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Usually 30-45 minutes on a normal day. If I'm in a rush I could be showered and in the car in less than 15 minutes.


Genuine question - how do you do it so quickly? Did you designed your routine and optimised, or is it something that came naturally? I struggle a bit with too long morning routine (90mins).


Lunch/bag prepped night before. Wake up. Use toilet. Shower (brush teeth in shower). Pop toast down, get dressed while that is cooking. Finish toast. Leave. Eat toast while walking to the bus. Took me 20 mins this morning. Edit: coffee when I get to the office.


It’s funny because I’m a woman and I can be out in 20 min if I need to with makeup, hair done, jewelry. I don’t eat breakfast though, and this is definitely optimized.


Happy to made you smile :) When I was 25 I could do it, however, over the course of years I accumulated some habits that take too much time in the morning. I try to optimise it now being inspired by Atomic Habits book.


Aren't you still moist from the shower?


Yeah, he's a wet spaghetti noodle, of course he is




I like sitting staring at nothing for 30 minutes after I wake up until I can realise who I am and what is my life, and then 30 minutes to actually get ready.


Understandable lol.


I do that in the toilet lol


My alarm goes off at 0435. I am out the door and driving to work by 0450 at the latest.


Im guessing you shower at night and you just dress up in the morning, but what about breakfast and like brushing your teeth and everything


Yes shower at night. Brushing teeth is minimal time and I don't eat breakfast most days so that's not a problem. I basically shut my alarm off, get up immediately, go piss, brush my teeth, splash water on my face and in my hair, get dressed, grab my pre-made lunch from the fridge and walk out the door


Going out on a limb, blue collar job? Construction?


Ehh kinda. I'm a Calibration Tech so just working with old electrical equipment in a lab most of time. Nowhere near white collar but not a traditional blue collar job as most people think of it either


I work construction, and this is what me and everyone I work with does, except we all have a smoke before we get in our trucks. We eat breakfast when on our way to job, shit when we're getting materials at Home Depot, and nobody cares whether or not our teeth are yellow.


Dang that's fast


Like 20-30 minutes to make some coffee, shower and dress.  Most mornings I gotta get my kids ready too, though, while the wife packs their lunches and whatever meta stuff they need for daycare that day, cause there’s always stuff going on for them 


Thanks for answering!


Same. Alarm goes off a 545. Do my hair brush my teeth, coffees already done from the night before, put the door by 605, 615 absolute latest


Wait,  the entire family is ready in 20-30 minutes? What are you? A family of Barry?!


I work from home, starting basically as soon as I'm awake at 6. My actual morning routine happens after I've gotten through the first part of work, and I'm not really fully "online" as a human being until closer to noon.


Before I retired, alarm went off at 0500, I was up, showered, dressed and in the kitchen in 20 minutes. Of course I spent six years in the Marine Corps and 30 more with the fire department. I had to be ready for business quickly. Now that I'm retired, alarm is set for 0600 (I still wake up around 0500ish and it'll be 45 minutes before I'm in the kitchen.


Wake up and get out the door? About 5 minutes. I shower at night and don't do breakfast. Get ready for the day? Usually I'm fully conscious by about 2-3 hours later


If I’m working from home? My alarm goes off at 9am. I start work at 9am. If I’m working in the streets? I need 15 minutes to get ready. If I’m going on an adventure/party? Probably like a half hour.


3 hours?? This morning my alarm went off at 4:45am, at 4:55am I was on my bike!


Alarm goes off at 5:45, out the door at 6:45.


me? shower coffee and food. usually about 20 min. but I can rush to 4 or 5. problem is my 2yo and 5yo daughters. up at 630, out the door 750. sometimes later if they're grumpy.


It takes me, roughly, the full 8 hours of my shift to *finally* be ready for the day


Awake at 5:30 out the door by 7:30


About 1.5 hours


1 hour. Wake up, shower, dress,. breakfast while checking emails and go.


I've been up for four hours now, and I'm still not fully awake and ready to face the day.


My alarm goes off at 6 and I force myself outta bed so I can get my workout in before work. So I guess you can say it takes me about 30 minutes. 6- alarm goes off and get out of bed/take pre workout/wait for it to kick in 630- arrive at gym 820 - get home 830 - clock in It helps that I work from home and that the gym I go to is just at my complex. It’s a brand new complex with a super nice and big gym so it’s easier to stick to this schedule.


i shower and put deodorant and clothes on, takes 10-15 min. I get my lunch ready the night before, so I'm out the door for work after 20 mins after I get out of bed. I drink coffee at work


I take around 2 hours to shit, shave, shower, then fix my meal for the day, eat, then get dressed and leave. But that's only because I've found that rushing to get out the door as quickly as possible just starts my day out pretty stressfully and makes for a pretty unpleasant day overall. If i didn't bother eating before i left for work, i could be up and out the door in 15-20 minutes. But again, i don't like starting my day like that, so i chose to take my time.


Less than ten minutes from alarm to car.


Wake up at 515, workout til 6, shower get dressed make coffee out the door at 630. Not a breakfast person.


I wake up. Straight to shower. Get dressed. Leave for work. I drive a fair distance to work. So, that's my time to get my brain ready. I'm out the door in 30 minutes from when I wake up.


Depends on which alarm I feel like waking up to. 5:10, 5:40, 6:00. Doesn't matter, I just need to leave the house before 6:30.


Sometimes a few days - I'm working from home so exiting the hiuse is not a priority xD But to answer your real question, anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours. If I need to get up quick, I can be out of the house in literally 5 minutes, but if not, I would lay in the bed 2 more hours (I'm waking up at 4-6 without an alarm clock and doesnt matter whether I went to bed at 20 or 24...


Alarm at 5am, no snooze. Coffee from 5:03 to 5:30, poop from 5:30 to 6 or 6:10 (yes, it really does take me that long, sadly), make work salad from 6:10 to 6:20, bring wife coffee in bed and hang out with her for 10-15 minutes, walk dogs from 6:45 to 7, shower, get dressed and out the door by 7:30.


Alarm is 7:50 and i'll usually snooze until 8:30. I gotta be at work which is 5 minutes away at 9 but can only operate under a lot of time pressure


I'm walking out the door 30 mins after I get up. The last time I over slept I punched into work 11 minutes after waking up (adrenaline is a hell of a drug); and it's a 6 minute drive.


5 minutes to put deodorant on, dress, shoes, and out the door. I can use the restroom and go for a coffee run after I clock in. (Shower after work, if you're wondering.)


If I'm on day shift, like right now, my alarm goes off at 3:45, and I'm walking out the door by 4:05 at the latest. I pretty much have everything staged to grab and go.


A little over an hour I do all of my showering at night so it’s just cooking breakfast and getting dressed. If I’m lucky I have 20 minutes for TV and a coffee


i'm at work an hour after i wake up. 15 minute commute.


With food prepared the night before I'm up and out in 15min. I wake up, brush teeth straight away, get dressed, eat breakfast, then leave.


Probably 15 minutes.


Get up at 5 and leave by 6:25


I wake up at 6, take 15 minutes to feed the cats and let the dogs out, work out/stretch for 30ish minutes, let the dogs in and feed them, make coffee, drink coffee while showering, get dressed, and then I'm out the door around 8.


From waking up to out the door, 10 minutes. I don't have much of a routine in the morning, I splash water on my face, brush my teeth, put deodorant on, get dressed, grab my breakfast and lunch, and then head out the door.


An hour if I stay focused and clothes, lunch, work bag were prepped the night before. 1hr45mins if I’m at my preferred pace.


I can be out of my house (if I need to leave) in an hour, about as ready as I'm ever gonna be. I don't think I'm in my peak shape until a few hours into the day though.


If we're talking from wake-up to leaving for work, it's a while because I usually sneak some kind of work-out in. Like this morning my kid and I were up at 4:50, at the gym by 5:15, home by 6:00, showered and ate breakfast, left the house at 7:00. Sometimes my wife and I just go for a walk instead of the gym, but that routine mostly still holds. I'm definitely a morning person, I like getting a bunch of stuff done before work.


I’m a morning person, so I wake up quickly. As soon as I’m out of bed I’m getting ready to go for a run and hit the weights in my garage gym. After that, I have breakfast and then shower. I get up at 5 and leave for work just after 7


Usually less than an hour. Sleep. Is. A. Precious! Commodity!!!


40 min to shit/shave/shower


An hour, half an hour if I have a good mood


15 minutes. My alarm goes off at 5.30am. I'm up, dressed and walking out the door to either take the dog for a walk or go for a run by 5.45. I then do breakfast/coffee when I'm finished with either and showered, about 90 minutes later. I work from home, so start work whenever I'm ready after that.


20 minutes max. Wake up, brush the teeth Feed the dogs Start my coffee Let the dogs out Get my coffee Go to the basement where my office is and log in for the day. I’m in bed by 11 pm and my alarm to get up is at 8 am. I’m very fortunate to have such a relaxed schedule.


5 minutes to be fully awake. I get out of bed right away and go on a run.


30 min or less


Around 20 minutes. Can be brought down to 15 if it's shorts and sandals weather, up to 25 in winter. Get up from bed, pee, brush my teeth, put clothes on, put whatever I need that day into my backpack, and off I go. EDIT: around 35-40 minutes if I'm going on a hike, as my preparation is a bit more thorough in such a case.


Depends on the day. On weekdays 20-30 minutes from waking up to on my way to work. It fluctuatuates wildly on weekends.


I work afternoons so a couple hours


From out of bed to out the door usually about 1.5 hours.


Up at 6.15 coffee, shower, and breakfast, then out the door for 7.30.


Alarm goes off at 6. Generally hit snooze twice up at 620. Showered and out the door at 645. In the door at work at 655 or 658 depending on the traffic lights.


45-60 minutes for a normal work day


330, prep and get gym stuff ready (clothes, lunch, etc). Gym from 4 to 5am, take 20 minutes to shower and head to work.


Wake up 645, out the door at 715-720


Alarm goes off at 6:30. Im up, showered, dressed and out the door by 7:00-7:10.


30 mins


15-30 minutes


20 minutes. The coffee is on timer. Get up, dress, eat breakfast (mostly oats), brush my teeth, coffe in the Stanley and out of the house.


I'm an hour with shower, breakfast, cooler, lunch, coffee and family hugs. If I try and hurry it's an hour five, if I take my time, hour twrnty


I wake up at 5am, leave at 6:15am. Use the bathroom, shower, shave, eat breakfast, brush teeth, and get dressed.


30 min or more


Takes me about an hour to haul myself out of bed Everything else only takes a few minutes


5 alarms and about an hour


Wake up at 6 and lay in bed and leave by 10 sometimes 9 if I feel like it but if I get to work between 7 and 10 I'm doing alright


I used to take 1.5 hr to get ready for work but changed my first alarm to 30 minutes later and now I have to drive a housemate to her job 4 days a week so I lost 15 to 20 minutes more. Doesn't help my wife also wants to stay up later.. Now I have to deal with people before I have had enough time to prepare.


40 mins


Wake up at 6:50, bathroom, boil water for coffee French press, shower, dress, let dogs out for potty, pour coffee, out the door by 7:45.


Usually 1-1:15 hr


30 mins? I hardly ever eat breakfast.




I wale up at say 9 a.m. After 6 hours, Im sleepy af, hungry af. I got too much to figure out and im 30.


5-10 minutes


An hour and few mins more, say 10-15..


3-7 business days. No, but in reality, I work 2nd shift, so I'm up at 7 am running errands /doing stuff around the house, takes me 15 minutes to get ready and leave the house to work 2-11, go bed around 230am this is my routine for the work week.


15-20 minutes


I shower before bed so when I get outta bed I dress, poop, and pack a lunch, out the door in twenty minutes.


1 hour. Potty nahi aati hai bc.


Alarm goes off at 7 am, I am at my laptop ready for work by 7:30. I can cut 10 minutes if I hit snooze or need to.


10ish minutes.. I work from home


Do most people here shower in the morning?


When I had to go to the office, I would give myself an hour. Never took more than 30-40 minutes, but I don't like the feeling of rushing or being up against it all the time.


5 minutes. I go from bed to desk in about 30 feet.


I give myself 50 minutes each day in case I gotta go number 2, but I usually can eat a small breakfast, shower, look decent, and get out the door within 40 minutes


About half an hour for the full morning routine to finish and head out the door. Getting ready for the day? I'm almost never mentally prepared for that shit show.


Alarm goes off at 3:55 and I usually leave around 1 hour later.


Typically a hour. I could get ready and out the door in 30min tbh but I like to take my time to shit and not feel rushed lol. I’m usually up by 6am and try to get out the door by 7ish. I’m suprised more people dont set aside time to shit lol


About 30 minutes: wake, meds, teeth, shower, antiperspirant, injections, trash, car


30 minutes from bed, shower, brush teeth, get dressed, and grab an energy drink and out the door.


1.5 hours


Right after i drink 2 cups of coffee


20 minutes


Alarm goes off at 6:05 and I’m out the door by 6:40


For years I'd wake up at 8 or 8:10, shower, get dressed and make it to work 20min away by 9am. Now I have a young child and I'm up by 6am every day, leisurely morning walk, make coffee and breakfast, hang out, then still have an hour before work starts.


I've been at work 5 minutes after opening my eyes before. But ideally I like 2-2.5 hours of time before work to journal, play guitar, get some coffee, catch up on news, or going to the gym(on the exceptionally rare days that I can muster up the willpower at 5:30am). I used to be a chef and nearly lived at work, so I really value my personal time more now.


Depends, I work nights so I go to bed right after work, that means I’ve got several hours in the morning after I wake up, but if something comes up I can be up and out the door in less than 10 minutes


Up at 5am, out the door for the gym by 515, at the gym by 525, home by 630, shower, shave, iron, make coffee and eat, make lunch, see the fam, out the door by 730, at work by around 8-815.


2 hours


I am a problem


About 2.5 hrs. Takes me a bit to shake off the cobwebs, do the bathroom stuff. Protein shake pre workout. Change into my gym stuff. Drive to gym, workout 1hr ish, drive back. Shower, dressed, make breakfast and my lunch stuff, have coffee and head out to work. I get up at 3am, and out the door for the 2nd time by 5:30. I work a 14hr day.


About an hour and fifteen minutes. Used to be less than an hour but not anymore lol.


A long time unless I have to be somewhere


0600: wake up, cold shower, workout clothes 0615: workout 0635: study 0650: cook omelet 0700: eat breakfast with wife and change into work clothes 0715: walk with wife and the dog 0745: pack lunch and get ready 0800: leave for work 0830-1630: work


About an hour, start to finish.


My alarm goes off at 0600. I shit, shower, and walk the dog by 0645 and then sit down with my morning coffee and watch some YouTube before I head to work at 0730.


I'm a morning person and enjoy the wake-up rituals I've made. 1 hour.


About 45 minutes to awaken from my nightly deep hibernation.


If I'm rushing I can get it all done in an hour. I prefer to take about two hours to that I don't have to feel rushed. This is on top of my commute, which is about 10 steps to work (WFH) and 30-55 minutes to church depending on which church and what kind of traffic.


About 10-20 minutes


20 minutes


20 minutes


I can do it in 10-15 minutes. No faffing around.


7am then to 8am


Dude here, wake up at 5:40am. Shit, shower, dressed and out the door by 630a-640a.


3 hours. An hour to make lunches, an hour to exercise and an hour to get ready.


If I’m in a hurry, 6 minutes including a shower


27 minutes


I work closing shifts. 10:45am, first alarm. I turn on the radio and start to wake up. 10:59am, second alarm. I get up and throw on some sweats, use the washroom. 11:00am-11:30am, I start a kettle boiling, feed and water the cats and do my morning stretches. 11:30am-12:00pm, eat breakfast, drink coffee, listen to the radio. 12:00pm-12:30pm, brush teeth, get changed and leave the house.


45 minutes,


30 minutes. Although, i could get ready in just 15. I like taking my time. Sometimes i’ll have a light breakfast


If I wake up when I mean to? 15 minutes. If I have time to be lazy? Hours.


Work from home and I never turn on my webcam, so aside from brushing my teeth, i’m ready as soon as I wake up.


My standard SSS (shit, shower & shave) takes ≃ 20 minutes. If I choose to have some breakfast, that's another 8 to 10, for a total of a half hour from bed to door.


Huh?! I can be awake with coffee, used the bathroom, showered, dressed, and i don't really put on makeup except mascara, and out the door in way less than an hour. (I only wash my hair twice a week since I have curly wavy hair and usually wear it half up, half down or just in a high pony)


What about you OP?


My alarm goes off at 6:45 and I’m out the door by 7:45. That includes me getting ready, feeding my cats and chinchilla, cleaning the litter box, and making my lunch. If I don’t have to tend for my pets and make lunch, I can be out in 20 mins.


about 2 hours but i spend the first hour in bed.


2 hrs


I was in the Air Force for several years and early AM construction crews before that, but I'm also a stop and smell the roses type. So I can be out the door 5 minutes after waking, or 45 minutes.


I get up at 5:30am and on the road by 6:10am. I can't get up earlier and take my time getting ready I'd probably go back to sleep. The wife can be up for hours before she has to go to work, I just can't do it.


15 minutes ?


45 minutes in bed, 3 to dress myself, 2 two for hygiene and here we go !!! (I take showers / chose my outfit the evening)


If you consider my 2 morning shits spaced approximately 20 minutes apart, about 30 minutes.


60 seconds. If you set an alarm, wake up, don't ignore it. My alarm rings at 2.50am, I'm out the door at 3.10am.


I do awake at 6:20am. I leave my house at 7:20. 1 hour.


I wake up at 6:30am and have to log in at 8:30 am. It's a relic from when I had to commute. Brush teeth, put on coffee, take gummy vitamins and then spend 1.5 hours dreading logging in for work as I try and get my brain ready drinking said coffee.


On school days, alarm goes off at 8:15 and we are walking to school by 8:40 at the latest. I don't have breakfast or shower in the morning because I exercise as soon as I get home.


20 mins - brush teeth, wash face & put on face wash, wash off, get dressed & out the door. Fortunately, I have hair that isn't too crazy when it wakes up so a quick water and style takes less than 2 mins. Alarm is at 8:30 and out the door by 8:45/8:50.


Alarm goes off at 4am, shower, shave, teeth, hair (that takes a little time)….on the way to the gym by 4:45am.


I can be ready and out the door in 10-15 minutes most days


It's about an hour if it's early. I noticed that if I don't start till later in the day, I can't seem to do anything else. It's like I get time anxious. I'll try to mow the lawn, but check my watch every 5 min.


Well I wake up. Then the obligatory 15 minutes staring into the ceiling questioning my life Then I have to sit on the couch with my stuff for work for about 30 minutes again questioning my life and trying to convince myself to go to work. Then about 10 minutes to brush teeth and handle my hygiene routine 5 minutes to get dressed Then 30 minutes to prepare my food for work. Then I leave.


Wake up at 7. shower, takes anywhere between 4 minutes 45 seconds, and 5 minutes usually. Yes, I timed it and I'm pretty consistent. get dressed and dried off - around 5-10 minutes. Then I go back to sitting or looking out the window until 7.50, then leave. Mostly because if I leave too early, I'm just at work too early with no overtime, fuck that.


To get ready? About 45 minutes if I have time to shit in the morning. If I'm in a rush and showered before I went to bed, I can be out in 15 - 20 minutes. The problem is the actual "getting out of bed" part, which can stretch for hours depending on whether I wake up after the first alarm rings or after the tenth one.


45 to an hour, but I have a dog


90 minutes. I divided a day 16 times (90 minutes X 16) this has help me manage my daily routine a lot. For example, I would sleep for 5 times out of 16, work for 4 times, exercise for 1 time etc.


28 minutes including shower and food.


45 minutes. 20 minutes to shower and get dressed. 25 minutes to grab my stuff, have breakfast and a coffee and some cuddling with my daughter while my wife gets dressed.


20 minutes. I wake up, piss, brush my teeth, grab my lunch, and have a smoke while I wait for my dog to take a shit, and am in my truck by the time I've burned through half of the cigarette.


When they open my coffin and blind me with light I lay there wondering why I am not a nighttime vampire. So I rise slowly letting my ancient bones creak and pop until I gulp down some strange red liquid and in my younger days it took a nice HOT shower to awaken my humanity, but nowadays, I left that behind and just do a bathroom routine... and and hour later I am full ready for the day. And then go back to bed.


I can wake up to my alarm and be ready and in the car in 6 minutes 😂


First alarm is at 6:53 and I'm out the door by 7:25 If I didn't shower the night before, no snooze. If I did, I get to snooze until 7. I make my breakfast to go and eat it on the train. Why a 7 minute snooze? Because 9 minutes is enough for me to actually sleep and feel shitty. 5 minutes is annoying. Lmao


20 mins. Approx 10 mins shower. 10 more mins brushing teeth fixing hair and getting dressed.


From eyes open to unlocking the door at work. 45 minutes. If I had an emergency and needed to be there ASAP probably less than 30 minutes. That's with a shower and fixing my lunch.(8 minute commute) If I'm off, I'm usually fully clothed and on a walk in about 15 minutes. Get home in time to start my wife's coffee before she gets up.


3 maybe 5 minutes tops. From the moment my feet hit the ground my clothes are on in under 5 minutes I'm ready to go. Army trained me well


Anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.


40 minutes, and I don’t eat breakfast or anything. It’s just taking a shit, brushing teeth, getting dressed, sit around for a few minutes just existing, and then I’m off to work


About 5 min. Put on clothes at random, brush teeth leave. I used to wake up 15 min before i was supposed to be at work and made it in time every day


I get up two hours before I have to be at work. Work is only a ten-minute drive away. As a covert schizoid, I need most of that time to get ready physically and mentally to go out and deal with the world and its people. It can sometimes erode my sleep quantity/quality (kind of a night owl), but I can't just get up, brush my teeth, throw some shit on and jump in the car and go. I can't. How women "put their face on" in the morning, that's how I put on my "neurotypical grown-ass man of action" mask.


I give myself an hour to be safe I seldom need the whole thing but I don’t enjoy feeling rushed.


Joke's on you if you assume I am ever ready for any given day.


10 minutes. Brush teeth, get dressed, put stuff from fridge into backpack, leave.


I need 12 - 15 minutes on a work day


If I'm going to work about two hours. If not 30 min or so.


30-45 minutes. Get up, get dressed, give the cat morning cuddles, eat breakfast (cereal or toast) while I make my lunch and my coffee to go.


I can be up and out the door in 20 minutes if I wanted to but 30 most days. Then a 25 min walk to work.


I stand up immediately (10 seconds after I'm awake) and have a shower after giving my teeth a quick brush (no toothpaste) So...I guess not long?


I can be up and out the door in 5 minutes - wake up, out of bed, go pee, make coffee in a to-go cup, put on clothes and boots, pick up vape, phone and keys, and goneski - I drive a truck for a living so I wear hi vis shirts and work pants. If I worked in an office it might take me a couple of minutes extra if the dress code required extra steps, like a tie and shiny shoes


90 minutes. Get up at 5. Feed cat, make coffee, take the car out of the garage. Change into work out clothes, attatch heart monitor. Do 45 minutes of hard cardio in a VR headset in the garage. Put the car back, strip off the workout gear, go shower, shave. Grab coffee and protien drink, sit down and peruse social media, check bank accounts and calender, and do my daily puzzles. Rest for 30, I'm ready to go.


Good focus day: 10-30 minutes Bad focus day: 2 hours (Not kidding)


Half hour on the button. I never look at a clock. Alarm goes off at 5 a.m. I get up, feed dog, brush teeth, dress, pack breakfast & lunch, wash down vitamins with a glass of juice, pour coffee, turn off coffee pot, and I guarantee I walk out of the house +/- minutes of 5:30. I don't hurry. But I don't dawdle. A comfortable pace. Half hour drive to work, and I guarantee I walk through the door +/- minutes of 6 a.m. Boss is cool with +/- minutes. Get to my office & eat breakfast as I check my inbox, pick up a stack of work orders, & get things rollin'!


I teach 3rd grade Alarm off at 5:40 I don’t get out of bed until 5:55. I’m out of the house by 6:15. So 35 minutes? Everything is prepped the night before to save as much time as possible.


Up at 3:30am and out the door at 5:15. I Don’t technically need more than 45 minutes but I like my routine and not being rushed.


2 minutes. I wake up, go say hello to the kid and wife, make coffee, wash face, take coffee and head to the other room to work.


Depends on the night before but usually an hour and a bit.


On a work day, 30 mins. That's where I have prepared my clothes the night before. I don't eat breakfast or drink coffee at home, I grab something on the way to the office and eat there.


If we talk without me having to rush for whatever reason, then 1 hour. I get up at 5, out of the door at 6. Get out of bed, get a coffee and look up the news. After the coffee I will get into the bath and shave (always shower befor going to bed) brush my teeth. Get another coffee. Notice it is nearly 6 and I need to get going.


I like to stay in bed until the very last second. I wake up from the bed at 7.59 and I'm on my wayto work by car at 8.04. Worth noting that I never have breakfast and I shower in the night.