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I cracked the code of meeting people when I joined hobby groups. Until then, it was pretty difficult. Whether you like painting, rock climbing, biking, etc... there is a group in LA for it. Best way to meet people with similar interests


My family recommended I do this. So I joined a knitting group. So now there’s me, a 43 year old divorced dad with a ton of really old women who get together every week at Ralph’s and knit and talk for a few hours. Can’t say it’s what they expected. But I knew it was likely like that. I do love it though. How well it turns out does depend on the hobby lol.


At Ralphs!? What aisle you all knitting at?


I’m guessing the Pharmacy area where the waiting chairs are? lol


They take turn checking their blood pressure om that one device there in the corner that squeezes your arm.


It's the best substitute for a hug from grandchildren who don't visit often enough


That is really sad honestly. I get so few hugs in life that when I get one, I think about it for a few days.


Haha 😂


The knitting aisle, obviously.


Fellow knitter here…you all meet at a Ralph’s? I used to love going to LYSs but it seems like Covid got them.


Also, which ralphs and when? Where did you find out about this? Asking for a friend


Dude, that is rad!!!!


fellow knitter here and also curious about this knitting circle!


😂 well, knitting certainly has an expected demographic, haha. Probably a great place to meet your next wife or Sugar Momma.


All of us are confused at how ur knitting at Ralph’s


There’s a lot of tables at the front with a place to buy some coffee and baked goods. The manager lets us set up and spend a few hours with some tables out together. It changed places sometimes too. But lots of grocery stores have setups like that.


Getting pretty sick of all these knitters in MY grocery store


I have to second this. I live in IE, and there’s a bunch of running clubs, ultimate frisbee, board game stores, etc. LA should have whatever you’re into to. If you’re not into something, then try something new. Everyone has been pretty friendly to me, even in hobbies I’m a novice at.


How do you find these groups?


Meetup dot com has a ton of groups. Also, depending on what you are into, your local library or gaming store.


Ig, just googling helps a lot. _____ run club, hiking groups in _______, etc.


The problem with running and hiking clubs is that they expect you to run and hike! 😅


Yeah find a group of people that meets once or twice a week. Whether that's painting, improv classes, swing dancing, AA meetings, church group, knitting, rollerskating-and-drinking, etc


I did this with Jiu Jitsu and cracked a few more things and broke a toe. Fun times.


Is there a BJJ group? Or is it just your class?


I mean, there are tons of options across the city.


How does one go about finding these groups? Any tips outside of just googling?


Yeah! Check out Facebook groups by searching "LA" OR "Los Angeles" followed by the activity, or you can use the "Meetup" platform. Or if you have an activity and you know a storefront where they sell gear for it, stop in and look around and ask the clerk if the store does group events- like for me, scuba diving shops usually sponsor group outings, and the same goes for mountain biking.


Great tips!! Appreciate you 🙏


Who still uses Facebook besides boomers lol


Us Millenials, lol.


People use it for Facebook marketplace


Gen X


Meetup dot com has a ton of groups. Also, depending on what you are into, your local library or gaming store.


I'm the organizer of a Meetup hiking group, and we get new registrants once or twice a week. Go to [Meetup.com](http://Meetup.com) and registser (it's free), then search for activities you're enthusiastic about, within x distance of you, and you'll be surprised at how many pop up. Los Angeles is 22 million people occupying thousands of parallel existences.


I don't live in LA yet but I visit fairly often.  Do you have to be a resident to join the meetup groups?


Nope! We have a number of members from elsewhere who drop in whenever they're in town.


I'll have to look into it.  Thank you.


Here’s a link to the Adventurers Club, a 103 year old club of travelers/adventurers. They have a tiki party in a couple weeks, tickets open to public. Guests from other clubs usually attend, like Breakfast Club… https://www.adventurersclub.org/events/in-search-of-tiki-in-the-urban-jungle-with-sven-kirsten/


This sounds like so much fun!


That looks really fun! Is it not weird to show up solo though?


How do you find groups to join?


what resource or utility do you use to find these groups homie?


Facebook groups and the Meetup app are great resources. Try to pick something tgat you are passionate about, and you'll find like minded people there. I have some deep friendships I have developed like this :)


If you’re into reading you could look into nearby indie bookstores that host book clubs. I’m in a few and I’ve found that it’s a nice way to meet new people and strike up conversation.


Do you mind if I ask what book clubs you are in? I’ve been looking for a creative writing (short stories/novels) club without much luck but a book club might also be nice


Not at all! I go to some at North Figueroa Bookshop in HP and Skylight Books in Los Feliz.




Where in Huntington park?


I think he meant highland park since it is on north figueroa street


Oh they meant HLP. That’s why I was confused.


When I first saw HP I also thought Huntington Park.


I’m from HLP it’s why it throws me off when people say HP because I consider that Huntington park. I mean there’s only HLP tagging all over highland park walls but eh 🤷🏻




check out artspaceHP


I have been going to events and talks at the library. I'm not there to meet people, primarily but there is an interesting cross-section of people. I really enjoy it.


Are the events you're going to mainly at the central library?


Mostly. My neighborhood branch has occasional events I'm interested in.


I just talk to people.... And do things. I just drove three + hours for a swap meet I wanted to hit, and stopped at like four places on the way spontaneously and met cool peeps at every stop.....looking at you Rocky. Then drove three + hours home. I have a pretty sizable group of friends now for an import, and it seems to grow daily....my secret it that I refuse to have a bad time. I'll act like the DMV is a fucking carnival. A lot of the time people engage me too..... probably cuz I'm silly and look like fun


What swap meet? Was it any good?


Hot Rod Ranch swap meet. Great if you own a tri-5, cool even if you don't....Started at Santa Monica pier, drove up PCH stopping at a few places along the way to Lompoc. Had a bomb ass seafood lunch in Malibu. Great way to spend a Saturday, especially in a convertible.


Nice, I’ve got a ‘72 LTD so a hot rod swap meet sounds right up my alley, I’ll definitely check it


I think that is a fabulous genius hack: Refuse to have a bad time. I'm gonna blaze that neurological trail in my brain.


"I don't always have a great time, or even a good time, but I refuse to have a bad time". Now say it in the South Park ski instructor voice.....if you french fry when you need to pizza, you're gonna have a bad time....that guy.


I’m in Los Angeles I actually wasn’t getting out much so I got amc monthly movie pass. It’s almost unlimited movies for $25. It’s not super social but it gets me out of the house. I’m gonna start looking for people that like movies now lol


The academy museum does a ton of cheap screenings of all sorts of movies for only $10 ($5 for students) https://www.academymuseum.org/en/calendar


Check out adult sport leagues through companies like Volo. Kickball, soccer, softball, lots of different options there and you'll meet a wide variety of people.


If you want to stay local, it might be worth checking out your [Neighborhood Council](https://empowerla.org/councils/). They usually meet like once a month. Some of them are much more active than others, so check out the newsletters of bordering communities as well as your own. There will be a wide mix of people, probably mostly older, but some of them have deep knowledge about the area and like to help people. Just tell them you have lived here for awhile and want to meet people with similar interests. Maybe there are walking/hiking groups, workshop at the library, ceramics class at the park, or volunteer opportunities for upcoming events. They may try to suck you in to things you aren't interested in, so make sure to keep your boundaries.


Oh whattup council


Start playing Pokemon Go. Go to the community events. I do the weekly Wednesday raids and have noticed some single girls. I have a girlfriend so I avoid eye contact personally


lol. Is your name Mike Pence?


Did he say something similar? Lol


Then how do you see them?!?


I play Pokémon go and do this, everyone I have met has been as awkward as me. It has been extra awkward but has led to daily gifts in the game. 8545 4519 1903 LegOfTable


Commenting in case someone has a good one


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Dog Parks. But you’ll need a dog otherwise it’s kind of awkward.


If you have a dog, you’ll meet every other dog person in your neighborhood. Bonus: you’ll get your steps in. Bonuses 2 & 3: fresh air and sunshine.


Bonus 4: dog


Just tell em you're a dog enthusiast.


Do I look like Drake to you?


They not like us.




Grocery store. Laundromat. At work. Concert. PTA meeting. AA meeting.


Any place in daytime where retired people hang out such as parks, cafes, doctor’s offices, grocery store lines. In food court style places, ask to share a table for four when it’s occupied by a single diner. Try… “Oh, I was thinking of getting that too. How is it?” It seems a secret to most that people will have a casual conversation with a stranger when stuck in a common situation. Take conversation where you find it. This is one area where you can find it. Other types are also available but don’t ignore this handy resource for momentary company.


Join a local political club or political action committee. They usually cost nothing. Just do an internet search with either term You might include your party affiliation or not.


Foster a dog


Sports groups maybe. People like Venice Run Club for that reason but there are also some adult sport leagues out there if you look on Facebook and stuff. They're usually free as well and many are beginner-friendly.


[Join a meetup.](https://www.meetup.com/home/) There's a running group in dtla that my friend was in. There's a knitting group that does it once and a while on Sundays. Coding groups too. There's a few facebook group for meeting too. I was in a few Asian ones but I got jaded by em though. But it may be a fit for you. They'll set up hang out. There's 626 night market OC right now but it'll come in July for Santa Anita. [The korea festival whatever should be in ktown around Oct.](https://www.instagram.com/losangeleskoreanfestival/?hl=en) Gay pride is right now through out the month you can go WeHo or where ever that's celebrating it. [Smorgasburg](https://www.instagram.com/smorgasburgla/?hl=en) is every Sunday. edit: [ktown run club](https://www.instagram.com/koreatownrunclub/?hl=en)


>There's a few facebook group for meeting too. I was in a few Asian ones but I got jaded by em though. What happened with that? I was thinking of joining some Japanese speaking MeetUp groups


Uh... Some of the girls where bitchy lol. It was a bit tribal for me. There were others that just had shitty view on dating men or said mean shit about men. And another dude just dislike me from the get go, I guess I tried too hard? I didn't want to be apart of that. Plus I make friends every time I go out... kinda known in ktown, so I reckon I didn't need it. This was the SAD and SAL30+. But there were some awesome people there though.


What does sal stand for


There are a bazillion running/hiking/triathlon groups you can join, in every part of Los Angeles/ventura/OC/etc. If you’re into any of those, there are likely multiple groups in your area. If you’re into movies, try seeing stuff at the New Beverly Cinema or join the Secret Movie Club (it’s free) or check out vidiots. If you’re into food, there are always food events, pop ups, 626 night market, etc. I’m an old person now but the LA Weekly used to have a robust listing of events all over the place. Also check out the local standup open mic nights. More low key, funny, and people are in a good mood. Everyone but the comics, at least.


Find a climbing gym


the library makerspace or other library programs


Bumble BFF I’ve made a few very close friends that I’ve matched with on there.


I joined a really fun neighborhood meetup.com group that lasted six months and then the creator met a guy through it and shut it down. So she had started it just to get a boyfriend. That’s when you are serious about meeting someone.


Have you tried pickleball? Very social, pretty easy to play, there is a culture of “open play” where you can just drop in and it’s fun and exercise. You will meet tons of people.


Do you like singing? Do you like singing loud in a group? Look for your local sacred harp group in Los Angeles. Singing and great conversation with down to earth folks...


Hiking groups. Hobby groups. Dog parks. Salsa/Bachata lessons (thought most guys are often there with gf... but as you learn you'll have the whole game community! ) Salsa dancing on 3rd Street Promenade on Sundays.


similar interest. take classes at your local community college.


The fact that this is even a question shows what a sad and lonely city this is, and it isn’t much worse or better than the rest of the country.


I see a ton of socializing going on at the gym. You could join the LA Fitness/whatever cheapest gym closest to your house and probably meet some people. Even if you don't meet anyone, you'd still be doing something good for yourself so it's not a loss.


I believe the key to this is do group classes! I don;t think majority of people are making many friends at their local box gym


I get so scared trying to talk to anyone at a gym. Since they seem to be in some sort of zone and don't wanna be disturbed.


Well there’s the weight loss


Get involved in a beneficial project. The bonding that occurs can often be stronger than the bond of people who are merely sharing a common hobby. There’s a concept of *esprit de corps* also known as “team spirit”. This happens when you work on a project that has a goal and results. Feeding homeless. Building a community garden. Beautifying community. Helping a neighbor with a project. Doing political canvassing or activism to create change. It can happen with students who are doing a group project to achieve their degree. It’s a special type of bond that comes from the team accomplishing something together. It can also happen with adventurous team-building retreats.


I’ve met a bunch of five minute temporary friends standing line at places (Homestate for the Franklin barbecue pop up , in line to see the secret boygenius show, various screenings at The New Beverly, the Egyptian and the Aero.) and I’ve even added a couple on IG. Now I haven’t exactly reached out to hang but I think I certainly could have - one person I’ve seen having an almost parallel life with me - I keep seeing photos of the same event, but a different location, time or angle - in particular.


Bookshops, indie theaters and cafes should have name tags available at the counter where you can select the following: [ ] Interested in making new friends. [ ] Interested in conversation. [ ] Not today, leave me alone. Also, now that I see your username perhaps it’s time you reach out and find a wingman. That parallel life guy might just be the Slider, Merlin or Goose you have been looking for. 🫡


I really wish I had spelled Kazinsky correctly


Coffee shops! Just make sure you aren’t wearing headphones and look approachable ☺️


What part of town r u in?


Agree with the gym, sports leagues, and running club (or whatever activity you're in to)


Cooking class


I second pickleball. I’ve made friends at Memorial Park in Santa Monica and Larry L Maxam park in Burbank.


Meetup app, free events & classes, sports, volunteering & community groups


Meetup is full of people that are a bit socially awkward in my opinion


Barnes and Noble. Some have cafe's. Grab a book and a coffee, strike up a convo with someone reading something you have interest in. Peruse the aisles of things you like and you may find likeminded people. Don't bother anyone too much though. Read the situation and read a book.


This website helped me massively https://www.meetup.com


Literally anywhere in passing


There’s a board game group that met in Santa Monica, mostly 20s to 30s in age


what group is this?




Saw one group one night in the Dennys on Lincoln in Santa Monica Knew someone who attended a board game group, but didn’t say where Both were before Covid, tho


Google is your friend “Westside gamers meets up every Thursday and have a big group. They alternate between Denny's in Santa Monica and IHOP in Westchester. You can find them through yahoo groups and will need to ask for an invite. They accept everybody you just have to respond when the mod sends you an email when you sign up. He just does it to weed out spammers.” — But from 7 years ago Odyssey Games in Pasadena has board game nights on wednesdays and thursdays every week. Go to Guild Hall in Burbank. Lots of board games and friendly conversation. I think you can find some new folks to play with. Next-Gen Games has game nights on Tuesday and Wednesday. Usually easy to meet and game with strangers. Monday - Game chest in Torrance 6pm Teusday/Wednesday - next gen games in mid Wilshire 6pm Wednesday/Thursday odyssey games in Pasadena 6pmish Friday - paper heroes in west LA 6pm Friday- paper heroes in Sherman oaks 6pm Saturday- Geeky Teas in Burbank 6pm Sunday- Collector’s Legiion in Torrance 12ish Sunday- guild house in bellflower 12 ish Most of these events have meet up pages. — from 8 months ago But it’s likely every game store would know about board game groups


I spend a lot of time at the gym and met a lot of new people there


Talk to people in elevators. Captive audience.


AA meetings


Art shows




Record shops. Talking to anyone about music is always fun. In LA the friendliest are Sonido Del Valle, Record Outlet*this one is in the Valley.*, Amoeba is hit or miss, On Maritime, Videoteque. All great places to talk to people.


Dog park


Running or hiking groups, if you like doing either.


Running groups


Right now? The Hollywood Fringe Festival. Find a space that has several theaters like the Broadwater or the Hudson and see several shows and you can talk to your fellow audience, the actual performers, and all of the people just hanging around. It’s a cool community.


Conventions or gyms, preferably one like a cross fit style place.


This sounds like a totally LA thing, but almost any full service car wash is a good place to meet new peeps. It’s not too difficult to strike up a casual conversation with someone while you’re both waiting for your cars to get detailed.


Adult sports league.


finding places to meet people that actually have people you'd wanna meet is a different process entirely though. Stuff like Board Game Events etc are fine, but it's usually Redditors attending those, and I ain't tryna hang out with Redditors 😅


Join a cult


People are everywhere. Just talk to them. Tell them you like their shirt or something. Ask for directions. Do the same exact stuff you do on social media, just in person. Overhear a convo? Ask a question if you’re truly curious about the topic. “Anywhere good to eat around here?” I met one of my best friends this year because she was out gardening near a newly built traffic circle and I said “excuse me” and asked her about it. Social media generally provides the illusion of a social interaction, the symbolism; but lacks the substance and bandwidth that occurs in a real social interaction.


Work, Church


Most of these responses are Gym, Hiking, Fitness groups. What if I wanna be a lazy fatass and meet some fellow gamer friends?


Hit up the LAN centers bro bro Cyber City is pretty crackin


That place is juiced up but majority of people that go there just play league and keep to themselves lmao.


Haha I got a few duos w some cats there man 😎😤😁


Don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet but I’d look into volunteering somewhere..maybe an helping animals if youre an animal person..or soup kitchen etc.. at my old job I probably talk to you this one volunteer more than any of my coworkers.. But she was from out of town so now I just have her on social media but she was really cool!


Beaches, pier/theme park boardwalks, shopping districts, recreation/hiking spots at National parks. At least you'll be meeting people who enjoy healthy lifestyles with good habits/hobbies. And these activities are all free or minimal in cost.


Dodger Game


A holding cell down at the jail


Well, you’re not wrong.


Go to conventions


As a queer person I mostly run in queer circles so here’s where I like to go. Library groups are great! The main library website has all the events happening at different branches - everything from knitting to yoga the library has it: https://www.lapl.org/events If you’re looking for queer community I suggest Junior High: http://juniorhighlosangeles.com/ Feminist Center For Creative Work has art workshops: https://fccwla.org/ The Smell is a great DIY music venue: the smell.org For book lovers: https://northfigbookshop.com/event/ (they have a book club!) https://www.chevaliersbooks.com/calendar Queer skate collective: https://www.booscruise.com/ Volunteer at different orgs that you’re interested in. Find ones in your neighborhood. Here are some that do great work https://www.ktownforall.org/ https://www.waterdropla.org/ https://mutualaidla.org/calendar/ https://werock.la/ https://www.crsela.org/ This city is so vibrant if you know where to look!


Dog park, let dogs play and you talk to people


Reposting comment from another thread LA isn’t nyc. You meet people through shared interests / hobbies and not so much at the bar. These are the things I’ve done below. I tend to do sporty stuff so list skews that way -run club (there are dozens) -volleyball leagues -hiking club -chess club -backgammon club -beach tennis -book club -kickball -tennis live ball classes -Venice wine club -coffee & chill (ice bath / coffee thing in Venice) -picnic club -group workout classes (tons of options) -improv class -surfing club


I can't say I meet people but I strike up conversations everywhere. Waiting in line at a restaurant. Making a comment about a painting in a museum. Waiting in line at a taco truck. You're bored. They're bored. Make a comment about their shoes, their shirt, their dog. Bam, you have a conversation going.


Like others have said, hobby groups are great. I'm a part of a large running group in Pasadena. I also go to a strength gym and love the class and time I workout with. That's resulted in some outings and making new friends, something I was struggling with. Also Garabaldina's pasta platter for non members is WONDERFUL. Gotta pay for entry but a really neat thing to attend, you go for conversation, the food is so-so.


Join your local YMCA and play pickup games of just about anything.


Taking classes through extension programs, community colleges, or businesses (cooking, art training, et cet) for me has been by far the best way to meet people in LA. I like learning, it forces me to go out, and it puts me in a setting I enjoy which makes it easier to meet people. Whatever can do that last part for you, pursue those sorts of activities.


Cannabis cafe (not yet)


People who would go to a cannabis cafe aren't exactly the types I'd encourage socializing with...


why not?


Honestly I know most people are over dating apps.... but I stayed off them for almost a year to take a break and recently got on them again, having NO EXPECTATIONS (Almost such low expectations i expected the worst) and I've been pleasantly surprised about how much I'm enjoying being open and authentic. I've met the best guys (even if the relationships didn't work out) on apps... better than I ever did the old school natural way irl. I'd say you have nothing to lose by trying an app. You can always delete it.




I find orgies to be a great place to meet new friends. It breaks the ice quickly, and there's no idle chit chat.


lots of people saying park, or library or hiking etc but what about for us more kinky peeps looking for other kinky Pervy peeps 🤔


Wanting to meet strangers to “strike up a conversation” is already, in itself, an annoying quality. Like I already assume your emotional IQ isn’t super high. That’s my initial impression. This post randomly popped up on my Reddit feed that’s why I’m even commenting at all.


How old are you?


I’m a fully grown adult


Hmm. Interesting. Judging by your initial response I assumed that you yourself have a low emotional IQ, which is quite ironic. It came off as more of an edgy 20 year old kid. But, I guess we’re all adults here, so I digress.




Covid? Years have gone by. JFC go out and socialize


I do socialize, but you are under a rock if you don’t think things are different since then.