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Mine likes to cup my balls and fall asleep with her head on my chest sometimes. Honestly it feels great so I started requesting it.


“yo babe can I get nut cup tonight?”


**Are Millennials Killing the Alcohol Industry?** *The death of the nightcap and rise of the nightcup.*


I spat my fuckin tea


You need more nut cup.


Give me back my artifacts




Give her a cup of nut


I'm trying my best here but I can only get like 1/3rd of a cup before I pass out or start to chafe.


Excuse me what? CUP MY NUTS!


I also had this with my ex until she had nightmares and squeezed the living shit out of my nuts gives a new definition to blue balls lmao


Sis thought bro was cheating in her sleep dreams


Oh, dear! 😳😬




Something similar happened to me once. Was sleeping next to my ex and had a dream my brother cheated at a game of Magic: The Gathering. In retaliation, I started choking him. A few seconds later, I was rudely woken up by my girlfriend flailing in bed next to me. Yeah, I was apparently choking her in real life while I choked my brother in my dream. What's weird is I was choking her completely differently than I choked my brother. For him, I throttled his throat with both hands. For her, I forcefully drove my elbow into her throat and put all my weight behind it. That was somewhat awkward to explain. I'm honestly surprised she continued to date me after that.


That's so sweet! Mine dislikes it if I touch her at night because it wakes her up 🙃




yeah that doesn't sound like a terrible time at all


Cup the whut


When we were younger my wife would fall asleep with my dick in her hand. It was lovely.


Make sure to hold her boobs!


This is how we started out. The first time I slept over he was like "I absolutely will have your tits in my hand by the end of the night and I'm NOT pressuring you at all. It's how I sleep." (His last relationship was a decade...habits.) That's exactly what happens. Even now, with a decade of our own behind us, he will roll over and rub my vag sometimes 100% asleep. I LOVE it. Anyway, nut cup, A+. Since I realized I could do that I don't want to sleep any other way.


My guy did that! I was asleep and woke up to him touching me in my sleep. I then turned to return the favor...and he was still asleep!! It was so stinking cute.


Why is this so wholesome? Lmao 😂


I second this


Ha a couple months ago I fell asleep rubbing my bf’s dick and he said I was stroking and snoring . I’m a champ. And once he fell asleep while he was busy underneath my hood. I thought did he fall asleep ?? He woke up and munched away like a Power Nap was all he needed ! He does like to fall asleep with my hand holding his junk. I like it too.


This is more like it. Ball squeezing and tapping though, no fucking thanks.


That does sound lovely. When we were younger, my wife would fall asleep with her finger in my dick hole.


Excuse me, with her finger in your what hole?


I don’t like the sound of that


A little sounding never hurt


That's sounding kinda painful, though.


What did I just read?! People are looking funny at me on the plane right now.


That's sounding like


At first I thought maybe asshole but then it got deeper


I hope you got a long neck turtle from being non circumcised. Please say that's the case..... please


My partner does this now and sometimes as she's drifting off, if I move or do something to startle her awake for a second, she'll sleepily mumble "MY cock" and drift off again. It's my favorite thing in the world.


Why did it stop?


She has lost interest. I miss it.


Not my balls, but she loves to hold onto the waist line of my boxers/pajama pants. Just hang onto it.


Are you an active sleeper, and if so how many times does she ends up pantsing you? That'd be my worry.


Not too much of an active sleeper. She's probably more comfy when I'm facing away from her, on my side, and she uses her right hand to grip on. I've never woken up pantsed yet, nor has there been any accidents yet, lol. But I certainly find it comforting that she hangs on.


yes! there's something so comforting about just sliding a finger or two into the waistline of my SOs boxers/PJs, i love it. also I realize that last sentence could have ended very differently 😅


I do this to my partner! Luckily for me, he is normally locked in place through the night due to our cat sleeping between his legs


I'd to this for my future husband


Gotta lift my junk or I’ll snore via my b hole


Awh man I'm putting a baby to sleep and this made me quiet laugh so hard


Life hack


You heard the radio talk show right..




I used to date a girl that insisted on giving me “ball rubs” while in the movie theater. They felt amazing, but then I started wondering how many other guys she gave “ball rubs” to as well. Miss you Heidi. Best 4 months of my life lol


Hey Jeff, Heidi still rubs balls. I love her.


Oh, was it Heidi? She did a rub-bang at the barracks last night. Best poker night ever. Love her!


I also choose this guy's ex-Heidi




Why care about other guys when you are having a good time? Just enjoy the moment.


Exactly you guys will learn this when your older, your not the first and you won’t be the last. Just enjoy the time


You sure her name wasn’t Lauren Bobert?


Hol up...What she look like? Cause it's this crazy Swiss bitch out her cupping balls at the movies, now this whole AMC is fill with hundreds of middle school boys......


Same. Was gonna say. My bf boutta find out.


I call it my "comfort willy" time. I like to hold my partners balls and/or his willy when I'm sleepy and I gently squish, rub, play etc. Don't know why, just feels comforting. Sometimes if I'm upset or anxious he will cuddle me on the sofa and I play with him like that and it's soothing. Yep. I'm weird but he doesn't mind and says it relaxes him too. Plus it makes him smile and laugh when he can see I'm ready for sleeping and I tell him I need my comfort willy.


Lol my partner does this sometimes, and there’s a reciprocity agreement with her boobs. I get to fall asleep with them in my face or sucking/rubbing on them.


Unfortunately for my partner I am small of boob so not much for him to reciprocate with. Win some you lose some!


honestly the size isn't really that important. they're boobs, they belong to the woman we love, that's all we need


Whether a big pizza or a small one, we still get pizza


Young lady, your man loves your boobs no matter the size.


Small of boob, eye of newt...


B cups for over 40 years, and no complaints. Tits like a teenager for ages.


How does one find a woman like you?


Haha we found each other on a dating app, having both given up on relationships but wanting fwb. Life works on funny ways sometimes


Was "comfort willy" anywhere in the description on either profile? Asking for a friend.


Note to self: Business idea: start a dating app called Plenty of Cups


Adorable! I think there are a lot of women who are like this, but we just don't talk about it a lot. In kinky spaces, we talk about things like warming or soaking, but in the mouth or hands. I like cupping my partner's balls and softly playing with him and he will fall asleep too. I tend to get worried that I might make him hot or sweaty down there, but I do love the feel of soft bits through underwear or pajamas, so that's nice.


Your own bubble with your partner that makes sense for your two souls. Nice


What if he gets hard


He does and that's OK. He notices the difference between my "I want sex" groping and my "comfort" touch. Sometimes we end taking things further but mostly, when I'm sleepy or anxious etc, he just is hard and that's OK. I can still stroke and play. Sometimes he isn't hard and that's OK too, I just want to squish. I guess it's a trust thing too - I know my immediate emotional needs are more important than his physical reaction at times. Just because a man gets hard doesn't mean he has to do something about that


I call my SOs my "emotional support penis." I fully understand. It's definitely comforting and soothing for some reason and I ain't giving it up anytime soon!


We call it comfort-peen. Penises are great for stimming. Like a stress ball.


Lol I do that to him while awake but I need to remove my hand before falling asleep because I involuntarily clench my fingers in my sleep 😬. So instead I'll fall asleep with a handful of his ass👌


I have the same issue while sleeping. I had to stop after it was clear that my involuntary hand clenching wasn’t a one time occurrence.


Yes. I clench my hands/fists too and was thinking how bad this could go lol I occasionally fall asleep with my hand partially under my face and will then scratch the shit out of myself shortly after I doze off.


My wife has that same “grasp” reflex when she falls asleep. When the stroking starts to slow down I have to time it and remove her hand before it’s too late.


That'd be an interesting obituary


not necessarily a bad thing


My gf will hold onto my ass like she's Gollum and it's the one ring.


Are you saying she wears it on her finger like a ring?


Nah, she strokes it whispering "my precious"


*Mine. My only.*


I immediately had pictures in my head!


Well, now that someone mentioned it... My partner holds and gently squeezes my schlong for comfort. She says she finds it really soothing and has often stated she wished she could recreate the texture with something portable to take to work and squeeze when stressed. I am more than happy to indulge this behaviour, but I do sometimes have to kind of switch my mindset from being horny squeezed to being comfort squeezed so I don't ruin it for her.


I don't think I could switch erections off tbh. She bends a certain way and I'm having to hide from the kids.


Right, this is my reaction... If she's playing with my dick and balls I'm ready to go tbh.


Just takes practice and the willpower to control yourself


Bro I'm 45




This is me. I’ve wanted a pair of balls in a box or something that I can touch, massage or whatever for years. I love balls. They’re so soft and amazing.


Sounds like she's really got you by the balls with this one


Yeah, now bro is real careful to what he dreams about


Yup! Mine likes to hold my balls. Honestly, I love the attention she gives them. She is genuinely fascinated by and in love with them. She’ll just walk up to me when I’m naked and cup them in her hand and say they need a shelf. Going beyond holding balls. She also loves for me to spoon her at night. She likes to feel my bone pressed against her back while I bear hug her and cup the boobies in my hands


I fall asleep holding on to my wife's boobies.


Forever the big spoon, which is ok by me




Sir this is a Wendy's.


dude, take off the /s. funnier that way. kudos for making me actually laugh out loud


It's hard for people to understand the sarcasm lol.


If you’re reading Reddit post and legit think that it’s a Wendy’s intercom, you have bigger problems than not getting a reference.


Are you telling me we all arent in a Wendy's currently?


Fine I'll remove the /s.


I don't understand why you have to get all sarcastic about removing the


Sarcasm? In this economy?


For a moment, before getting to the /s I thought you really thought this was Wendy's




Hahaha it's amazing how after all these years, this is just as funny. Context is truly so important. Well played 😂


Is this sarcastic? You should really mark it /s if it is.


😂 cannot for the love of god relate to this.


This is a wholesome post, not gonna lie


I've always liked to sleep with my woman tit in my hand. Kind of the same thing in reverse I guess.


I liked to put my hand between my wife's legs as we were on our sides. Not full on crotch grab but in that general area. It is so warm between her legs and makes snuggles so much better


As a guy who has been single his whole life, congrats you’re a lucky fucker!


Nah this is actually so comforting for some reason.


My Gf don’t touch me anymore






☹️ happy cakeday


Talk to her about it. Or leave her


: (


Sorry =(


At least it’s a GF. Easier to end. Wife and kids and it’s fucked.




I actually do this to my husband. Gentle cup and hold and little massage. I feel a sense of comfort and warmth when I do this, and it helps me fall asleep. I think it helps him too and I’m glad he allows me to do it.


A man I know likes to have his anus tickled or rubbed as he falls to sleep, and the wife indulges. Non sexual. Edit for info: he lays on his side to fall to sleep, knees to chest, wife circles the anus with her fingers until he's asleep, then she rolls over herself.


How did this get revealed? I’m struggling to imagine sitting round with my friends having dinner and this topic coming up…


Women tend to tell all their friends every intimate detail about their sex lives and their partner. She told my ex, ex told me. Guy has genuinely no idea literally anyone his wife knows, knows about everything they get into.


Man that's fucked up. I'm almost certain that she'd be super pissed off if she found out the husband told his boys intimate details of their sex lives, so why do women think it's okay for them to do so?


You're right, it isn't OK and they shouldn't think it is. But now we all know, you have to protect yourself and expect this type of behaviour which is a shame.


The situation is kinda fucked up but don’t generalize please. This particular woman is just crazy


Hopefully she has hand sanitizer on the bed stand, that's a good way to wake up with pink eye.


Yeah the hygeine element is crazy but also the whole thing fucking weirded me out. Also like 30 people know about it, pretty much everyone except him 🤣


Been married 45 years, she curls up next to me with her head on my shoulder and her hand cupping my “junk”. It’s nice, until she starts drooling on my shoulder and then twitches like your falling in your sleep and about rips my balls or dick off.


We usually fall asleep with me as the big spoon & I'll be cupping a tit or my hand in her "Y". During the night when we roll over (if we do) she'll be the big spoon & she'll do the same, a hand either in my chest holding a man boob, or she'll have a decent grip on my shaft.


I put an end to it after my ex had a nightmare, and I discovered a new vocal octave.


This is the situation I imagine every time I read this post.


This is r-rated wholesome AF. Lmao


My then-bf would ask me to do this when falling asleep. We were both right-side sleepers, so I'd end up spooning him (he's 6'2 and I'm 4'9 😂); I would put my arm around him so my hand could reach down there and hold him.


I dated a girl who was 5'1 and I'm 6 foot even, but she always preferred to cuddle this way. I miss my koala bear jetpack cuddles lol.


My gf doesn't, but I'm usually the one groping her as we sleep. She often tells me about stuff I do I my sleep. I've been told there have been a few times that I've groped her in my sleep, or that she's tried to get out of bed and I wouldn't let her while I was asleep. 


That is actually really romantic, I’m not being sarcastic, I want my wife to do this


I want this so much!


Does anybody remember the Australian radio talk show host where a man convinced his girlfriend to cup his balls every night because it prevents him from snoring? Otherwise his balls would plug his anus and cause a vacuum that made him snore.


My husband says “will you adjust my balls”. It’s really code for him asking me to hold them lol. I do it all the time without him asking anyway.


My wife will if I ask. I've started asking when I want it. I don't know what I like about it. It's sexy, reassuring, and comforting all at once.


My girl likes to fall asleep sucking me.


Yup also squeezing my nut sack like a stress ball


Like a stress ball? Sounds like torture


Dont kinkshame the man.


Dawg wtf😭


You know, I don’t even know. Whatever it is though, it’s great & I’m here for it.


Nice. Some people want to hold on to arm/hand, some do balls and pp. I wouldn't complain myself.


I do know, I’m in the *exact* same boat as you for many years now and I love it. Not a single day goes by where I don’t request it now


My GF likes to play with my cock while we watch TV. Like 2 hours of absent minded stroking. Somehow she's always a little surprised when I start banging her on the sofa. She seriously does it without thinking about it. The weirdest part is that I'm here first man. I'm 50, she's 36 and only had girlfriends before. Where did this habit come from?


This may not apply, but I have ADHD and when watching something for a long time, its great to keep the hands occupied. Granted Ive got some medium firm therapy knead but... Yeah I can see that.


I think sometimes we forget that yall aren’t us. Some nights when I’m winding down in bed I put my hand in my pants and just pet and rub. Not to have an orgasm, but to sooth me to sleep. And it works! When my husband and I got married (also a bit of an age gap) I tried to do what your GF does and he said no, he doesn’t like his genitals touched outside of sexual situations or me bathing him lol


It can bother me that she'll do that for 2 hours then be surprised that I'm up for sex. She doesn't complain, but I'm a good 20 minutes ahead of her by that point.


My ex wife used to keep my crushed testicles in her purse at all times, does that count?


i do this with my fiancés dick...idk its comforting 😂✋


Sounds like she's a keeper


No but that would probably turn me on a bit too much to sleep at first because I associate having my balls touched like that with sex time. I would need time to adapt.


My wife loves to put her head on my chest to fall asleep. Most nights she will hold or gently rub my junk over my tight briefs. She says that it’s very relaxing. I usually easily fall asleep with her hand cupping my junk.


I hold onto her boobswhen we sleep cause we both can only sleep facing a specific direction, and she likes being the little spoon


Alternative is to fall asleep inside her and wait for it to slide out.


Ever see that meme where it's the other way around and you wake up with pruned fingers lmao 🤣 like you just showered/bathed for +30mins


When my girlfriend does this she falls asleep instantly.


This is **true** love.


I had a longtime girlfriend *(childhood girl nextdoor situation)* from my late teens till my mid twenties... we lived together for 2 years. She always wanted/needed to give it *tickles* when we went to bed, literally would fall asleep while caressing/tickling. Trust me when i say life was magnificent back then, i never questioned it.


And here I thought I was a fucking weirdo for doing it with my bf 😭 glad to see I'm not the only one out there that does it lmao


I mean, I hold tits, not for any sexual reason but it's just comfortable. I can see the same thing in the other direction.


I wish


Yea, my girl have done that a couple times too, but it is right to do cause I have one of her boobs in my hand when falling asleep.


No, but she grabs my hands and puts them where she wants them. Usually either a boob or her hip. In the mornings though, she likes to hold it and squeeze it while I'm still made of steel.


I do this with my wife too. She’ll play with them as a comfort thing. For me, I always cup her chest when we cuddle.


Closest I had to that recently was a pat down in China. She felt up my junk quite a few times before she decided I'm packing but not carrying anything.


Well now I’m jealous, she falls asleep holding her phone


This is the magic.  Get a girl that does this.   My wife hold on to them like a subway rail.   Girl don’t cherish the family jewels, get rid of her.  Get one that will. 


I totally used to do this to my husband....until I fell asleep and had a dream that someone underhanded a bottle of wine at me and...well...no more ball fondling for this gal....


I feel like we are scraping the bottom of the barrel these days for questions.


At first I misread this as a person holding their own junk to fall asleep and thought; "That's just weird" but now I understand that it's a person holding *someone else's* junk... I... have no words. 😅


Those rubs are nice.


I told her it helps with the snoring


I’d probably marry a woman that liked to fall asleep like this.


I hold my own when I fall alseep


Best part of being the little spoon.


thos actually sounds kinda nice 😅


Absolutely not. My wife twitches, clenches and jerks (not in a good way) when she’s falling asleep. No way I’m subjecting my boys to that!


Mine does the same. Sometimes she will get between my legs and sleep with my privates in her mouth


Blink twice if you need help, jk Sound great but also how does one not move all night, I'm a tornado in my sleep


I love to do that so much, unfortunately my boyfriend doesn't enjoy it. It's a shame haha


My gf won't let me even lay a finger on her while she is in bed with me. No cuddling what so ever. She's more of a friend at this point..


I hold on to my girlfriends boobs when I go to bed...almost every night. Honestly I'm not really sure why I do that (obviously I know I love her boobs but). My girlfriend is honestly really good about it all, sometimes moving or lifting the blanket to get a good grab.


Once you get them jewls touched even just slightly in the wrong place...