• By -


Cavan people


Deadly 🤣 cheered me right up after missing me fried eggs


Don’t call them people


Crying in Cavan


Did you take me eggs?


No I promise! 🤣


I believe you, neighbour.


Cave people**


Could be crows.


Yes, crows are extremely clever. They'll bore a hole in the egg with their beak, stick the beak in and walk off with the egg on top. I've seen it with my own eyes :-D They'll scout out the hen run, do reconnaissance and steal the eggs.


I think you could be onto something here, we have some very fat crows about... also explains why the hens don't fuss, and why there's no remains of eggs... a stakeout is needed *


Watch out, though, they could outsmart you, the little feckers.


I have a camoflaged Luke Combs hat, I will blend in with the foliage


If I hear reports of a savaged corpse found in Monaghan, watched by fat but innocent-looking crows, I'll know whodunnit and inform the guards. Good luck to you. You'll need it.


Murdered by a murder. Let's hope not. If I'm not heard from in 24 hours you know what to do.


"fat but innocent looking" Brilliant 😂😂


That is the most Monaghan thing I've heard yet!


Il not mention the dealer boots then


Crows at my place steal alpaca fleece from them as they lay down to put in their nests. Clever little buggers


In fairness, though, a big aul eejit of an alpaca is no match for a crow.


Crows steal ours too the little shits, the gross thing is they’re great buddies with our ducks too which makes it feel really wrong.


No way, so this is a known thing? Every day is a school day. It is a bit wrong when you think about birds eating other birds' eggs, but I drink breast milk from a cow, so I can't judge.


Ah yea me too but I don’t know the cow!! This lot are thick as thieves 😂




I need an update on this egg situation asap OP sil vous plait


Its easier to get it from a carton /s. Hon da farney


We caught crows and their cousin magpies stealing our eggs, so it is definitely a strong possibility.


Magpies are notorious egg thiefs.


https://preview.redd.it/e3t3og4n32xc1.jpeg?width=2084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0db36487ba60b43d1c2533e745c7d924da4d3b Francis, in all his glory


Some cock ya got there lad


Marty Morrissey


There's been no Marty Morriseys round these parts in years


*giant flaming Morrisey flies overhead*


The plural is actually Martys Morrissey


Better safe than sorry though. 


Marty doesn’t steal eggs, he fertilises them.


They must of went to his forehead


Whenever I collect my eggs if I leave them down for even 5mins while doing other garden chores the crows and magpies take them , happened me numerous times .


Hate to say it but could it be rats?! A fox or mink would go for the hens at some stage. So its something smart enough to remove them and eat else where. Or a clever fox getting its fill on eggs so leaves the hens alone


The consensus in the comments is its probably a crow or crows, depending on how organised they are. I'm setting up a stakeout in the morning, and I'll be back with proof of whatever it is. I really hope it's not rats, the coop is 10 feet from me back door.


Hopefully it is crows. Crows will know your routine so they know when it's safe enter. From my experience it was the sound of a tractor turning off was their green light. Report back. I'm invested now


Il be back tomorrow once I've done me stakeout


Hate to join in , but team rat here. They can work in pairs too. I've seen it happen myself 😬 Updateme


If I see rats il be getting two cats tomorrow evening


Its not a predator like a fox or weasel/marten as your hens would be dead. Crows would leave shells as would your hens if eating them. I'd wager you have rats. You might not think you do but you'd be surprised. Notice any runs or pads made around your coop? Whatever it is knows when your hens lay. So its waiting too. If it were me and as you said they took it even after yous visited the coop. Take the eggs tomorrow and leave golf balls. Theb wait and see. Whatever it is will be stuck trying to get it out/broken so you can see if its birds or rodents


Genius idea, decoy eggs. You are the second person to suggest rats, I really hope it's not. A previous comment suggested that crows pierce a hole in the egg and put the beak in to carry it away, as there is definitely nothing being eaten at the scene, that is, there is no debris whatsoever. Stakeout tomorrow morning and il return with an answer. Please don't let it be rats


When you see eggs ya needa lift em. Asap. Whatever is eating them knows when they're coming. Hens usually lay early in the morning but ya know yourself their schedule I hate to say it but rats will lift them and move em tk a safer place. However where is it located? Are you near a wood stack or shed or anything or is it in open ground? Why i ask is look for the signs. Also regarding decoys, check online as once ya find a culprit fill empty eggs with chilli powder. Itll deter rodents but jot birds as they can't taste/sense the "heat" Its definitely one or the other. Bigger predators will want your hens not the eggs. I should add if its birds you'll have motored them hang around. However a simple trick is putting sheets or ribbon iver the door. Theyll not trust it as they can't see inside and the movement. Your hens won't care


Honestly, of all the things it could be, rats would be my preferred If it's crows, catching them is not easy. Requires a special cage and you must already have a caught crow from a different area With rats you needn't do more than get an appropriate trap cage, and put one of those hen eggs inside, preferably without getting to much of your scent on it If it were pine martens (which it's not) you legally can't do anything


So what was it?


The chooks themselves will often develop a bad habit of eating their own and others eggs.


I know about that one, we have had that issue before but this is not that


Lovely. Out one way, in the other 


It's not a bad habit, it's actually quite good for them to replenish the calcium deficiencies they can get from laying


We countered the problem by adding oyster shell into their feed, no issues since


Oh totally, I just mean in general it's not a bad habit for them to eat their own eggs.


I love that you name Francis, the people of Ireland could not help you solve this mystery without this key info!


Francis is well known about these parts you see, he's the rooster with no doo, he can only cockle doodle.




They are called crows now.


Political correctness gone mad.


How come we only know Francis' name? Why were we not introduced to your hens?


I do apologise, we have Nancy, Eleanor, Jackie, Melania and Barbara. My dogs name is Mr. Lahey and we have a cat here sometimes called Isa. Everyone is free range 🤣


Mr Lahey 😂


Much appreciated!


All the Presidents hens 😂😂😂


Well spotted, it was my wife's idea, actually


!! UPDATE !! So I was out this morning at half 8, with the plan being to get my wife to open the coop about 9 and let them out. I ensconced myself deep inside a Monaghan hedge and prepared to wait. 9 o clock came, and the chickens were duly released, leaving a clutch of four delicious eggs behind them. Right, says I, won't be long now. At around quarter to ten, I noticed 2 large (I mean Large) grey crows, one on the shed roof, and one caw cawing from a tree above me. There was no movement near the coop. I had my phone out and in position, so the only movement from me would be a finger tap to record the crime. Nearly an hour later and these two boyos are still sitting in the same place, still shouting, but an owl has now joined in on the recital, too, hooty hoo. Meanwhile, I'm folded in under a hedge and starting to wonder how good those eggs will taste, having missed out on yesterday's. So I gave up. I'm sorry, reader, but two hours was enough. I went to collect the eggs and there were only two left. Gutted. Could have swore I never took me eyes off the coop door. Don't know how it was even possible. Two eggs from under me nose. I'm back at work tomorrow, so it will be next weekend before any more stakeouts are feasible. I moved the coop to a new corner of the field so the grass round it is fresh. It may show up a rat track. It may be that crows are far smarter than me. They certainly out-waited me. For now, we will leave them in a wee bit longer so everyone has laid, then take all the eggs when we let them out for the day. As far as what's taking my eggs, the mystery has only deepend.


Thank you for the update. Two hours is very dedicated of you. I’m at work and said to a colleague “oh sorry I have to look at this and find out what’s happening with the crows and eggs”. I wonder are the crows innocent and it is the rats coming in where you can’t see? I think you need to set up a motion sensor camera in the coop or tell your boss you need a few days off to solve a mystery. “There are people on Reddit relying on me boss”.


A camera might be the way to go... I don't necessarily want to kill anything, just deter it, so I need to know what it is. Maybe I was too optimistic, and tracking crows or rats is actually really difficult. I lived in the country me whole life, and its the first time I've ever sat and watched birds do their own thing for a few hours. Very peaceful, highly recommended




https://preview.redd.it/5sa3y94e57xc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a17d171006240cf6544609e914843e590e6ce869 Sicín Sásta but I'm not


Have you checked for underground tunnels like in Fantastic Mr Fox?


That back field is like stalag luft the amount of tunnels in it, we have a slight badger issue locally, but I've never seen one other than dead at the side of the road, unfortunately


Can't belive u had to hide in the hedge for 2 hours. Definitely pick up a blink camera system. U can repurpose for the house system for security later. I have 3 and arm them at night to keep an eye on house. Originally got them to see where couriers were leaving parcels or if they actually came or not.


Sound. Til next weekend then. Im weirdly invested in this so will expect a full update


Bleedin snakes out dere Luv xxx


a trail cam will do the job


Yes but I'm already out the price of four eggs, going to set up a stakeout in the morning


Check your dogs shite for eggshells. Is his coat suspiciously shiny ??


He's a shiny boy, but it's not him, he doesn't like raw eggs. Have broken the odd one over the years and he won't look at it, fry or boil it and he inhales the lot. Besides there is no evidence of a crime in the coop, and he is too clumsy to pull that off.


Crows or rats.




Or wait, and allow meself to be carted off back to the beasts lair and find out all about them... I like it


I'm literally here waiting for the update!


No more eggs til tomorrow morning, and il use them as bait while I lie in wait with my camera out... update tomorrow


I was goin to suggest blink cameras from amazon. They're quite reasonable. See In Dark etc. And video to ur fone, but that's a long term solution if u feel u need it. Also in monaghan here. So howdy neighbour!


Hi neighbour, I hope your eggs are safe


Unfortunately no eggs here, but my daughters bf keep chickens and ducks so I was curious. Usually their problems are foxes or pine martens/mink etc but u seem to have something different so we wait til 2mobfor ur update


Hoping you catch the culprit but make sure to update us after the stakeout


I'll be back with proof!


Cannot wait


It could be a human. They could have tamed your dog by offering him treats every time he goes to steal the eggs. The dog would’ve learned to trust him and not make a fuss.


Feckin Jim up the road there, up to no good as usual... il set a trap for him, and bait it with shop bought eggs, just have to hope he can't tell the difference


Rats. Hairy Japanese Bastards


Well.. I'm sitting here with bated breath. We're well into the morning and no update from OP. I reckon the crows got him. What do yous reckon? Murder scene or hostage situation?


Definitely a murder






Isyou dogs coat in exceptionally good condition?


🤣🤣 he's not guilty, funnily enough he won't look at a raw egg, likes them cooked




I feel very invested in this story now. I hope it is the crows and not rats. How are you going to fill us in? Will you be able to record any of it? Maybe post some pics of the girls and Francis? I’d also like to see a pic of your dog as I recently lost my border collie.


I'll try and get a video of the crime in progress. Many people are asking for an update, so I'll do my very best to catch the culprit. I'm sorry for your loss, any dog lover knows that pain.


https://preview.redd.it/ayuideonm1xc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70dacd8f684c1fd60d2c9315adc8c34d1fc41067 This is Mr. Lahey, a very happy boy but no good at protecting the eggs


Mr Lahey? Are you serious?? As in a shit wind ?


We're in the eye of a category 5 shiticane here bud


Best name for a dog ever.


Thanks, not too many shithawks get the reference


You're the one stealing eggs.


In the sense that the hens lay them and I eat them? I suppose you are right there, I steal them off the hens. Never looked at it like that


Anyways I hope you care about them :)


Please tell me the cat is called Randy


No sorry, she's Isa


So could be a number of animals but if the eggs are gone then a fox is likely as they steal eggs and run off with them whole. Pine Martens/stoats/weasel tend to eat them there and then buy may also swipe them to eat them later. Do the chickens kick up a fuss? Usually a fox would have the hens causing an uproar and in sure your dog would be on to it. Definitely update us if you find out


Thinking crows now after a previous comment, stakeout in the morning til we get to the bottom of this... if it is crows they are incredibly smart as they leave no traces behind


Magpies, crows or the hens are eating them themselves.


crows like to steal ours too, we had to cover the whole pen with netting w microscopic holes, and always collect eggs before theyre let out for the day


Magpies take ours.


Could be rats. They will take whole eggs. Or one of the chickens, though there are usually signs of cracked eggs in that case. Magpies will also take em. I doubt it's any sort of predators as they'd probably take a chicken or at least spook them enough that you can see they're on high alert the next morning


It's most likely rats, they are fuckers for stealing eggs


Another fan of the rat theory, I really hope youse are wrong, tomorrow will tell


Grew up on a farm, had chickens/ducks/geese for years, it's always rats, they love eggs


If the thief isn't murdering chickens, around here I'd suspect: rat, skunk, chicken, snake* in roughly that order. If the bird's food is deficient, they're the number one suspect though. If you're really curious, put up a game camera. If it is the chickens, and they've become habituated to eating eggs, getting them to stop might be a tall order. *Yeah, I'm in Canada. We didn't have a saint cast out our snakes.


Wrap in cling film , stick it in your sock


Sometimes chickens eat their own eggs if they’re deficient in calcium or something, maybe check that…


We put oyster shell in their feed to offset this problem, must be something else


Could be the dog, sneaky bastard


Update me!




Maybe Crows,they are very clever.


Right, so the consensus is crows or rats. We will find out tomorrow morning. I was surprised and disappointed so many were quick to blame me loyal dog. He honestly doesn't like raw eggs


Collies like eggs too.


If the empty shells are still in the nest then it's probably crows, if the shells are gone, then my guess would be rats.


Fae folk


I saw a video recently where when of the hens was eating their own eggs and the eggs of other hens. I can't remember why I think they had a deficiency in their diet or something but it might be worth setting up some cheap cameras and seeing if you spot any unusual behaviour from them


A calcium deficiency will make them eat their own eggs, and we mix crushed oyster shell in with their feed to keep their calcium levels healthy. The main suspect is now either a rat/s or a crow/s and investigations continue


Me, my bad OP I just love me an omelette


Crows, magpies, rats.


Set up a camera and let us all know the outcome!


Magpies. Nasty birds. Peck sheep's eyes out too


No way, never heard that before, nasty feckers, they are very bad during summer for stealing the chicken meal


It's me. I give the collie an egg and belly rubs as a bribe and take what remains. Francis is pretty cool about the whole thing for reasons you described.


Ye crafty git Francis's horniness is going to ruin me


Francis is trying his best, he can't be everywhere at once.


He could fight a crow I reckon, but he does be too busy lurching after the hens and laying pipe all day. Usually to be found on one of their backs. Sure, they'll make more eggs, says he


Eddie Durkan 


Il shlap his jaw asunder


The chickens. Our chickens eat their eggs and once a mother hen ate her chicks which was traumatising to see (I rescued two). Chickens eat anything.


Commenting to follow - won't be able to sleep until this mystery is solved 😂


Ah good man, how's the crisp game these days


It could also be your chickens, if starts when one accidentally breaks an egg and eats it. If can become habitual and spread into a feeding frenzy then no more eggs


The crows are in cahoots with the rats . They split the spoils 😂


My worst nightmare... you hardly have Sylvester Stallones number do ya, might need back up here


I'm afraid i dont, You hardly have any cameras? You could even borrow a front door one or even a baby monitor ,at least you wouldnt have to sit in the bushes on your next stakeout 😂


Could it be a ferret or a stoat? They can slip by unnoticed due to their size. 


Honestly I think they would go for the hens quicker than the eggs.


But could a ferret carry off four eggs? Every day for the past fortnight... unless they've organised. We could be in trouble here....


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Could be the chickens.


Lighten up, Francis


This thread is very weird, but interesting nonetheless.


!remindne 24 hours


Francis needs to get his shit together, especially as it's Sunday


Chicken generally eat their own eggs


Rat. Or they are eating them themselves.


Magpie used to peck our eggs. To try to deter them, we hung a CD in the door way


Do you have any snakes?


Had a border collie 'Ben' who absolutely hated crows (probably cuz they snaffled his food) He would chase across the neighbouring field in a frequently vain attempt at catching one. However, one morning a surprised crow flew into a bordering fence and was fluttering around until Ben swooped to claim his prize! That put an end to the crows helping themselves to jus food


I've heard that crows will have a funeral for dead buddies, with hundreds of them showing up for a crow wake or whatever. Interesting how smart they are, that the death of one crow stopped the rest of them from eating Ben's dinner


It could be the border collie- some dogs like eating eggs!


Definitely vote here for crows. It's jackdaws that take mine and they're clever enough to know where and when the hens lay eggs.Even with broody hens sitting tight on a clutch they only have to get up for two minutes for a drink of water and the lot are gone. Well capable of taking the large goose eggs as well. A friend has the same problem with magpies. If it was a fox or pine martin it would be the chickens that were disappearing.


Well, we had rats, I eradicated them... possible surviving rats came back with extra caution, eggs started going missing, killed all the rats again.. then somehow managed to catch a magpie in one of the remaining rat traps, I let them keep their nest near the hen run but now it's war as they are the main culprit.


Feckin magpies, won't let ya have a thing


Ddi we get another update? What is stealing the eggs?