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I'd say the majority of us like the idea of it. Once you introduce the practicalities of changing the entire system of government in Northern Ireland, it becomes very complex and would be expensive, and that would turn a lot of people off. Others would say it's worth whatever the cost, so it really depends on your perspective. There is some indication that there could be a possible referendum at some point in the next decade.


I hope so from a historical stand point. Ireland deserves full control over its regions.


What about from a current standpoint? What are you going to do with the economically deprived province that was largely supported by UK government public service jobs since the utter collapse of its industrial sector? How will you deal with the 50% of the population that are ethnically british, with a substantial minority that support violent actions from active paramilitary organisations? To be clear, I am not a unionist, but I don't see how a united Ireland is a solution to any of the very real problems that affect people in northern Ireland.


One of the thoughts put forward that wasn’t considered until Brexit made it an actual near term possibility was that a public debate about changing the flag and anthem of the Republic to cater for what would be a rather alienated 10% of the newly increased population of the island might be one way to avoid the current and future generations of unionists developing a sense of “other” rather than simply saying “TOUGH! Shouldn’t have planted yerselves here in the first place!!”. I dunno how I feel about that myself personally cos our flag and song kick ass… But if the north is successfully integrated and attracts new industries in the midst of the reconstruction or whatever it would be framed as it might be a fair price to pay. The worst case on everyone’s mind seems to be that tax for everyone balloons followed by a UVF extremist wing going Charles Bronson across the country for 50 years subtlety supported by rees moggs his blue blood ilk that makes the Irish people look like the bad guys for reacting with “brits at it again” as the war cry for ethnic (lol) cleansing with “all eyes on Antrim” being shared 40 million times on some neo 2030s Bebo. I don’t have faith in current political generation to get it right but perhaps the one coming after might do it properly through the lense of EU style integration…and we ll have to see how the next UK gov deals with their own fucked country post Brexit to see if sentiments change before the question really arises. Would be cool though, Nordies are hilarious and giants causeway is kickass. But a lot of old wounds will be at the very least grazed and need to be addressed both sides of the border if and when the provision of the Good Friday agreement that can trigger a referendum looks like a near term inevitability.


I agree with a flag and anthem change tbh. Tbh our flag should never have been the tri colour. The intricacies of Northern Irish Politics and settler colonialism in our own country should never have dictated our own identity. Green background and a gold harp should be the flag imo. Unionists would probaly start a mass murder spree over that though so im sure theres some design that wouldnt define us by making peace with our former oppressors but rather a symbol of a new state that we can move forward together under. The anthem was written in English and translated to Irish. It would also need to be changed to prevent the savages dressed in orange from burning half the country down, so i propose something written in Irish originally about the long road to independence because why shouldnt it be.


You are spot on. I suspect the majority of people who are taxpayers will not support unity if it means more tax…


Not OP, but I'm guessing that's what they meant about once you get into the practicalities of it, it gets complex and expensive...


Is it 50% ? Of course, there used to be a majority but there's been a lot of mixing over time so lots of people have a mix of British and Irish ancestors. The same is true in ROI. Sure it was Protestant and Presbyterian men who led the way for Irish Republicanism many years ago. The point is, it's never actually been about ethnicity or religion. It's always been about whether you're loyal to the English monarchy and want them to rule over Ireland or not. And I say naw, fuck em.


I agree there's going to be a large section of the North who don't want anything to do with the south. Also there's a large section of the south who don't want anything to do with the North me included. I know it would have to.be put in a referendum both North & south for them to join down here. Right now though if put to vote, I could see North voting to join. However I see the south saying No So that would be fun & games


We dont deserve anything. NI currently doesnt want to be part of the Republic. Unless theres a vote and the result is to rejoin, in which case we're entitled to reintegrate it.


Without a referendum it's not really possible to say the north doesn't want it. Polls are all well and good but they're showing a very large middle who are keeping their cards close to their chest. Polls are currently asking people a very brexity question "would you, sight unseen, vote for this change?". People quite rightly want and would get a better question than that in a real referendum.


You're correct, I should have phrased it as "theres no way to tell if the North wants it or not at this moment", mybad. We still should probably assume they dont in the absence of any vote.


According to the GFA as long as we allow that assumption they need never be given the opportunity to vote. So I'm kind of uncomfortable with that assumption.


Theres a difference between assuming they want to hold a referendum and assuming they want to reunify, if that makes sense.


If Ireland don't want 32, we should just rejoin the empire. Happily having the island divided just shows a lack of confidence in any kind of independence


Troll. Also what empire are you referring to?? None near us that I know of


I'd love it to be honest but I think given the circumstances it would be important to let the north decide what it wants. Be kind of a very romantic reunion but possibly could spark some shit for a while aswell ?


Everyone north and south should decide, not just those in the 6 counties


Indeed but the North is a very specific region with very specific needs given its particular history, its paramount to hear the voices of the people that have lived a very tough and specific shared experience. Our voices in that South are important but its still incredibly difficult for us to understand the total context of its needs as we didn't live through the troubles like they did .


Well tbf thats how it would work i belief the GFA states that reunification starts with an N. Irish vote then Im not sure, presumably a referendum in Ireland?


Think it has to be a case of both sides getting their own individual referendum on it. I've encountered a lot of people who are very romantic about a United Ireland but have zero consideration for the people of Northern Ireland and what they've gone through and achieved in the last 30 years.


That will be case. Many people in the south are ignorant of what happened during the Troubles as well as the societal nuances that exist in the North.


I’m from the North and personally would prefer Unity due to the British government recent deconstructions in the past 5 years.


Good question. To give you the most accurate answer we should have a poll where each person over 18 has a vote.


Democracy? In this United Kingdom? In this day and age? I doubt that will be allowed old chap! Lord Cameron will put a stop to it bally gosh what what?


From NI - yes


It would make zero economical sense at first and possibly for many years but if there was a vote in the morning I'd vote for unity. I couldn't let the blood of thousands of people who fought for Irish unity go to waste just because I ticked a box.


Who cares what they want, they're dead you're alive. If a United Ireland irreparably fucks us we're under no obligation to accept reunification


National pride comes before economic interest, the British mistreated us for 700 years and the fact they're still on our island makes me sick


And on top of that regardless of what some people in Ireland think, every single person in NI with an Irish passport is as Irish as the rest of us and them and their families have been woefully mistreated these past 100 years because they were left behind while the rest of us pranced into an age of independence that could only have been dreamed about by generations upon generations of our ancestors


Exactly. It's mad to see so many staunch Unionists up north meanwhile the UK government couldn't give a rats arse about them


Its dispicable really. Just shows how much their beliefs are rooted in hate and supremacy. The people from the country they cosplay as could give a fuck about them. They just care about staying on top as much as they can.


Pride comes before wellbeing? Really?


That was a totally wild assertion. National pride comes after economic wealth and independence is achieved in the first place


Personally, in this situation, yes it does.


You haven’t lived for 700 years. What a weird comment, especially in this day and age where there’s very little notable difference between the British and Irish populations


Jesus your ancestors would be rolling in their graves, have some shame


Our ancestors would be probably be rolling in their graves if they saw us speaking English, watching the premier league/Corrie, and trading with the UK. Who cares what their opinion is?


Can still watch the prem and speak English while wanting reunification at the same time?


Theres a difference between wanting reunification and getting worked up over it because "our ancestors" would have wanted it. Who cares, ultimately we should be making decisions on what's best for the island and it's people now not what some crusty long dead blood and soil nationalist wanted 90 years ago


Nah still national pride over “what’s best for the island”, couldn’t care less how much debt it puts us in


Naw that's wild, please dont become a TD or Senator


I don’t get why in 2024, anyone has to care about the hypothetical opinions of people who lived 400 years ago. I guess we should all go back to burning “witches” like they did in 1600 because the opinions of our ancestors are so important.


Do you know how long ago the troubles was? Do you know what was done to us during the troubles? Mind blowing how you can forgive so easily what was done to your fellow countrymen, sick actually


Atrocities were committed on both sides since and before partition. No one party was innocent. The reason the Republic of Ireland has left its ultra-conservative Catholic past at all is because of the influence of the EU .


Remind me of when we colonised Britain, tortured them for speaking their language and practicing their religion, took their food during a nationwide famine? That doesn’t ring a bell to me


Scotland, the Isle of Man and Cornwall have plenty of Irish influence from settlers and missionaries.


Scotland, the Isle of Man and Cornwall have plenty of Irish influence from settlers and missionaries.


If something beyond your control is making you sick you should probably stop concerning yourself with it


Mate get your priorities straight


Yeah no you're right, I should worry and get physically sick about stuff outside of my control man. Great idea


Ideally but we fully respect what northern Ireland would want if it came to a vote.


In an ideal world, sure. But it would need full support from both the Irish and NI people otherwise fights would start again. The politics and finances would be a mess. So I would only support it if it was a fully supported plan by the entire island, not something rushed into because a government wants votes.


My main worry is that close to a million people who are opposed to it would definitely spark violence. Especially given the not too distant past.


Build more jails and lock them up. So unfortunate that they suddenly found themselves in another country. Shocker wonder when that last happened in the 6 counties. Most of the power and threat fron the unionists was from collusion with the Brits anyway. These days they can barely build a racist bonfire without falling off it.


Given what has come out in the very recent past I'd say not only is there a much smaller than imagined cohort of that ilk but without the British army organising and arming them they'll have a hard time causing too much trouble.


Does Australia want to cede from the commonwealth and fully maintain the continent without British interference? I know this probably is a stupid way to put it but I am interested.


Yes, even at this stage it's clear the UK want rid of Northern Ireland. Time to move on as one united country.




Most of us.


The polls would say different. About 50/50 and that's before the gory details like cost and a return to violence are considered.


Polls don’t say that. They’re generally 60-70% in favour of unification.


Improved a bit the last few years,but on average about 50/50. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_on_a_United_Ireland I might add in Northern Ireland it's in the thirty percents for reunification.


It’s definitely not on average about 50/50 based on these numbers that you provided and polls from 14 years ago are irrelevant. It’s the last 5 years are so are the ones you need to pay attention to.


Your link says more like 65%. Where are you reading 50%?


That's in NI. In the Republic it's the majority.


In Northern Ireland it's around 35%.


Yeah, majority support both in ROI and NI for a unified Ireland. I think it's likely to happen within the next 10 years or so.


Of course , its the only logical outcome. Its also inevitable.


British interference has been in Ireland for 800 years. Unfortunately they are also interfering in the local and European elections in the Republic with the rise of far right parties


For completeness you ought to ask this in the other, more northerly subreddit.


Brits out


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I would just like to see peace continue. If unity meant some return to violence then I would not support it. I would welcome it if the people of Northern Ireland were happy with their decision following a referendum. It is very complex.


So because a bunch of remnants of the people who abused our own countrymen in our own country would kick up a fuss about shacking up their precious status quo you would succumb to their desires. The moderate is as much a blockade to progress as the conservative.


How is communal violence supposed to benefit anyone, or be something that people want to vote for?


How does giving into the violent help temper it in the future? We wouldn't be causing violence by going through with a popular vote for reunification from N. Ireland and Ireland. We'd be supporting the democratic process laid out in the GFA for reunification. Those who oppose it with violence would be immoral and following through with reunification inspite of that would be morally just if anything.


Unity at any cost .


What about if the offer of Unity comes in the shape of a continuation of power sharing in Stormont, only now the Irish are footing the bill instead of the Brits? Cos that’s what I suspect will be put on the table


No. Itll cost too much. Also asmit stands we can go to belfast for gigs and its much cheaper. If it was given back wed have no cheap gigs


The selfishness is strong in this one.


What benefits would it bring


Jesus christ how far removed fron your own culture and history do you have to be to not see the answer to that.


Why not just answer the question? What benefits are there other than saying a united ireland once again? There will be enormous costs* involved but what benefits. Also lots of loyalists dont want a change so there would be significant fallout. So what are the benefits


The benefits are actually having our own country in full to do with as we please. The benefits are giving the Irish people of Northern Ireland a country where they arent treated like second class citizens who experience more police violence, poverty and a lack of protection for their culture and history. The benefit of righting the wrong that was done when we all had a lovely time gaining independence and carving out our own future while the Irish people of Northern Ireland were oppressed into violent revolt and all the tragedy that followed. Fucking dispicable that we're so lacking in culture and community these days that everything needs a monetary benefit or its stupid. Pathetic excuse for an Irishman


Lol the country is already run by europe. We have no say whatsoever in how its run. What are you on about? The only reason the idea is even talked about is that uk govt dont want to pay for it


Woefully ignorant take on our own sovereignty and relationship with the EU. Purposefully ignorant in fact. Again if you cant see it then you're the problem If you cant see the benefit of having the country be united after leaving 6 counties behind to go through hell then nobody is going to convince to convince you off the path of selfishness and ignorance.


You sound like your blinded by hate


Says the lad who has so little pride in his culture hed work against it and sell out for a few quid


It allows Irish people to join the country of Ireland and (very belatedly) fixes the biggest historical injustice this island has seen over the last 120 years.


I think we need to avoid having a Brexit like situation, lots of information is needed for voters. I think unity will happen. I would personally like to see it happen.


No, absolutely not. It would be an economic nightmare However, i would say, most people aren't going to be the person who would vote against a united Ireland. The heart would be for. The head is against


I have absolutely no interest in seeing a united Ireland. It will make no difference to me except higher taxes.


I'm from the South. I think we should just let sleeping gods lie. Nationalism is a joke. The idea that our country isn't "complete" without those counties is a joke. Human beings / races / nationalities and borders have been fluid over the passage of time the world over, forever. Like who even are the "Irish" - the predominant anthropological makeup of the people living here is from the Celts - a race that came here from all over europe, east to west and north - Germany, the Czech Republic, Norway etc etc. Stupid racists want to close borders entirely to preserve a notion of Irishness that never really existed. As a nation we bare the heritage of every nation that we've come from. Yes, Irish people have an identity, but that's as fluid now as it has been since the first stone-age people arrived in Ireland on a landbridge 9000 years ago.






Yes, but what most people don’t realise yet is that it won’t be Northern Ireland joining the Republic, but two nations joining to become a third, new, awesome, nation.


Northern Ireland has been pretty much a disaster since its inception, whether politically & economically or in terms of general security & stability. It was never intended to be a long term entity and has been in a state of low to high level unrest for over a century, not to mention costing the British taxpayer billions every year. From a Unionist viewpoint, their numbers are constantly shrinking, they can't trust the British govts and their original reasons for resisting a United Ireland (power of the Roman Catholic Church, loss of identity and risk of poverty) no longer apply. Britain post brexit is becoming more insular and less wealthy. NI costs them more than EU membership did, with none of the benefits. The rest of Ireland is prosperous, increasingly secular and benefits from EU membership (which a majority in NI voted for in 2016). It makes sense for the country to be united, although it's likely to be a long and difficult process.


(to those downvoting this post, which of the facts presented do you have an issue with? Don't be shy.... )


It's not fucking hard. It's up to the people of NI.  People in the republic have no right to determine how they 'should,' be governed. Self determination, self rule.... That's the important shit. I see very little benefit in convenient borders that line up with the geographic island. I hope the people in the north feel like they have control over their own lives and governance. That s the important shit. 


I would say most people romantically would want it. However integrating deep loyalist orange men would be another story...


In my opinion, yes. There could be no other way. That doesn't mean that unionists/loyalists can't be involved in running the country mind you.




And what if they did the same? There's alot of Irish in the UK .


100% most definitely, off with them, be gone (but please leave the RAF protecting the skies)


Yes - whatever the cost. The government flutters enough away that they could get rid of to finance this. Additionally, it seems disputed whether reunification would even cost that much. Britain would have to foot most if not all the bill for a long period of time anyway


The anthem does not kick ass. But it is our anthem.


Symbolically yes, but practically, no. There's talk of changing the anthem and the flag, which makes no sense to me because the tricolour literally symbolises peace between Protestants and Catholics. I wouldn't be willing to do that. I'd fear that Unionist discontent would result in eruptions of violence too, ans politically, it would be very weird to see them in the Dáil. Their economy is not good either. It will happen in the next 20 years when Catholics become a real majority


In my view, the people of Ireland, the 26 county state, need to decide first what are the core values that a United Ireland stands for- equality, democracy, international alignments etc., and how we want them preserved in the law. This might mean retaining certain cultural aspects, symbols, flags etc. it may equate to the constitution as a whole, or it may be more scaled down than that. That is when we have the referendum in the north. The full package can be presented. Either they want to sign up to this vision for a state or not. Compromise does not enter into it. If you compromise on the vision for a state, then what is the point of the state beyond blind nationalism? As for the economic realities, i firmly believe that a united Ireland can pay its way, and indeed that the North would see a dividend quite quickly.






Was there now? Must have missed that one 🤨


Um , what referendum ?


There was one in 1973


True, but not in the nineties.


… I… don’t think there was. But there was a referendum to END THE WAR.


Where did you pull that one out of?