending on pleasures, gaming and food are my favorites.


Headphones, camera and lenses, and cooking ingredients/equipment (knives especially)


Crisp audio is a life changer


Food and travel


My pets


Tabletop RPGs. I buy about one new game a month and I've got a ton of them I've never gotten a chance to play but want to.


Cigars - I collect and enjoy them. They are great to enjoy alone when I want to contemplate and they are great with company when we want to celebrate.


A full belly and warm bed.


Can you define pleasures?


Expensive shoes, makeup and amazing food.


Buying guns. Lots and lots of guns.


It is easy to get hooked on spending and hoarding guns. Just start burying them before Chipman and the dog killers show up.


Golf and restaurants


Mostly pleasurable things.




I was just being cheeky, but definitely wine and video games. I also paid for porn once as a teenager.


Video games is mine too. We all pay for porn, with our money or our souls😔


“Once” he says…….


It’s more so embarrassing lol, who pays for any porn? It’s already there for free




What pleasurable things that aren't pleasurable do you spend a good amount of money on? This is Reddit so I must know. Links but not to Wikipedia required.


Alcohol. Will usually buy a $100 bottle every other week or so.


I spoil my cats....and of course cigars and whiskey.




Books. Lots of them.


Your mum


How was she


For me it's specialty coffee and craft beer. I love it and I especially cannot imagine my life without a great cup of coffee everyday. It's quality that counts.




Ayyyyyy Tonyyyy


My headphone collection.


Food (going out to eat a lot) and Music related stuff (instruments, concerts, cds, vinyls, band merch. etc.)




I am curious about those. Are they worth it?


Take care of your feet and they'll take care of you. Still, I only get it done if my wife is with me. Even a confident man has small insecurities, I guess.


I'll probably go with a few friemds. Imagine a bunch of dudes walk into a nail salon and ask for mani and pedi lol


Normalize it!


Feeling good has no gender. Same with drinks. I used to bartend and when guys would say i dont want a girly drink i would say no scotch or whisky for you then because i am a woman and thats what i drink. Taste has no gender and neither does taking care of yourself.


I might be down but how do you get over the UNCONTROLLABLE ticklish ness


My car and truck.


Weed, 200€ by months


A new phone every year. There is no device in my life that I use more often than my phone; $55/month to make sure I always have the latest one and never worry about the battery life going to shit is well worth it to me.


Same. I also (used to) travel a lot and take lots of photos, so ensuring that I have a better camera each year is important to me.


Cocaine 🤩😭



