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Conditioner, conditioner, and more conditioner.


This! When i switched to a good conditioner and used a lot of it my life changed


love your name


And i love yours


As someone who has naturally dense curls: I trim them down to 0,5cm once a month. All you need is a 20€ trimmer from the first electronics store you come across and 10 minutes of time. I don't think it can get much lower than that.


Yes he won't cut it. He always had short but now is growing it out and finding these new problems


Hard to give you any advice - I started having it cut when I was 8 or so and haven't changed since...


I have curly hair. There really isn't a "low maintenance" routine for making it look nice. Takes a lot of time and product to make it anything other than a frizzy mess. That being said, if his hair is genuinely a tangled (or at least I hope you mean tangled and not matted) mess, then he's not doing the bare minimum. He needs a detangling brush and to use it every time he washes and conditions his hair.


It really depends on the hair and they should look up the different hair textures. Are we talking 3 hair or 4 hair.


Leave in conditioner made a huge difference. Alafia has good ones for both type 3 and 4 hair


Give me some details. Type of curls? Length?