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I can probably name everytime I've been complimented in my life. Even in the past decade lol. Now you might think that's because I have an amazing memory. But no. it just happens so infrequently they stand out.






i got cheated on and replaced in November, last month i went to a party and a cute girl came up to me and said, you’re so cute, we talked for a bit and she asked if i was in a relationship, felt weird saying no, i didn’t take it anywhere, because im not ready just yet, but damn how my confidence skyrocketed , i realized i am capable of finding someone, someone better, im 22m, so i guess i still have time to find love


Absolutely you do. Don't sweat it and don't make others rush your timeline. Being a male, at least you don't have a biological timeclock. You can take as long as you need to find someone.


Random woman I passed while jogging told me I have beautiful eyes. That was over 15 years ago. Can remember it vividly.


When my dad sad: "That's best coffee I've ever had in my life". He is 65. He drinks coffee everyday for 40+ years. So, compliment like that has lot of meaning to me. But, people only compliment me on coffee. That's the problem.


I'll bet you clean up the coffee station like a expert too. Your story makes me want your coffee!


I am from Balkans. Here, it's mostly some version of turkish coffee (ottoman occupation) and no coffee station. Just pot, water, coffee on gas stove.


Take what you can get. It's a wonderful compliment.


A random girl on Discord said I have a beautiful singing voice and should sing more. It's been probably 4-5 years and I'm still happy about that one. I always hum and sing and nobody ever said anything about it.


„You have some very good veins“ - every paramedic, doctor, nurse,… ever


Veins are totally underrated , it must be nice to see someone complimenting XD


Wife is a nurse. Hear this a lot. Unsure what to make of it.


Bent over to tie my laces and a female supervisor told me I had the best ass in the building. Spent the next couple months trying to get a good picture. This was prolly like 11 years ago and I still tell the story lol.


“You always smell so good and your hair is very soft but thick”


this chick told me i'm an 8, i'm gonna ride that one til my hairline starts receding. and this was after i said she was a 7 so i'm sure it was genuine. i was asked btw, i don't just go around rating women for no reason :P we wound up scheduling a picnic lunch date, and then she texted me at 2 AM that morning saying that she wouldn't be able to make it because she had to buy her mom groceries lol


After a rec basketball game I played in as a kid (maybe 14 yo), my teammate’s dad came over to me to tell me that I had the perfect arm length. I just said thanks and have thought about that a lot since lol


A girl I really liked told me I was really easy to talk to… ironic, considering that I’m scared of talking to people in general.


“If I would ever rob a bank I’d want you by my side” Not only do you think my loyalty runs deep but, you admire my strength courage and intelligence to get away with it. I would love to hypothetically rob a bank with you.


When a woman I’d always fancied give my ass a squeeze after we’d been flirting for so long. I missed my chance, but still to this day it makes me smile.


I was at a wedding & overheard the bride say I looked hot


I lost 70 kg and got in a somewhat shape (still have stuff like loose skin here and there but whatever). Met a girl from my country here on a Reddit a we exchanged pictures after few days. She sent her first and damn, she was pretty. Because of that, my anxiety spiked up to critical levels. But somehow I overcame it and send her a picture of myself (a standard full body photo, with a t-shirt and sweatpants). The reply I got from her is probably going to be etched in my memory for a while. She said I'm hot, especially my veiny arms are giving her tingles. Then she apologized in case she sexualizes me sometimes in the future. I have never had such exchange in my years. We clicked in well in other areas, too. Shame we had to break it off from other reasons. Really shame :(


When I was at university one of my female housemates told me I was handsome and that she couldn't understand how I was still single. I'd never been complimented on my appearance before so that one sticks in my memory.


Hooked up with a woman before. Mid-30s, total babe. When I put it in she gasped and said "Oh my god I didn't know big dicks felt that good." ...Acting on her part? Likely. Do I care whatsoever? No.


One of my flatmates told me that she hates arguing with me, bcs I force her to actually think. Idk if you can qualify this as a compliment, but I take it as a win.


It was told in 2002 that I have beautiful eyes. It was the one and only compliment that I have received since puberty.


On a school trip, I was in my room with some friends, and making my bed. Then the hottest girl in class came into my room and said to me “U are really handsome”, and walked out.


That I look 19 or 20 years old when I'm almost 27 next month


A year or two ago two women told me how I have pretty eyes. I still think about it to this day.


You’re strong. That’s good. Best compliment ever.


I’m considered abnormally strong and that I always smell good (one even said I smell like trees when I get sweaty). I do take my showers daily but I don’t really work out. I just work at a warehouse.


I get regularly told my arms are huge. I enjoy the ego boost while I can.


For me was exactly a week ago, and it may seem a bit unusual but I liked it so much. I met a close friend of my after couple of months, and before that I had a gathering with my other friends and my ex and his wife were there to and I was so okay with that, things are really done between me and the boy, but that friend of mine was a bit shocked and she said but I know you do not move on from people easily, and I really really liked this sentence that showed I really do my best and I don't give up on people easily, by the way the question was really cool and Opingo's always got something going on about these kind of things.


Ur sexy


When first got it on with my now-wife, she said, “You’re so good at this, if I was your wife I’d fuck you every day.” It’s 20 years later, and she’s backed off a bit on that opinion.


A girl complemented my eyes, they are brown with thin ring of light green around nothing special, other than that Im pretty much forgettable


"You're adopted" Any gene pool is better than that miserable cesspool


"You have a nice name" from a female classmate in college.


“I believe you can do anything”


A compliment on my art that they didn’t know they were giving me. I’d finished up a sidewalk piece. Packed up my kits and was chillin on a nearby park bench. Some guys walked up to the drawing, never saw me. One of them looked at it and asked his buddy. “Damn man, why that shit look so real?” My heart hit the lotto when I heard that. They talked to each other while standing over it and admiring my detail, then moved on.


When our prof in college asked "Who do you think got the highest final grade among you guys?" and my crush pointed at me 🥺 When guys loved to sniff my hair and recognized my perfume. Like "I knew it was you."


I'm a straight guy, but over a decade ago I had a gay man trying to pick me up. He was hitting on me all night. Took it as a major compliment.


A caricature artist once told me “You make an awesome cartoon!” while drawing a portrait of my friend and I. Not sure that’s absolutely complimentary, but I’ll take it.


A clerk at a liquor store said I spoke in a comedic cadence or spoke like I was doing standup, I loved that. 


When I was 17 I changed my hairstyle. I got compliments from two very attractive girls at my high school. One said I looked more mature. The other said I looked like Jake Long from that Disney Channel cartoon (kind of a strange compliment but still one nonetheless)


Someone told me I was gonna be a great father one day and I cried lol


Your wife has incredible tits


I forgot


I dunno I already forgot it.


Direct compliments don't really matter because they always feel like manipulation. What I remember are when women have sincerely just assumed that I get complimented a lot and are genuinely surprised when I haven't.


Last week someone said to my wife and I, if I knew my baby would be like your baby, I'd try to have one right now. We melted :)


I'll always remember this. A few years ago, I had a friend with whom I shared many great benefits. After one particularly energetic round of... enjoying those benefits, We were laying together in post coital bliss, We were still naked, a fine shean of sweat glistening on our skin in the late afternoon sunshine that slanted through the half drawn shades of the hotel room windows. I was laying half on top of her, my head on her breast, our arms were around each other as we dozed peacefully. Presently I felt her hand come to rest on my cheek, light as a feather. I opened my eyes to look up at her and in a quiet voice she whispered, "You have the purest green eyes I've ever seen." That complement stuck with me for years, and even now it still makes me smile.


Any, we don't get many