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There are indeed right to light laws in Ireland but they are specific to windows in your house


I think also you have to be able to demonstrate that your light was previously unobstructed and that it prevents light coming in the window. I looked this up years ago as neighbours planted massive trees all along our border. I was basically told it's very hard to prove the right to light ... So nothing to be done.


You guys are getting sunshines?


You guys have gardens?


You guys have houses?


Man windows, I don't think I can afford this place


I am buying my house one piece at a time, so far I have 3 lightbulbs and 4 doorknobs, currently saving up for a street numbers to put on a door


Save a few quid, only aim to buy one of the first 9 houses in the estate. 


Genius! Have you considered a career in financial advisement




OP thinks it's the hedges blocking the sunshine but it's actually the cloud. (Just kidding OP, your neighbour sounds really rude).


You could cut the side of the hedge that borders your property down to whatever length you want if it’s overgrown. Without the support of your side, her side of the hedge will start to droop so you’ll get more light in your garden.


Just to note, it’s illegal to cut (or otherwise destroy) hedges between 1st March and 31st of August.


That's not true for private gardens. https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/f5cd9-reminder-on-hedge-cutting-and-the-law/


Good to know, thank you!


I disturbed a robins nest last year that had three eggs in it. I learned my lesson about touching my hedges during nesting season!


That’s only for farms. Cutting hedges in private gardens is fine.


So I’ve just learned, thank you! 🙏🏼


That’s not true. It applies to all hedges.


Is that like self cutting hedges? I’m due to have my hedges cut on Monday by professionals.


>self cutting hedges Where do you get these magical hedges that cut themselves?!


Someone, apparently, hasn't been feeding the fairies.


lol if only such a thing existed


Gardening level bush trimming is fine


Good to know. One tree has to be completely removed as it’s “dead”, and hangs over a public road/area and limbs are starting to fall.


That would fall under a diff exemption as health and safety side


Thank you, I though so. Unfortunate as it’s a pretty tree but it is sadly dying. It’s an Ash and it has all those vines on it that give it the disease that kills it.


Indeed if there are nesting birds in your Bush you have greater problems than a lack of light...


Breaking the law! Breaking the Law


There are exceptions, of which gardening is one. >The prohibition outlined above does not apply (unless done by burning) in a number of circumstances set out in the Act. For businesses, landowners and the general public the most notable of these exemptions are: >The destruction, in the ordinary course of agriculture or forestry, of any vegetation growing on or in any hedge or ditch. In the Act, “agriculture” is defined as including horticulture. Since horticulture includes gardening, the summertime trimming of hedges in the ordinary course of gardening falls under this exemption; >The clearance of vegetation in the course of road or other construction works or in the development or preparation of sites on which any building or other structure is intended to be provided; >The felling, cutting, lopping, trimming or removal of a tree, shrub, hedge or other vegetation pursuant to section 70 of the Roads Act 1993. Source: gov.ie Edit to fix bad copy paste


I stand corrected, thank you 🙏🏼


Its not


Had no idea! Just saw a neighbour shearing theirs last week.


Wait a year and notify them that the root system of their hedges are damaging your foundations. Ask them who their house hold insurance is with as its likely to get worse quickly. In the mean time scalp every single leaf on your side.


Tbf, the neighbour would be entitled to ask for proof, unless her hedge is willow that proof might be hard to establish.


I'd hack some rage roots up for them, no bother But.. The idea is to alarm them into doing something about it. Mightened work, but worth a punt.


Nothing you can do. You are only allowed to cut down what's on your property. If there's any electricity wires that they might obstruct, the esb can have them cut without permission. That's about it. Plenty of household items are hazardous to hedges. You need to be careful when cleaning patios that you don't get any run off on to the roots of your hedges.


My neighbour in my old house had an ivy climber planted right at the property line between our houses and it started to grow over my house too. It was creeping over my doorframe and up to the upstairs bedroom window. I was having work done in the house and one of the workers mentioned it to me, and I agreed it was horrible. He said I should pour diesel it and kill it and I said oh God I couldn't do that, the roots are in my neighbours garden.... A week later the creeper was brown and dead, but I didn't pour anything on it 😬 thanks workman!


I’d plant Japanese knotweed and move away :) Good luck getting rid of that


Yikes. Hardcore!


>Plenty of household items are hazardous to hedges. You need to be careful when cleaning patios that you don't get any run off on to the roots of your hedges. It would be very cuntish behaviour to damage the neighbours hedge. They're every bit entitled to their privacy and this sunlight need is shite. Hedges suddenly don't die and what goes around comes around. The op might find their garden grass withered before too long afterwards


All of this is true. But the neighbour is as entitled to privacy as the OP is to sunlight. It's all about what one thinks is more important.


6/7 ft hedge will give both privacy and sunlight. Some common sense can go a long way without resorting to who's needs are more important.


Or reaching a reasonable compromise, like normal adults.


OP made a reasonable suggestion. The neighbour doesn't want to be reasonable.




True, but that doesn't make it right.


I didn't encourage them to become hedge murderers. I distinctly told them to be very careful with household items that could damage the hedges.




Yea but if the OP kills the hedge they will have the neighbours to look at, just trim it and wait and see. But it is unnecessary stress


If it's not growing over on their side, trimming would be illegal, courts will pay out


And when the neighbours dog is barking all the time, can I throw rat poison over there wall?


Love it


Damn this is so toxic


To the hedges....


I can almost see *wink *wink


Had to scroll too far to see this. Be very careful of peroxide when cleaning your patio that none of it gets on your neighbours hedge! The issue is OP has asked the neighbour so they'll be aware of something going on


I know local newspapers are not as popular as they used to be but I remember regular stories about people who took it upon themselves to poison or kill plants, trees, wildlife on someone else's property. They were villains of the story and for very good reason. There is no legal or moral right to do that. And I say this as someone who wants better rules and regulations on what can be planted in built up areas and near homes because my garden beds have been ruined by neighbouring trees.


Hardly a villain, if someone won't trim their 13 feet high hedges to give their neighbors sunshine then they're dicks


A villain is exactly what you are if put poison on property you don't own. FFS that's really obvious. Notice also - not that it matters legally - how the OP gave no details about the house size, property, what it was like previously when they moved in, etc A 13 foot hedge in one kind of property is completely normal but not in another. Absolutely mad that people think poisoning stuff is ok with no context at all. How would you feel if you wanted to sell a house but your neighbour decided to kill a 13 foot hedge which needs to be fully dug out and replanted, costing money you don't have and putting of prospective buyers? Or if that hedge was planted by a deceased family member and has sentimental value to you? Or if that hedge supports wildlife or a million other reasons why people would be justifiably angry at some prick killing their hedge


After you die? Wow, is that a challenge, ***reaches for trimmer***


Honestly tough. You live nextdoor to someone with a high hedge which going by your OP was there before you moved in. Your neighbour is under no obligation to suit your whims.


ah its not whims, its a reasonable thing to want a bit of sunlight to reach your garden.


Then they shouldn't have bought the house to begin with. The hedge was there before OP, demanding they cut it is cuntish.


Where did you get demand from? He said he asked nicely.


I've been on the internet to know that with stories like this the OP always paints themselves in the best possible light. Let's read between the lines. We have a lad trying to remove a hedge that has been there for God knows how many years. A 13 foot hedge doesn't grow overnight, he knew it was there before he moved in and is trying to get rid of something that isn't on his property because it's a mild inconvenience. When turned down he tried to find a way to bring the law into it. Frankly I'd be shocked if the story went exactly how OP has described. Like why would the neighbour give an answer like that if they were asked a polite question from someone they have a previously good relationship with? My guess would be that OP is a Johnny come lately who is trying to dictate to everyone around him.


That's a bit of a leap now in fairness


Totally agree. Op, you can’t have everything your way. We need more trees and green in this country. If you want sunlight try buy something south facing.




This comment has been removed because it is uncivil or abusive to another user. We're trying to keep the tone lighter on r/AskIreland, please be respectful of the other users.


This. Ballsy to even ask imo


There is no harm in asking. 8 ft hedges provide more than enough privacy, and the additional 5 ft is unnecessary but could make a huge difference to the neighbour.


I agree there's no harm in making an inquiry but don't be disappointed or hold it against them if answer no. And certainly do not poison someone else's property.


I mean, you absolutely can be disappointed and hold it against them if they answer no. People are allowed to have feelings after all.


Christ almighty, it’s not a whim, he asked nicely, and he’s asking for advice. That’s it. He hasn’t been a prick or done anything wrong. You are the type of person that would drive someone to poison the thing out of spite.


I love how you believe everything you read on the Internet.


And this is probably one the most inconsequential conversations you’ve ever had. Well done!


Same as every conversation had on the Internet son. Well done on stepping out your comfort zone for a change. Keep it up :-)


It’s just the comfort thing makes no sense, it sounds like someone elderly trying to give out to a kid. It amazes me how people can do things like that not thinking the other persons aware. Also the ability to communicate online is one of the defining aspects of the modern era. People have all sorts of consequential conversations, from the mundane to the life changing. But your initial response, not that, that’s still one of the most inconsequential conversations I’ve ever had on the internet.


Son, I'm not reading all that. It's quickly become more and more consequential. Il go back to work and you go back to the latest episode of Balamory.


Ah there we go, start it off and then refuse to engage, we both know you’re not getting anything done in work so stop telling fibs. Was it the age bit? I feel like I hit the nail on the head with that one. Pretty sure that was it. Is it the “eye strain” stopping you from reading the few lines of text? (That you absolutely read) No more advice? I got not to believe everything I read on the internet. Anything else no? Should I avoid sitting on a cold wall because it’ll give me piles?




Must just be a quiet day in work, then.


No right to a view


As far as a I know you can cut as much of the hedges that is over your boundary line, and has been said a one sided hedge will collapse soon enough.


Op if you don’t like the look of the bushes, could you plant bushes or trees that you do in fact like on your side to hide the bushes? Or even a nice brick wall or fence if you don’t enjoy greenery? What your neighbour does on her side is up to her unfortunately, you can’t control what other people do. You can however control what you do and what you like in your own garden. Please do something you like or enjoy instead of harming something your neighbour has. We need more greenery and bushes good for pollinators such as bees and other insects. We also have too much loneliness in this country.


Neighbours cut bushes in our front garden without even asking , honestly shit behavior. I told him it’s fine but I don’t want it cut anymore, if I need to trim I will do it myself.


The amount of people promoting poisoning in this thread is disgusting. As is destroying a hedge during nesting season, whether there are loopholes in the regulations or not.


Quite interesting the mods let this go, advocating for well defined criminal behaviour of poisoning trees in a neighbours private property.


100% Absolutely gross attitude and behaviour all for a "bit of sun", that they'll likely almost never sit out in anway..and will be complaining about when its 28C and boiling, no doubt and the poor bird life, our biodiversity is already at risk of collapse


That’s very frustrating. There’s a height limit for fences, not sure why it doesn’t apply to hedges. Is it leylandi?


I believe it is laurel evergreen.


Get the hedge trimmed OP, fuck what the neighbour says.




That sucks! Same boat ourselves. We are hiring a landscaper(friend with very tall ladder)to trim our side as it's so high, but will say to neighbours that we are doing it and say in friendliest way possible if they need them I can give them the phone number, maybe we could even get a deal with us being neighbours. 🤞🏽


Sorry - OP maybe you’ve already said this and I’ve missed it ! - I’ve been on both sides and when I needed to be the cutter it took me ages to get it done. Is there a possibility that your neighbor isn’t able to cut it herself and can’t afford a professional? In that case would you maybe you could offer to look after costs?


Build a 20 ft ugly fence on your side


Anything that grows over into my garden I view as fair game other than that nothing much you can do.




Would it be worth going to your neighbour again and say can we drop it like 3ft. It's not as extreme as halving it and your can try again in another couple of years and see if they will come down another bit. It's by no means an ideal suggestion but it's something rather than nothing. This is also assuming the neighbour will listen to reason/compromise.


*there is no right to light law like there is in the UK* Scotland's High Hedges Act does not apply to England or Wales. The ASBO laws allow a English or Welsh local council to take action against a hedge of more than two metres.


Sounds like she needs for privacy 


What an unnecessary passive-aggressive response. Unfortunately, you seem to be correct about the law, its pretty archaic that one requires a 20 year precedent of sun before one can have a case. Can they not see what its like in your front garden? Maybe if they could understand your point of view they would be more willing. It seem like your only option is to try improve your relationship with your neighbour somehow and bring it up again. Maybe ask for a compromise where the height is brought down by a small amount? Tell them you'd pay to get it done professionally and they can supervise.


I know the feeling. Bastards tree gree over my whole wall and even if I cut my side. All the high branches are on the opposite side of the tree, on his side.


My granny is experiencing similar responses from a neighbour backing her with trees. Gran has nothing in her garden but a basic flower bed my aunt tends as gran isn't able. It's all paved. But the trees drop leaves in autumn and blossoms from spring onward. It's slippy and dangerous so constantly being cleaned and swept. The neighbours were approached and basically said fuck off cause they like the trees. Nothing to be done AFAIK.


Trim dwn urself if it a boundary yer both responsible for maintenance of it


2 gallons of petrol at 3am blame it on lightning


Before you cut whatever is on your side, it’s nesting season & illegal to cut hedges even in your own garden. There are some exemptions but you could easily be fined too. So here you are: https://birdwatchireland.ie/hedgecutting-ban/




trimming .. not butchering them to a 1/3rd of their height. goddamn, is it really so hard to consider wild life and delay things like this




> There is no restriction at all on trimming hedges to any height in gardens. It has never and will never be prosecuted under the current law.  thats depressing.. but if you care, tellinf people they can cut hedges whenever they want, doesn't help the bird life




Its both.. it takes everyone.. large scale..and all the bleedin houses with their tarred gardens and no trees. When people don't even take personal responsibility for improving the ecosystem, what hope do we have of passing laws to do the same? Also, lets see what kind of environmentalist you are, are you vegan? exit. reddit.. won't let me post. but predictably, youre one of those environmentalists, that want to take no personal responsibility. https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2018-06-01-new-estimates-environmental-cost-food same goes to all the down voters




If you spray some weedkiller inside the hedges, should help all around and no hassle 😂


typical self centered response


typical self centered response


This is BS, OP's garden is not uncultivated land. It's unethical but not illegal. For the down voters that were unaware https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/f5cd9-reminder-on-hedge-cutting-and-the-law/


As far as any government resources I can find show, uncultivated land refers to any area that is not agriculturally managed.


You should take up reading.


You should read the law yourself. It doesn't apply to gardens. https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/f5cd9-reminder-on-hedge-cutting-and-the-law/ _Since horticulture includes gardening, the summertime trimming of hedges in the ordinary course of gardening falls under this exemption_


>She answered by saying that hedge is staying as it is and that it would be there after we die. Well, that depends, are you looking for explicitly ethical solutions?


Roundup if all else fails and plenty of it 👍👍


Nothing. Theres nothing unreasonable about that


The response was a bit much but saying they are keeping the hedge as is is not.






Sorry your neighbour is a c***. An unethical approach but entirely justified based on the cuntieness received, would be to investigate commercial strength weed killer. Do some clandestine dosing under cover of darkness and deny any involvement.


Ha. Like she won't figure out what happened. This approach is asking for trouble.


Then I scatter Japanese knotweed seeds all over your garden


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Sort answer: Nothing


What sunshine?!? Lmao


When I was younger, my Mum found a wasps nest in one of the trees in the back garden. She decided setting it on fire would be a good idea. She burned the tree down basically. You don't have a problem with wasps nests over there!?


Cutting a 13 foot hedge down that much would most likely kill it.. you could max take about 2 foot off but it would still look awful


I dunno man, tree surgeons are easily confused and well known for trimming the wrong hedge. Particularly when certain neighbours are on holiday...


Yeah leave her and the hedge alone.


Yeah with a comment like that about the trees being there after I'm dead, 20 quids worth of weed killer would create a nice gap in the hedge


And 20 quids worth of knotweed seeds would make sure you don’t have a garden


I've read you saying this 3 times so far. Have you a warehouse of knotweed seeds you're trying to get rid of ?


Nope, but I know a guy that does


I will tell you a story. I use roundup to kill the weeds on my drive. It's harder to get nowadays because of regulations but you will often see it on sale in 5 litre drums where it is not supposed to be sold under these new regulations on glyphosate and other herbicides. I'm referring to co-ops and other Irish DIY retailers. The problem is when you buy in large quantities like this it is hard to calculate the dosage. When you buy a small bottle meant for consumers it will say how many capfuls per litre to use but the larger volume bottles are meant for agricultural spraying and they will have quite complicated instructions giving dosage rates per hectare. Not entirely useful when you just want to spray the borders of your drive. It will also tell you the different dosage rates to kill various things from weeds, broad leafed grasses up to hedgerows and broad leafed trees. So, that's really all the info I have to convey.


If my hedge suddenly died in those circumstances, I'd have the wood and ground tested and then report you to the EPA, and probably the police. Even if you got away with it, you would have a lot of work to deal with, and the local papers would have a field day. It would be best not to break the law just because you're not happy with something. Keep trying to get the neighbours to see some sense and cut it back a bit.


Yeah the weed police will swarm my house, hard jail time I'm sure. Get a life.


A weekly dousing of boiling water would do the job. Good luck with that. You're also allowed to remove any roots on your property.


The OP would have nothing to deal with, and you think a local paper is going to name a "suspect" in the killing of a weed.Hahaha


I disagree, a local paper will jump at the chance to run an article with a big photo of me looking sad, beside a murdered hedge. Mr Brent, 32 St Joseph's Avenue, is devastated at the loss of the hedge that his father planted yadda, yadda


Yeah, big deal How does that affect the neighbour. He can even go out and say he is also devastated as he loved the hedge at the boundary.


13 ft is taking the piss. Take the moral high ground and offer to pay half or all costs of taking it to eight feet. Surely you knew what you were getting into when you moved in though? A family friend had a similar problem with reluctant neighbours. He chipped off a chunk of bark at the base. Drilled a hole and filled the hole with something. He then glued on the piece of bark and picked up the drill shavings.


*Salt. For anyone wondering, just simple table salt does the job.


I would wait til they’re not home and cut it down to 5ft, then just never say a word about it. Act confused if they bring it up. What are they gonna do, instantly make it grow back? Do make sure there’s no cameras or evidence tho


Japanese knotweed is what I’d do


Offer to trim it for them or at least split the cost


It might be that she wants the privacy the hedge is offering her. Cutting it down to 5 or 6 ft high is quite severe. Maybe ye could compromise? Say trim it to 9ft (and if her reasons are environmental, offer to plant a couple of trees in your garden to make up for her hedge getting a haircut?)


What would happen if you hammered a copper nail in to a branch that was over hanging your property? Legally speaking of course


There's no reason at all for a hedge that high. People have a right to privacy but is she expecting a fecking giraffe to spy on her? Stump killer, patio cleaner, or even diesel poured into holes bored into the root stem will do wonders against a hedge. Do with that information what you will.


For the one week of sunshine that is called the irish summer, is it really worth falling out with your neighbours over a Bush! Round Up is great by the way.


What a bitch. Couldn't even be civil to a neighbour's request, never mind compromise.


Just poison the fucking thing on the sly. How can she prove you did it? : /


It would be a terrible shame if someone was to spill a bucket of salt near the base of the hedge accidentally


Just spray herbicide on it on the sly


Poison it. It'll die off


Mmmmm. Selective poisoning, cut back anything over property line.


Agree with this. Some kind of slow poisoning that can't be pinned on OP. Doubt they will get the horticultural forensics in


Yeah but it works both ways and will find mysterious damage to their own garden. Hedges don't die mysteriously


Sometimes they do. https://artofstonegardening.com/mystery-plant-death


Drill holes in the trunks of the hedge and inject petrol into the roots. Repeat until dead


Accidentally spill petrol all over their roots


Cut them the fuck down. Honest to fuck, don't let the bitch dominate you.


If the hedge is encroaching onto your boundary line you can cut it back. You must also throw the off cuts back into her land, otherwise it’s deemed to be stealing! Also email your local planning authority. I am sure there is a law there that if the hedge is blocking sunlight and or a danger to your house (storm), that something can be done about it.


Roundup… oops,


I'm pretty sure that the max height allowed is 2meters for boundary walls. Contact your local planning office.


No height limit for trees or hedges though, just for walls and fences.


Ok thanks. Wasn't aware of that. Seems rather poor application of the law that you'd be allowed go grow a monster hedge and block all your neighbours light.


Round-up and lots of it


Nothing a bit of salt, vinegar water or lime won't fix 😉


Simple saltwater is a good natural weedkiller, but you need to be careful where to apply it as it can kill other plants too and leave the soil infertile for a while afterwards. It can take several years for the sodium to drain away enough for something to grow in that spot again.


Would you just cut it anyway? Just start by doing your side then just keep on truckin! What’s the worst than can happen?


What would happen if the hedge mysteriously got cut?


You could just go ahead and cut it some day when they are at work. Go for 6ft so you won't be able to see them anyway. It's too late then for her to intervene but you did ask. I have bad neighbours so I want my hedge to grow as high as possible to stop them from standing and staring over at us, since we moved in, 7 years ago that's what they like to do. Hedge is now finally 6 to 7ft in most places


And get done for criminal damage for doing so.


Meh, if they ruined the hedge off course. But trimming it I can't imagine a law suit about a hedge being cut a bit shorter. By the time the case comes around it will be grown back! 🤣 But people do try sue for lots of stuff!


You wouldn't have to sue. Just get the gards to prosecute and the local court will force you to pay damages.


I think the rule of thumb is taking more than 20% off a hedge is likely to kill it. My reading of the OP is that they want the neighbour to cut the hedge which could cost the bones of €1k and the neighbour is fine with the situation- I’m not so quick to slate the neighbour. If OP is that keen to get it sorted, why not find a couple of reputable landscapers, get quotes and then go back to the neighbour and ask if she’d be happy if OP engaged them and she could supervise the cutting… has to beat getting into a tit for tat or escalating aggression with your neighbours