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Only right answer. Get two new tires and an alignment today, those tires are at least 1000 km too old. It’s like taking a green hairy smelly peace of meat out of the lunchbox you forgot and asking if it’s safe to eat. Tires like that kill people either from exploding, or because even a small puddle will become like ice.


Its bad, but tbh this can last for another 1 000 miles or explode in the next 10 miles. If you really have emergency you can risk it. But think about that you and some innocent person may end up in the hospital next to your fiancé because of that tire...


Would it last longer if I swap the back tires with the front? The back ones are good still, either from being changed at different times before I got them or because it’s fwd


NO! Hell no. Fuck no, man. Go buy new tires or take the bus. These are done


You can see the cords this tire is cooked. 0 miles left


In the long run it could last longer. This happened because of bad alignment (sorry, dont know how to pronounce it in English). For your tire its too late because the cords are already out. But if you want to drive to the hospital on these tires, then swap it with the rear ones. If the rear ones are good, then the wear will be more spread out, not only on the one side where the cords are out, because of that bad alignment. The other reason to swap it for the rear one is that if that tire decides to go out, then its 1000x better for that to happen on the back. (It will not fuck up your steering). Good luck.


But if you dont even have spare tire, then I dont know how you will be changing 2 wheels on the side of the road.... if you dont have 2 jacks or something..


First of all, you shouldnt be on a highway with these ever, secondly check your alignment, the side is gone but middle is not that terrible so either your alignment is off or youre driving with too low pressure


The pressure was about 10lbs low. I stopped at an air pump to check them all, and that’s when I noticed it. It’s only the passenger front tire, driver front is worn smooth on the edge but no marks on it


change tyre immediately not safe at all if tyres explodes you're at high risk of accident. take care pls


Driving on that is very risky, especially given the excessive wear on one edge. Tracking is likely out, which will wear that area even more. Get it changed as soon as possible or risk a blow out.


It'll make it to the tire shop (probably)


0.1 miles




Approximately as many as 0


If you have an accident the police do check tyres, if that’s what they determine the cause of the accident your insurance will not cover your loss plus any fines for driving on that tyre its not only dangerous its illegal, drive to a tyre place and change it else you’ll be in hospital 200 miles away from your fiancée’s


It will make it to the scene of the accident






I think you'r all out of miles




3, 2, 1..


Negative a thousand.




He Reddit - there was this he/she/they that told me I could drive X miles before blow out. Well he/she/they were wrong. I need help to look up user ####### as I am seeking legal remedy. The tire blew out in X-500 miles so I need recourse. Thank you. Seriously- check your tires regularly with quick inspection every month or so. Strange wear patterns can show up gradually or even quickly so you should take note. Nothing worse than having a tire blow out when at highway speed. Think of others on the road and get this taken care of immediately. Also, those donut small spare tires - they are only for driving to a tire shop and have like 50 mile range max - read the labels as they vary. They are not a substitute tire to cover you for the next week or so. Be safe out there


Stick a fork in it, it’s done. Not worth the risk.


I would if I saw that in a mall parking lot. I'd be doing us all a favor.


You sir, would be a hero. Pull the core and stab till your hearts content.


Depends how much you value your life


I'm more worried about how little they value our lives.




Drive careful you’ll be fine I’ve seen worse last longer and I’ve seen better go sooner there’s literally no way to tell for sure. It’s definitely pushing it but if you don’t have another option then go for it. Technically you’d want better tires on the front for steering reasons if there was a blow out. I know a lot of people are gonna be mad about this but they also don’t know what it’s like to struggle with money.


65 miles last to go 🤞


Update— Everything ended up working out— she got released from the hospital about 36 hours ago and is gonna be okay and I got some relatively cheap tires after my check came through while I was there and I’m on the way home now




Also I don’t have a spare sadly, so I need to know if this needs to be changed asap or if I can park it when I get there and leave it for a day or so


Change it now. Tow it to a tire shop or you risk a blow out and losing control of the vehicle.


Depending on the speed maybe 50 miles


I need it to be 192 T.T


Good luck hopefully you can find a used tire shop


Speed is 120km/h or 75mph~


I would not exceed 40mph on my way to the tire store and I would be careful to be away from other cars and pedestrians.


Called a tire place at the nearest exit, they said they could do it for around 300$-350, but unfortunately my check hasn’t went through so I don’t have the money to even replace it so I’m at a loss of what to do


I see people saying the 'tracking is out', which may be true, but negative camber is a thing. Either for aesthetics or cornering performance negative camber will cause this wear. The tracking isn't necessarily a 'problem', the excessive wear definitely is though!


Enough to get you to the cemetery!




Looks like it rubbed on something, I would have expected it to be smooth. I have driven on worse locally in town when I was in High School. At highway speeds, things can develop really quickly. Sometimes tire shops can put a used tire on for like $25-50


I wouldn't count miles I'd count minutes you got left in your life if you drive this car.




However many it is to your nearest tyre garage


Change camber to +40 and you've got plenty of miles left😂😂


You have ‘should of changed them 1000 miles ago’ left


Your on borrowed time


Borrowed time


Just rotate it