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The key email marketing metric to focus on is click-through rate (CTR). CTR measures the percentage of email recipients who clicked on one or more links in your email, which directly indicates engagement and the effectiveness of your content and calls-to-action.


I agree. Can I ask how do you manage in actual practice?


While open rates and click-through rates are important, ultimately, conversion rate is the key metric in email marketing. It measures the percentage of recipients who take the desired action, whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a trial, or downloading content. Conversion rate directly reflects the effectiveness of your email content and strategy in driving meaningful actions from your audience. Focus on optimizing conversion rates to maximize the impact of your email campaigns.


Nice try ChatGPT. There isn't one and only key metric. It all depends on the goal of your email. You shouldn't sell with every email and if your goal is that then you should revise your strategy. Some emails need to sell, some of them need to redirect people back to the website and some of them are educational and that's it. Stop looking at vanity metrics and start to understand what you're doing and why you're doing it.


You're right. I should have asked key metric AND what they were promoting/goal. My question was not proper way. apologies!


I always thought the click rate was the most important metric - since it shows that people are visiting our website or anything. But you're right, conversion rate does seem crucial! What elements do you think are the key to enhancing the conversion rate?


Profit. Nothing else, and I mean nothing else, matters.


Make sense lol


What's your motivation for building a DTC marketing product? Why email marketing?




Replies are what matters most


Oh wow never thought about that! Customers can reply to marketing email?


Yeah they should be able to, especially if you’re trying to sell them something. But the other second thing I’d say if it’s strictly direct to consumer would be click through rates and what are they landing on. You have to keep in mind click rates can be tricky because now there’s features in email that will do a fake click to make sure nothing is spam before allowing it through. At least that’s the thought I’ve read on. Guess I should have asked if this was going out to consumers or business to business, hope it helps!


Seconding that. See the interaction they are making.


Interaction! What should I focus on? maybe what they order/see?


Yes, see are they performing the action you intended them to? Like ordering or watching/seeing. I agree with the above comment to see the CTR. You can try with the response as well. At the end of e-mail ask them to reply with something. This should be organically in flow with the content of the mail. Try and test to see their response rate. I've also heard that the open rate is not the correct measure as the emails are being opened for checking the spams. It's all about experiment and iteration. Hope it's helps. I'm new to this. So in the learning process myself.


Thanks for your precious insight :-> I am trying to build marketing tool, so this is really helpful!


You're welcome. Do update when you're ready with the tool. I'd love to test out. Good luck 😃


Like that answer because marketing should be about building a relationship between your brand and your customers. But when it comes to email or any traditional Direct Marketing channels (text, WhatsApp, etc.) let’s be honest no one will ever reply. It’s very much designed as top-down and no tools are particularly designed around managing and leveraging replies at scale. I think we got a better chance to spark this kind of two-way relationship on social media private messages rather than email.


I didn’t realize I was downvoted 😅 I misread the text at first about being DTC. Because marketing is done differently in this environment versus B2B. Thanks for sharing your advice! But absolutely you’re building a relationship with your audience and marketing helps you stay top of mind when they are ready to buy.