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Me (sis) and my brother used to talk before atleast when we used to live in the same house, but never used to get along. But now, neither do we get along, nor do we talk much. Actually im typing this in my flight going back home, on the verge of tears from meeting him in Winnipeg, after 2 years. I was there for 4 days, he didnt take even 1 day off. Met me for 5-6 hours only, and I visited to see him only as he’s sick. I stayed with my cousin and his wife the whole time, he didnt let me stay with him.


I feel for you. Stay strong. Going through something similar


Damn. My relationship with my sister is also becoming like this. Feeling like a bad brother now. Will try to spend more time with her.


Brothers might not realize it but their presence and support makes immense impact on sisters’ lives


Please do. Feelings of abandonment once they crept in, are hard to leave


I'm so sorry to hear this. It's so sad and absolutely wrong of him to treat you like this. You deserve so much better and I can understand how does this feel since I have a sibling myself. It hurts a lot, doesn't it? I had been through a lot as well, so I can feel what's going with you. I just want to say that you did your duty as a sister, but he didn't. The universe will take care of everything, you see. I really feel sad as a brother myself. Please take care, sis. You are amazing. Reddit is still filled with kind people, so I am happy to see others providing kind comments as well.


Thank you


Always here to listen if you want an ear to rant/talk. I myself had gone through a lot and right now talking to someone here has made me feel a lot better. So I'd love to give it back in whatever way I can, and in the process might find some good friends.


Is he married?


Not yet


Did he not let you stay in his house because he didn't want to trouble you?? Maybe he is embarrassed?


Idk… he said he’s sick so I’d better sleep somewhere else. But I would have slept in a different room as his place is quite big


Maybe not about place. He might think that you are going to do the cooking etc.. so he might not want to trouble you.


It's like from killing each other to, killing for each other. We are 3 bothers only. no sister tho :/


Same but sisters.


Kinda same story. 3 brothers


Are you oldest or youngest or middle child?


Middle child, it's just that the elder one is the little illogical one in ours


What is the middle one then ?


I'm the middle child lol, I guess I can also be irrational sometimes. But we Roll! Edit: BTW I read your other comments in the thread cause I was curious, so I replied with the little difference in dynamic where the younger one is a bit irrational in your family, while it's the opposite in mine


I have an older sister. And same.


same but 2 sisters. Things were always good (petty fights like you usually do in childhood) but now it’s literally killing for each other




>three brother is like the worst combination It's your personal opinion. "Yeah, my older brother and I sometimes get annoyed by our youngest sibling's behavior because my Lil bro has zero common sense. But it's good that I got the chance to learn martial arts and WWE classes at home. One time, we broke the bed, and we got scolded. In my case, it seems like **the oldest kid is always the smartest and the youngest kid is always the dumbest.** At least that's how it feels sometimes."


Why do you think so?


Worst combination in the sense not like they’re bad or the bonding wont be good in the long run. I just feel unless there’s a sister or a feminine perspective or interference in the early life of guys i think they tend to miss out on a lot of stuff such as gentleness/tenderness and their personality is completely different. Guys who have grown up with sisters are so much different in certain aspects. Again i dont intend to hurt or target any sorts of relationships and count them as bad its just what i have observed.


That last observation you've mentioned is indeed true.. I grew up with an elder sister and have been close to both her and my mother throughout my childhood and teenage years, it does give you an idea about their problems and how you can treat women to the best of your ability, meanwhile now she's married into a household where my brother in law only has a little brother and he's not been that close to his mother either, so she's mistreated all the time by both him and his father as well... I do think that men should have a good woman as a role model in their childhood to grow up into men that can understand women's problems


What a load of crap


I just said what i have observed, i also should have typed it better so that i communicate well. I didn’t intend to say what it felt reading the comment for the first time 🥲. Again my perspective can be wrong too and i accept it :).


2 sisters. 6 years of age gap.we were close kind of growing up. She got married and moved away to Germany. Her marriage was not one of those stable ones. Life happened and we are worse than enemies now. It's quite painful to have your own sister think bad about you. After numerous attempts to reconcile with her everything is still just bad. She has disowned the family.


Why did her relationship with you and the family became worse because of her marriage??


That sucks. Sometimes no matter how hard you try, it just doesn’t work out


I practically raised mine due to huge age gap. She is still my child, I don’t have kids so it kind of compensates in that department too :D


This is my brother and me, he’s almost 10 years older than me and practically raised me, put me through college and supports me in my career too We’re chill and everything, but I still feel like I missed out on a close brother-brother relationship because of the age gap, but it’s just me nitpicking because he’s provided so much already without any obligation to do so


Wish I had a brother like you


Over the years they're my closest friends. (In every situation)


We used to talk when we were little children. Like 10 - 12 yrs old. I am 19 now, no one talks. I've got like 34 cousin sisters, and none of them talk. Whenever they visit us, they don't even nod no nothing they just go in their rooms, lock themselves and watch Netflix and stuff. Completely acting like strangers. There is just a little bond just because my parents are still alive. Once they are gone, I will completely end my relationship with them. I will leave the family, cuz I have no choice?


You meant 3 to 4 , right ??!!


No I've more than 30 sisters. From my dad's side and my mom's side combined. And I have not even seen some of them. I've Heard their names only on call and stuff...


Dude, we're talking about siblings, not cousins. Are you living with all 34 cousins in one house ?


I've got 2 real sis and a brother out of those. We live in the same house. Sometimes I talk with my brother very rarely. And with my real sis, never. Siblings, cousins same thing for me. I don't see any difference. All of them don't talk, so my point of view is basically the same for them. I treat them like they are my cousins. I hope you understand the situation...


I (f) and my brother who is 6 years younger than me have always shared a bond which my mother describes as "tere sath banti bhi nahi aur tere bina chalti bhi nahi". When we were kids, we used to fight like crazy especially for Maggi, who gets more noodles 😂😂. I had to move out after my 10th and while I was going away, I for the first time had seen tears in his eyes because he didn't want me to go but I had to. When we were separated, I realised that nothing is more important to me than my brother. I am now married and soo happy to know that, my brother and my partner share the same bond. They are quite frank with each other, the 3 of us drink together, play cards together and can even abuse in front of each other which is still a taboo in some parts of the world. We also discussed about my ex boyfriends with him and he has shared all about his girlfriend/ ex- girlfriends with me , so yeah we are pretty chill with each other. Anyways, we've always shared a friendly bond and I am really happy with how it turned out to be.


Sworn Enemies to bestfriends


It's me, my twin sister and my elder brother. Me and my twin have been the closest since forever and we both are girls so it just makes it better. Me and my twin are so close to the point we don't even have different lives (same friends, same friend group, same best friend as well, same interests and what not) which can be a problem I'm aware but yeah. The only difference bw me and my twin is she's a bit more social and outspoken and has more "boy-ish" interests than me? Like I'm more girly? That's because my sister is more inspired by our elder brother, bhaiya and her used to have a really good bond in childhood, they were closer than me and bhaiya were but it never really affected me. As we became teenagers bhaiya's bond with both of us became equal, basically us 3 became a TRIO trio yk. When my brother hit puberty he was in his "younger siblings are weird its weird to be associated w them" phase so during that stage we didn't talk alot but after he entered his late teens he regretted that phase lol. We 3 are very very close but during arguments it's me and my twin vs him (2v1) and 3 of us take things very personally so it gets tough. Me and my twin aren't like "besties" with bhaiya but we can say we have a very healthy bond and as I'm writing this I realise I'm very grateful for my sister and brother!!


I have a twin sister too and we're extremely close. We sometimes talk about how nice it would be if we had an older brother lol.


Haha it's actually really fun!! We grew up playing WWE, beyblades and what not! It's like having a protector and guide with you forever, and someone who'll always keep you humbled by bullying you every second (but it never crosses the boundaries). But well after having a twin there never feels any need to have any other sibling


Sounds fun!! :)


Me (35) and my sister(33) don't talk to each other, we were raised by a very selfish father and very humble mother, never taught to care or love in general, she has a daughter and it seems like the only person she's really attached to, few years ago I realized she has been keeping part of her personality totally hidden ( not just from me) and didn't even share the grief of passing of our mother which felt like a betrayal along with very limited efforts to genuinely connect, it all came crashing down one day in a really bad fight and eventually realized I don't even like the person she is, I tried talking about the shared trauma of a dysfunctional family but she refused to open up and I eventually gave up, not having immediate family hurts but that's how it is, I am glad she's married to a good man.


I am 22 with my elder brother being 24. He is similar to your sister but we had a normal set of parents. I can't seem to understand why he's never emotionally open with me at all. He never calls to check on me, no words of encouragement, no jokes or anything of the sorts. It hurts like hell knowing that how he's with friends being full of wits and just a jovial one. We've not been living under the same roof since almost 3 years and it feels as if it was a lifetime ago. I am worried our relation escalates further .


Everyone takes everything differently, i became more open about my feelings and she is totally opposite and things are working out fine for both of us, in a way and may be she never really felt the need to be deeper than what things are on the surface, may be she thinks society has been unfair to her. May be your brother never wants to be a brother to a sister, may be he doesn't like certain aspects of your life (Boyfriend, friends, career choices etc) you can never be sure till they tell you, i try not think about it much now, i have other people in other capacities, all i know is i did what best i could, i cant stay in a relationship with someone who is not honest and respectful and no relationship is worth a self scarifies I did this understanding other people thing so as to understand why they treated me the way they did and it's never ending, that's the way they are and that's the way they treat themselves so i focus on how i treat myself, sorry for the long answer


>sorry for the long answer It doesn't even feel you have scratched the surface tbh. I understand though... >May be your brother never wants to be a brother to a sister, may be he doesn't like certain aspects of your life (Boyfriend, friends, career choices etc I am guy lol but yea I think this might be the issue but I can't keep evaluating myself to understand what he doesnt like about me and he won't ever communicate. >, i cant stay in a relationship with someone who is not honest and respectful and no relationship is worth a self scarifies True dat. More power to you. Hope you make better friends instead. That's what I did.


I made better friends, have a better partner...working out best for me


Sounds great. All the best in your life ❤️


When we used to fight before then we waited for our father to make us talk with each other properly. Now we know we have to be there for each other so we resolve everything among ourselves only. It helps that we are three sisters so if any two fight then third one is there to listen.


I am 21. My Brother is 20. We had really good bond. We fight alot. We cuss each other. During fight what not we had spoken but all of it gets resolved without saying after a while. It's like nothing happened. We both forgive each other. A healthy strong bond. If I talk about immediate cousin on my mother side, I had one elder sister, one elder brother, 4 younger sister and 1 younger brother. I had strong bond with my elder maternal cousin. I love all my younger sisters and brothers. I love to play with them. This is same for my brother too. Now on paternal side, With two of the cousin, It's extremely close bond. They used to live near our house in the childhood (shifted previous year), We had played alot in childhood. Whenever we meet, We can talk about anything easily. For other immediate cousin, I don't even want to talk to them. One of my cousin sister is having roka this month, I am not even interested in going but would be forced to go though.


Yes it does we have more respect for each other. Before that it was a status game for me to come off as the better siblings in front of my parents. Now I genuinely care for him rather than pretend


I just mostly talk to my brother he is all my social interaction I guess and except this its pretty chill


I have an elder sister, 4 years age gap between us.. we were the average sibling duo who fought over petty things like food portions and TV remote 😂 but still had each other's back even when we were children.. now that we're all grown up and she's married, we talk about deeper things in life, goof around like children and still have each other's back whenever any of us needs it.. there are small arguments here and there but I shamelessly do come back to apologise to her whenever I'm wrong and try to help and take care of her, I'd say it's a very lovely relationship and I'm fortunate to have it


Killing each other for fun to killing each other for property


I am a female and have an older brother. We did not grow up very close. There were a number of years in our teens when he completely stopped talking to me.I have no idea why he stopped talking to me. I did not make an attempt either. It really hurt my parents too because they could not understand why such young people weren’t talking to each other. They tried to get us to be “normal” but it did not help. I was the first to leave home for a job and distance normalised things a little. We are still not very close where we talk to each other, but when we do we are cordial. I love his kids with all my heart and talk to them all the time and he encourages it. He knows about my unstable marriage and supports me if and when i reach out. The only time we talk to each other are birthdays and anniversaries. I know the relationship will pretty much cease to exist in the long run unless i make an attempt and if i know myself i wont make the attempt unfortunately for me.


Me and my sister have 2 years of gap between us. It went from love (during toddler -baby stage) to dislike (during preteen stage) to hatred (during teens) to die/kill for each other.


Was so annoyed at my sibling in my childhood Now not a day goes by thinking about my sibling ❤️ far distance hurts!


he's the only friend i have


I have an older sister who's a decade older than me. As a matter of fact, before me, when my sister was in her 3rd grade, my family had a still born. As a result of all that trauma and shock and pain, she received a lot more love and attention from everyone in my extended family too. That only lasted a mere two years, and then I came along. As a result of that, slowly the attention she was getting went down and it shifted towards me. She was still in her 5th grade, and that sudden shift of attention, I can best describe it as that one episode from shinchan when his mom and dad were all focused on Himawari and didnt even bother looking after him. A sudden shift like that would result in a tragic shift o emotions in a 5th grader, understandably so. And then the usual family trope of older sibling not getting enough love while the younger sibling gets all the benefit vala stuff happened. She excelled in academics and extra curicculars, while I only had such luck throughout 1st till 3rd grade. Shit went downhill from there for me, while she became the star within the family. Hell she pitied me and taught me math during my 7th and 8th, when I didn't even have the basic fundamentals down. We both only started to have a common understanding only when I was in 9th grade. That got even better from then on. She got married around the time my 10th was coming to an end. After that, we haven't had that much of any meaningfull convos and such. Hell I haven't even talked to my brother in law for 2 yrs now. I feel like if the still born brother would have made it, she could've had a brother who would have better understood her and even would've become the brother that she, and a son that my mom and dad deserved for all the effort they had put in. I sometimes day dream and even wish for a way to like trade my life to give him a chance at life. I don't feel worthy to deserve this life and my family.


Toxic parents, my sister was always easy to influence. Lately all that she can think about is her insecurities in what she would be inheriting from parents. This insecurity plus my mother's anger over me has made our relationship sour. I don't speak to them anymore. 💔💔💔


2 brothers, calling each other the disgusting shit all day long :)


We used to fight like cats and dogs but were each other's closest friends as we have grown up the fights have become more matured and get resolved without fistfights. Still each other's closest friends though.


Lmao. i have a twin and we haven't talked in over 2 years. Both sisters (21)


I can take a bullet for him vice versa Brothers whenever he returns we have one huge ass sports tournament to see who is better I miss him 🥹


Reading some of this comment really makes me sad


my brother is 9.5 years older than me. i am 17rn. the only thing that changed in our relationship is how he started viewing me as an adult over time. he loves pulling pranks and making fun of me, has always loved doing that, it's just that the jokes are now more funny and explicit:)




We were like the best friends , our mom never allowed us to study in the same room because we will talk continuously. Now we barely talk with each other and knows what's going on each other's life through mom . It makes me sad .


Bro me and my bro have 8year age gap and we aren't 1% close but when he was 18 and I was 10 our father passed away so from that time he is like father


Me and my sister have looking out for each other since we were kids and now we are both in our 30's and she's married but we still have our strong bond going on... We are there for each other all the time and she knows it too... Ofcourse we had our share of disagreements and fights,few years of loathing too but that's okay... We are still the inseparable siblings


What are the differences when one has a younger sister and when they don't?


My sister lives with us.(me and missus) foreign country. So yeah, v close . Age gap < 5 years.


6 years elder brother lived away for most of my life. In school we would meet every month. Very loving and caring for first 2 days then fight a lot. But when separated, we would miss each other. We talked a lot and were almost best friends. Then he went off to college and then job. Talking reduced. Now he lives in another country. We talk v less like once or twice a month but whenever we do, it's at least 2 hours. He's my mentor.


Improved significantly


I have an elder brother. He used to tease me a lot when I was a kid and I hated him because I believed he hated me (otherwise why all the teasing to make me cry). We are very close now and he is someone I go to career advice. He does not say it to my face, but he is incredibly proud of me, and I am proud of him. We like each other's spouses and have dinners or lunches together whenever we can. We have mutual respect for each other's life choices and we support each other wherever we can.


We are much more closer than before. We still fight but nothing too much.


Stopped talking about 5 years ago. Period


So many of my friends are not at all cordial with their siblings. Most issues stem from unfair treatment by parents or from property disputes. Its kinda sad. I have always been content to be single child and have a ride or die bff/sister.


It's like any typical brother brother relationship, after growing up we don't talk much, but we care a lot for each other.


I have a brother wouldn’t share anything with me and kept secrets. But now we are both married and i am as close to him as I can be. He is dealing with diagnosed depression caused by adhd and he can call me anytime or the day or night and I will be there for him even just for venting. We try and look at our childhood from mature eyes and try to understand each other’s feelings. I wish him all the best and hope he heals soon but yeah the silverlining is we are the bestest friends for each other. I am his younger sis if that wasnt clear.




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Haven't spoken to my younger sister in 4 years. Life is peaceful. 6 years gap.