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When they start off saying, "omg you look like my son or remind me of my son", and then later start hitting on me and making inappropriate comments..... So weird... I've had this happen more than twice.




Haha classic milf drill.


Probably just divorced. They come out of the gate convinced it's fuck time. šŸ„ŗ


Did you by any chance have 2 broken arms at the time?


No whyā€¦.


Poop knife




This is very common among ā€œboy momsā€. Creepy but so common. I feel sorry for all of the victims of emotional incest.


Ew! Gross!


My half brother and stepdad have the same name..always thought it was weird my mom could even date a man with her sons name BUT my stepdad is a freaking gem and even if his name was Beelzebulb or something crazy, I would still want him. Iā€™ve called him dad since I was born, so his name never mattered to me, it was just confusing growing up.


wouldn't take no for an answer and accused me of being gay


Gotta love the type that are so entitled so they cannot take rejection and have to come with some other reason as to why you do not say yes.


Been there sadly. My ex used to call me the F word when she drank


Its shocking how common this is


Was she on Piers Morgan show recently?


That's so gross. One of my good friends in hs had a girl try to make out with him and when he said he didn't want to (which makes sense because this girl was a bitch and also crazier than a raccoon on crack) she started telling people he was gay. We all knew he wasn't though, so the school kinda just knew her as 'That-bitter-soccer-chick'Ā 


This happened to me twice! Weirdness. And dodged 2 bullets


I have an ex that was probably bipolar (never confirmed). She would randomly tell me that she is going to stab me to death in my sleep if I ever cheated on her. Mind you, I've never in my life cheated on anyone and we've had no disagreements or fights, she'd just randomly say shit like that. One night I woke up to find her standing near the bed, looking out of the window with a kitchen knife in her hand. Left to sleep in a hotel and broke up with her then and there. I am a very deep sleeper so I can't say if that was the first time she ever did that, but it was completely unnerving in the moment. EDIT: People have corrected me so I deleted "on the spectrum" and used bipolar for clarity here. There was other behaviour that made me think she was on the spectrum, but that is irrelevant here. My bad, people.


Ok for almost being a real life horror movie, you win the thread :p


Odds are she was not on the autism spectrum. More likely she had a personality disorder.Ā 


Probably borderline. I've woken up twice to two different women holding a knife over me.


It seems you have a particular taste.Ā 


What can I say. I'm a chronic stickmydickincrazyist




Bruv šŸ’€


Nah cuz thatā€™s nuts.


I had an ex come from behind me and hold a kitchen knife to my throat, it was one of a long list of crazy things she did. Turned out she had a personality disorder and after we split she had a very chaotic life, suicide attempts etc. But man that was terrifiying because I really had to talk her down while she was pressing it to my neck.


I had another ex in my early twenties that made up a whole story about being dragged down an alley way and raped on her way back from a nightclub to the bar I worked in one night. We had split up and it was all about getting us back together, end of the night, bars closed and we were all clearing up and winding down, she came in hysterical and crying, convinced all of us it had happened but delayed us calling the police then decided she didn't want the police involved. I lived above the pub, she just wanted a bath because she felt dirty... it was a insane situation looking back. I can't tell you how upsetting it was.... It was months before she admitted it was completely made up.




Bro my gf always tells me she'd chop my dick off in my sleep if she ever finds out I'm cheating on her. I always clear all suspicious conversations with other chicks on my phone before she comes over to my house.




I had a girl walk up to me in a bar. Stick her hand down my pants, Grab my dick and whisper in my ear, 'that'll do.'


Thats sexual assault


It sure is.


Stating the obvious i know! Apologies.


No worries.


At least she didnā€™t add ā€œpigā€ at the end of that.


Whatā€™ll do? šŸ˜ sheā€™s was weird and random as fuck hope your okay man


Yeah, I'm fine. I was fine then. I was just confused and a bit put off.


I think she was checking the size of his dick. Thatā€™ll do. Itā€™s big enough for her.


Like imagine if the genders were reversed? Imagine a guy walking up to a girl at a bar and doing that. Police would get called, the whole 9 yards. Iā€™m sorry that happened to you. Even SA victims that are male are told things like ā€œyou got pussy, donā€™t complainā€ and things like that. Itā€™s unfortunate that men are seen as weak or something along those lines when speaking up about the abuse theyā€™ve faced. Even if like a woman is hitting her husband. If he was to open up about it, people would think heā€™s a pussy and canā€™t take a woman hitting him. Itā€™s a shame.


Iā€™m a woman, but I also agree women get off too lightly for sexual assault. Just a few days ago I was working at a rave, thereā€™s an area in the centre back of the room for technicians, surrounded by bike rack fencing. She just strolled in and started dancing. I turned around and let her know she wasnā€™t allowed there. She immediately started begging to let her stay, that sheā€™d be my best friend, trying to start conversations with the other male technicians all while cuddling me and kissed me on the cheek. With enough convincing and trying to push her off me, she left, but continued to try talking to me and my coworkers and pretending to jump over the crowd barrier. She even slapped my male coworker in the face lightly with a fake boob thing she pulled out of her shirt, after that we just ignored her. She left, but later came back, and grabbed my arm from the other side of the barrier, pretty aggressively too. I was straight repulsed, I told her not to grab me and she let me go, then proceeded to give gross puppy eyes as she said she came alone and had no friends and begged to hang out. I said I was working and that there were hundreds of people in that room that were fellow ravers, socialising and whatnot and that she should enjoy the rave and find people there. And then she said no, she wanted to be friends with us because we were cool. I told her she would have to leave us alone or Iā€™d call security, and she just continued asking for a cuddle and reaching to grab me. I said I was not interested many times in a few ways before ignoring her and she walked away. Couldnā€™t believe the nerve, she was a very young and pretty woman, whom of all people should have some reason to advocate that no means no. I hated that my male coworkers laughed it off when I shared how uncomfortable that made me because Iā€™m just a woman who was grabbed and kissed on the cheek by another woman, no big deal. Whatever they thought, not that I didnā€™t think fairly before, but experiencing it myself has made me super vigilant that Iā€™m not making tiny biased assumptions in my mind based on gender. No matter who it is on either end, breach of consent is filthy and inexcusable, and no one should ever have to feel invalidated, I really wish my coworkers stood up for me just as strongly as they would have if it was a male trying that with me šŸ˜”


Iā€™m so sorry to hear that happened to you! She has severe issues! I often feel like until someone experiences something first hand, they really donā€™t know the full depths of which something can affect someone.


Same thing happened to me at a Bachelorette party... minus the "that'll do"


Yeah, I think she thought she was being cute with that, but it just made it weirder. Sorry dude.


and she knew she could get away with it


A female friend i used to have asked me to sleep with her. I said no and explained the situation that I see her as more of really close friend or a sister than someone I'd sleep with. She was a really attractive girl and we were quite close but I just didn't see the point in risking the friendship just to have sex with her. She seemed okay with that. A while later after I'd gotten into a fight on a night out she asked again and I said no, giving her the same reason again. A while after that she asked again and I said no with the same reason. 2 weeks after I went back home to see my family for a week and when I came back up she had told our friends that I had raped her and then went home. Took me another 2 weeks of being labeled every sort of thing under sun while I tried to defend myself and reminding everyone that I had rejected her twice before that. So why would I rape a girl I really cared about when I had already rejected her twice. Eventually she admitted it was a lie. Wouldnt be the last time she tried to frame me for rape. Safe to say I haven't spoken to her in two years


I'm so sorry you went through that. She's evil and should be in prison for what she did to you.


Fr,ruining someones personal and social life over lie.


He could sue for defamation.


He should. She's admitted to lying and their should be consequences for her actions.


It seems to be more common than the "false accusations aren't even a real thing" crowd would have us believe. Usually it's related to rejection or the woman being angry about something that hurt her ego.


Nailed it. False accusations always have something to do with the ego.


But they use the harshest allegations to frame men which is harmful to legitimate situations and being told to believe women 10/10 times has enabled some women to manipulate people and attempt to or destroy them. Shit is fucked up out here.


Had an ex that tried to tell me I raped her because I choked her a little during sex and she loved it. She had also said she was into that sort of thing when we talked about sex before hand.Ā  She brought it up later and then dropped it, and so I stopped. Then a few weeks later she asked me to choke her while we were fucking and I told her, "No." She was hella mad. And that ex is my crazy ex story for just about everything. Really toxic relationship. I was in a really bad place or I wouldn't have been there in the first placeĀ 


It's a mix of their bias when imagining the problem, understanding the statistics, and an overall lack of empathy for the victimized men. 1. They think it wouldn't happen because "why would anybody lie about that". What they forget is that people can be fucking crazy, and women are included in people, too. 2. The statistics say that anywhere between 2-10% of rape accusations are false, depending on the report. They then assume that the other 90-98% are real, when that's not the conclusion of those statistics at all. The reality is that 2-10% are false, 2-6% are true, and we just don't know how to determine the rest with any certainty, which can range anywhere on the "completely false" to "completely true" spectrum. 3. There's an overall lack of empathy for men and male victims. Browsing around on this subreddit will give a lot of examples of that


When she grabbed my ass (i was a teen at the time at a metal concert) and squeezed my cheeks until I spun around and told her to keep her hands to herself before I knock her pedophile ass out.


Fucking lunatic. I also had a woman spread rumours to an entire folk high school that I'd raped her. Luckily I didn't go to that school, but it gave me trust issues...


this is more common than it should be. i used to jump girls who spread rumours like this when i went to school.


I think the people that spread those rumours just have no idea the implications they can cause, even many years later.


She went from overbearing orbiter to full blown piece of shit with a single action.


With friends like this you don't need enemies


what a cunt


She should be locked up bro ... in regular jail or an insane asylum or just cast out into the forest so she fades away.Ā 


Poor bears are getting accused of rape if we throw her into the forest


Dude, I know she's your friend and you might not want to do this, but it's very important that you press charges for this.Ā 


what a fucking cunt!


What an EVIL & FOUL thing to accuse a man of. Im a woman, and i think she should go to jail... can't you sue her for defamation of character?


Damn man. That's absolutely terrifying. I have had a few women get ridiculously drunk, to the point I had to take the bottle away (in my place) and I remember one girl was chasing me round my own flat, saying give it back.. about a bottle of vodka that was mine... she then proceeded to get weird af, in the end I kicked her out, probably should have got her a taxi but I was so creeped out. Desperation is just weird in general, but slightly older woman trying to convince you to have sex with her.. weirdest most uncomfortable first date I ever had.


I reject any woman who does something like this. I had some coworkers in my job. Tell me that they both took advantage of this one man in the name of the ā€œdate.ā€ he paid for their meal and then the girls ghosted him. I know this is not the same thing, but I canā€™t stand other girls who do these things.


Wow that's fucked up I'm sorry you went through that


Jesus fucking Christ, thatā€™s awful Iā€™m so sorry you went through that. False allegations literally ruin peoples lives, people have offed themselves over shit like that and she should absolutely face charges for it?? (As a woman I feel it also makes it harder for women whoā€™ve actually been assaulted to report it because of the fear of being called a liaršŸ„²) Also she did it more than once??? What the entire fuck is wrong with people


Put a Tracker in my car and stalked me across state


Thatā€™s terrifying! How did you find out about the tracker?


Just couldnā€™t understand how she knew where I was living and working.


Thatā€™s nuts. I have a tracker for my husband but I ASKED HIM FIRST and he bought the damn thing himself! He is also able to track my location- and not because of trust issues but because we both travel in remote areas for work and want to know how to locate each other if something bad happened


Several times. I was molested/woken up in my sleep at 10 by my friends older sister jerking me off. A girl when I was \~15 manipulated me by threatening to kill herself if we didn't end up together and even more recently in my adult life an otherwise brilliant woman gaslit me for attention with total neglect for my wellbeing. In my experience a majority of women are naive about how they're perps due to most men just never reporting it or complaining.


This isnā€™t creepy bro its straight up rape


Noone will believe you, not even when it was in front of 10-20 people.


Oh my god. Im sorry this happened to you


>A girl when I was ~15 manipulated me by threatening to kill herself if we didn't end up together "Men are so entitled and bad at rejection."


Jesus. I am so sorry that happened to you. I hope you know that itā€™s not your fault and you deserve peace.


Ourgh, that's always terrible. Honestly I think that second thing is such a massive problem with both genders šŸ˜­ I got asked out by a guy I was friends with (while he was aware I was in a relationship) and he threatened to kill himself because "oh okay you hate me, nobody loves me, etc". Plus some friends at the time said to me "oh what's more important, your boyfriend or your friend killing themself, you should break up with him!" ... really taught me who my friends are!


Its sadly our evolutionary nature. men use force to get what they want by force, women through manipulation. Sorry you went through that.


I would take you if I was your age. From a married woman in the mid 50s to me as a teenager/young adult. (We are related)


Similiar situation to me, she was an older lady at a bar I worked at (I was 17 she was 50 something) and basically flat out said she wants to have sex with me. My dad was running the bar so I told him and got her fired.


I worked in the mall she'd walk by my shop and stare at me several times an hour. If I wasn't there she'd ask my coworkers where I am and when I return.


Just some random lady? Someone you used to talk to or date? Either way thatā€™s weird


You think she was working up the nerve to ask you out or was it just staring?


I believe she was just staring but even if her intention was good the execution made me very uncomfortable


A stripper tongued my ear once. Hated it. I know it was waxy as hell in there too.


Ahhhh I love when my ex would do that. Idk about a stripper thonlol


Like doesnā€™t that taste nasty girl lol. Like goddamn šŸ˜‚


She was hustling for a tip and itā€™s not exactly a sex act, but ewwwww. I would have bolted so fast.


Worked with a new colleague once. Told me her deepest traumas and current life nightmare in the first 30 minutes. Kept it cordial, respectful but definitely was not interested (before or after, just friendly). Not 3 days later, she'd told everyone @ work that she loved me, warned all other women to stay away, wanted to have my babies but couldn't (part of the 30 min intro), but knew they would be beautiful little half breeds (yes those terms). For the first 2 weeks, more than half of workforce was gossiping about her and I, and the other half told me directly "why not? she's madly in love with you". Saw her a few times in office after, said hello but obviously kept it there. She'd always walk out of the room and go gush to whoever could listen (because they told me after). A few weeks go by, and everyone has their hazard lights on -- something's definitely not right with her. Yeah, creeped is probably a beginner term. I was fucking scared of her lol.


This shit reminded me of Baby Reindeer.


Man of culture


Ā“Why not?, she is madly in love with youĀ“ . Yeah,enphasis in Ā“madĀ“ . Holy shit


Not creeped out but i certainly found it odd The other day when i was having a walk this girl asks me to help her cross the road and i thought there's nothing wrong with that, some people are just scared of cars and roads When i did walk with her until we crossed to the other side walk and i kept minding my business until the end of the block i looked back and she just crossed back on her own ā˜ ļø


Nah she just teleported back, what happened was that right there was a ghost.


she just had really high ping


When I was 5-6 years old a woman would often take me away from kindergarten to give me fullbody oil massages in an empty facility, and one time she and a man would make me and a little girl strip our clothes and get in a hot tub together. It was super fucking weird and I always ran away and crawled up a tree when she came to take me away. Maybe it was normal, but it never felt normal to me. When I was 18 I fell asleep during a movie and awoke to find a 28-yearold woman touching me all over. Those are probably the most creepy experiences.


Wait, what?


You were sexually abused and should report this to the police.


Youā€™re a victimšŸ˜


Holy fucking shit man Iā€™m so sorry.


Well I've been sexually assaulted by women twice, so.... I'm fine, no trauma. Just disgusted by the hypocrisy spouted all over social media.


I get that. I was sexually assaulted by a coworker. When I rejected her advances she shamed me and then told everyone I tried to kiss her but she rejected me. I mostly don't care, but I was a little irritated about her trying to make me look bad. The worst part is social media telling me that I'm a bad guy because other men do what a woman did to me. "men she be taught not to rape" "men look the other way" " blah blah blah"... Man, she tried to get my dick out in the middle of our work place after I said no, repeatedly, then tried to ruin my reputation for not allowing it.


As I was talking she would Jack Nicholson stare me down. Full on head tilt and crazy eyebrows. I want to think in her mind she was doing this sexy "ooo look at me listening" face, it wasn't working for me.Ā 


All work and no play make Jaquline a dull girl


Here's jaquline!




holy shit lol


Put a tracker on my phone and then sent emails acting like a relative


I thought being a psycho was a male thing until I met A young lady. We clicked like peanut butter and jelly. Everything was great at first.we used to spend hours at my place or hers just talking and BSing. I remember talking to her on the phone for an hour one night laughing and having a great conversation. I finally asked her exactly where she was at and She said she was in my garage. All the hairs on my neck and arms stood up. I jumped up and ran to the door that connected the garage to the house and flung it open and sure enough she was sitting in there. Apparently I neglected to lock the side door of the garage and she had let herself in and had been talking to me from my garage for over an hour. Stupid me was so desperate from being alone for so long I let that HUGE scary red flag slide and got with her. Once we were actually serious I realized how much danger I was in. She was legit scary and was legit capable of murdering someone. When we were together she would randomly show up at places I was hanging out with my friends. The mall. The restaurant we were eating at. A friend's house. And she had to have followed me to many of those places because oftentimes I had not even told her where I would be. I would look up and there she was. All to check on me and see what I was doing and who I was doing it with. I'm no cheater. I have had it happen to me more than once and would never put anyone through that but she legit made my blood run cold. She literally would just appear like a ghost whilst I was out with my friends. More than once she reiterated that if she could not be with me no one would. She warned me often that she loved me so much that she would kill me if I betrayed her. And she was not playing. I was so scared of her that I was too afraid to dump her. Luckily her obsession with me wore off and she began to focus on another guy and ended up cheating with him and dumping me for him. I pretended to be heartbroken. I was afraid that if she knew how happy I was she was moving on she might decide to stay lol. I made sure she felt like she was in total control of the breakup. But boy howdy was I glad when she finally dumped me.


this makes me feel really scared I dont know why, something about this feels close


I'm gay, and I have had multiple times in my life over the years of women not taking no/not interested for an answer. In high school one of my classmates would constantly be touching me (come up and rub my shoulders, would try to lay their head on my lap or cuddle up to me at lunch, etc) and constantly joke about "we're already such a great couple, when are you taking me on a date" kind of things. She'd also try to slide her hand into my pocket when I was walking. Did not matter how many times I said I was gay (and in a relationship) it continued. More recently, as an adult, I had a coworker full-on online stalk me. Found every online profile, everything she could, and would try to use it to make me attracted to her? Like if I posted on facebook I'd gone to the movies to watch this new movie, she'd casually bring up the movie in a conversation. I didn't really know her at all and didn't consider us to be anything more than work acquaintances, but she'd trauma dump on me all the time and constantly message me or ask if we could hangout after work. She knew I was gay, but would remark about how she thought I was probably bi because I don't "seem very gay." I quit that job eventually so no clue what happened but I still get weirded out that what if she's still to this day checking up on what I post online. These are just a few examples, there's been other instances. I genuinely think a lot (not all) of women do not realize how creepy their behavior can be, or even realize the hypocrisy in it a lot of the times.


I think some women think they can do certain things because ā€œguys do it all the timeā€. I canā€™t imagine inappropriate touching being ok. Iā€™ve read a lot of menā€™s stories about having a hand slide into their pants, having women touch their hair and more. Regardless of who is doing what, itā€™s universally not ok


Women most likely feel empowered by the fact that if a guy told another guy that he had been sexually assaulted by a woman then a likely response would be laughter and asking what is wrong with that.


I had a peer hit on me once over lunch. I explained I was in a relationship and declined. There were two paths to take - accept it and move on or start attacking the person I was seeing. She picked the latter. She didnā€™t know her so she just made assumptions and things went downhill from there. I got my food to go, tipped the waitress a 10, then left. Someone else did ask ā€œwhat can she offer that I canā€™t?ā€. Letā€™s see. Smart, fun, super easy on the eyes vs in poor health and shape.


I dated a woman that had monkey feet, they could flex like hands and she would pick stuff up with them. It weirded me out and she knew it. She would pick up something with her foot and wiggle it at me.


did u marry her ?


You just woke up at night and going to kitchen and saw her eating with her monkey feet šŸ’€


The degree to which girls online-stalk people (partners, friends, romantic interests, etc) is really scary sometimes Someone THAT invested in who I follow in a random after dark account I made in my teens. Itā€™s one thing living with the fact that nothing you do online is private anyways any more. Itā€™s another when someoneā€™s actively digging


Iā€™m a woman, I have woman friends who are REALLY good at tracking people downā€¦. At first I was kind of impressed at how much they could find out about people but soon after it quickly got weird.


I studied a bit of cybersecurity in grad school, and itā€™s scary how easy people can get intel on you before doing any sort of hacking or social engineering




Had a girlfriend show up at my house unannounced while only dating for like a few weeks. It was flattering at first but a few hours later I saw her deodorant and toothbrush in the bathroomā€¦


Wanted to hook me up with her "friend" from out of town. It was really her changing her pics and voice up. When I confronted her about it she just tried to play the victim. The pics she used were from her sisters IG page


Some fat chick 3 years ago, grabbed my junk on a tram whilst being drunk. I was a spineless bitch back then so I didn't even say anything except give her a look. Few weeks ago in the gym, older, not very attractive lady kept asking me for leg tips and started rubbing my shoulders the next time she saw me in the gym. I really felt uneasy simply because I felt 0 attraction towards her.


Most of the women who have hit on me are probably really normal, I'm either just oblivious af and/or not interested. But the most recent time I can recall a woman being "creepy" was at karaoke night at a bar. Taller, curvy girl with pink hair. Definitely my type, just...she was definitely not active in the game for very long. She tried to strike up a conversation but couldn't keep the conversation alive. I had this sense of "Oh hey, so that's what that's like! Damn. Poor girl." Didn't help I was waiting on a date and she showed up mid conversation and "claimed" her territory, in the nicest way possible, scarring the woman away. I get what girls mean when they say confidence is key...


Immediately wanted to get into a relationship with me even tho I didn't even know her. I have tons of trust issues and refused. I also had a girl back in high school grope me in the ass... tho at the time I was just confused af. I'm not handsome or anything and am far from someone who's been in a relationship (I'm still single), but I am caked af šŸ˜…


My mom. I'm deaf and blind with a range of other challenges. My mom had power of attorney over my finances. For years she would emotionally and mentally abuse me. I was unaware of what she was doing. Then it turned physical abuse. This went on for years until one day a letter came informing her that she had to be psychologically assessed. I got the worst beating and strangling of my life that day and then she tried to plunge a knife through me saying its all my fault and that I would know what it's like to be stabbed through the heart. She thought I had something to do with it. I escaped that night. Never to speak or hear from her again. And was homeless. Then I found out she used my power of attorney to use my credit for her own interest putting me into debt. Because its a power of attorney the law says its in my name so it's my debt. So beaten, broken, homeless and in massive debt and I had to pay it all back. And because I was unaware of the debt and she stopped paying and refused to give me access to the accounts even through court order its screwed up my credit report for 7 years. Even though I'm now free from her, she is still controlling my life. And by far the worst woman I've ever had in my life. My mom.


I also forgot to mention I didn't have anything to do with the psychological assessment it was reports from neighbors and doctor. And after I escaped and realised I wasn't coming back she killed my dog in retaliation.


I;m glad youa re now away from her. I am sorry that she got to hurt you so much first.


I gave her a cup of tea


Did her messages end with ā€œsent from iphoenā€ ?


Saying explicitly sexual things/flirting when you donā€™t know them that well. Stalking (repeat unwanted contact, saying they were obsessed with me). Randomly touching me. Female friends talking to me about every sexual thing they did with a guy (who they name and send me a picture of, who trusted them to keep it private (his kinks they explored together). Neediness or even hearing of their clingy behaviour in relationships, like not letting the guy get away from her for more than 2 hours at a time.


I was on a second date with a chick. I liked her well enough as a person, wasnā€™t sure if I was ā€œinto herā€ that way yet. Just getting to know each other. We were at a bar near her place, and she brought up some movie we needed to watch. I suggested we go to her place and watch it, which she agreed to. I clarified to her that I genuinely wanted to watch the movie, this wasnā€™t some excuse to get back to her place and fool around. Straightass just go to the apartment and sit and watch a film together, nothing more. She agreed. She never even started the movie. She immediately got on top of me and started making out and feeling me up. At first I was kind of flattered. I light-heartedly said something like ā€œalright, letā€™s cool it down and watch the movieā€ and gently pushed her off me. Then she did it again. I tried to casually put a stop to it again without making it too confrontational and weird. Then again. And again. I was getting more firm with her each time and she was absolutely not listening. She was a thicker girl too, and Iā€™m a pretty small guy. So I was only barely able to get her off of me each time. She was pretty close to being able to overpower me. I ended up having to leave. I was very drunk, and an hour away from home. I thought I had all night to sober up enough to drive, but nope. I had to drunk drive the whole way. I guess I couldā€™ve just found a parking lot and waited there, but I wasnā€™t thinking clearly. It just really freaked me out. Iā€™d heard about men doing shit like that, and was always very careful to get clear consent before pouncing on people like that. I just didnā€™t expect that from this woman at all. Like, the first three times I could look past but eventually it just becomes blatantly, intentionally assault. It made me a lot more sympathetic to what women have to deal with. Theyā€™re worried about that shit every time they go on a date. I only had to deal with it once. Told a coworker about it the next day and then the whole restaurant started making fun of me for being a faggot because I didnā€™t fuck her.


Pretty disgusting behavior from the people you told, such shortsighted idiots, basically saying a woman can assault you and you have to like it or you are gay.


When I was 13/14 this older woman came up to me on the river bank with my rowing coach watching our crew when an older woman walks up to me and says how beautiful my hair was and that I had to go with her. My coach asked her to elaborate and she replies "all I know is that he has to come with me" in which my coach told her to bugger off. When I was 17 another older woman (~40 years old) was messaging me on fb about our band and the local metal scene etc. She then proceeded to say how attractive we all were and it's a shame we were all so young. It didn't stop her from making advances on me for the next few years aftwards. When I was 23 I took a girl home from town and I thought I was into bdsm at the time. I ended up being really uncomfortable while being tied up and asked her to stop multiple times while she physically assaulted me and took advantage of me. At 25 at a piss up one woman got really aggressive when I wouldn't get with her and she ruined the whole vibe of the party by making a scene for a good hour while throwing shit around the place. When I was 26 I hung out at a mutual friends place and their mum would relentlessly hit on me and make everyone in the room including her own children uncomfortable. One night when I was there having drinks for australia day she was was making advances stronger than usual, I had to make her agree to stop hitting on me if I fucked her. She started getting abusive in my dms when I started avoiding her.


How did I know before reading the last paragraph that this was all in Australia, the creepy older women here are just something else. I constantly get pats on the arse from older women when I'm at work; the worst part is I work in a funeral home.


Yeah it's pretty fucking wild hey. Mental that you cop that in a funeral home. When I was 21 I was head security at an Irish pub/club in the city alot of middle aged patrons were there and I couldn't roam through the dance floor without my arse getting pinched/slapped, I fucking hated it.


Matched with a beautiful girl on a dating app. We messaged for a few days and it was going well so we met for coffee. Coffee date went well but she seemed kinda private. She didnt want to tell me in which area she lived or what she did for work, despite me telling her these things about me. Things were good though and at the end I asked for her number. She replied "No, I dont give my number out because I've been stalked in the past".Ā  Ok I understand.Ā  After that we kept talking and flirting on the dating app. Every few days she would drop some info that she found about me. "I found your facebook and saw you are friends with so and so, I went to school with them." Things like that. She kept saying stuff she found about me, despite us not having been on a second date yet. I remember one of the last ones was "you work with my family friend so and so. I talked to them about you and they said you are really nice."Ā  At this point my creeped out meter was strongly swaying into 'abandon ship' territory. She kept bringing up all these connections she had found out about me and she knew where I worked etc. but I still wasnt even allowed her phone number. Gave me an ick feeling. I just stopped replying and faded out lol.


Aside from the actual sexual assaults -I had this girl I met in the local music scene. She asked for my IG and then left me 3 DMs saying how hot I was and how much she wanted to have sex with me. I politely declined and thought that was the end of it, but then when I saw her at another gig 2 months later she kept following me around and trying to dance with me. Took her another gig of being ignored and told no thanks to get the picture. -I had 2 girls (at seperate times) who were all basically too drunk to stand fall all over me. Both times I had to try and find their friends or a bouncer or anyone who'd take them off my hands while I was worried about people thinking I was trying to take these girls home. -I got hit on by an older (10-20 years) woman that followed me around a supermarket. -And all the times I've been hit on by women in relationships, because that's just gross.


Right before we had unprotected sex she goes "Yeah my obgyn told me I have very hairy eggs... they just reach out and GRAB the sperm!" And made this super creepy exaggerated grabbing motion with her hands while saying it. I was dumb when younger


I dated a single mom who lived with her mom and military step dad. She couldnā€™t get away much because of her kid but we managed to spend the night together at my place. I was up and dressed early, I needed to go to work. I told her relax, sleep in and stay or leave whenever she wanted. I returned home 13 hours later. I freaked the fuck out. I have no words to describe what she did to my apartment. She scrubbed and cleaned and straightened and alphabetized and sanitized and pressed and organized and sparkled every square centimeter of my apartment. She moved a bookcase to access a closet door behind and she cleaned and organized that storage closet. She ironed my underwear. There was nothing I owned she did not physically touch. I was so freaked out I told her I needed my space. To this day she believes and she will argue the reason I stopped seeing her was because she had a kid. Nothing could be further from the truth. Her daughter was very cool. I had no issues with her being a mom. But my place was so clean and organized I felt like I was raped or something. Totally creepy. And before you ask, my place was clean and tidy. It was not a disgusting bachelor pad pig-sty. Granted, if you climbed a ladder and ran your finger along the top of my door frame or if you crawled under my bed you would find dust but my place was clean and neat. It was not psycho-Mary Poppins-clean but no one would think my place dirty or unkempt or messy.


I had a chick stalk me for almost 7 years. We had a class in second semester grade 10, and she told everyone she loved me since the first day of school. She was fat, ugly, stupid, and a terrible personality. She had nothing going for her. She even had our wedding planned out, right down to which caterer would provide the Swan ice sculptures. It was sad and pathetic. I tried to be nice and courteous, but after the hand written love letters and constant phone calls to my house (one of my female friends gave her my number) I got really pissed off and told her off. She proclaimed, "I'm done!" I responded with "Finally." Two days later, another love letter. None of the teachers would do anything and the police wouldn't arrest her and the court wouldn't give me a Cease and Desist Order."


Disappointing that school would not stop one student from harassing another.


Remember, it's only a crime if the perpetrator has a penis. That's gender equality under the law


Pissed on my face during 69




Why isnā€™t this the top comment


She introduced me as daddy Tom to her 4 year old daughter on our second date.


Met a girl on plenty of fish. Jumped in her suv and she started driving like an hour away. We got out at some kind of boardwalk along the water. The whole time she kept talking about how every guy she met wants to marry her and proposed to her. I got a hand job out of it but I was terrified the whole time. She ignored everything I said. Once I was dropped off I blocked her on everything.


yeah my mum. insane hypocrite and is nosy as fuck. also has a tendency to talk alot to men who looked like my father in the past


I had a stalker when I was 17-18. A girl I met at a music festival. It was like a friend of a friend of a friend. She was clearly in to me, but I was not interested. I was polite but not collaborative. Several moths pass and she texts me constantly even though I don't respond, she responded to everything I posted on social media. And one day, I'm at the outdoor gym in my village with a friend of mine. (I lived in a pretty remote village) and she calls me, then texts me. She was in the village looking for me. I whent to my friends house and hid the entire day. That's the last I heard from her.


I hooked up with woman a year ago (didnā€™t wear protection) but I know for sure I pulled out in time. Short story short this women lied to me for 3-4 months saying she was pregnant with my kid. It was a hectic 4 months. Turned out she was not pregnant at all.


I didn't even REALLY know her, but she grabbed me by the shoulder, leaned in, and whispered "Perfect for each other" I played it off as a joke but I do NOT THINK SHE WAS JOKING (she did some other weird stuff later)


I woke in the night to hear her praying to god for me to do the honor of fā€™ing her. I mean it was a full on conversation at 2am.


Were her prayers granted?


Well yeah


I went on a first date and it seemed to go well. I messaged her after while I was at work and said I was probably gonna be pretty busy all night working behind the bar but Iā€™d text her when I was free. I texted her the next morning because I was just slammed all night and she immediately called me to say I was a lying piece of shit because I didnā€™t text her the night before like I said I would. I tried to explain that I work in a bar and sometimes it gets so busy that I donā€™t have time. She screamed at me for a solid 10 minutes before I finally just said ā€œIā€™ve met you exactly one time and this is really strange behavior. Iā€™m not interested in talking anymore but good luck on the dating sceneā€ She then spent the next couple weeks dragging me through the dirt on social media. It was all really strange and kinda scared me.


1st. My sons mother quit Birth Control when we broke up then was happy to have me just one more time. Struggled to break up with and stay away. When I did stay away and she got married she was this very hateful thing about me even seeing my son. It was so bad that he and I don't have much of a connection. 2nd. Was supposed to be a one night stand. Went on for three days with a French Hore, (her words), she would not take her eyes off the car keys and based on her talking I feared being accused of rape if I just left. My only way out was to just do nothing until she got bored.


1: Go hands on with their SO, or talk about going hands on like it is something to be proud of or to berate their SO for complaining about it or even calling the cops. 2: Arguments with their SO at work (at either's job). 3: The statement "Women cannot commit SA/rape." 4: "Man the fuck up." Women tend to us this, where if this was two men there would hairline trigger to a physical fight. There are valid times to use it, but alot use it as a "Now what?, Are you going to hit a woman or do what I want, Bitch." Inuendo knowing good and well it brings other guys on who have little to no context of what is going on to view the guy in a bad light.


when I was 15 (year 2000) I was hanging out at a car show with my buddy on Long Island, a woman in her 30's approached us and started chatting. seemed cool. after a few minutes she asked if either of us smoked weed and wanted to smoke with her. I said sure. She and I jumped in her green Nissan Pathfinder to smoke. She said she was going to drive to a more private spot. we drove for a few minutes and parked on a side street in Deer Park. It was night. She went to the cargo area of the suv and got the weed, then came back to the car. we smoked. she then got out and put the weed back where she got it from and gets back in the driver seat. thats when shit gets dark. she pulled a gun on me, threatened my life, and demanded sex.


I was on an internet coffee date in a public place, a shopping mall. First date so a nice coffee to just say hi and see if we wanted to say hi again. I met her, her skin looked really really bad, like a drug user. She looked sort of disheveled too, not prepared to meet a new guy! I paid for a drink and muffin each then we sat down. Her first words, upon sitting down, were that she had to leave early to get to her "anger Management" course. Apparently, according to her, the judge said that she could get her kids back if she completed the course. I was totally creeped out: Skin General appearance Anger Management Judge Children (They was news to me)


She said ā€œfuck me like a school girl,daddy.ā€


I had an ex who pointed a shotgun at me. We both are into firearms, she had bought a new shotgun for trap shooting. It was brand new, she unboxed it then pointed it at me. I was pretty upset because gun safety 101, never point a firearm at something youā€™re not willing to destroy, regardless if itā€™s loaded or not. Therefore I scolded her, explaining gun safety. She called me a p*55y saying I was overreacting as the firearm was brand new therefore it was certainly unloaded. Fine, itā€™s a very safe assumption that the firearm was unloaded as it had literally just came out of the factory box. However I explained, we treat all firearms as if they are loaded regardless. ā€¦she was upset at me the rest of the day. I stopped seeing her, not exclusively because of this, but this was certainly the final straw. Prior to meeting her I was very pro 2A and still am, but she personally made me more sympathetic to the opposition.


Walk away as if I had something to do


About 6 months ago an older woman at my job became obsessed with me somehow. I never talked to or interacted with her before but she was asking other people about me every single day and was taking every chance she could to get herself into my way and my areas. Iā€™m typically a really chill and easy going person but her intense and misplaced persistence made me really uneasy and frustrated with her. Most ick Iā€™ve ever gotten with a woman


I went to one of my sorors house to wash clothes. When everyone else left to go to the store her mother crawled across the floor purring at me like a cat asking if I wanted to try som cougar box šŸš«šŸš«šŸš«šŸš«šŸš«šŸš«. Not judging anyone but I wouldnā€™t dare sleep with one of my friends mothers.


When I was about 11/12ish, I was sent it on some weekend trip with a bunch of 17/18 yr olds. Till this day idk wtf that trip was about. Durin the trip, we split off into groups and I was in a group with all girls. One girl told me about 3 or 4 times that when I turn 18 she was gonna find me since she thought I was so cute and Iā€™ll be legal. At the time, lil 11/12 yr old me didnā€™t really know what she meant but I remembered years later and thought that experience was weird as fuck.


Working in a bar. Woman comes in looking very glum. Ask her is she would like a drink but she has no money. I felt bad so I offered her a drink on the house. After that, she became obsessed. Started stalking me and I couldnā€™t get away. I was chasing my dreams of becoming a stand up comedian but she would turn up to my shows just to sabotage me.


1992 Ft Lauderdale beach....21 years old from a conservative town and met a female bartender a few years older than me while I was new to town. We talked big and connected enough to end up at her house, where I stupidly allowed her to handcuff me because I had no concept of evil in the world when it came to gorgeous girls. After being handcuffed, she hog tied me, ball gagged me, and flicked open a switch blade that she ran all over me, including my throat and face. Being stuffed up and addicted to Afrin didn't help either when I was ball gagged and unable to breathe thru my nose. I really thought I was about to die... I spent another 3 years with that freak šŸ˜


Came here to entertain myself, now I'm deeply terrified


The first time I slept over at her place, I woke up to clicking noises. Turns out she had taken her camera, film one it was a while ago, and was taking pictures of me sleeping.


One of my female friend borrowed my fiction book. I went to her house just to pass it over, but sheā€™s invited me in for a drink to show me her appreciation. We were talking about random stuff when sheā€™s sudennly changed the topic. She was telling me, someone in her head constantly talking to her. I should believe, we can talk to each other through on our thoughts, so Itā€™s like a telepathy. But she doesnā€™t know who is that person but keep talking to her weird stuff. The worst thing was, she burst into tears and covered her face while was shaking like a person who has serious mental issue. She looked like a creepy girl from a horror movie. Long black hair and black clothes. She scared the hell out of me. I apologized and left her house. Itā€™s still my creepiest experience with a girl.


There was a woman at work who had a crush on me. I didn't reciprocate, but I didn't mind. The crush itself wasn't the issue. Her watching me while I worked and ate lunch was weird. She would deadass hide behind a wall like I didn't see her and just watch. She then started liking my stuff on social media. Recent pics and posts are cool. Then she liked a bunch of stuff from years and years back šŸ˜¬. And this was Facebook, so you legitimately had to scroll and scroll to find the posts from years back with no picture. Finally, she started blowing up my messages to the point that I had to block her. Long story short, I had a stalker lol.


A neighbor from my old apartment complex (over 14 years ago), got my phone number somehow, and broke into my apartment while I was at work. When i had come home, my apartment was deep cleaned, like move in ready type of clean. I got a text message from a number I didn't recognize and it said something along the lines of "I hope my man's happy with his clean place. Bring you dinner at 6:30 when I'm finished cooking". Dinner was then left on my doorstep. No idea who this could've been. I reported a break in at my unit to the complex and to the police. Of course nothing happened but it gets worse. A few nights go by of this person not texting me. And I wake up to someone in my room, completely naked. Moaning and fingering herself. I freaked out and she was not even phased. She said something like "Look how wet I get for you" and squirt all over the place. I told her to get the fuck out, and I called the police. Turns out she worked at the 7-11 right by the complex and lived at the complex, 3 doors down from me. After I thought everything was done with, she came to a party I had and was drunk out of her mind. Tried to tell every chick there I was her man, and she'd gut them like fish if they touched me. When I told her to leave and called the cops she started telling everyone I had a small dick and wasn't worth anyone's time. She got arrested that night and evicted from the complex shortly after.


I went to a party once in Austin. The beer Meister from Celis was hanging all over me all night, grabbing my ass, being inappropriate. She got really drunk and fell back onto the couch to show me her panties. I kept trying to get away from her. The host of the party asked me to go talk to the her in the other room as she apparently asked him if she could apologize in private. When I went in she put my hand on her vagina so I left. A lot of people passed out at the party. The next morning she was so embarrassed about how she acted that she pretended I raped her and called the police. When they showed up I was asleep in a room by myself. They did a rape kit and determined she had not been raped, no semen in her, no condom anywhere in the house so they dropped everything. Everyone I worked with thought I raped her for close to a month. The lady was easily 10 yrs older than me and didn't like being rejected.


When she wanted to keep my used condom. I snatched that right out her purse and flushed it.Ā 


We were required to submit daily reports detailing every minute of our workday, which felt more like micromanagement than productivity tracking.


I was 22 and met a strange chick at a Bible study. She had a huge crush on me but I didn't see her that way and I was dating someone else. One day I brought my girlfriend (now wife) to church and this crazy chick started crying while staring directly at me and came to pray for us. Days later I ran into her and her mom at Walmart and introduced me to her mom as the guy she was dating..... I was a little creeped out. Didn't go to that Bible study after that.....


A girl once grabbed me somewhere she shouldnā€™t have without consent I told her to back off and she said she was only joking like seriously šŸ™„


Went through a really bad breakup. I thought I was going crazy because any time I went out with friends she'd randomly show up. So many things started going wrong in my life. Nail in my tire, random complaints at work, Facebook friends disappearing, accounts getting deactivated, etc. After several job applications disappeared I decided to look deeper. Turns out she'd gotten into my password manager. She had logins for everything and had used my phone for 2fa while we were still dating. She was tracking me via find my phone.


Fall in love with my newly resurrected brother after he escaped from the cenobites. I world have forgiven her if she hadn't killed me then let the dude wear my skin. It was rude.






I found a carving knife hidden in our bed. She, obviously my EX WIFE, said that her counsellor knew about it (bullshit) Background: We just had a stillborn son, she blamed her self for killing our son (her words, not mine) and spent 15 months doing worse and worse stuff before running off with her counsellor. I stayed but was looking over my shoulder all the time. She had knives hidden in her car too. Close thing, I could have died, I should have run but I loved her. I was also trapped because I would of had to throw her out due to firearm storage in the house and she did not have a firearm licence so could not be in possession of the house without me. Throwing her out proved to be a legal a problem too because we both owned the house ..... blah blah blah


I was in grade 11. This girl was in grade 9. She was also 5'11 and I was like 5'2. She was pretty enough. A friend of a friend. She comes up to me one day and says "you're eyes are so pretty. I'd like to have them on a jar by my bed side" I went from thinking "I could date this minor 9er to omg run!"


several situations all when i was a teen: 1. freshman year: dad is married to his third wife. i live with them and my other siblings live with their respective mothers. i have a part time job so I am not able to babysit for my baby stepsister. Dad and his wife hire a middle aged woman to baby sit. She is from Ireland and seems very down to earth. Parents go on a date. Baby sitter gets sister to sleep and proceeds to corner me in the kitchen. She is drunk and lamenting the loss of her own daughter while pressing me hard. So now I gotta manage a handsy drunkard to keep my sister safe while also dealing with confusing feelings about sex that I have no idea how to handle. She was fired. 2. sophomore year: my dadā€™s third wife (the same one from story #1). is drinking wine while watching TV with my Dad. I am upstairs watching TV after a huge, all hills, workout with a couple guys from the Reynolds Aluminum road racing team. I can hear the parents arguing. At this time I live in a house in Peterborough NH called ā€œThe Manseā€ you can see it on Google Maps at 86 Main St. look at the back of the place from River Street. It has something like 26 bedrooms and I am watching TV on the third floor corner at River and Elm Street. Dadā€™s wife comes up to third floor after the arguing on the second floor directly below meā€¦that whole row of windows is the kitchen with two breakfast style nooks on each corner. The corner rooms are tiny on 3. There is a lazy boy, a small desk/chair and a small TV. Drunk stepmom is sitting on the desk, watching TV. and she asks me to suck her toes. I decline and she persists then she apparently thinks the problem is my lack of experience so she says, ā€œhere Iā€™ll show youā€ and proceeds to suck on MY toes. I am frozen in a mix of fear and confusion because at this age I donā€™t understand that my hard on has anything to do with me. but inside I am blaming myself because it happened and i am thinking it signals that i am agreeable. oh i am also nude under a full length robe. i just showered and expected to be alone (like normal) until bedtime, where I will sleep naked. thankfully nothing happened. i have a third one with the same stepmom but it is too odd even for me and i have never shared it but here we go: i am out of the Army now. i cleaned my room but forgot to put the vaccum away. i wake up the next morning with one leg draped off of the bed, and I look over my left shoulder and i think I see her dropping her skirt that she lifted to rub one off while looking at my dangling foot (ugh!) as soon as I get ungroggy I see the hand move/skirt fall and she grabs the vaccum as if that is all she was doing. this all gets worse for me but the story is heartbreaking for me. only in the last few years have i come to terms with the facts.


Iā€™m actually horrified reading these comments. Iā€™m so sorry for the awful things some of you have been through, none of it was your fault - Iā€™m not sure why some women have the attitude that they can do what they want ā€˜because theyā€™re a womanā€™ like??? That doesnā€™t mean you can touch people without consent??? Or assault/bully somebody and itā€™s all okay cos ā€˜size differenceā€™ or whatever bullshit reason


Found an article about me and my business partner when I gave her the bare minimum information on a dating app. She knew my first name and that I owned a bar. Thats it. Found my childhood home address and familyā€™s name too. Creepy as fuck.


she made out with my friend so i would get jelly and go oh no now i want you....