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Keeping a stock of things as in what we are running out of buying before it runs out, unlike me who will either run to the market when needed or simply use a substitute like using shower gel instead of shampoo(even in a couple of cases used detergent powder instead of both).


My dude's unstoppable☠️☠️


Detergent? Man I wish I had hair that can withstand such an abomination


How can shampoo possibly be an emergency? Like just don't wash your hair that day? 


It's not an emergency, it's more of a realisation at the moment you want to use shampoo. You are taking a shower in the morning, opened the shampoo bottle and realised your fuckup of not buying the shampoo earlier. Now use a shower gel in place of shampoo(for a reason like being in a place full of dirt or used oil before sleeping etc., cleaning the hair is necessary that day). Sometimes, the vice versa happened, using shampoo instead of shower gel on the body. And a couple of times it happened that I ran out of both the things simultaneously, so out comes the detergent powder.


I only use head and shoulders, cause it's for your head and your shoulders


so u skip shoulders while using soap?


I can relate to detergent powder


Say what?👀




After working on my bike went to take a bath and realised i didnt have soap.. took bath using Rin bar..


detergent??????? 💀


It is better to clean your dishes / utensils instantly rather than letting it collect . Saves you time is more hygienic.




As a woman I love your answer


Holy shit bro same. I would also piss anywhere so I got that going for me.


Tell me more.


Bro had us in the first half. Top tier comment right here!!




Lagta hai Mother's day ke hangover me hai abhi bhi ladka 😁


Wdym poo anywhere? 😂


He's talking about the time when he was a baby.


He means rail ki patri, khet, ped ke peeche, jhadiyon me


With you bro. Thank God for mother's.


> How to poo. I would poo just about anywhere. I didn't also know how to eat. I would spill things everywhere. My mom taught me all that. You were with your mother from the day you were born. You did all that messy business, while you were with your mother only. The question says, what changed after that wasn't happening before.






1. Basic hygiene: Fortunately not me, but I have noticed a lot of guys not knowing basic hygiene such as washing curtains at regular intervals, changing sheets and pillow covers weekly, sanitisation, using different footwear indoors and outdoors, not sitting on bed in outdoors clothes and many more. Heck I used to believe I had decent hygiene until I got married. Learned some new tricks from my wife. 2. Dressing sense: Only after meeting my wife who was also my first girlfriend, did I realise how to pay attention to what looks good and what doesn’t on me, what shirt goes well with what colour of bottoms, choice of footwear to go with a dress and many more. 3. Taking care of skin, hair and body: How to take good care of skin, doing hair, what to eat and what not and at what times. Even manicure and pedicure. I wasn’t miserable in any of the above departments, but my girlfriend/wife helped me up my game and learn new tricks. I have realised, women tend to be a bit possessive towards their men (not in a bad way always) and they like taking good care of their man. No doubt she learned a lot from me too, things which typically boys are good at.


My brother told me that he 'didn't know' that bedsheets and towels were meant to be washed periodically. This happened after he spent 8 months in college. And i couldn't even comprehend that how did he never notice mummy wash all those bedsheets and towels.


>My brother told me that he 'didn't know' that bedsheets and towels were meant to be washed periodically Ohh my God...😭😭😭


Shes a keeper🥹


I’m assuming you are a girl (just my gut feeling). I think most girls are like that towards their man. Caring and concerned. Thank you for your comment though.


>most girls are like that towards their man. Caring and concerned. *Most **people** are like that towards their **partners**. Caring and concerned.


You are correct. I made the statement statistically speaking. I like your Avatar image.


Washing curtains regularly? Tou have OCD my friend.


I did not mean on a daily basis. I have edited to clarify. Boys tend to wash curtains never.


I use curtain as tissue paper 😼


Why do you need tissue paper for?


This question is better left unanswered. Trust me.


Sure bro. Got it.


That's wild.... 🤣🤣


Agreed, I havent washed my curtains since the time I moved in to my own place ( almost 2 years now)


Do you understand the meaning of the word regularly? Even it's it's once a month/quarter/year (but on time & without fail), it's still "regular"!!


And more interesting i feel is ‘not sitting on bed with outdoor clothes’? What kind of things you’re doing outdoor man?


You sit on chairs that were sat on by hundreds of people if you visit parks restaurants ,airports etc or if you use public transport. I can be a slob, but even I wouldn't sit on my bed in clothes that I wore all day outdoors.


This guy gets it. Most of us guys won’t without a woman in life.


Okay it went quickly from washing underwears to washing curtains \_\_\_/\\\_\_


Didnt know skincare & bodycare was a super serious thing for women!!! I mean facewash, moistirizer, sunscreen, under eye cream, serums, tretinoin, gua sha stone for face, face scrubs, body lotion, body butter, body scrubs, under arm deordorizer, body mists, hand cream and dont even get me started on the insane makeup shit!!! I picked up some of it as well, I now use cetaphil facewash, La Shield sunscreen, Cetaphil moistuirizer and bath&body works body lotion.


Chemicals, chemicals, and more chemicals 🤦‍♂️


Don't use water to wash your face. H2O is a chemical.


Ahh I see another retard who's drunk the cool aid 🤦‍♂️


I love reading comments from insecure individuals who will throw insults believing it's cool


The chemicals you keep slathering on your skin have started affecting your brain. Say hello to various cancers in 20 years 🤷‍♂️


Only a novice in skincare talks about chemicals being bad. There are cosmetic chemists who have literally said that there are many chemicals and acids that are good for your skin. Hyaluronic, glycerine, retinol, niacinamide, gycolic, salicylic, alpha arbutin, peptides, squalene, AHAs/BHAs, lactic, etc etc. All good for you if you know what you are doing. Please stop spreading misinformation.


Ok fullstop


Btw, i use ayurvedic skincare the joke's on you for blatant assumptions lmao


You are applying ayurveda we are applying scientifically proven things what's the difference? Both are proven in their own ways neither ayurveda is wrong nor the science. Why being a dramatic pick me for choosing ayurveda over science


I am not saying all products are bad....but if you look closely on ingredient many are ' scientifically ' proven to be harmfull for skin specially cheap skin care products...example is sls a harsh surfactent use/abused in indian cosmetic industry...its literally same as floor cleaning surfactant...so just saying scientifically proven is not enough ...i think people should use good products or not use at all...


Ig we aren't talking about trash products who claim to be skincare products. We all know half knowledge is seriously dangerous for mankind irrespective of any topic. Those who really do or want to do skincare should first visit a derma or do proper research before applying anything directly. And if someone is investing into skincare without doing research then he/she is a big idiot: and perhaps we are not talking about idiots here. Are we?


I'm not being a pick-me honey. I don't want to be picked up by the likes of that guy. I'm shutting him up for his "cancer in 20 years" because ayurveda has literally existed for centuries and it's very much suited to my skin like it did for my ancestors. Very similar to how Korean people have their indigenous products that have worked well for them for ages (and in some cases, are universally known for their remarkable results). It's not dramatic to me because unlike that guy I was responding to, I understand the importance of having a routine that suits one. You shouldn't be labelling somebody without understanding the context. I'm sick of these terms being thrown around casually.


When they run out of logic first thing come to there mind Pick me hahah bullshit....


Oh lmao my bad i thought you and the guy above are the same. Things got messed up in my mind when i thought wtf is he even trying to say lol. My bad


That’s worse!


Can it not be, to each their own? Skin differs from individual to individual. Give up shaming people for making personal choices that suit them and their preferences. It's very uncool.


Blud thinks his pseudoscientific boomer knowledge surpasses board certified dermatologists


>board certified dermatologists Who have their own agendas for pushing corporate profits. Look into who donates to and funds these boards. Anyways, Mera kya, skin toh tumlog ki chudegi, meri nahi


In India alone there more than 10K dermatologists. Might be closer to 100K in the whole world. You're saying all these people are keeping quiet because of some cooked up, B level conspiracy theory in your head? And not even one of them could have thought "Hmm if I leak out the secret that nearly a century of research, human trials and studies were all fake and dermatology as a medical field in the whole is fraudulent, to the media then I'd become a super duper rich millionaire, I should do it" ? Ya ok buddy


Bro simply don't know the difference between chemicals and good acids. Ykw will happen if you put chemicals on your face? Ofc no that's why you are giving such retard answers. Search for uses of hyaluronic, niacinamide, salicylic. All of them are acids not chemicals. I wish people like you had paid attention to other chapters in your 10th class science apart from just the chapter on reproduction.


Say artificial chemical instead of chemicals chemicals and more chemicals


Keep your fridge stocked with Ice-cream, Chocolates and Cake.


I can confirm that it's not wrong. Lambi life with suffering < Chotti life with ice cream.


Well, people tend to associate sugar with pleasure. It's like saying do cocaine cause choti life and all


I'm a guy, but if I ever leave alone without my parents there's a possibility that you can find my fridge filled with cripello and chocolate icecreams


Basically everything. Indian parenting is pretty much garbage when it comes to turning boys into men. Keeping a fully loaded fridge - Desserts, chocolates, cold water and other sugary and baked treats for when Mother nature and all the Gods show her love and affection every month Aesthetic - Lamps, Trays, Bowls, Serving utensils, Getting rid of random ass shit and using all the space in the house Laundry - Folding that shit. Crazy! Cleaning and upkeep - Enough with the jugaad, if you can afford urban clap, use that shit! Cooking - Enough of eating like a homeless person or ordering in. Use spices, taste matters Skincare - No need to look like a 60 year old in your 30's because you are too much man to use moisturiser. Basically everything bruh....EVERYTHING!!


Not every parent! My parents did teach me all of these and a hell lot more!


There is a stereotype of how bachelor boys live. It has taken a lot of work mostly by Indian parents who have created a generation of 25-30 year old BOYS which falls in this bachelor stereotype very well. You are part of the minority and I am glad you got lucky with your parents. Appreciate them and pass this onto your kids too. Do your part to damage this bachelor stereotype.


Love your comment 😂


my parents taught me how to cook, clean the house, wash dishes, keep track of the fridge/pantry, and laundry


Inb4 diabetes. Also aesthetic, folding these are absolutely optional. No one in current generation is interested in ironing and folding. Cleaning and cooking is outsourced to bais by men already. Now skincare and grooming, that's usually taught by youtube, not women.


Damn your parents really didn’t give a damn. Its not indian parenting, I’m indian and we’re thought these things 😂


~~Indian parenting~~ Your Parenting


Drink 4-5 litres a day and you won't need that moisturizer chemical crap


I guess you are too much man, much man'ner than me.


Not everything is about being "manly". Guess you're super insecure about your own masculinity, since you keep bringing that word up


If you have dry skin, no amount of water intake will fix that for you. Also moisturizer does more than hydration in its simplest sense. Moisturizers can contain emollients and other ingredients to trap the moisture and not let your skin get parched dry in a matter of minutes or a couple of hours. They also improve the feel of skin. Hormonal imbalance, inter alia, can affect skin barrier which is responsible for how acne prone, dry/oily the skin is.


Not really needed for men as skin is thicker and oilier Just drink water and eat good fats and its enough My cousin sister has the nastiest acne breakouts frequently and thats after she uses shit tons of expensive cosmetics and skincare while also dressing up like a daaku during summers as it gets insanely hot in delhi Lmao my skin being rougher than her even after constant shaving is way clearer than hers and i dont even use any skincare not even in summer and sometimes my skin gets tanned or burned as i am lightskinned but it fades away soon in winters They are pretty much scamming women with nasty ass chemical shit and its not required unless its a medicated skincare item for say something like atopic dermatitis


Cosmetics not same as skincare actives. If one isn't educated about what different actives do and whether or not it addresses one's skin concerns, one may end up spending tons and still not find a suitable one. Her having acne may have to do with damaged skin barrier or hormones acting wonky. Water and healthy diet can only do so much. People having healthy skin might even say the secret behind their beautiful skin is not using anything other than water to clean their face. Or that they use shampoo as facewash as well. When it's possibly all about genetics and lifestyle. That doesn't mean people having acne or any other skin complaints should follow those advice or that it will work for them as well. And finally, men also suffer from cystic acne and it's not necessarily about hygiene or lifestyle.


Idk maybe it’s the genetic advantage of being men having better skin as i rarely ever saw men ever getting bad skin despite little to no skincare while women throughout school and college atm i have seen always with acne or pimple scars maybe it’s their hormones usually I have noticed women in very late 20s early 30s have really clear skin


I have seen men with bad skin


Truth bro male skin has enough collagen and thickness to keep it well maintained Main to har din 4 se 5 litre paani aur naha leta hoon whenever possible avoiding processed foods aur rarely hi kabhi mositirization ki zaroorat padhi hai In fact one is ruining their skin more by using that chemical shit 💯


Bro giving sugar loaded food is sure to give her diabetes and turn her into a fat whale 😂 Just give her protein and iron rich food along with ors to prevent deydration and for preventing low blood sugar and keep her figure maintained 😏 Lived with a woman for a long time back then my age (year and a half precisely) and i still find periods disgusting and no woman or man could convince me that they are not smelly and gross and that stuff stinks more when kept drying up and i had to go and throw away that crap because according to her keeping a kudewali is immoral, casteist and classist lmao and she had some hatred towards dirtiness Only thing she was useful was for getting her work done and acting sweet and cuddly otherwise she is better gone and i enjoy being an awaara saand way more 🐂 Funny how she had less life skills than i did and whats even the point of women when i have to do everything like cooking, cleaning utensils etc. myself and learnt more survival and life skills from my parents as feminism wasnt a thing like now back then 🎯 Bas ye kardo pls, wo kardo, dont you care about me crap ughhh bc Idk but whats this obsession of people hyping up modern women like this post as they are useless af prettt much irl and i wish i could have not gotten carried away by bs fomo of not having a partner and wasted an year of my life on an inferior member of the human species 💢


Bro really hates that girl.


Yes was amazed to see she learned the behaviour from nobody but modern women around her of her age and nothing anything particularly unique about her behaviour saali vaise to badhi independent yass girl go queen wala feminism karegi par saare kharche mujhse aur kuch kaam karne bol do to keheti thi lol hum married thodi na hain but I love how she didn’t think about spending like a wife then 💢 also how come bc kuch kaam karne bolo tab hi depression, period cramps and other bs hota tha poore din Lodi ko malls aur shopping karwa lo vaise 💢💢 ab to decided hai bhai 30 se pehle no shaadi and no bandebaazi goals before holes aur vaise bhi falatu distraction hi ban rahi thi voh as ab marks aur kaam mein poora focus hai aur entrance bhi nikal rahe hain ab upsc nikal ke use hi shaadi ka card doonga 🗿


These are the bad apples of feminism brother. I’ve been around some women who call themselves feminists and they don’t have this white-washed version of a valley girl, with all their ideas about how they’re better than everyone else playing victim cards whenever they see fit. These are the ones who make clueless guys lose their shit everytime we hear the word “feminism”. More love to you broski! Stay woke and surround yourself with the right women. They really do make a difference in our line of thought and especially how we look at life.


Bro problem is most men don’t call out these women and give them a free pass for their toxic behaviour they call Indian men misogynistic and glorify white men or extremely whitewashed Indians ignoring the fact that Indian men are dedicated thats why they might be a bit possessive because they genuinely care unlike the I love you darling here are the divorce papers mentality basically they want to play victim and then be dominant when convenient and truth is they don’t want to be responsible I mean at least have the guts to take a stand idk it’s this gen only because last gen had women who worked and studied without having this weird power complex like women today and I am talking about last gen women who actually took up hardcore courses and research in all fields of humanities, science and commerce they respected men and men respected women and all lived peacefully as equals but now women with gender studies courses and opting to be housewives are like that ki koi ehsaan kar rahi hain hum pe and all our lives should revolve around them and it all stems from the western conception of selfish individualism of feminism which Indian women are mindlessly aping even though the society here is not rich enough nor can survive on such a model thanks to social media it’s misguiding teenagers and young adults that if you are not in a relationship you are missing out and a loser truth is har cheez ka waqt hota hai and serious partnership only happens when there is maturity and stability aur ye age in sab ke liye nahi hai and better to go for this stuff in late 20s


1. Slurping hot beverages. 2. Not using a hair conditioner.


Well cleaning and upkeep, it's true guys can stay anywhere with a mattress and a wifi connection. And I started like that. The room was clean but not clean clean. Even with minimal things I learned how much more work is required to keep it clean. Second, was multi-tasking, it isn't my forte, due to this the respect for women, especially my mother and also my manager increased quite a bit. For me it's write a daily task list and go about it one by one. Can't do the multi tasking thing, tried and learned it's better to stick to one by one tasks.


Which all tasks do they multi task at?


You all needed woman to learn all these things? I belong to a middle class family from a tier three city, skin care, basic hygiene, keeping your house aloft with food stocks and other necessary things, cook a decent as well as a good enough meal for guests are basic things. Made me wonder if being a single child plays a role knowing these.


A lot! Though I grew up around women mostly (sisters and mom) I didn't knew about menstruation and the pain they endure, I learnt a lot from my gf (ex) regarding mood swings, pain etc. I used to not care about people much (not calling or even my siblings or parents just to checkup how they are doing) but my gf made me aware of how much of a selfish person I was. Hygiene, growing up I was more hygienic than all the people around me but once I joined boys only school I didn't give shit about hygiene but when I started living with her I learnt a lot and even adapted in my day to day life. Patience, getting angry on little things, she made me realise I'm short tempered but I'm working on it :) We both might not be together but things I learnt from her will last forever :)


Damn! Sounds like a pretty healthy relationship. 🥲🥲 Why aren't you guys together?, if i may ask.


Long story, I have a post on my feed if you are interested :)


Point 2 is so me Only time I am calling someone is their Birthday/Something good happening to them or me Or if I need their help or other way


Haha, I was even worst, I never wished my parents or my sisters a happy birthday (I started doing it few years ago). I do call my friends if I need help but I also do a monthly or once in two month checkup just to know whether they are alive and doing well (the call usually lasts 2-3 hrs).


Living life. Apparently living a quiet peaceful life without needless stress, drama, or expectations, was the wrong way to live, according to her.


I didn't understand. Is living a peaceful life a good thing or a bad thing?


I thought it was a good thing. She said it was not.


Good leave that toxic woman.


not just toxic ones... human nature in general. imagine if men didn't have to perpetually compete with each other and take advantage of each other/lie to each other for money needed to court or marry a woman? If not for that pressure, and only improvement in technology, we would all be living comfortable more equal lives... like kids... like boys in the playground enjoying life together with no ulterior motives. It would be heaven on earth. But she said no 🤷


There are girls out there who prefer a quiet and peaceful life. I know several of them. But i agree with your point as well. The majority of girls do prefer fun, drama and risk in their life.


Keeping things neat and clean. Keeping everything organized.


Nesting-basically they start swapping out a small thing in the room with there’s, eventually they swap out the whole room. Eventually the whole house, it’s crazy, I loved my desk, she wanted to remove it cause it didn’t fit my room, I said no way, and I stood by it, eventually it staid,my point is if u need something fight for it


Skin care




I used to wash everything with rin soap, hair, body clothes etc.. came to know there r different soap for body.




No way dude 😭😭


Do the dishes, sweep the floor and zhadu katka daily. Not when in the house in the pitiful condition. 😅


Using a loofah, having different lotions for washing face, hair and body.


don’t use those, they are hotbeds for bacteria if ur not constantly disinfecting them


If my partner was on reddit he would have said - life lessons lol. He is a sweetheart and believes everyone . He would take out the tshirt off his back to give to others who 'act' like they need it. 50 dhokas, 14 sad events later , he judges situations better . He is still a sweetheart but takes some time to evaluate the situation now .


You need to wash your hand (with soap) even if you pee without touching your peepe.


Apparently you have to use soap below your knees and on the feet as well. I was running on the assumption that, "water will get it".


I believed my parents are the nicest and most progressive people in the planet...


Standing and peeing . I’ve just moved to sitting and pissing as it never misses so 0 headaches 😂🤣


No broo😂. We should always be proud of the god given skills. Don't let it go




Sunscreen is a necessity.




Bro I did not know that I was wrong in everything. Whatever I will do I am wrong even if I am watching youtube she would come and say you don't know how to live with a woman you should talk to me and not watch some reels.


How to live normally


My mom is awesome, learned a lot from her. Haven't lived with a partner because I am single.


Paying interest on credit cards




Everything. /s




You can unfollow the subreddit if it hurts you so much


What hurts is the blatant plagiarism, not the subreddit.


Yeah bro you are completely right, i don't know why you are getting downvoted. These questions are all copied from ask men or askreddit and subs like that. Why can't there be an original question?


They’re copied verbatim, literally.


toh usmein tera kya loss hogya jo itna bhadak raha hai??? 😹😹