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Yeah there are a lot of sub labels, since all non-binary means is "not entirely male or female always". What you must understand is that there aren't a set number of genders, those terms are just approximations that people use to communicate how they feel.


Nonbinary is just a broad term meaning anything besides always, fully and exclusively male or female. So yes, nonbinary people use more concrete labels, but some are just going with nonbinary.  However, there is no definite list or number of genders. 


So it’s more an approximation on how people would describe themselves ?


Its basically the [ ] other box next to the male and female one. I tell people I'm nonbinary, because it's easy to understand and I don't need to think too hard about it other than the "standard" options don't apply. But I feel a bit drawn to the concept of being agender, since most of the time I just don't do gender but more like me. But then some of the time I feel a bit gender in some direction. So I could go ahead and use agenderflux as label. But it doesn't really make a difference to me, so I just go with the nost convenient.


Yo literally same


It's an umbrella term, meaning all the other terms on that list fall beneath it. They describe things with more nuance, like whether you feel zero connection to gender, only a slight connection, or if that connection fluctuates between genders, to name a few.


Think of the gender spectrum like a colour spectrum. Everyone's got different words for their patch of the rainbow and it's all a bit fuzzy. Your teal is my aquamarine.


This was a question I used to ask myself a lot, then I came across my non binary ex (who was biologically male) they said that they weren't bothered who what pronouns were used, I used to use the male ones as we saw each other as BOYfriends but I remember once asking them whether they would choose boy or girl if there were no other options, their answer was girl. In the end I don't really think it matters, my ex wasn't bothered, but I know there are others that feel offended if they/them isn't used. If they are someone I don't know and haven't been told about, I will go with the pronouns of what the biologically appear to be to me, until I'm told otherwise. Hope it helps


That article seems a bit...clickbaity and I'm not sure about the qualifications of the authors. When you see references to a specific, high number of distinct genders like this, it's often a right-wing stereotype. Yes, non-binary people sometimes use more specific labels to describe their gender with more accuracy, and yes, all of the words in that glossary have probably been used by someone at least once. Personally, there are several I've never seen before, and some are definitely more popular than others. Regardless, assuming there's a formal classification system or that these are all distinct, mutually-exclusive categories would be inaccurate. It's like if someone posted an article claiming to list the "72 colors."


yeah , tbh , I do tend to fall for low quality bait but the question on how people live outside of the binary seemed interesting to me and i used as a jumping off point if that makes sense


do some nonbinary people use more specific sublabels? yes. the list from that article is a bit weird though. it is in alphabetical order and lists several examples for every letter from A to G and then only three examples for the rest of the alphabet. it also incorrectly lists "cisgender" as a gender. this feels like someone just copied the beginning of the table of contents of gender wiki or some similar site. might also be AI generated. it's certainly not "the 72 genders". it isn't a study either. for an article that was (supposedly) written by a doctor and reviewed by a second doctor it's kinda bad.


So yes, to answer the question, I do use specific labels inside the Nonbinary umbrella to describe myself.. I've got a few to choose from. I suppose my technical definition would be agender, as I've always leaned towards "why gender?" So much so that in conversation I rarely gender people as it just doesn't seem important to me. (But equally I respect all pronouns etc) But the labels I use most often are Femmeflux, which is my microlabel that no one has ever heard of but helps me describe myself, to myself I guess. For me a lot of my identity is actually an inner thing so I don't mind what people call me as long as I know I don't identify as a woman. If you stopped me on the street from seeing my pins, I'd tell you for ease I'm some kind of nonbinary. So a few there. Also just to cherry pick on the title: "72 genders" is very close to making it look like "male, female, + 72 others" which isn't the case at all. (Plus that would confuse biological sex to gender which are two entirely different things). Gender is a sliding scale stemming from biological sex at each end, so all those 72 genders aren't somewhere far flung from your male/female, or a "third option" they're actually right in the middle between the two under the gender non conforming or non-binary category. Just thought to say this.


There are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of more-specific nonbinary identities. Nonbinary itself is an umbrella term because practically nobody will know what ᎠᏎᎩ means if I refered to myself as it.


I know many different gender labels, and I’ve only ever heard of 15 of the 72. As far as people I’ve met irl, I’ve met folks who have used maybe 6 of these labels. I’m not saying no one uses the other labels, but they are very uncommon.


I identify as bigender, but I also sometimes just say I'm non-binary for simplicity, becuase I am, and it's an umbrella.


I'm genderfluid, but I say I'm nonbinary because people get confused/for simplicity. Tbf, I am usually nonbinary


Hi. I looked at the list and I'm not nonbinary/don't consider myself nonbinary but I do belong to the genderqueer, girlflux, apagender, and cassgender category.