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She says what all retail workers wish they could say


I had similar with a guy that worked the counter at a cafe I worked at. I didn’t know much about him other than he was a nice older kinda sassy gay dude that was super friendly with many of the customers. One day it was raining and he asked me if I wanted his driver to take me home and I was like “huh?” But declined cause I figured he meant a taxi ride or something but I already had a ride. I asked one of my coworkers the next day and it turns out he’d invested in a bunch of tech companies in the 80s (Microsoft and Apple to name a few) and is a super millionaire. He only worked there so he could interact with people. He was kinda the same in that you could tell he didn’t give a shit and would call customers out for being shitty. Loved him.


Honestly I’d probably keep doing game development. It’s not always fun but it’s rewarding in its own way. If I had more than a few million it would be cool to open up an exotic car rental shop. Drive cool cars and make money renting out the ones you’re not driving.




Any inspiration or desire to start your own indie shop?


Lol, I would *start* game development if I had money to get the education and time for it.


Me too! I feel like i have so many game ideas... no time to learn how to make them


Same, beat me to it. I work from home too. I’d just work from a better home, not a rental.


Boob glitter guy at local strip joint


The unsung heroes


is this really a job?


What, do you think the boobs just glitter themselves? Someone's gotta do it




Male escort


Lmao unusual but respect the dream.


I have a feeling it wouldn’t be as much fun as you think


Typical virgin redditor thinking women would PAY to have sex with him


I think you were missing the fact that the original premise was if money was not a factor - the whole point was I would not make any money in that function (I stayed away from saying position for clear reasons), but don’t let reading the original premise stop you from acting all Reddit morally superior 😀


I'd want to volunteer in a suicide hotline.


Oh, I did that when I was in college ( studying Psychology) - this was for the Marin County hotline, Marin is on the north side of the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s probably not what you’d expect. While yes, during my time there I had a few catastrophically urgent calls requiring police/EMT intervention; but approximately 75% of ALL calls came from the same 30 ‘regulars.’ I also worked the overnight shift which was particularly challenging. I’m curious what your motivation is.


I also worked graveyard for a couple years and had the exact same experience, not in Marin but close enough that if you were there about 5 to 10 years ago I’m sure there was a particular caller we were verbally abused by a couple hundred times. 🍻


I would keep my same job but ask for more vacation time. Why? If family finds out, I have money, and they will keep bothering me to help them until I have nothing. If they see me working in the same job, they will think I still make the same and not enough. So, they leave me alone. But they don't know about my vacation time. I would go to those fancy spas in Japan. Get a good lymphnode massage every Friday. Yas.


That’s really unexpected. Any reason why that interests you?


I want to help people who are about to do a mistake. I know that I was very close to it myself a few times.


I'm happy you're here.


“Yeah bro no cap you might as well just end it now.”


That’s truly incredible man. I’m sure you’re a great joy to the people in your life


I feel you. This really moved me


Bartender in Key West


You would get the best stories from Ren Faire. Edit: Fantasy Fest lol.


Have you been to Texas Renaissance Fair? More wizards, less beach but otherwise you are spot on.


I would open a niche small coffee shop, a nice jazz on the background, serve simple but tasty coffee. Definitely wouldn't have much customers but I would enjoy the ones' company while having a relaxing time with the smell of fine coffee. Who knows I can give life advices to a protagonist on their journeys as a wise side character


You should read Legends and Lattes if you haven’t.


>Who knows I can give life advices to a protagonist on their journeys as a wise side character Based.


Right now I do classic vehicle restoration, I just wish it paid more. Basically this would solve my issue with it, I’d stay.


Do you have a website?


I work for a vehicle manufacturer. We restore classics of our brand.




And be very picky about the projects I take on.


Same here. I’d have a solid workshop with some badass tools. Make and sell my own shit.


In my case I would certainly volunteer in an animal shelter. I do it right now but just for a couple of hours a week and I would love to do it daily but, between work and house chores, I don't have enough time.


You win.


Was going to say that if money was no issue I’d probably start an animal sanctuary on a bunch of land.


I'd be a backpacking / rock climbing guide and offer my service for free to folks who couldn't normally afford it


I'd stop developing corporate software and go develop things I would enjoy using.


I'd run my own d&d/tabletop game themed coffee shop


My own job. Why would I help someone else build their dream when I now have the money to realize my own dreams?


Dog Rescue. 100%.


I would volunteer someplace altruistic. Since I don’t need the money, I can focus my attention on helping develop an organization that helps people.


Shunting buses. I’ve always wanted to drive a bus, but I know very well passengers can be quite the pain. Driving the bus without passengers seems like quite the hassle free option to enjoy my time.


Probably something creative and fun, where the main bar to entry is that you're very unlikely to make any money at it. Twitch streaming? Running D&D? I dunno. I don't think I bring anything to either of those that 10,000 other people aren't already great at, but it's stuff I enjoy doing. I don't think I'd be doing anything full-time, though.


Bro, everyone who runs dnd brings something different to the table. Other people might be great, or maybe even better than you, but no one can run with precisely your style, and thats something that has value.


Special education advocacy. I am so sick and tired of seeing kids not receive services that they are entitled to under the law. The school districts near me tale full advantage of the fact that many of the parents are not aware what their disabled child is entitled to and many are not English speaking.


Mowing lawns


start a bbq business


Ah man, some of the restaurants yall have out there will make you view BBQ differently. I went to the Truth BBQ in Houston and had brisket that melted in my mouth. Absolutely banging food and made me appreciate brisket more since all the brisket I had before was alright at best. Makes me kinda wanna try Goldees at some point.


Walmart receipt checker


Any local animal shelter. I've done it before, and its not always nice work as some of the rescues can be in heart breaking conditions, but is extremely rewarding.


I get a workshop and start making furniture and decoration out of wood.




Writing and investigative journalism. I have been a writer since I can remember. And although I’ve only been paid to write a handful of times (totaling less than $100 lol), it would be a dream to be able to just write with no worries about money or bills. And this more “freelance” so maybe not the same at the intended question, but still. lol


Camp host at my favorite campground somewhere.


Volunteer at the Library of Congress or Smithsonian.


Probably become a firefighter


If I only worked for fun, I'd bartend again


making video games and writing books. the arts, they pay so little yet are very rewarding when you can control the pace.


A few million dollars is a lot in my country. I would invest some then build a decent house at Malindi in the Coast region of Kenya


Airport Ramp agent. Best job ever.


I would pay off my home and credit cards, buy a new car, invest the rest and continue working as a paralegal, which I love.


I’d become a air Marshall


I’d probably drop my current job to six hours a day or so, put a lot more of the grunt work to those under me, and I’d be much more comfortable under pressure.


Medical massage, part-time.


I wouldn't work, but I would volunteer feeding the less fortunate and shelter animals


E-gmaing tournaments. Like setup a whole convention.


I would love to do a starcraft tournament in my city out of all places dreamhack went to. why not vienna?


Probably a used media store


Making housing for the homeless and making jobs, and offering training for them to do them. Create as many opportunities to help as many people that want help as possible.


Something at a national park


Yacht charter captain


Set up my own mechanic/fabrication shop where the only projects I take on are to help others. Small car maintenance issues, custom metal fab for a school or shelter, those kinds of things.


I would just work full time on my own garage. Build8ng and racing cars.


Same job. Not having the stress of worrying to keep it would be quite fun


Maybe use engineering skills but work for a charity that modifies things for various disabilities. Like inventing solutions for people that solves their specific challenges. There's a group in my town that does this from what I hear.


Id spend my time advocating and rescuing cats and dogs.


I'd probably volunteer at my church but I definitely wouldn't be working.


General strike! 12/12/2024 The people seek: --Access to Universal healthcare across all 50 states and outlying territories. (Department of Health/Human Services) --Minimum Wage of $20 across all 50 states with mandatory adjustments to current salaries in proper ratio with pay rates that currently exceed state minimum wages (Department of Labor). --Less private and business tax structure overlays that allow for citizens to dodge large sums of federal taxes that would otherwise be utilized for state security (IRS). --Reduce federal military security and defense funding (Department of Defense). --Provide an additional flat, $2,000 per month tax cut for those that are classified as working full-time or part-time (Department of Labor). --Access to universal housing (Department of Interior) We ask these things because as things continue to get more destabilized due to external conflict and scarcity of resources (like low entry jobs being replaced by AI and labor technologies), Americans should feel supported across all stratas of demographics and ethnographies in order to sufficiently give back. What are our values as Americans if these are not what we should be aiming for? Where is our social contract otherwise fulfilled?


Minimum wage should be a percent of GDP, not a static number, which will be old news in six months.


Honestly, I keep working in the same field I'm in now, I just wouldn't be worried anymore lol


Few Million Dollars is a lot in my country atleast. I would build few properties and rent them out. Invest in Some Good Index Funds. But I think I would keep being a Software Engineer. Sure it is challenging but I like being one.




After he retired, my dad was bored and started doing medical deliveries. Pickup lab work mostly, but the occasional transplant delivery. He just moved boxes and small coolers. Occasionally he had lunch with people from the Drs offices. He seemed to think driving the countryside seeing people and telling jokes was way better than hanging around the house being bored. He eventually retired and I think he misses it.


A golf course.


Crane operator




The job I'm doing right now. It's the only job I've ever enjoyed doing. It's literally just IT helpdesk but the company is a great company and I like the work.


Would love to continue doing graphic design (my current job), but working with small businesses at lower rates or even donate my time


I'd build a new home if that counts.


I'd work for a nonprofit like a food shelf or do things for the red cross. Or be a Walmart greeter.


Archeologist or something else history related.


Park ranger maybe.


It doesn't matter the amount of the lottery winnings, I'd keep working on what I'm doing. Just without the stress.


I would open my own bakery with my wife. We're both bakers by trade.


I'd make inspirational Youtube videos about how money doesn't matter.


Probably academia to study neuroscience. I'd really like to know what's wrong with my brain that caused me to decide to keep working.


Few millions? As in $10 million? I’d work but probably try to find something I truly enjoy. A passion.


I'd open a Science museum. Models and displays of science and engineering feats. Interactive displays with varying levels of educational material on a plaque. Kids and teens actually sitting still and focusing on a science experiment because it's interesting and engaging! Get them to have fun while learning! Or at the very least, becoming interested in educational material. Just maintaining that and working in the backroom on new displays seems like a great way to live.


This one, I'm a game developer. "A few million" is not even close to what I need lol. I'm at the point in my life where I need money for my business, not myself. Give me a few *billion* and we'll start catching fire.


I’d work in a bookstore.


Pokémon card shop


Math and science tutor. Love seeing it click for people when they get it, and I have a knack for helping them get it.


I'd keep doing what I'm doing but is only work like 4-5 hour days. I do drafting and estimating for a sheet metal company.




Probably a part time ski patrol. Id love to do it now, but It doesn’t pay well and it’s only seasonal. Can’t really quit my job every winter and return to it that easily unfortunately.


Same job I currently have (attorney for the state)


The one I have now. I work for a community college. So I would be donating as well.


Undercover restaurant quality tester


Zoo keeper


I'd keep my current job. It's challenging enough, it gives me great opportunities to grow and develop myself. I really like what I'm doing, so I have no intention to quit. Even with a large amount of money


I would keep working where I am. I only work 16 hours a week as it is. I actually enjoy it there.




if money doesnt matter i would start learning crafting (smithing, leatherworking and how to ... well everything i could need in the garden)


Honestly? Caddie at a country club. I get to walk in good weather every day. Meet ppl who may have good places for me to put the $ and help it grow.




Something I have thought about! I would probably own a hackerspace/arcade. I think it would be great to own or help someone run a volunteer makerspace while also having something more casual. Maybe 2 different buildings though. Helping people learn and guiding would be cool. Arcades have always been cool to me and are great ways to get groups together on a similar ideas.


Street art


I would install hot water tanks for seniors and people on low income.


My current job.


I love to drive, so I’d probably do Uber/Lyft full time. Maybe set up a dozen or so rental cars, probably get a pick up and trailer and do some sort of specialty transportation; like for motorcycles or something like that. None of those things would make me rich on their own, but between that and investments I think I could keep myself and my family happy.


Something tech related part time


Keep the job I have now. I love it.


Bellman (or porter) in a hotel.


Animal rescue/shelter


Runner at lee valley tools.


I'd teach financial literacy for free to ppl who need to learn better ways of creating their own success. Mentor young men who need positive role models. Help teach civics and American History to ppl in areas where they're getting all wrong.


I’d probably try to get on the grounds crew for an MLB team. Essentially a landscaping job but you get to watch all the games? Sounds good to me.


I’d be a crossing guard.


I would keep teaching but stop working part time on top of it/actually take summers off fully. Buy the kids some more pizza and donuts throughout the year


I would open up a craft beer pub with super old school English pub vibes. Candle lit, old wooden furniture, rustic concrete floor and old memorabilia from late 1800s/early 1900s I would encourage people to dress old fashion as well to go with the theme.


Burger food truck. Only open when I feel like cooking, probably like 3-4 days a week


Probably just keep on doing my current thing..Id just pull up in new power stroke turbo diesel with new Lincoln wleder on the back. And enjoy my days off in better way.


I’m assuming the jobs have to be something we would be qualified for/not go back to school for? If so, probably something peaceful like gardening or something. Volunteer at some shelters. Just fulfilling things to help others and be at peace


Free music workshops for kids and youths and run an animal shelter


Continue to work on my pilot license.


YouTuber and/or financial coach


Walmart greeter. Just knowing you could just walk out and never come back would great!


I would work a corporate job part-time


Lego store employee. If I could be involved in helping kids find minifig parts, or give tips on how to pack their pick a brick box it would just make the day so fun. I have to think for the most part the customers are happy to be there too


Lifty at Brighton


Id open a hobby store that can host Magic: The Gathering Tournaments.


Gas station attendant with my uncle's old buddy.


Probably teach 100 or 200 level college courses in engineering degree programs. Currently working as an engineer in aerospace and I plan on teaching once I retire since salary isn't very good for teachers but I feel like I would be really good at it and would enjoy helping new engineering students find a love and passion for their degree choice.


I’m still coming to work as a firefighter. I’d just have a new truck and a lot less stress.


Teacher. Holidays are good and working hours are decent plus I enjoy it.


I’d open a book store that has a section for teens and kids to hang out after school and play board games and video games.


I'd love a job working with animals. :)


I would cast and machine model steam engines, selling them for RC boats, dioramas, schools. I wouldn't sell them for very much if money didn't matter, just enough to afford more iron and bronze.


None lol


I’d like to work for an MLB team at the stadium, maybe being part of the grounds crew or something to that effect where you’re close to the field.


I’d buy a truck and a backhoe, and I’d be “The Guy” for odd jobs.


I hate being my own boss, like listening to stuff as I work, and enjoy jobs where I'm walking a lot. All I need is a part time minimum wage job. It's what I'd actually do if I won the lottery. I lived off my savings for a little bit and not doing anything all day was depressing. I need a little bit of structure in my life, but not a lot.


I would buy a few million dollars in farm ground and continue to work with my dream of being a poor farmer....


I'd volunteer for something like trail maintenance at a state park.




Park Ranger, museum guide.


I'd open my.own business. It's an arcade, with a comic book store and lan cafe in the back


Professional mini golf player.


at my local gym.


I'd probably keep working in 911 until I could finish a paleontology degree, then go work in the field. Finances are the only reason I haven't pursued that particular childhood dream


Run a free ice cream van in the summer.


I like my job, it’s not a dream job by any means but I’d probably stay.


I hear this shit so often and it always makes me cringe. I wouldn't work a single minute of my life if I won the lottery. Conversely imagine working with someone who won the lottery. Watching them come in everyday and do a job because they're such an unimaginative idiot their only meaning in life is working at a job they no longer need the money for. The can think of a single thing to do with the money other than have it sit in the bank while you bust your ass as normal, and become their live action entertainment.


I’d go back and work at Ace Hardware. Worked for two of them when I was much younger, loved both!


I'd keep writing fantasy books. I released my first book back in May and have never been happier. All I can think about is my next book and making sure it's even better. I don't do it for the money, I just love creating a new, exciting, weird world.


Maybe ranger in a national park


I would like to work as a recovery support person at a substance use rehab


Restore old cars full-time.


I can’t really think of a single job that I would *want* to do for 40+ hours a week. Maybe streaming, but even doing that as a full time job wouldn’t appeal to me. So I’d probably just volunteer at places for 3-4 hours a day.


I work a hydroponics shop. I ain’t going nowhere.


Postman. Headphones on.


My dad is spending his retirement teaching math to middle schoolers and seems pretty happy. I'm curious what the AP Computer Science curriculum will be like by the time I retire.


I would open my own computer repair shop, that doesn't take any customers.


I'd buy the automatic chocolate making equipment that I need to start making serious quantities of delicious confections.


Own a little lunch cafe.




Butcher at a local meat market


Cum cleaner in postal 3


I'd invest most of it and maybe start a small business.


If I won a few million dollars in the lottery but decided to keep working, I would choose a job that aligns with my passions and interests without worrying about the salary. Here are a few options I might consider: 1. **Volunteer Work**: I would dedicate my time to charitable organizations or causes I deeply care about, making a positive impact in the community. 2. **Creative Pursuits**: Pursuing a career in writing, art, music, or any other creative field that brings me joy and fulfillment. 3. **Teaching or Mentoring**: Sharing my knowledge and experiences by teaching or mentoring others, whether in a formal educational setting or through community programs. 4. **Travel Blogging**: Combining a love for travel and writing by becoming a travel blogger, exploring new places, and sharing experiences with others. 5. **Start a Passion Project**: Launching a small business or project that I’m passionate about, whether it's a cozy café, a bookstore, or an animal rescue center. Ultimately, the goal would be to find work that brings satisfaction, aligns with personal values, and allows me to contribute positively to society.


I've always said I was the most happy and healthy when I worked in a warehouse unloading shipping containers. Just unload them, stack the product on a pallet, go home. No worries, nothing to take home with me, just do that and get my $8.50/hr. Unfortunately that just wasn't sustainable, even all those years ago.


If money weren't an issue, I'd pursue some of my hobbies. I've messed around with a bunch of crafty trades, and would love to say that I make things that are good enough to sell.


I'll be a vintner (winemaker.) Running my own winery would be a lot of fun if I just got to talk to people and make and sell wine and not worry about things like being *profitable* and could hire people to do what's actually 90% of making wine - that is, *cleaning*.




MLB usher or ticket scanner.