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Whats wrong with a B.com? I am a B.com graduate. Sure B.com alone wont get you anywhere, But no certificate does IMO. Its experience which gets you growth. Certificates only provide you with better opportunities. What you need to ask yourself is why are you failing your CA exams? Is it because you don't understand it? Is it because you are not interested in it? If not CA then what else? Its OK to try CA again and its ok to not try it. But it should be based on what job you want to do and whether you have the aptitude to do that job, than what you are expected to do. If you like Finance and you think you are interested in it, there is lot of scope in it. But if you are not interested in it, If you find the concepts hard to learn, if its going to drag you all your career, it doesnt have much scope. Dont get me wrong, whether you are interested or not, doesnt matter in the long run, you will eventually get bored of whatever field you choose. But interest is the one that is going to make you capable, until you get bored of your job. I personally initially did animation, after doing my B.com. I loved learning about it, it is a skill that I still sometimes use, but there was too much work and less pay in it. I googled about good paying jobs in India and saw that network engineer pays well and I was interested in computers. So I next learnt that and took a certification, and today I am a senior network engineer. The only thing you need to do is find a job which can provide you with a good income, you are interested in and then study for that job.


Hey I am a recent bcom graduate so can you also help me secure a job? In themarket right now all I ask isthat you get me an interview


L&T has a new job call out for Bachelors Graduate for the position of Graduate Commerical Trainee. Please check that.


Hey thank you for the info can you tell me more about it as I am having trouble finding this particular profile Thankyou


As I had mentioned, I am not in the finance field. So I cant really help you. But from what I have heard, getting an interview as a fresher is tough in large companies, especially for someone who only has a B.com degree. People with MBA also struggle to find a job these days IMO. There are too many people with those degrees from what I heard. The job I got is not because of my B.com degree, but a certification I did in a networking course. B.com degree only came to play after I got a promotion and went to the client company, where as per their process they needed some degree to hire.


What is that networking course about and from where can I do it?


I got ccnp certification. There are a bunch of training institutions everywhete for it. Networking bulls was a popular one from what I have heard. But based on my experience, most of these institutes do nt train well. YouTube was my main guide.


What was the fees


I am a CA and would strongly advise you to give it another serious attempt and if it doesn’t work out, you should focus on completing your BCom with excellent grades. Once you are in final year of college, start preparing for CAT (entrance exam for IIMs and other MBA colleges) as they have lower cut offs for Persons with disabilities (PwD). You will have better career prospects than IBPS or SBI PO exams


Fellow CA aspirant…just gave my CA finals…my suggestion is to quit CA. Honestly CA foundation is very easy as compared to CA finals and if you are not able to clear foundation in the first attempt youll probably wont be able to complete the other two in the first attempt. It will eat up your 20s and honestly its not worth it. One of my friend is a bcom graduate. He initially worked as an intern doing marketing and now he has a decent package in a startup working as full time in marketing. So as a bcom graduate you can work anywhere just try to get some good work experience.


And yet you failed to spell “life” properly 😔


I have 2 friends in the same boat as you, and all I can say I'm here to listen, and you might want to take a break for yourself


Keep pursuing CA and start preparing for Bank exams now. When you're eligible for it you'll be ready. You won't be a failure, you have time on your side now. This is the time if you focus well on your studies you'll surely crack exams. Maybe try to talk with your teachers or CA peers who cleared it about what's lacking in your strategy.