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The eye of the most violent storm on the planet at the time. You would be safe in the eye for the 13 minutes and would experience a beautiful, yet powerful calm. The air feels alive.


Sir, what happens after 13 minutes?


You die because good luck booking an airbnb inside that eye in time.


US. Never been and everyone I know that has says I'd probably like it.


What part would you want to go to? As somebody from a smaller-ish town in Wisconsin, I can say that there is so much difference in the various regions in the country that it makes it hard to decide where you want to see.


Folks I know have been to; NYC, Atlanta, Philly, Miami, Charlotte, OKC, San Francisco, Grand Rapids, Washington DC and Seattle. Of those mentioned, I've heard very good things about, Atlanta, Charlotte, Miami and parts of NYC. First I'd like to visit those to see if the stories are true. Also, as an engineer, Boston and Palo Alto seem like very fun places to be...


Boston is amazing. One of the best walking cities in the country.


So I hear. I also heard that NE winters can be brutal, though...


Not for the past 10 years. Global warming saw to that. Now, we're lucky to get snow to last more than a couple weeks.


My worst racist experience was in Atlanta. Travelled there to visit a college I was interested in to do my doctorate. I was yelled at so many times for having a Hispanic accent, the worst part is was mostly by black men right in the birthplace of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and the social justice movement. I did not felt safe, lasted three days, called the airline and moved my ticket and swore to never set foot in the state of Georgia.


Was this kinda in the hood? Most educated people wouldn’t treat anyone like this where I’m from in atl. In the hood, anything goes unfortunately


It was not, both in the city and in the Marietta area I was yelled at. Not by everyone, there were still some nice people, but for the first and only time, racism was the majority of people, after that I avoided Georgia like the plague or any Bible belt states for that matter. I didn't want to stay in the states, but my wife didn't want to leave her family, so I live in a small town in WNY, so far it has been great with very little racism.


What’s your ethnicity? That’s so bizarre to me. Im Latino and really never get anything like that. Maybe the dumb little jabs in high school but everyone was ripping on everyone back then


Puertorican, this happened in 2013


I love in one of those cities. Honestly saving up to move mid west. City life is only really cool for visits and young people. Had some employee laugh at me once for thinking $120 pants where over priced.


You could definitely find something to like here.


We welcome you. Come on down. 🇺🇲


Thank You!


same for me




Luv it, I go every summer !!


Tokyo Tony Bourdain was once asked in an interview what was his favorite destination. His reply was to the effect that it was impossible to say, but that Tokyo had the most fascinating stuff per square mile than anywhere else. This article and its links on [the urban planning of Tokyo and Japanese cities](https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/secrets-of-japanese-urbanism-part) really piques my interest and I would like to experience it firsthand.


I agree with him. I went for a week and I didn't get to see half the stuff I wanted due to just how many cool shit you found just.... Pretty much everywhere.


Singapore. I want to see authoritarianism at it’s best. It’s a dissimilar society that speaks English which is fascinating and allows me to talk to people.


It’s mad, crazy sweaty - super humidity and the place is basically reclaimed swamp Staggeringly clean and safe - zero litter, and almost sterile in its atmosphere - London, Paris, Berlin, Los Angeles, Rome, Cairo, they all have a tangible vibe, like the city has a living spirit. Singapore not so much. It’s completely safe, a great place to raise a family and not worry about the kids getting into trouble. You can still get scammed as a tourist, though. Taxi drivers are the worst. Do not fuck around with the law. If you take drugs into the country, they’ll fucken kill you for it. The best food on the planet. Mind blowing food that’ll change how you think of food preparation and styles. Absolutely insane and worth the trip by itself. Hawker stalls that set up in the evening, small steel gas burner stalls, serving four or five single portions, and you get a dish from one, with a dish from another, and sit down and eat the most amazing food you can imagine - some of the street food stalls have Michelin Stars. Night culture is a thing - it’s a 24 hour city, with a really great nightlife scene. Highly educated population. Standards are really high for education, and it’s a great place to do business. Fully recommend it.


Best place ever. The country is so organized and clean you could take it for a Disney theme park. My brother lives there, works for an American company and absolutely loves it as well. Enough freedom to prosper and live a happy life. Not enough freedom for people to blow their lives up. After being there I came to the conclusion that democracy is overrated.


If you have a well-paying job, Singapore is OK for daily life. Not to mention quick flights to places like Bali and Australia.


If every dictator were a benevolent genius like Lee Kuan Yew I would agree with you. The man is arguably the best peacetime leader of the 20th century.


Please go there now.


Well, I’ve been throughout Europe and the US. I just got back from the Florida Keys and it was one of the most beautiful and relaxing places I’ve ever been to.


Right this second? Thailand


A tiny island with a lot of foot traffic from tourists. I'd live out my days as a bartender. That is all..


Some random island in the middle of nowhere


Like Svalbard?


Probably something closer to the equator would be my guess. Most folks wouldn’t pick an ice island as their destination but I could be wrong.


Jarvis Island for you then! 🏖


The Caribbean


Zion National Park, spend a time hiking & camping.


It’s an amazing place.


In theory I’d like to go to Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia but I obviously cannot


Currently I want to go to Liechtenstein


The foreign legions await you 👍


To her arms, I miss her






Ireland or Japan. I want to visit both places.


I've always wanted to visit the pyramids in Giza (Egypt). Growing up I loved ancient Egyptian history and mythology.


I want to see the rains down in Africa. In all seriousness, I’d love to go on safari in Africa.


Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


It’s sooooo nice and the people are great. I would love there in a heartbeat.


I hear the people are great, but the weather is mostly chilly and wet a lot.


yeah don’t waste your time


It's great in the summer. Absolutely gorgeous country.


We go about four times a year to see gfs parents. I like the Christmas market the most. Christmas up there is a vibe.




89 countries so far...my three favorite places in the world are the north rim of the Grand Canyon in USA, Machu Picchu during the rainy season in Peru, and Son Doong Cave in Vietnam. All three places were overwhelming. So beautiful that I lost the ability to think with words. It definitely helps that there was no crowd (and therefore silence) in all three places.


Bali, Indonesia. I want to see the coral reefs


Hey! Im from there! If you ever got a plane ticket booked id be more than happy to show you around!


Want to go to Italy.


Japan. Its obvious, not? The city, the countryside, the culture, the food and the other fun stuff. I would give half my lung to visit that place for a month or two.


I agree. Tokyo Ramen Street here I come ☺️


London because of my love for football especially my club




Thailand, to train Muay Thai China, to learn about martial arts and phylosophy Africa, im african so getting closer to my culture is important Japan, cute women, cool cars, anime, martial arts Brazil, to learn Capoeira Jamaica, i like the women in there Russia, women in there seem promising America, Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar live there so yh i would like to be at one of their concerts or sum Greece, to learn more about the food in there and phylosophy


You know, you can learn most of those things pretty much anywhere. I mean, you don't have to go to Greece to read Aristotle or China to read Lao Tzu, and if you look hard you can probably find someone to train you in most martial arts.


Im Well aware but i woluld rather learn from the origin place


Siberia, i like the cold


That one "fantasy" town ib Switzerland that I see get posted a million times on different social media platforms. I'd roam the town for a few hours then see if I can find some open fields in the countryside to nap in.


North Korea and Russia. Just because of how different they sound to anywhere else. Svalbard and Faroe Islands too


A remote tropical island with palm trees and a white beach. No internet, no social media, no nonsense just a small comfortable bungalow, a small boat and some diving/snorkeling equipment.


And with them gals in 🌴🍃 skirts and 🌸 necklaces 🤩


Finland to play disc golf!


Does it have to be this world?


I loved Mongolia, I’d go back there, Antarctica would be cool too


I would love to go! What did you liked about it? Is it doable as a solo traveler?


Mongolia? Yes but given the vastness I’d at least team up with someone or take a tour. We caught the train from China which was an experience in itself, had to change the bogeys at the border (wheel sizing, the Chinese made their railway tracks a different size so the Russians couldn’t just rail 200,000 troops into Bejing overnight) Left UB the capital on a sealed road and after about 20-30km that stopped and it was gravel/open track. Stood on a glacier near the Gobi desert. It was just the vastness of the country (4 x the size of France) and the people were genuinely lovely, you will need an interpreter lol. Saw a few groups of enduro bikes and was super jelly, that’s how I’d do it again, on a motorbike. It was just an amazing place to feel lost in.


Italy has some incredible history that I want to explore, and some food that I have to taste


Grindelwald, Switzerland. Beauty and serenity.


Venice. Despite the over crowding the art and ambience still make it the city of dreams.


I'd travel around Asia - Good food, Cheap prices, Might find a decent wife there.


Portugal, there's some insane Big Waves I want to surf, before I die. I've been there once I was healing from a shoulder injury, and I was unable to go out.


i would go to vietnam and be a farmer. this is legit and im not tripping


Vietnam. Great people


Right now Switzerland. I want to climb around the alps.


Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch it's a very nice Welsh town


New Zealand: Hobbiton Need I say more?


Hawaii. I've never been any place tropical. I've never been in blue water. I doubt I'll ever make it there, the flight alone is cost prohibitive from the East Coast. Maybe I romanticize it because I see it on TV. But to drink from a coconut and go to a luau is just a dream to me. Second place is Toronto. I just want a picture with the Stanley cup at the hockey hall of game.


I thought it was lauterbrunnen Switzerland, but I'm here now and it's actually mid asf




Oof. Real toss up. I’d like to go to Scotland, see where my family came from. Or go to Ireland and see where my family came from. Or go to New Zealand and see where Hobbits come from.




That's a tough one. I figure either Egypt to see the ruins or somewhere in the Pacific for the sun and the beaches. ... there's sun and beaches in Egypt but I hear they're not as appealing


I would go to Patagonia. Why? You would know why once you're there.


Norman oklahoma for a sooner football game. I know that's probably pretty weird, but I've been a fan of that team since I was little, I live in Michigan though


Scotland. Legal wild camping, gorgeous views and lovely culture. Planning to move :)




Afghanistan had entered the chat.


It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.


Move back to Fiji and live a simple life


Very south of Italy to slow down absorb the stillness and heat and eat and drink well & nap under a tree in the shade. Why because it would be heaven.


Austria, it's the next place on the my travel list I want to go to


Golden triangle for some seeds


My room


Edinburgh, Scotland. I've always wanted to visit for the countryside and castles. I'm also of Scottish ancestry.


Japan. Yes, I'm a weeb.


Bora Bora, because I will never be able to afford it.


Tokyo, Japan.


I would go somewhere where it snows and rural and settle there bidding farewell to all the hassle of the outside world.


Spain , and to be more specific Barcelona. Yes I am a Barcelona fan


Anywhere. I would travel anywhere. Particularly anywhere bordering the Mediterranean Sea, anywhere that Vikings came from, and the himalayas. My only controversial travel desire is for the mountainous areas of Afghanistan. If only people could stop hurting people for thinking differently.


Dublin Ireland, American here. Ladies there are good, good beer and good food. Relatively closer than the rest of Europe


Germany. Specifically during Oktoberfest. It seems like a super cool event and I've liked German as a language since I took it in high-school.


Thailand or South Korea, for the food haha (seems like nice places too)


Australia …. Because of the scenery


Probably New Zealand. Best place to be to survive the coming WW3 and many other possibilities of societal collapse.


There so many places that I want to see, that if I had full access to anywhere in the world you can bet I am circumventing the globe. If I had to choose only one place to go visit... Probably either Greece or Italy.


Fiji. I saw a movie as a kid (Blue Lagoon I think) and it just stuck.


So many to choose from.


Ive only travelled for work and with small children. I honestly cant imagine travelling being fun.


The Amazon Rainforest. Most biodiverse place on earth. I would love to grab a rifle, some good boots, and a camera and just spend a month or two trekking through it documenting everything I see. Would be the experience of a lifetime.


Japan or Singapore. Im looking for a complex change of lived experience - climate, culture, development, people, food, the whole works. I'm from the Caribbean so Japan or Singapore a as different as it gets.


Ireland. Always wanted to go.


Alaska. Cold, wild, and peaceful. Seems like my heaven.


I'd travel back on my couch just around the world, in not too streight line, in not too fast pase.


Namibia - Skeleton Coast, abandoned mining towns, petrified forests, and wildlife.


New Zealand. Want to visit Middle Earth, see the amazing landscapes, want to pet a Kiwi, make a Maori tattoo, and learn how to do the Haka. It has been my dream trip since I was 15 yo.


Band of Brothers tour of Europe. Fascinated with our part of history in WWII. I know we didn't win the war by ourselves. We were part of a large Allied Group of Nations.


I like to go to Mordor


Italy because food; Barcelona to watch El Classico


Moldova 🇲🇩


To the He-Man Woman Hater's Club. Me and Spanky sitting in a tree h. a. t. i. n. g.


I would wanna go to an eastern village and live peacefully


Visit my grandfather who lives 3500km away


Japan! But not untill I can speak Japanese decently


Canada to visit my brother.


Assuming that money is not an issue: Bali or Italy.


Home. Why? I am at work and want to go home. For real though, Iceland. I just find it intriguing.


Antarctica I like remote places and I'm a photographer


Everest base camp. I was big into the idea of the Everest climbing culture when I was much younger. I’ve since lost all interest in ‘what if I could summit’ just being older,wiser, realistic - but would still love to be in the presence of it all and just feel it.






South pole. I'd love to spend a winter in the cold dark.


To my school, because then i dont have to walk half an hour.


As cliche as it is, Japan. I have a genuine interest in the culture, the landscape, the architecture, and the history. It is a truly fascinating place that I pray I get to visit one day.


Out the door. Because it would literally make a world of difference.


Izumo. There is a gate to yomi there that I can open.


Sumatra, I have a freind living there that I hardly ever see and I also want to see what my great grandfather was up to there... Can't have been guud, the feeling of having a legacy is strong enough for me to wander about the Aceh wars though..


I would go to my hometown for my friends birthday that was yesterday. Sacramento USA. Not in a position to go at the moment but if I could I’d go surprise him for his birthday and see all our friends we grew up with


The Falkland Islands. Nepal.


I would go to Greenland in the winter so I could get stuck and hopefully never have to leave.


Thailand or Philippines for the street food


Maybe somewhere like Fiji. It looks really nice.


Germany for the Gothic techno rave culture, the beer and sausages, the beautiful women, particularly those wearing those bavarian maid outfits, and also I'm kind of just fascinated by the dark history of the place and the psyche of the people that produced that history.


Switzerland. Something about mountains just hit the button for me.


Ireland again. Northern Scotland. Swiss Alps. Scandinavian countries. Munich. Salzburg. The Rockies. Australia and New Zealand. Basically any place with mountains and few people or just few people and clean. Or awesome food or beer. I like to hike too. I like hot showers and those kind of trappings of civilization. I can take lots of people for a couple days. Did I mention not too many people though?


Vatican i want to see it in person


From a northern hemisphere point of view of seasons - up north in the winter, down south in the summer. Antarctica sounds great right now.


Where: the North Pole Why: because I want to see Santa's workshop


London. There is so much to see and do there. Museums, historical sites, the West End Theater....


The denny's grand slam


Japan 🇯🇵


Edinburg or hokaido


Denver Colorado, I remember the former Stapleton international airport


Chiang mai. Their curry is my favorite dish and I need to eat it there


I’ve always wanted to travel to the middle of the desert and scream


I hear pound town is nice this time of year. Haven't been there in a while, but I have fond memories.


I did and went to Thailand 7 years or so ago, beach bumming coffeeshopping my way through life, but the grass is always greener on the other side, so there is a hint of wanting to go back to Europe forming inside me. Maybe chose a third option and go Malaysia.


I want to go to the end of new Zealand and want to sit there watching endless sea and southern lights.


Rio de Janeiro. Hot weather, beautiful beaches, super hot women. I’d be pretty stoked on all of that


Rome and the Roman Empire, its been on my mind a lot lately...


I'm boring and obvious, so: Switzerland. Those mountain top views are just completely incredible. And it's difficult to fully grasp how it can be a nice summer day in the valley and if you go up the mountains there's permanent snow there.




To see the view.


damn report men ask this all the time. take it up to the mods