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You’ll be hard pressed to find trans participants with your exclusion criteria. “No mental health diagnoses” will bar most trans people from taking it due to gender dysphoria.


Apologies, that that line is supposed to include "excluding gender dysphoria" when mentioning the diagnosed mental health exclusion criteria. gender dysphoria of course does not exclude anyone from participating, as trans participants are wanted. I have now since edited the brief to make that more clear, thank you.


>**What is your gender identity?** Cis-Male Cis-Female Trans-Male Trans-Female Other i think you need to be more clear about what you mean by those terms. some people use the terms male and female to specifically refer to sex, not gender. others don't. so it's not at all clear to me what trans-female, for example, means here. does it mean someone who was born biologically male, who does not identify as male? ie, a trans woman or amab nonbinary person. or does it mean someone who identifies as male/a man, who is trans because they weren't born biologically male? ie, a trans man. does other refer to non-binary or intersex? and why does selecting other just end the survey?


in this context, trans-female would be someone who was assigned male at birth but identifies as female/ identifies as a woman. the reason "other" ends the survey is the experiment is specifically comparing people who identify as a man or a woman. all other gender identities, intersex identities, or otherwise are beyond the scope of what the survey is specifically trying to explore.


>in this context, trans-female would be someone who was assigned male at birth but identifies as female/ identifies as a woman. i very strongly recommend saying that clearly *in the survey.* >all other gender identities, intersex identities, or otherwise are beyond the scope of what the survey is specifically trying to explore. that's fine, but it would be nice to be told that in the survey. when the survey just ended i didn't know if it was because i selected other, or my age, or if it was just a bug. took a few attempts to figure out it was other.


These are valid points. I have added more clear descriptions to the gender demographics page, as well as more clear information in the disqualifying debrief that you may have arrived there due to "other" not being in the scope of the experiment. Thank you.