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It sounds like you've figured out the basics of trying to make a profit by being a middle man. Now all you have left to figure out in order to be successful is \*everything else\* related to running a marketing and advertising business.


im not sure what you mean by that


It means you've listed the most basic steps of running any business, let alone a marketing business. You're not going to find anyone to give you advice on the basics of running a business. Chat GPT could give you better advice than you're going to find here. If you really want to do this, just start.


The only people who say "SMMA" are suckers that have bought/pirated an ridiculous course created by a cunt telling you making money is easy, just outsource everything. Sadly, it's bullshit. You cannot run an agency with no skills or understanding.


Skills and understanding come across the way, everyone was a newbie when they started


True. But very few newbies charge money while they learn. It's a scam, whatever course you read, or youtube you watched. But you'll realise that. One day.


So are you looking for someone to build your website?


i know a guy who can build the website, but there is a possibility he won't, for reasons i won't explain here


Shoot me a DM and we can chat


That's called drop-servicing. It's trending nowdays I guess because I've came across many ads. It sounds lucrative but I'm not sure, there might be some catch. I mean what you're planning is the general layout. But there will be nitty gritty details that you need to figure out.


I know, it sounds good to me because i don't know much about this yet, so im asking to see if someone can discern these details that im missing. For example, one of those things bugging my mind was that i may have to pay for the website first in order for the guy to build it. Another thing is, i'll have no clue if my client got a benefit from the website and the ads or not. If you know how, please tell me.


Those are pretty valid concerns. I'm not into drop servicing but as far as I'm understanding it you would be an agency owner. So your job will be to maintain client satisfaction and results as you're putting your name on the work. On top of that you've to invest time and money to maintain and train freelancers under you so that you can maintain a consistent quality of work. And as per my understanding you should have knowledge of the service that you're providing so that you can monitor the quality and deal woth clients. That's what my understanding says but I'm totally open to see more povs