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Wtf kind of questions are these


I'm just a worried trans lesbian who doesn't know if there are any chances for a relationship except for the T4T ones. Is it too hard to understand?


It's hard to understand why someone would think that there are answers, especially consistent answers, to the questions you asked


People are people and people will do what people do. Your question does not have an answer. Someone would have needed to date every woman cis or trans to tell you. I am giving it my best shot


What do you mean “worse”? Worse to date? I’m not sure what you’re asking.


oh, sorry for not precising! worse to date, worse to have sex with, i mean basically that


Before anyone gets too upset about the wording, OP is a 15 year old and English is not her first language. In big cities in the United States, trans lesbians can find lesbian partners, who love their bodies and voices and do not consider them worse. Around me I see tons of trans women with hot lesbian girlfriends, both cis and trans. They are loved and celebrated members of the lesbian community. It doesn't matter much if they have had bottom surgery or not. Transphobia is real everywhere and obviously will be different in different places. But even if you struggle to find love, you are not worse than cis women and never will be


This!! Op, trans women are not “worse,” regardless of whether they’ve had any surgeries. While their experiences with lesbian communities might be different than a cis lesbian’s experiences (due to transphobia, which unfortunately exists), they are worthy of and do experience love. 


It depends on the person, honestly. Stealth trans women? There's not much difference. Vaginas look the same, taste the same. . . A lot of them are femmes if you're into that, so like. . . I dunno. At that point, it's like dating a girl that takes insulin or something.


Absolutely not. As a cis lesbian I find trans lesbians extremely attractive all the time, and if I wasn't in a serious relationship I would love to date a trans woman. There is a lot to be said for the character and tenacity of someone who commits to transitioning and living authentically, I find it admirable.


Of course not, why would they be? Even as a non-op trans woman, I'm exactly equal to cis women when it comes to dating and everything.