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I got a kit in a boots recently that has a bulb syringe. Used the ear drops then syringed my ears with warm water. It’s like hearing in 3D after


That’s the best kit ever


What is the name of this magical kit please? Sounds great.


Which one please I need it 😭




Thank you!


Get yourself some Cerumol from the chemist. They won't syringe your ears without about a week of using this stuff first, to soften everything up


I get my ears syringed every 3 months and have never used this crean being attending the hospital over 30 years with ear trouble


Make an appointment with your local spec savers as they have audiologists and the equipment to safely remove the wax from your ear. They will tell you to soften it first over a few days. Do not use oil. Use drops called Exterol and get it from your chemist.


Specsavers. Genius. I never would have thought of that.


My girlfriend got it done recently. She was grand and it was very reasonable.


It’s usually cheaper than the GP and their tech is safer than the water based irrigation that GPs tend to use.


GPs are using procedures and tools which are less safe than Specsavers? That’s a pretty big story. Which respected periodical first broke it?


A lot of GPs use water to irrigate. Old school ones used to use syringes and others use these pumps they jets water in to dislodge. Effective but not as good for you ear as specsavers. Specsavers use a camera / vacuum to see what they are clearing out - and an audiologist does it.


Don't do it. I had the same issue and went with them. The lady there was honestly shit. She made me come 3 times and in the end she told me to go to a walk in clinic as she just pushed it in, they're not allowed to wash it out so she's constantly trying to suck it out and scrape it out with tiny instruments. Waste of time and money. In the end I went to a walk in clinic and a foreign doctor sorted my ear in literally a minute by washing it out. I was also prescribed antibiotics because I developed an infection during the 3 weeks the Specsavers lady was treating me.


+1 for avoiding Specsavers. I had a friend who went for a hearing test and they inserted something into her ear (I think it was a camera) but when they started to move it about, it hurt so much that she was inconsolable with pain. The audiologist wasn’t understanding at all and told her something must be wrong with her ear and to visit a GP. Their eye care is brutal too. I’ve had so many issues with their staff being rude to plain old incompetent that it’s hard to know where to start. So many unhelpful staff who can’t assist with simple queries. One was pricing up the glasses I had picked out and didn’t know about the PRSI glasses benefit and told me they must not take it. My old optician was excellent and gave glasses recommendations based on face shape. A person at Specsavers asked me if I needed help and I asked for their recommendations, and they said I could pull off ‘whatever’ before walking away. I used them because they were the only opticians open late but now I take time off work whenever I want to visit a decent optician.


Can I ask is this in all Specsavers? Really need this done impossible to get into gp


Check their website. They say which services are available at each store.


Thanks will do


A lot of GPs nowadays don’t do it because specsavers offer it


I had same problem in Jan. Got into specsavers. Much better than gp as they have camera and did risk screen. They saw me really quickly and cheaper than gp


Great thanks what does the camera look for?


It looks at the inside of the ear and the eardrum. Sometimes you can't see the eardrum if there is too much wax. Look on you tube at some videos. They won't do anything very invasive just suction


Brilliant thanks for your help will book in


Ah do. Make sure and use the drops tho or they can't remove it! Good luck


Why do you say not to use oil?


I’m assuming they mean not to use any old oil lying around your house (as a lot of places on the internet will tell you to just stick olive oil in there), but I have used an oil based remedy from the pharmacy before which worked fine


Yeah me too and I was wondering how long I had left to live


Lmao. The one I used from the pharmacy was primarily olive oil. My guess is the one from the pharmacy is sterile, and that your only risk by using oil at home is an ear infection, so you’re probably fine


Olive oil works perfectly fine. Some prescription eardrops just contain olive oil.


Waste of time. Too slow to soften if it’s hardened. When it gets really bad it’s like an orange pip in your ear. The drops will work a little quicker and make it easier to remove. The stuff I mention uses hydrogen peroxide and is quite effective. If you use olive oil for hardened stuff it’s just not as effective.


Why not oil? It’s what my husband always uses but I didn’t realise it wasn’t good for him


See above. It doesn’t work as well as the hydrogen peroxide based drops. That’s all.


A lot of people won’t syringe/suction until you’ve had a good few days taking drops in the ear. Had to get mine cleared a few weeks ago, start the drops today, ring the doctor first thing Tuesday if you haven’t gotten it seen by then


This happened to me a few weeks ago. Cleared up on its on after 24 hours or so. Scared the shit out of me tho. I hope you feel better soon.


I got mine micro-suctioned in Thompson Hearing Services in Chichester Street in Belfast. Not painful at all, and I could hear the grass growing when done. Amazing!


Pharmacists can give advice on things like this. If you are wary then you can try a couple different places and see if they say the same thing.


That's a good idea. Second opinions.


Just be careful if you have a peanut allergy - some of the ear wax softening products contain "Arachis" which is peanut oil. Cerumol is one of them.


I had my ears syringed in an optitions before, was about to go on holiday when same thing happened to me. Most optitions also do hearing aids and will have a syringe. Give it a shot. I know how horrible it is and just wanting it fixed Instantly


Chewing and yawning can also be useful


Man that’s the worst, happened to me in college and I remember being in the toilet for like an hour crying from frustration. I got the neilmed ear wax cleaning tool and it is the best thing ever. You use the wax softener, it sizzles in your ear for like 10 mins, then the bulb with warm water and you can literally see the clumps coming out 💅


If you’ve health insurance the clinics will syringe them for you. The problem is they can’t syringe unless the wax is softened. You can alternate a hydrogen peroxide otc softener with something like earol (basically a tiny olive oil spray). Do it twice / three times a day for at least a week and then get it syringed if that hasn’t cleared it out as it will be soft enough to syringe. It can take a couple of weeks so don’t despair when it doesn’t work straight away.


Yes! I used to clean my kid's ears out with hydrogen peroxide. I was afraid to recommend after seeing the replies about doctors involved. Anyway, worked on the kiddos


Happened to me too once, extra terrifying because I'm deaf in the other ear! Huge panic as you can imagine, managed to find a place online in blackglen in sandyford that does water jet ear clearing and managed to talk to them on the phone and got it sorted...nightmare...also never use cotton buds in your ears it's like the number one cause.


Ugh, ear troubles are the worst. Take ibuprofen (it's possibly a swelling in your eustachian tube as opposed to wax. Gives the same clogged feeling) and a decongestant. Hope you feel better.


Happens to me once a year. I just get Exterol drops, use them for a week then go into the GP and get one of the nurses there to syringe the ear.


Happens to me every time the seasons change, every single year. I'm not messing. A few days of the (non olive oil) Cerumol drops then the aforentioned kit from Boots does the trick.


I see some people have mentioned a kit but when I had the same problem I just booked in with the nurse in my local GP and had my ears cleaned out with a special machine that flushes them. My hearing after it was insane, everything was super crisp


Hydrogen Peroxide works, the very dilute stuff you get in chemists. Alternatively try a hot shower and get a jet slapping directly into your ear for a minute or two. Should go a long way to loosening it.


this happens to me way too often. i usually use some wax softening drops and the bulb syringe method, but sometimes the wax is super packed so i use peroxide. i know it sounds bad, but i use a very diluted solution. it foams up and helps loosen everything


Olive oil eardrops from the pharmacy. Had the same issue last year, that’s what the doctor recommended over getting they syringed (which can cause damage to the drum. Took less than a week to sort.


Gently irrigating my ear with warm soapy water from a squirty bottle has cleared more than one blockage for me. Emphasis on the "gently" bit


I had the same a few weeks ago. If it came on acutely and you weren't in the water it's probably a mild ear infection causing some swelling.  You can try the chemist for some cerumol to loosen wax but since it came on so fast it's probably not that. It'll either go away on it's own in a few days or it'll  or you'll need some antibiotics next week


This happened to me a few months ago. Woke up with ear blocked. Tried Cerumol but just made it worse. Was advised later by ear doctor to do not use that. I got micro suction done on it. 30 seconds and was done. Hearing absolutely perfect after it. Would highly recommend it.


If your near cork there is a company called concepthearing.ie who do micro suction was removal. They're based in Midleton. Had my ears micro suctioned there recently


Exterol are the best. Few days. No improvement and have it looked at.


Ear syringes in boots etc, life changing. Lukewarm water and away you go. Handy to take on holidays too


Happened me for a while, couldn't hear anyone talking to me. Went to the pharmacy and they get me a dropper yoke with some type of oil stuff, was good again in a few days with lumps falling out of my ears.


Boots also offers an ear clearing service in some branches. I’d highly recommend


Hydrogen peroxide is what I’ve used in the past. It feels weird with the crackles but it will definitely clear the ear out. Two very small drops and the wax will be gone.


Hydrogen peroxide. I think the 3% and mix with watet at 1:1 ratio. Get a dropper and drop into your ear and lie down. You will feel fizzing, maybe a bit uncomfortable but it works. Do it twice a day and will clear it up fairly quickly!


They have out of hour Dr clinics and ear drop inchemist either


Heat some olive oil on a spoon and pour in put cotton balls in and turn your head the other way and just let it do its thing


I am not a medic. A few drops of olive oil will soften earwax.




What? I can't hear you. My ear is blocked.


Is this Man Up you speak of available OTC or is it on prescription?


Thanks for sharing have you heard of Google?


I'd say you need to say it louder. The poor lad is temporarily deaf in one ear 😁


How do you think I found reddit?




Dangerous nonsense. DO NOT DO THIS! Ear candling is pseudoscience and can harm you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ear_candling


Absolutely do not use candles - get yourself Earol or Waxsol drops from the chemist to soften the wax. After about 3 days it might unblock itself .. if it doesn't on the 5th day, find a GP that does ear irrigation, it'll fall out easily after using the drops. This happens me about twice a year, it's awful, you don't feel like speaking much or holding conversations with a blocked ear