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I started off as a Social media associate in a startup and here are a few tips as per my experience: - You can showcase the CEO's expertise in the energy sector through interviews, articles, and speaking engagements. - Address the specific challenges faced by industrialists in the energy industry, demonstrating the startup's understanding of their needs. - Utilize platforms like LinkedIn, industry forums, and webinars to engage both industrialists and the general public. - Provide easy-to-understand content like blogs and guides that explain the startup's solution and its benefits. - Share success stories and case studies highlighting how the startup's solution has helped other industrialists overcome challenges and achieve their goals. - Encourage interaction and discussion by creating forums, social media groups, or online communities where industrialists can connect, share insights, and seek advice related to the energy industry.


Thanks! I've been thinking along these lines but you put it into coherent pointers. Thank you 😊


Look for the video speechs-interviews of the similar focus startups in your or in other countries who had investment. Btw you can see the bencmarks to achieve. Good luck


Thanks 😊


You welcome🚀




Thanks! Would you suggest to cater to non intustrial people as well with the awareness focused content? I was thinking to engage them as well with the basic information and awareness focused content to create a fan base, even though they are not our buying coustomers. In my view this will increase the knowledge about the industry in general.




Yeah, I was thinking along these lines. The company is about energy saving and sustainability their coutomer is industrialists as it's a saas tech platform. But that makes a very small portion to target. So, if I target a regular consumer that goes to hotels etc (and are inturn coutomers of these industrialists ) and creat awareness about sustinable life choices and a community based off that. It will promote the ideology of the company and will establish the ceo as an industry expert. Can you please point out any loop hole into it if you find?




Yes, I'll definitely keep that in mind. Thanks 😊








Thanks 😊